Briha Ansari | Karen Bandeen-Roche | Joshua Betz | Brian Caffo | Nilanjan Chatterjee | Yiqun Chen | Elizabeth Chin | Gwendolyn Clemens | Elizabeth Colantuoni (Johnson) | Leonardo Collado Torres | Ciprian Crainiceanu| Frank Curriero | Abhirup Datta | Marie Diener-West | Lacey Etzkorn | Constantine Frangakis | Adrian Gherman | Andre Hackman | Kasper Hansen | Stephanie Hicks | Hongkai Ji | Sophia Li | Ximin Li | Martin Lindquist | Thomas Louis | John McGready | Babak Moghadas | John Muschelli | Akihiko Nishimura | Daniel Obeng | Elizabeth Ogburn | | Chathurangi Pathiravasan | Michael Rosenblum | Ingo Ruczinski | Ahmed Sabit | Patrick Sadil | Ziling Shen | Elizabeth Stuart | Elizabeth Sugar | Margaret Taub | Carol Thompson | Richard Thompson | Jiayi (Jessie) Tong | Jiangxia Wang | Mei-Cheng Wang | Erik Westlund | Gayane Yenokyan | Scott Zeger | Ni Zhao | Weiqiang (Ken) Zhou | Vadim Zipunnikov



Briha Ansari (go to top of document)

Leroux A, Crainiceanu C, Zeger S, Taub M, Ansari B, Wager TD, Bayman E, Coffey C, Langefeld C, McCarthy R, Tsodikov A, Brummet C, Clauw DJ, Edwards RR, Lindquist MA, A2CPS Consortium: Statistical modeling of acute and chronic pain patient-reported outcomes obtained from ecological momentary assessment. Pain 165(9):1955-1965, 2024.



Karen Bandeen-Roche (go to top of document)


Goeddel LA, Grant MC, Bandeen-Roche K, Vetter TR: Fortifying the evidence pyramid in anesthesiology and perioperative medicine: from cornerstone to capstone. Anesth Analg 140(2):366-372, 2025.

Goeddel LA, Hernandez M, Koffman L, Slowey C, Muschelli J 3rd, Zhou X, Parikh CR, Lima JAC, Bandeen-Roche K, Faraday N, Crainiceanu CM, Brown C 4th: Assessment of renal vein stasis index by transesophageal echocardiography during cardiac surgery: a feasibility study. Anesth Analg 140(1):224-227. 2025.

Goeddel LA, Koffman L, Hernandez M, Whitman G, Parikh CR, Lima JAC, Bandeen-Roche K, Zhou X, Muschelli J 3rd, Crainiceanu C, Faraday N, Brown C 4th: Occurrence of low cardiac index during normotensive periods in cardiac surgery: a prospective cohort study using continuous noninvasive cardiac output monitoring. Anesth Analg 140(1):77-86, 2025.

Wanigatunga AA, Dong Y, Jin M, Leroux A, Cui E, Zhou X, Zhao A, Schrack JA, Bandeen-Roche K, Walston JD, Xue QL, Lindquist MA, Crainiceanu CM: Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity at any dose reduces all-cause dementia risk regardless of frailty status. J Am Med Dir Assoc 26(3):105456, 2025.

Chen C, Murphy TE, Speiser JL, Bandeen-Roche K, Allore H, Travison TG, Griswold M, Shardell M: Gerontologic biostatistics and data science: aging research in the era of big data. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 80(1):glae269, 2024.

Crepeau PK, Sutton W, Sahli Z, Fedorova T, Russell JO, Zeiger MA, Bandeen-Roche K, Walston JD, Morris-Wiseman LF, Mathur A: Prevalence and risk factors for dysphagia in older adults after thyroid and parathyroid surgery. Surgery 175(1):99-106, 2024.

Kitzman DW, Halter JB, Bandeen-Roche K: The Pepper Older Americans Independence Centers: an NIA-sponsored program for improving physical function among older persons. J Am Geriatr Soc 72(5):1586-1589, 2024.

Moon KA, Poulsen MN, Bandeen-Roche K, Hirsch AG, DeWalle J, Pollak J, Schwartz BS: Community profiles in northeastern and central Pennsylvania characterized by distinct social, natural, food, and physical activity environments and their relation to type 2 diabetes. Environ Epidemiol 8(5):e328, 2024.

Poulsen MN, Hirsch AG, Dean L, Pollak J, DeWalle J, Moon K, Reeder M, Bandeen-Roche K, Schwartz BS: Community credit scores and community socioeconomic deprivation in association with type 2 diabetes across an urban to rural spectrum in Pennsylvania: a case-control study. BMJ Public Health 2(1):e000744, 2024.

Schumock G, Bandeen-Roche K, Chia CW, Kalyani RR, Ferrucci L, Varadhan R: Nonlinear modeling of oral glucose tolerance test response to evaluate associations with aging outcomes. PLoS One 19(5):e0302381, 2024.

Sesso J, Walston J, Bandeen-Roche K, Wu C, Bertoni AG, Shah S, Lima JAC, Ambale-Venkatesh B: Association of cardiovascular fibrosis, remodeling, and dysfunction with frailty, prefrailty, and functional performance: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 79(8):glae142, 2024.

Szanton SL, Alexander KA, Kim B, Li Q, Gee GC, Bandeen-Roche KJ, Adkins-Jackson PB, Hladek MD, Samuel LJ, Haozous EA, Okoye SM, Crews DC, Thorpe RJ Jr: Life space and activity space measurement: making "room" for structural racism. Gerontologist 64(7):gnad160, 2024.

Varadhan R, Zhu J, Bandeen-Roche K: Identifying predictors of resilience to stressors in single-arm studies of pre-post change. Biostatistics 25(4):1094-1111, 2024.

Vohra V, Simonsick EM, Kamath V, Bandeen-Roche K, Agrawal Y, Rowan NR: Physical function trajectories and mortality in older adults with multisensory impairment. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 150(3):217-225, 2024.

Abadir PM, Bandeen-Roche K, Bergeman C, Bennett D, Davis D, Kind A, LeBrasseur N, Stern Y, Varadhan R, Whitson HE: An overview of the resilience world: Proceedings of the American Geriatrics Society and National Institute on Aging State of Resilience Science Conference. J Am Geriatr Soc 71(8):2381-2392, 2023.

Assi S, Garcia Morales EE, Windham BG, Lin FR, Bandeen-Roche K, Shukla A, Palta P, Deal JA, Reed NS, Martinez-Amezcua P: Hearing loss and frailty among older adults: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. J Am Med Dir Assoc 24(11):1683-1689, 2023.

Bandeen-Roche K, Tian J, Buta B, Walston J, Xue QL: Substitution of self-reported measures for objectively assessed grip strength and slow walk in the Physical Frailty Phenotype: ramifications for validity. BMC Geriatr 23(1):451, 2023.

Crane BM, Bandeen-Roche K, Carlson MC: Exploring the relationship between engagement in enriching early-life activities during adolescence and cognition in later-life: results from the Health and Retirement Study. Res Aging 45(2):198-209, 2023.

Goeddel LA, Murphy Z, Owodunni O, Esfandiary T, Campbell D, Shay J, Tang O, Bandeen-Roche K, Gearhart S, Brown CH 4th: Domains of frailty predict loss of independence in older adults after noncardiac surgery. Ann Surg 278(2):e226-e233, 2023.

Hirsch AG, Schwartz BS, Nordberg C, Tan BK, Schleimer RP, Kern RC, Peters AT, Bandeen-Roche K, Lehmann AE: Risk of new-onset and prevalent disease in chronic rhinosinusitis: A prospective cohort study. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol 13(9):1715-1725, 2023.

Hladek MD, Wilson DH, Shofner S, Gross AL, Buta B, Bandeen-Roche K, Schoenborn N: Resilient adaptation strategies: unveiling older adults' coping dynamics amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. J Gerontol Nurs 49(12):32-39, 2023.

Keita Fakeye MB, Samuel LJ, Drabo EF, Bandeen-Roche K, Wolff JL: Caregiving-related work productivity loss among employed family and other unpaid caregivers of older adults. Value Health 26(5):712-720, 2023.

Roth DL, Bentley JP, Mukaz DK, Haley WE, Walston JD, Bandeen-Roche K: Transitions to family caregiving and latent variables of systemic inflammation over time. Res Aging 45(2):173-184, 2023.

Schwartz BS, Pollak JS, Bandeen-Roche K, Hirsch AG, Lehmann AE, Kern RC, Tan BK, Kato A, Schleimer RP, Peters AT: Sinus inflammation and chronic rhinosinusitis are associated with a diagnosis of new onset asthma in the following year. Allergy 78(10):2659-2668, 2023.

Taylor JL, Clair CA, Gitlin LN, Atkins S, Bandeen-Roche K, Abshire Saylor M, Hladek MD, Riser TJ, Thorpe RJ Jr, Szanton SL: Acceptability and feasibility of a pain and depressive symptoms management intervention in middle-aged and older African American women. Innov Aging 7(10):igad096, 2023.

Thornton CP, Bandeen-Roche K, Dolinar M, Roberts Lavigne LC, George Lansey D, Jones R, Walston J, Varadhan R, Hladek M, Imus P: Clinical trial participation predicts improved survival in older adults receiving allogeneic blood and marrow transplant. BMC Geriatr 23(1):120, 2023.

Walston J, Varadhan R, Xue QL, Buta B, Sieber F, Oni J, Imus P, Crews DC, Artz A, Schrack J, Kalyani RR, Abadir P, Carlson M, Hladek M, McAdams-DeMarco M, Jones R, Johnson A, Shafi T, Newman AB, Bandeen-Roche K: A Study of Physical Resilience and Aging (SPRING): Conceptual framework, rationale, and study design. J Am Geriatr Soc 71(8):2393-2405, 2023.

Wanigatunga AA, Chiu V, Cai Y, Urbanek JK, Mitchell CM, Miller ER 3rd, Christenson RH, Rebuck H, Michos ED, Juraschek SP, Walston J, Xue QL, Bandeen-Roche K, Appel LJ, Schrack JA: Patterns of daily physical movement, chronic inflammation, and frailty incidence. Med Sci Sports Exerc 55(2):281-288, 2023.

Buta B, Zheng S, Langdon J, Adeosun B, Bandeen-Roche K, Walston J, Xue QL: Agreement between standard and self-reported assessments of physical frailty syndrome and its components in a registry of community-dwelling older adults. BMC Geriatr 22(1):705, 2022.

Clegg A, Bandeen-Roche K, Farrin A, Forster A, Gill TM, Gladman J, Kerse N, Lindley R, McManus RJ, Melis R, Mujica-Mota R, Raina P, Rockwood K, Teh R, van der Windt D, Witham M: New horizons in evidence-based care for older people: individual participant data meta-analysis. Age Ageing 51(4):afac090, 2022.

Freedman VA, Bandeen-Roche K, Cornman JC, Spillman BC, Kasper JD, Wolff JL: Incident care trajectories for older adults with and without dementia. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci 77(Supplement_1):S21-S30, 2022.

Gorski-Steiner I, Bandeen-Roche K, Volk HE, O'Dell S, Schwartz BS: The association of unconventional natural gas development with diagnosis and treatment of internalizing disorders among adolescents in Pennsylvania using electronic health records. Environ Res 212(Pt A):113167, 2022.

Gorski-Steiner I, O'Dell S, Bandeen-Roche K, Volk HE, Goes FS, Schwartz BS: Geographic disparities in new onset of internalizing disorders in Pennsylvania adolescents using electronic health records. Spat Spatiotemporal Epidemiol 41:100439, 2022.

Hirsch AG, Nordberg CM, Bandeen-Roche K, Pollak J, Poulsen MN, Moon KA, Schwartz BS: Urban-rural differences in health care utilization and COVID-19 outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes. Prev Chronic Dis 19:E44, 2022.

Hladek M, Gill JM, Lai C, Bandeen-Roche K, Xue QL, Allen J, Leyden C, Kanefsky R, Szanton SL: High social coping self-efficacy associated with lower sweat interleukin-6 in older adults with chronic illness. J Appl Gerontol 41(2):581-589, 2022.

Hladek MD, Zhu J, Crews DC, McAdams-DeMarco MA, Buta B, Varadhan R, Shafi T, Walston JD, Bandeen-Roche K: Physical resilience phenotype trajectories in incident hemodialysis: characterization and mortality risk assessment. Kidney Int Rep 7(9):2006-2015, 2022.

Ijaz N, Buta B, Xue QL, Mohess DT, Bushan A, Tran H, Batchelor W, deFilippi CR, Walston JD, Bandeen-Roche K, Forman DE, Resar JR, O'Connor CM, Gerstenblith G, Damluji AA: Interventions for frailty among older adults with cardiovascular disease: JACC state-of-the-art review. J Am Coll Cardiol 79(5):482-503, 2022.

Ip EH, Chen SH, Rejeski WJ, Bandeen-Roche K, Hayden KM, Hugenschmidt CE, Pierce J, Miller ME, Speiser JL, Kritchevsky SB, Houston DK, Newton RL, Rapp SR, Kitzman DW: Gradient and acceleration of decline in physical and cognitive functions in older adults: a disparity analysis. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 77(8):1603-1611, 2022.

LaFave SE, Bandeen-Roche K, Gee G, Thorpe RJ, Li Q, Crews D, Samuel L, Cooke A, Hladek M, Szanton SL: Quantifying older Black Americans' exposure to structural racial discrimination: how can we measure the water in which we swim? J Urban Health 99(5):794-802, 2022.

Laskow T, Zhu J, Buta B, Oni J, Sieber F, Bandeen-Roche K, Walston J, Franklin PD, Varadhan R: Risk factors for nonresilient outcomes in older adults after total knee replacement. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 77(9):1915-1922, 2022.

LeCroy MN, Potter LN, Bandeen-Roche K, Bianco ME, Cappola AR, Carter EB, Dayan PS, Eckstrom E, Edwards DF, Farabi SS, Fisher SD, Giordano J, Hanson HA, Jenkins E, Juhn Y, Kaskel F, Stake CE, Reeds DN, Schleiss MR, Wafford QE, McColley SA: Barriers to and solutions for representative inclusion across the lifespan and in life course research: The need for structural competency highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic. J Clin Transl Sci 7(1):e38, 2022.

Meeker MA, Schwartz BS, Bandeen-Roche K, Hirsch AG, De Silva SSA, McAlexander TP, Black NC, McClure LA: Assessing measurement invariance of a land use environment construct across levels of urbanicity. Geohealth 6(10):e2022GH000667, 2022.

Moored KD, Bandeen-Roche K, Snitz BE, DeKosky ST, Williamson JD, Fitzpatrick AL, Carlson MC: Risk of dementia differs across lifestyle engagement subgroups: a latent class and time-to-event analysis in community-dwelling older adults. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci 77(5):872-884, 2022.

Nichols E, Deal JA, Swenor BK, Abraham AG, Armstrong NM, Bandeen-Roche K, Carlson MC, Griswold M, Lin FR, Mosley TH, Ramulu PY, Reed NS, Sharrett AR, Gross AL: The effect of missing data and imputation on the detection of bias in cognitive testing using differential item functioning methods. BMC Med Res Methodol 22(1):81, 2022.

Nkimbeng M, Commodore-Mensah Y, Angel JL, Bandeen-Roche K, Thorpe RJ Jr, Han HR, Winch PJ, Szanton SL: Longer residence in the United States is associated with more physical function limitations in African immigrant older adults. J Appl Gerontol 41(2):411-420, 2022.

Palta P, Griswold M, Ranadive R, Bandeen-Roche K, Folsom AR, Petruski-Ivleva N, Burgard S, Kucharska-Newton A, Windham BG: Midlife cardiovascular health and robust versus frail late-life status: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 77(6):1222-1229, 2022.

Petrovsky Doan LN, Loizos M, O'Conor R, Prochaska M, Tsang M, Hopman-Droste R, Klinedinst TC, Mathur A, Bandeen-Roche K, van der Willik O, Kritchevsky SB: Key recommendations from the 2021 "inclusion of older adults in clinical research" workshop. J Clin Transl Sci 6(1):e55, 2022.

Schwartz BS, Kolak M, Pollak JS, Poulsen MN, Bandeen-Roche K, Moon KA, DeWalle J, Siegel KR, Mercado CI, Imperatore G, Hirsch AG: Associations of four indexes of social determinants of health and two community typologies with new onset type 2 diabetes across a diverse geography in Pennsylvania. PLoS One 17(9):e0274758, 2022.

Sezgin D, O'Donovan M, Woo J, Bandeen-Roche K, Liotta G, et al: Early identification of frailty: developing an international Delphi consensus on pre-frailty. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 99:104586, 2022.

Chan T, Wanigatunga AA, Terracciano A, Carlson MC, Bandeen-Roche K, Costa PT, Simonsick EM, Schrack JA: Traits and treadmills: Association between personality and perceived fatigability in well-functioning community-dwelling older adults. Psychol Aging 36(6):710-717, 2021.

Chu NM, Bandeen-Roche K, Xue QL, Carlson MC, Sharrett AR, Gross AL: Physical frailty phenotype criteria and their synergistic association on cognitive functioning. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 76(9):1633-1642, 2021.

Chu NM, Xue QL, McAdams-DeMarco MA, Carlson MC, Bandeen-Roche K, Gross AL: Frailty-a risk factor of global and domain-specific cognitive decline among a nationally representative sample of community-dwelling older adult U.S. Medicare beneficiaries. Age Ageing 50(5):1569-1577, 2021.

Damluji AA, Chung SE, Xue QL, Hasan RK, Moscucci M, Forman DE, Bandeen-Roche K, Batchelor W, Walston JD, Resar JR, Gerstenblith G: Frailty and cardiovascular outcomes in the National Health and Aging Trends Study. Eur Heart J 42(37):3856-3865, 2021.

Damluji AA, Chung SE, Xue QL, Hasan RK, Walston JD, Forman DE, Bandeen-Roche K, Moscucci M, Batchelor W, Resar JR, Gerstenblith G: Physical frailty phenotype and the development of geriatric syndromes in older adults with coronary heart disease. Am J Med 134(5):662-671, 2021.

Darrow JA, Calabro A, Gannon S, Orusakwe A, Esquivel R, Traynham CJ, Rao A, Gulyani S, Khingelova K, Bandeen-Roche K, Albert M, Moghekar A: Effect of patient-specific preanalytic variables on CSF Aβ1-42 concentrations measured on an automated chemiluminescent platform. J Appl Lab Med 6(2):397-408, 2021.

Fried LP, Cohen AA, Xue QL, Walston J, Bandeen-Roche K, Varadhan R: The physical frailty syndrome as a transition from homeostatic symphony to cacophony. Nat Aging 1(1):36-46, 2021.

Garibaldi BT, Fiksel J, Muschelli J, Robinson ML, Rouhizadeh M, Perin J, Schumock G, Nagy P, Gray JH, Malapati H, Ghobadi-Krueger M, Niessen TM, Kim BS, Hill PM, Ahmed MS, Dobkin ED, Blanding R, Abele J, Woods B, Harkness K, Thiemann DR, Bowring MG, Shah AB, Wang MC, Bandeen-Roche K, Rosen A, Zeger SL, Gupta A: Patient trajectories among persons hospitalized for COVID-19 : a cohort study. Ann Intern Med 174(1):33-41, 2021.

Garibaldi BT, Wang K, Robinson ML, Zeger SL, Bandeen-Roche K, Wang MC, Alexander GC, Gupta A, Bollinger R, Xu Y: Comparison of time to clinical improvement with vs without remdesivir treatment in hospitalized patients with COVID-19. JAMA Netw Open 4(3):e213071, 2021.

Ghachem A, Fried LP, Legault V, Bandeen-Roche K, Presse N, Gaudreau P, Cohen AA: Evidence from two cohorts for the frailty syndrome as an emergent state of parallel dysregulation in multiple physiological systems. Biogerontology 22(1):63-79, 2021.

Griswold ME, Talluri R, Zhu X, Su D, Tingle J, Gottesman RF, Deal J, Rawlings AM, Mosley TH, Windham BG, Bandeen-Roche K: Reflection on modern methods: shared-parameter models for longitudinal studies with missing data. Int J Epidemiol 50(4):1384-1393, 2021.

Handing EP, Rapp SR, Chen SH, Rejeski WJ, Wiberg M, Bandeen-Roche K, Craft S, Kitzman D, Ip EH: Heterogeneity in association between cognitive function and gait speed among older adults: an integrative data analysis study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 76(4):710-715, 2021.

Hladek MD, Zhu J, Buta BJ, Szanton SL, Bandeen-Roche K, Walston JD, Xue QL: Self-efficacy proxy predicts frailty incidence over time in non-institutionalized older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc 69(12):3507-3518, 2021.

Huisingh-Scheetz M, Buta B, Bandeen-Roche K, Huang ES, Varadhan R, Walston J, Wroblewski K, Schumm LP, Waite LJ: 2015-2016 Normative Data for the 3-m usual walk, five repeated chair stands, and static balance components of the SPPB among U.S. older adults across two nationally representative data sets: NSHAP and NHATS. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci 76(Supplement_3):S299-S312, 2021.

Schwartz BS, Pollak J, Poulsen MN, Bandeen-Roche K, Moon K, DeWalle J, Siegel K, Mercado C, Imperatore G, Hirsch AG: Association of community types and features in a case-control analysis of new onset type 2 diabetes across a diverse geography in Pennsylvania. BMJ Open 11(1):e043528, 2021.

Scully EP, Schumock G, Fu M, Massaccesi G, Muschelli J, Betz J, Klein EY, West NE, Robinson M, Garibaldi BT, Bandeen-Roche K, Zeger S, Klein SL, Gupta A: Sex and gender differences in testing, hospital admission, clinical presentation, and drivers of severe outcomes from COVID-19. Open Forum Infect Dis 8(9):ofab448, 2021.

Sedhom R, Kuo PL, Gupta A, Smith TJ, Chino F, Carducci MA, Bandeen-Roche K: Changes in the place of death for older adults with cancer: Reason to celebrate or a risk for unintended disparities? J Geriatr Oncol 12(3):361-367, 2021.

Sutton W, Genberg B, Prescott JD, Segev DL, Zeiger MA, Bandeen-Roche K, Mathur A: Understanding surgical decision-making in older adults with differentiated thyroid cancer: a discrete choice experiment. Surgery 169(1):14-21, 2021.

Usher T, Buta B, Thorpe RJ, Huang J, Samuel LJ, Kasper JD, Bandeen-Roche K: Dissecting the racial/ethnic disparity in frailty in a nationally representative cohort study with respect to health, income, and measurement. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 76(1):69-76, 2021.

Wongvibulsin S, Garibaldi BT, Antar AAR, Wen J, Wang MC, Gupta A, Bollinger R, Xu Y, Wang K, Betz JF, Muschelli J, Bandeen-Roche K, Zeger SL, Robinson ML: Development of Severe COVID-19 Adaptive Risk Predictor (SCARP), a calculator to predict severe disease or death in hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Ann Intern Med 174(6):777-785, 2021.

Xue QL, Bandeen-Roche K, Tian J, Kasper JD, Fried LP: Progression of physical frailty and the risk of all-cause mortality: is there a point of no return? J Am Geriatr Soc 69(4):908-915, 2021.

Bandeen-Roche K, Gross AL, Varadhan R, Buta B, Carlson MC, Huisingh-Scheetz M, Mcadams-Demarco M, Piggott DA, Brown TT, Hasan RK, Kalyani RR, Seplaki CL, Walston JD, Xue QL: Principles and issues for physical frailty measurement and its clinical application. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 75(6):1107-1112, 2020.

Damluji AA, Rodriguez G, Noel T, Davis L, Dahya V, Tehrani B, Epps K, Sherwood M, Sarin E, Walston J, Bandeen-Roche K, Resar JR, Brown TT, Gerstenblith G, O'Connor CM, Batchelor W: Sarcopenia and health-related quality of life in older adults after transcatheter aortic valve replacement. Am Heart J 224:171-181, 2020.

Deal JA, Power MC, Palta P, Alonso A, Schneider ALC, Perryman K, Bandeen-Roche K, Sharrett AR: Relationship of cigarette smoking and time of quitting with incident dementia and cognitive decline. J Am Geriatr Soc 68(2):337-345, 2020.

Ge ML, Carlson MC, Bandeen-Roche K, Chu NM, Tian J, Kasper JD, Xue QL: U.S. national profile of older adults with cognitive impairment alone, physical frailty alone, and both. J Am Geriatr Soc 68(12):2822-2830, 2020.

Gross AL, Carlson MC, Chu NM, McAdams-DeMarco MA, Mungas D, Simonsick EM, Varadhan R, Xue QL, Walston J, Bandeen-Roche K: Derivation of a measure of physiological multisystem dysregulation: Results from WHAS and Health ABC. Mech Ageing Dev 188:111258, 2020.

Guralnik J, Bandeen-Roche K, Bhasin SAR, Eremenco S, Landi F, Muscedere J, Perera S, Reginster JY, Woodhouse L, Vellas B: Clinically meaningful change for physical performance: perspectives of the ICFSR Task Force. J Frailty Aging 9(1):9-13, 2020.

Hirsch AG, Nordberg C, Bandeen-Roche K, Tan BK, Schleimer RP, Kern RC, Sundaresan A, Pinto JM, Kennedy TL, Greene JS, Kuiper JR, Schwartz BS: Radiologic sinus inflammation and symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis in a population-based sample. Allergy 75(4):911-920, 2020.

Hladek MD, Gill J, Bandeen-Roche K, Walston J, Allen J, Hinkle JL, Lorig K, Szanton SL: High coping self-efficacy associated with lower odds of pre-frailty/frailty in older adults with chronic disease. Aging Ment Health 24(12):1956-1962, 2020.

Ip EH, Chen SH, Bandeen-Roche K, Speiser JL, Cai L, Houston DK: Longitudinal partially ordered data analysis for preclinical sarcopenia. Stat Med 39(24):3313-3328, 2020.

Jock BWI, Bandeen Roche K, Caldas SV, Redmond L, Fleischhacker S, Gittelsohn J: Latent class analysis offers insight into the complex food environments of Native American communities: findings from the randomly selected OPREVENT2 trial baseline sample. Int J Environ Res Public Health 17(4): E1237, 2020.

Lee MJ, Varadaraj V, Tian J, Bandeen-Roche K, Swenor BK: The association between frailty and uncorrected refractive error in older adults. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 27(3):219-225, 2020.

Kuiper JR, Hirsch AG, Bandeen-Roche K, Sundaresan AS, Tan BK, Kern RC, Schleimer RP, Schwartz BS: A new approach to categorization of radiologic inflammation in chronic rhinosinusitis. PLoS One 15(6):e0235432, 2020.

McAlexander TP, Bandeen-Roche K, Buckley JP, Pollak J, Michos ED, McEvoy JW, Schwartz BS: Unconventional natural gas development and hospitalization for heart failure in Pennsylvania. J Am Coll Cardiol 76(24):2862-2874, 2020.

Piggott DA, Bandeen-Roche K, Mehta SH, Brown TT, Yang H, Walston JD, Leng SX, Kirk GD: Frailty transitions, inflammation, and mortality among persons aging with HIV infection and injection drug use. AIDS 34(8):1217-1225, 2020.

Swenor BK, Lee MJ, Tian J, Varadaraj V, Bandeen-Roche K: Visual impairment and frailty: examining an understudied relationship. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 75(3):596-602, 2020.

Van Domelen DR, Bandeen-Roche K: A note on proposed estimation procedures for claims-based frailty indexes. Am J Epidemiol 189(5):369-371, 2020.

Xue QL, Tian J, Walston JD, Chaves PHM, Newman AB, Bandeen-Roche K: Discrepancy in frailty identification: move beyond predictive validity. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 75(2):387-393, 2020.



Joshua Betz (go to top of document)


Alexander GC, Garibaldi BT, An H, Andersen KM, Robinson ML, Wang K, Xu Y, Betz JF, Wu AW, Fisher A, Egloff SA, Sands KE, Mehta HB: Hospital-level variation in COVID-19 treatment among hospitalized adults in the United States: a retrospective cohort study. Med Care 63(1):9-17, 2025.

Van Lancker K, Betz JF, Rosenblum M: Combining covariate adjustment with group sequential, information-adaptive designs to improve randomized trial efficiency. Biometrics 81(1):ujaf020, 2025.

Buchholz A, Deme P, Betz JF, Brandt J, Haughey N, Cervenka MC: A randomized feasibility trial of the modified Atkins diet in older adults with mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer's disease. Front Endocrinol 15:1182519, 2024.

Cai Y, Martinez-Amezcua P, Betz JF, et al: Hearing impairment and physical activity and physical functioning in older ddults: baseline results from the ACHIEVE Trial. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 79(7):glae117, 2024.

Huang AR, Morales EG, Arnold ML, Burgard S, ..., ACHIEVE Collaborative Research Group (includes Betz J): A hearing intervention and health-related quality of life in older adults: a secondary analysis of the ACHIEVE randomized clinical trial. JAMA Netw Open 7(11):e2446591, 2024.

Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium (METRC) (includes Betz J): Cognitive-behavioral-based physical therapy for improving recovery after a traumatic lower-extremity injury: the results of a randomized controlled trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am 106(14):1300-1308, 2024.

Sanchez VA, Arnold ML, Betz JF, Reed NS, Faucette S, Anderson E, et al: Description of the baseline audiologic characteristics of the participants enrolled in the Aging and Cognitive Health Evaluation in Elders Study. Am J Audiol 33(1):1-17, 2024.

Deal JA, Jiang K, Betz JF, Clemens GD, Zhu J, Reed NS, Garibaldi BT, Swenor BK: COVID-19 clinical outcomes by patient disability status: A retrospective cohort study. Disabil Health J 16(2):101441, 2023.

Garcia Morales EE, Croll PH, Palta P, Goedegebure A, Reed NS, Betz JF, Lin FR, Deal JA: Association of carotid atherosclerosis with hearing loss: a cross-sectional analysis of the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 149(3):223-230, 2023.

Robinson ML, Morris CP, Betz JF, Zhang Y, Bollinger R, Wang N, Thiemann DR, Fall A, Eldesouki RE, Norton JM, Gaston DC, Forman M, Luo CH, Zeger SL, Gupta A, Garibaldi BT, Mostafa HH: Impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 variants on inpatient clinical outcome. Clin Infect Dis 76(9):1539-1549, 2023.

Andersen KM, Joseph CS, Mehta HB, Streiff MB, Betz JF, Bollinger RC Jr, Fisher AM, Gupta A, LeMaistre CF, Robinson ML, Xu Y, Ng DK, Alexander GC, Garibaldi BT: Thromboprophylaxis in people hospitalized with COVID-19: Assessing intermediate or standard doses in a retrospective cohort study. Res Pract Thromb Haemost 6(5):e12753, 2022.

Archer KR, Davidson CA, Alkhoury D, Vanston SW, Moore TL, Deluca A, Betz JF, Thompson RE, Obremskey WT, Slobogean GP, Melton DH, Wilken JM, Karunakar MA, Rivera JC, Mir HR, McKinley TO, Frey KP, Castillo RC, Wegener ST, METRC: Cognitive-Behavioral-Based Physical Therapy for Improving Recovery After Traumatic Orthopaedic Lower Extremity Injury (CBPT-Trauma). J Orthop Trauma 36(Suppl 1):S1-S7, 2022.

Collaco JM, Raraigh KS, Betz J, Aksit MA, Blau N, Brown J, Dietz HC, MacCarrick G, Nogee LM, Sheridan MB, Vernon HJ, Beaty TH, Louis TA, Cutting GR: Accurate assignment of disease liability to genetic variants using only population data. Genet Med 24(1):87-99, 2022.

Garcia Morales EE, Ting J, Gross AL, Betz JF, Jiang K, Du S, Power MC, Reed NS, Sharrett AR, Lin FR, Deal JA: Association of cigarette smoking patterns over 30 years with audiometric hearing impairment and speech-in-noise perception: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 148(3):243-251, 2022.

Garibaldi BT, Wang K, Robinson ML, Betz J, Caleb Alexander G, Andersen KM, Joseph CS, Mehta HB, Korwek K, Sands KE, Fisher AM, Bollinger RC, Xu Y: Real-world effectiveness of remdesivir in adults hospitalized with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a retrospective, multicenter comparative effectiveness study. Clin Infect Dis 75(1):e516-e524, 2022.

Han H, Lin Z, Soldan A, Pettigrew C, Betz JF, Oishi K, Li Y, Liu P, Albert M, Lu H: Longitudinal changes in global cerebral blood flow in cognitively normal older adults: a phase-contrast MRI study. J Magn Reson Imaging 56(5):1538-1545, 2022.

Kim AS, Betz JF, Albert M, Deal JA, Faucette SP, Oh ES, Reed NS, Lin FR, Nieman CL: Accuracy of self- and proxy-rated hearing among older adults with and without cognitive impairment. J Am Geriatr Soc 70(2):490-500, 2022.

Kim AS, Betz JF, Reed NS, Ward BK, Nieman CL: Prevalence of tympanic membrane perforations among adolescents, adults, and older adults in the United States. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 167(2):356-358, 2022.

Manabe YC, Betz J, Jackson O, Asoala V, et al: Clinical evaluation of the BioFire Global Fever Panel for the identification of malaria, leptospirosis, chikungunya, and dengue from whole blood: a prospective, multicentre, cross-sectional diagnostic accuracy study. Lancet Infect Dis 22(9):1356-1364, 2022.

Nieman CL, Betz J, Garcia Morales EE, Suen JJ, Trumbo J, Marrone N, Han HR, Szanton SL, Lin FR: Effect of a community health worker-delivered personal sound amplification device on self-perceived communication function in older adults with hearing loss: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA 328(23):2324-2333, 2022.

Smith JR, Betz JF, Garcia EE, Jiang K, Swenor BK, Reed NS, Deal JA: Self-reported dual sensory impairment and subjective cognitive complaints among older adults in the 2019 National Health Interview Survey. Am J Audiol 31(4):1202-1209, 2022.

Standeven LR, Osborne LM, Betz JF, Yenokyan G, Voegtline K, Hantsoo L, Payne JL: Allopregnanolone and depression and anxiety symptoms across the peripartum: an exploratory study. Arch Womens Ment Health 25(2):521-526, 2022.

Ting J, Jiang K, Du S, Betz J, Reed N, Power MC, Gottesman R, Sharrett AR, Griswold ME, Walker KA, Miller ER, Lin FR, Deal JA: Longitudinal blood pressure patterns from mid- to late life and late-life hearing loss in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 77(3):640-646, 2022.

Wright WF, Betz JF, Auwaerter PG: Prospective studies comparing structured vs nonstructured diagnostic protocol evaluations among patients with fever of unknown origin: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Netw Open 5(6):e2215000, 2022.

Yi JS, Garcia Morales EE, Betz JF, Deal JA, Dean LT, Du S, Goman AM, Griswold ME, Palta P, Rebok GW, Reed NS, Thorpe RJ, Lin FR, Nieman CL: Individual life-course socioeconomic position and hearing aid use in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 77(3):645-653, 2022.

Askenase MH, Goods BA, Beatty HE, Steinschneider AF, ..., Thompson RE, ..., ICHseq Investigators MISTIE III Investigators (includes Betz J): Longitudinal transcriptomics define the stages of myeloid activation in the living human brain after intracerebral hemorrhage. Sci Immunol 6(56):eabd6279, 2021.

Bowring MG, Wang Z, Xu Y, Betz J, Muschelli J, Garibaldi BT, Zeger SL: Outcome-stratified analysis of biomarker trajectories for patients infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Am J Epidemiol 190(10):2094-2106, 2021.

Deal JA, Betz J, Lin FR, Reed NS: Interpreting results from epidemiologic studies. Semin Hear 42(1):3-9, 2021.

Goman AM, Gao T, Betz J, Reed NS, Deal JA, Lin FR, ACHIEVE-P Study Group: Association of hearing loss with physical, social, and mental activity engagement. Semin Hear 42(1):59-65, 2021.

Kim AS, Betz JF, Nieman CL, Hoyer MR, Applebaum J, Lin FR, Goman AM: Long-term impact of hearing aid provision or cochlear implantation on hearing handicap. Laryngoscope 131(5):1122-1126, 2021.

Scully EP, Schumock G, Fu M, Massaccesi G, Muschelli J, Betz J, Klein EY, West NE, Robinson M, Garibaldi BT, Bandeen-Roche K, Zeger S, Klein SL, Gupta A: Sex and gender differences in testing, hospital admission, clinical presentation, and drivers of severe outcomes from COVID-19. Open Forum Infect Dis 8(9):ofab448, 2021.

Steingrimsson JA, Betz J, Qian T, Rosenblum M: Optimized adaptive enrichment designs for three-arm trials: learning which subpopulations benefit from different treatments. Biostatistics 22(2):283-297, 2021.

Suen JJ, Betz J, Reed NS, Deal JA, Lin FR, Goman AM: Prevalence of asymmetric hearing among adults in the United States. Otol Neurotol 42(2):e111-e113, 2021.

Wongvibulsin S, Garibaldi BT, Antar AAR, Wen J, Wang MC, Gupta A, Bollinger R, Xu Y, Wang K, Betz JF, Muschelli J, Bandeen-Roche K, Zeger SL, Robinson ML: Development of Severe COVID-19 Adaptive Risk Predictor (SCARP), a calculator to predict severe disease or death in hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Ann Intern Med 174(6):777-785, 2021.

Wu HC, Thallmayer T, Deal JA, Betz JF, Reed NS, Lin FR: Prevalence trends in hearing aid use among US adults aged 50 to 69 years with hearing loss-2011 to 2016 vs 1999 to 2004. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 147(9):831-832, 2021.

Armstrong NM, Deal JA, Betz J, Kritchevsky S, Pratt S, Harris T, Barry LC, Simonsick EM, Lin FR: Associations of hearing loss and depressive symptoms with incident disability in older adults: Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 75(3):531-536, 2020.

Kim AS, Betz JF, Goman AM, Poe DS, Reed NS, Ward BK, Nieman CL: Prevalence and population estimates of obstructive eustachian tube dysfunction in US adolescents. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 146(8):763-765, 2020.

Kim SJ, Reed N, Betz JF, Abraham A, Lee MJ, Sharrett AR, Lin FR, Deal JA: Association between microvascular retinal signs and age-related hearing loss in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Neurocognitive Study (ARIC-NCS). JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 146(2):152-159, 2020.

Shah M, Paradis S, Betz J, Beylis N, Bharadwaj R, Caceres T, Gotuzzo E, Joloba M, Mave V, Nakiyingi L, Nicol MP, Pradhan N, King B, Armstrong D, Knecht D, Maus CE, Cooper CK, Dorman SE, Manabe YC: Multicenter study of the accuracy of the BD MAX multidrug-resistant tuberculosis assay for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and mutations associated with resistance to rifampin and isoniazid. Clin Infect Dis 71(5):1161-1167, 2020.



Brian Caffo (go to top of document)


Bergquist T, Loomba J, Pfaff E, ... Long COVID Computational Challenge Participants (includes Caffo B), et al: Crowd-sourced machine learning prediction of long COVID using data from the National COVID Cohort Collaborative. EBioMedicine 108:105333, 2024.

Levine MA, Chen H, Wodka EL, Deronda AC, Caffo BS, Ewen JB: A multi-trait multi-method examination of psychometric instrument performance in autism spectrum disorder. Assessment 31(4):892-898, 2024.

Steinway SN, Tang B, Telezing J, Ashok A, Kamal A, Yu CY, Jagtap N, Buxbaum JL, Elmunzer J, Wani SB, Khashab MA, Caffo BS, Akshintala VS: A machine learning-based choledocholithiasis prediction tool to improve ERCP decision making: a proof-of-concept study. Endoscopy 56(3):165-171, 2024.

Tang B, Pramanik S, Zhao Y, Caffo B, Datta A: Direct Bayesian linear regression for distribution-valued covariates. Electron J Stat 18(2): 3327-3375, 2024.

Zhao Y, Caffo BS, Luo X: Longitudinal regression of covariance matrix outcomes. Biostatistics 25(2):385-401, 2024.

Aston SA, Caffo BS, Bhasin H, Moran TH, Tamashiro KL: Timing matters: The contribution of running during different periods of the light/dark cycle to susceptibility to activity-based anorexia in rats. Physiol Behav 271:114349, 2023.

Breining BL, Faria AV, Tippett DC, Stockbridge MD, Meier EL, Caffo B, Hermann O, Friedman R, Meyer A, Tsapkini K, Hillis AE: Association of regional atrophy with naming decline in primary progressive aphasia. Neurology 100(6):e582-e594, 2023.

Bu X, Gao Y, Liang K, Bao W, Chen Y, Guo L, Gong Q, Lu H, Caffo B, Mori S, Huang X: Multivariate associations between behavioural dimensions and white matter across children and adolescents with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 64(2):244-253, 2023.

Crasta JE, Nebel MB, Svingos A, Tucker RN, Chen HW, Busch T, Caffo BS, Stephens J, Suskauer SJ: Rethinking recovery in adolescent concussions: network-level functional connectivity alterations associated with motor deficits. Hum Brain Mapp 44(8):3271-3282, 2023.

Gujar SK, Manzoor K, Wongsripuemtet J, Wang G, Ryan D, Agarwal S, Lindquist M, Caffo B, Pillai JJ, Sair HI: Identification of the language network from resting-state fMRI in patients with brain tumors: how accurate are experts? AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 44(3):274-282, 2023.

McCoy RG, Faust L, Heien HC, Patel S, Caffo B, Ngufor C: Longitudinal trajectories of glycemic control among U.S. adults with newly diagnosed diabetes. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 205:110989, 2023.

Mejia AF, Bolin D, Yue YR, Wang J, Caffo BS, Nebel MB: Template independent component analysis with spatial priors for accurate subject-level brain network estimation and inference. J Comput Graph Stat 32(2):413-433, 2023.

Morales Pantoja IE, Smirnova L, Muotri AR, Wahlin KJ,..., Caffo B, Szalay AS, Han F, et al: First Organoid Intelligence (OI) workshop to form an OI community. Front Artif Intell 6:1116870, 2023.

Nath T, Caffo B, Wager T, Lindquist MA: A machine learning based approach towards high-dimensional mediation analysis. Neuroimage 268:119843, 2023.

Sluka KA, Wager TD, ..., Caffo B, ..., Lindquist M, et al: Predicting chronic postsurgical pain: current evidence and a novel program to develop predictive biomarker signatures. Pain 164(9):1912-1926, 2023.

Smith BB, Zhao Y, Lindquist MA, Caffo B: Regression models for partially localized fMRI connectivity analyses. Front Neuroimaging 2:1178359, 2023.

Tang B, Levine M, Adamek JH, Wodka EL, Caffo BS, Ewen JB: Evaluating causal psychological models: a study of language theories of autism using a large sample. Front Psychol 14:1060525, 2023.

Tang B, Zhao Y, Venkataraman A, Tsapkini K, Lindquist MA, Pekar J, Caffo B: Differences in functional connectivity distribution after transcranial direct-current stimulation: a connectivity density point of view. Hum Brain Mapping 44(1):170-185, 2023.

Wang Z, Ficek BN, Webster KT, Herrmann O, Frangakis CE, Desmond JE, Onyike CU, Caffo B, Hillis AE, Tsapkini K: Specificity in generalization effects of transcranial direct current stimulation over the left inferior frontal gyrus in primary progressive aphasia. Neuromodulation 26(4):850-860, 2023.

Zhao Y, Wang B, Liu CF, Faria AV, Miller MI, Caffo BS, Luo X: Identifying brain hierarchical structures associated with Alzheimer's disease using a regularized regression method with tree predictors. Biometrics 79(3):2333-2345, 2023.

Berardi G, Frey-Law L, ..., Lindquist M, Caffo BS, Crainiceanu C, Zeger S, ..., Taub M, et al: Multi-site observational study to assess biomarkers for susceptibility or resilience to chronic pain: The Acute to Chronic Pain Signatures (A2CPS) study protocol. Front Med 9:849214, 2022.

Breining BL, Faria AV, Caffo B, Meier EL, Sheppard SM, Sebastian R, Tippett DC, Hillis AE: Neural regions underlying object and action naming: Complementary evidence from acute stroke and primary progressive aphasia. Aphasiology 36(6):732-760, 2022.

Caffo BS, D'Asaro FA, Garcez A, Raffinetti E: Editorial: Explainable artificial intelligence models and methods in finance and healthcare. Front Artif Intell 5:970246, 2022.

Chen H, Caffo B, Stein-O'Brien G, Liu J, Langmead B, Colantuoni C, Xiao L: Two-stage linked component analysis for joint decomposition of multiple biologically related data sets. Biostatistics 23(4):1200-1217, 2022.

Huang Q, Tang B, Romero JC, Yang Y, Elsayed SK, Pahapale G, Lee TJ, Morales Pantoja IE, Han F, Berlinicke C, Xiang T, Solazzo M, Hartung T, Qin Z, Caffo BS, Smirnova L, Gracias DH: Shell microelectrode arrays (MEAs) for brain organoids. Sci Adv 8(33):eabq5031, 2022.

Langenecker SA, Westlund Schreiner M, Thomas LR, Bessette KL, DelDonno SR, Jenkins LM, Easter RE, Stange JP, Pocius SL, Dillahunt A, Love TM, Phan KL, Koppelmans V, Paulus M, Lindquist MA, Caffo B, Mickey BJ, Welsh RC: Using network parcels and resting-state networks to estimate correlates of mood disorder and related research domain criteria constructs of reward responsiveness and inhibitory control. Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging 7(1):76-84, 2022.

Sheppard SM, Meier EL, Kim KT, Breining BL, Keator LM, Tang B, Caffo BS, Hillis AE: Neural correlates of syntactic comprehension: a longitudinal study. Brain Lang 225:105068, 2022.

Wan B, Caffo B, Vedula SS: A unified framework on generalizability of clinical prediction models. Front Artif Intell 5:872720, 2022.

Wang B, Caffo BS, Luo X, Liu CF, Faria AV, Miller MI, Zhao Y, for the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initative: Regularized regression on compositional trees with application to MRI analysis. Applied Statistics 71(3): 541-561, 2022.

Zhao Y, Caffo BS, Ewen JB: B-value and empirical equivalence bound: a new procedure of hypothesis testing. Stat Med 41(6):964-980, 2022.

Zhao Y, Nebel MB, Caffo BS, Mostofsky SH, Rosch KS: Beyond massive univariate tests: Covariance regression reveals complex patterns of functional connectivity related to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, age, sex, and response control. Biol Psychiatry Glob Open Sci 2(1):8-16, 2022.

Al Ammary F, Yu S, Muzaale AD, Segev DL, Liyanage L, Crews DC, Brennan DC, El-Meanawy A, Alqahtani S, Atta MG, Levan ML, Caffo BS, Welling PA, Massie AB: Long-term kidney function and survival in recipients of allografts from living kidney donors with hypertension: a national cohort study. Transpl Int 34(8):1530-1541, 2021.

Al-Khouja A, Shieh E, Fuchs EJ, Marzinke MA, Bakshi RP, Hummert P, Ham AS, Buckheit KW, Breakey J, Weld ED, Chen H, Caffo BS, Buckheit RW, Hendrix CW: Examining the safety, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of a rectally administered IQP-0528 gel for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis: a first-in-human study. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 37(6):444-452, 2021.

Beheshtian E, Jalilianhasanpour R, Modir Shanechi A, Sethi V, Wang G, Lindquist MA, Caffo BS, Agarwal S, Pillai JJ, Gujar SK, Sair HI: Identification of the somatomotor network from language task-based fMRI compared with resting-state fMRI in patients with brain lesions. Radiology 301(1):178-184, 2021.

Bridgeford EW, Wang S, Wang Z, Xu T, Craddock C, Dey J, Kiar G, Gray-Roncal W, Colantuoni C, Douville C, Noble S, Priebe CE, Caffo B, Milham M, Zuo XN, Consortium for Reliability and Reproducibility, Vogelstein JT: Eliminating accidental deviations to minimize generalization error and maximize replicability: Applications in connectomics and genomics. PLoS Comput Biol 17(9):e1009279, 2021.

Choe AS, Tang B, Smith KR, Honari H, Lindquist MA, Caffo BS, Pekar JJ: Phase-locking of resting-state brain networks with the gastric basal electrical rhythm. PLoS One 16(1):e0244756, 2021.

Crasta JE, Raja AE, Caffo BS, Hluchan CM, Suskauer SJ: The effect of age and competition level on subtle motor performance in adolescents medically cleared postconcussion: preliminary findings. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 100(6):563-569, 2021.

Faria AV, Zhao Y, Ye C, Hsu J, Yang K, Cifuentes E, Wang L, Mori S, Miller M, Caffo B, Sawa A: Multimodal MRI assessment for first episode psychosis: A major change in the thalamus and an efficient stratification of a subgroup. Hum Brain Mapp 42(4):1034-1053, 2021.

Gill RE, Tang B, Smegal L, Adamek JH, McAuliffe D, Lakshmanan BM, Srivastava S, Quain AM, Sebold AJ, Lin DDM, Kossoff EH, Caffo B, Comi AM, Ewen JB: Quantitative EEG improves prediction of Sturge-Weber syndrome in infants with port-wine birthmark. Clin Neurophysiol 132(10):2440-2446, 2021.

Koenecke A, Powell M, Xiong R, Shen Z, Fischer N, Huq S, Khalafallah AM, Trevisan M, Sparen P, Carrero JJ, Nishimura A, Caffo B, Stuart EA, Bai R, Staedtke V, Thomas DL, Papadopoulos N, Kinzler KW, Vogelstein B, Zhou S, Bettegowda C, Konig MF, Mensh BD, Vogelstein JT, Athey S: Alpha-1 adrenergic receptor antagonists to prevent hyperinflammation and death from lower respiratory tract infection. Elife 10:e61700, 2021.

Powell M, Koenecke A, Byrd JB, Nishimura A, Konig MF, Xiong R, Mahmood S, Mucaj V, Bettegowda C, Rose L, Tamang S, Sacarny A, Caffo B, Athey S, Stuart EA, Vogelstein JT: Ten rules for conducting retrospective pharmacoepidemiological analyses: example COVID-19 study. Front Pharmacol 12:700776, 2021.

Shafer AT, Beason-Held L, An Y, Williams OA, Huo Y, Landman BA, Caffo BS, Resnick SM: Default mode network connectivity and cognition in the aging brain: the effects of age, sex, and APOE genotype. Neurobiol Aging 104:10-23, 2021.

Wang B, Luo X, Zhao Y, Caffo B: Semiparametric partial common principal component analysis for covariance matrices. Biometrics 77(4):1175-1186, 2021.

Zhao Y, Caffo B, Luo X: Principal regression for high dimensional covariance matrices. Electron J Stat 15(2): 4192-4235, 2021.

Zhao Y, Caffo BS, Wang B, Li CR, Luo X: A whole-brain modeling approach to identify individual and group variations in functional connectivity. Brain Behav 11(1):e01942, 2021.

Zhao Y, Ficek B, Webster K, Frangakis C, Caffo B, Hillis AE, Faria A, Tsapkini K: White matter integrity predicts electrical stimulation (tDCS) and language therapy effects in primary progressive aphasia. Neurorehabil Neural Repair 35(1):44-57, 2021.

Zhao Y, Li L, Caffo BS: Multimodal neuroimaging data integration and pathway analysis. Biometrics 77(3):879-889, 2021.

Zhao Y, Wang B, Mostofsky SH, Caffo BS, Luo X: Covariate Assisted Principal regression for covariance matrix outcomes. Biostatistics 22(3):629-645, 2021.

Bae S, Massie AB, Caffo BS, Jackson KR, Segev DL: Machine learning to predict transplant outcomes: helpful or hype? A national cohort study. Transpl Int 33(11):1472-1480, 2020.

de Aguiar V, Zhao Y, Faria A, Ficek B, Webster KT, Wendt H, Wang Z, Hillis AE, Onyike CU, Frangakis C, Caffo B, Tsapkini K: Brain volumes as predictors of tDCS effects in primary progressive aphasia. Brain Lang 200:104707, 2020.

Gherman A, Muschelli J, Caffo B, Crainiceanu C: Rxnat: An open-source R package for XNAT-based repositories. Front Neuroinform 14:572068, 2020.

Jalilianhasanpour R, Chen H, Caffo B, Johnson P, Beheshtian E, Yousem DM: Are women disadvantaged in academic radiology? Acad Radiol 27(12):1760-1766, 2020.

McAuliffe D, Zhao Y, Pillai AS, Ament K, Adamek J, Caffo BS, Mostofsky SH, Ewen JB: Learning of skilled movements via imitation in ASD. Autism Res 13(5):777-784, 2020.

Mejia AF, Nebel MB, Wang Y, Caffo BS, Guo Y: Template independent component analysis: targeted and reliable estimation of subject-level brain networks using big data population priors. JASA 115(531):1151-1177, 2020.

Wu D, Chang L, Ernst TM, Caffo BS, Oishi K: Developmental score of the infant brain: characterizing diffusion MRI in term- and preterm-born infants. Brain Struct Funct 225(8):2431-2445, 2020.

Zhao Y, Lindquist MA, Caffo BS: Sparse principal component based high-dimensional mediation analysis. Comput Stat Data Anal 142: 106835, 2020.




Nilanjan Chatterjee (go to top of document)


Zhang M, Ru M, Zhang J, Wang Z, Lu J, Butler KR, Chatterjee N, Couper DJ, Prizment AE, Soori MM, Visvanathan K, Zahnow CA, Joshu CE, Platz EA: Alcohol consumption does not modify the polygenic risk score-based genetic risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women: Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. Cancer Prev Res 18(2):73-83, 2025.

Balasubramanian JB, Choudhury PP, Mukhopadhyay S, Ahearn T, Chatterjee N, Garcia-Closas M, Almeida JS: Wasm-iCARE: a portable and privacy-preserving web module to build, validate, and apply absolute risk models. JAMIA Open 7(2):ooae055, 2024.

Bunyavanich S, Becker PM, Altman MC, Lasky-Su J, Ober C, Zengler K, Berdyshev E, Bonneau R, Chatila T, Chatterjee N, et al: Analytical challenges in omics research on asthma and allergy: A National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases workshop. J Allergy Clin Immunol 153(4):954-968, 2024.

Dzaye O, Razavi AC, Dardari ZA, Wang FM, ..., Jin J, ..., Wang Z, Chatterjee N, et al: Polygenic risk scores and extreme coronary artery calcium phenotypes (CAC=0 and CAC≥1000) in adults ≥75 years old: The ARIC Study. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging 17(11):e016377, 2024.

Guo X, Chatterjee N, Dutta D: Subset-based method for cross-tissue transcriptome-wide association studies improves power and interpretability. HGG Adv 5(2):100283, 2024.

Hou K, Gogarten S, Kim J, Hua X, ..., Polygenic Risk Methods in Diverse Populations (PRIMED) Consortium Methods Working Group (includes Chatterjee N), et al: Admix-kit: an integrated toolkit and pipeline for genetic analyses of admixed populations. Bioinformatics 40(4):btae148, 2024.

Jin J, Qi G, Yu Z, Chatterjee N: Mendelian randomization analysis using multiple biomarkers of an underlying common exposure. Biostatistics 25(4):1015-1033, 2024.

Jin J, Zhan J, Zhang J, Zhao R, O'Connell J, Jiang Y, 23andMe Research Team, Buyske S, Gignoux C, Haiman C, Kenny EE, Kooperberg C, North K, Koelsch BL, Wojcik G, Zhang H, Chatterjee N: MUSSEL: Enhanced Bayesian polygenic risk prediction leveraging information across multiple ancestry groups. Cell Genom 4(4):100539, 2024.

Kachuri L, Chatterjee N, Hirbo J, Schaid DJ, Martin I, Kullo IJ, Kenny EE, Pasaniuc B, et al: Principles and methods for transferring polygenic risk scores across global populations. Nat Rev Genet 25(1):8-25, 2024.

Kullo IJ, Conomos MP, Nelson SC, ..., Polygenic Risk Methods in Diverse Populations (PRIMED) Consortium (includes Chatterjee N): The PRIMED Consortium: Reducing disparities in polygenic risk assessment. Am J Hum Genet 111(12):2594-2606, 2024.

Liu T, Joshu CE, Lu J, Prizment A, Chatterjee N, Wu L, Platz EA: Validation of candidate protein biomarkers previously identified by genetic instruments for prostate cancer risk: A prospective cohort analysis of directly measured protein levels in the ARIC study. Prostate 84(15):1355-1365, 2024.

Qi G, Chhetri SB, Ray D, Dutta D, Battle A, Bhattacharjee S, Chatterjee N: Genome-wide large-scale multi-trait analysis characterizes global patterns of pleiotropy and unique trait-specific variants. Nat Commun 15(1):6985, 2024.

Ray D, Loomis SJ, Venkataraghavan S, Zhang J, Tin A, Yu B, Chatterjee N, Selvin E, Duggal P: Characterizing common and rare variations in nontraditional glycemic biomarkers using multivariate approaches on multiancestry ARIC Study. Diabetes 73(9):1537-1550, 2024.

Wang Z, Shi W, Carroll RJ, Chatterjee N: Joint modeling of gene-environment correlations and interactions using polygenic risk scores in case-control studies. Am J Epidemiol kwae081, 2024.

Zhang J, Zhan J, Jin J, Ma C, Zhao R, O'Connell J, Jiang Y, 23andMe Research Team, Koelsch BL, Zhang H, Chatterjee N: An ensemble penalized regression method for multi-ancestry polygenic risk prediction. Nat Commun 15(1):3238, 2024.

Blechter B, Chien LH, Chen TY, Chang IS, Choudhury PP, ..., Chatterjee N, et al: Polygenic risk score, environmental tobacco smoke, and risk of lung adenocarcinoma in never-smoking women in Taiwan. JAMA Netw Open 6(11):e2339254, 2023.

Chatterjee N, Dun Y: From hazard rate to age-at-onset distribution: mind the gap. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 32(11):1477-1478, 2023.

Du S, Chen J, Kim H, Walker ME, Lichtenstein AH, Chatterjee N, Ganz P, Yu B, Vasan RS, Coresh J, Rebholz CM: Plasma protein biomarkers of healthy dietary patterns: results from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study and the Framingham Heart Study. J Nutr 153(1):34-46, 2023.

Duchen D, Vergara C, Thio CL, Kundu P, Chatterjee N, Thomas DL, Wojcik GL, Duggal P: Pathogen exposure misclassification can bias association signals in GWAS of infectious diseases when using population-based common control subjects. Am J Hum Genet 110(2):336-348, 2023.

Jiang Z, Zhang H, Ahearn TU, Garcia-Closas M, Chatterjee N, Zhu H, Zhan X, Zhao N: The sequence kernel association test for multicategorical outcomes. Genet Epidemiol 47(6):432-449, 2023.

Kim ES, Scharpf RB, Garcia-Closas M, Visvanathan K, Velculescu VE, Chatterjee N: Potential utility of risk stratification for multicancer screening with liquid biopsy tests. NPJ Precis Oncol 7(1):39, 2023.

Kim H, Appel LJ, Lichtenstein AH, Wong KE, Chatterjee N, Rhee EP, Rebholz CM: Metabolomic profiles associated with blood pressure reduction in response to the DASH and DASH-Sodium dietary interventions. Hypertension 80(7):1494-1506, 2023.

Kim H, Lichtenstein AH, Ganz P, Du S, Tang O, Yu B, Chatterjee N, Appel LJ, Coresh J, Rebholz CM: Identification of protein biomarkers of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet in randomized feeding studies and validation in an observational study. J Am Heart Assoc 12(7):e028821, 2023.

Koutros S, Kiemeney LA, Pal Choudhury P, ..., Chatterjee N, et al: Genome-wide association study of bladder cancer reveals new biological and translational insights. Eur Urol 84(1):127-137, 2023.

Kundu P, Chatterjee N: Logistic regression analysis of two-phase studies using generalized method of moments. Biometrics 79(1):241-252, 2023.

Liu T, Joshu CE, Lu J, Prizment A, Chatterjee N, Coresh J, Wu L, Platz EA: External validation of genetically predicted protein biomarkers for pancreatic cancer risk using aptamer-based plasma levels: A prospective analysis in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. Int J Cancer 153(6):1201-1216, 2023.

Namkung H, Yukitake H, Fukudome D, Lee BJ, Tian M, Ursini G, Saito A, Lam S, Kannan S, Srivastava R, Niwa M, Sharma K, Zandi P, Jaaro-Peled H, Ishizuka K, Chatterjee N, Huganir RL, Sawa A: The miR-124-AMPAR pathway connects polygenic risks with behavioral changes shared between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Neuron 111(2):220-235, 2023.

Schlosser P, Zhang J, Liu H, Surapaneni AL, Rhee EP, Arking DE, Yu B, Boerwinkle E, Welling PA, Chatterjee N, Susztak K, Coresh J, Grams ME: Transcriptome- and proteome-wide association studies nominate determinants of kidney function and damage. Genome Biol 24(1):150, 2023.

Shi J, Shiraishi K, Choi J, ..., Chatterjee N, et al: Genome-wide association study of lung adenocarcinoma in East Asia and comparison with a European population. Nat Commun 14(1):3043, 2023.

Steinbrenner I, Yu Z, Jin J, Schultheiss UT, Kotsis F, Grams ME, Coresh J, Wuttke M, GCKD Investigators, Kronenberg F, Eckardt KU, Chatterjee N, Sekula P, Kottgen A: A polygenic score for reduced kidney function and adverse outcomes in a cohort with chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int 103(2):421-424, 2023.

Zhang H, Zhan J, Jin J, Zhang J, Lu W, Zhao R, Ahearn TU, Yu Z, O'Connell J, Jiang Y, Chen T, Okuhara D, 23andMe Research Team, Garcia-Closas M, Lin X, Koelsch BL, Chatterjee N: A new method for multiancestry polygenic prediction improves performance across diverse populations. Nat Genet 55(10):1757-1768, 2023.

Ahearn TU, Choudhury PP, ..., Chatterjee N, et al: Breast cancer risk in women from Ghana carrying rare germline pathogenic mutations. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 31(8):1593-1601, 2022.

Ahearn TU, Zhang H, ..., Chatterjee N: Common variants in breast cancer risk loci predispose to distinct tumor subtypes. Breast Cancer Res 24(1):2, 2022.

Berndt SI, Vijai J, Benavente Y, ..., Chatterjee N, et al: Distinct germline genetic susceptibility profiles identified for common non-Hodgkin lymphoma subtypes. Leukemia 36(12):2835-2844, 2022.

Dutta D, He Y, Saha A, Arvanitis M, Battle A, Chatterjee N: Aggregative trans-eQTL analysis detects trait-specific target gene sets in whole blood. Nat Commun 13(1):4323, 2022.

Hurson AN, Pal Choudhury P, Gao C, Husing A, Eriksson M, Shi M, Jones ME, Evans DGR, Milne RL, Gaudet MM, Vachon CM, Chasman DI, Easton DF, Schmidt MK, Kraft P, Garcia-Closas M, Chatterjee N, B-CAST Risk Modelling Group: Prospective evaluation of a breast-cancer risk model integrating classical risk factors and polygenic risk in 15 cohorts from six countries. Int J Epidemiol 50(6):1897-1911, 2022.

Jung AY, Ahearn TU, Behrens S, ..., Chatterjee N, et al: Distinct reproductive risk profiles for intrinsic-like breast cancer subtypes: pooled analysis of population-based studies. J Natl Cancer Inst 114(12):1706-1719, 2022.

Kullo IJ, Lewis CM, Inouye M, Martin AR, Ripatti S, Chatterjee N: Polygenic scores in biomedical research. Nat Rev Genet 23(9):524-532, 2022.

Mhatre S, Lacey B, Sherliker P, Chatterjee N, Rajaraman P, Goel M, Patkar S, Ostwal V, Patil P, Shrikhande SV, Chitkara G, Badwe R, Lewington S, Dikshit R: Reproductive factors and gall-bladder cancer, and the effect of common genetic variants on these associations: a case-control study in India. Int J Epidemiol 51(3):789-798, 2022.

Qi G, Dutta D, Leroux A, Ray D, Muschelli J, Crainiceanu C, Chatterjee N: Genome-wide association studies of 27 accelerometry-derived physical activity measurements identified novel loci and genetic mechanisms. Genet Epidemiol 46(2):122-138, 2022.

Ray D, Munoz A, Zhang M, Li X, Chatterjee N, Jacobson LP, Lau B: Meta-analysis under imbalance in measurement of confounders in cohort studies using only summary-level data. BMC Med Res Methodol 22(1):143, 2022.

Rhee EP, Surapaneni A, Zheng Z, Zhou L, Dutta D, Arking DE, Zhang J, Duong T, Chatterjee N, et al: Trans-ethnic genome-wide association study of blood metabolites in the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) study. Kidney Int 101(4):814-823, 2022.

Shabani M, Dutta D, Ambale-Venkatesh B, Post WS, Taylor KD, Rich SS, Wu CO, Pereira NL, Shah SJ, Chatterjee N, Rotter JI, Arking DE, Lima JAC: Rare genetic variants associated with myocardial fibrosis: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Front Cardiovasc Med 9:804788, 2022.

Surapaneni A, Schlosser P, Zhou L, Liu C, Chatterjee N, Arking DE, Dutta D, Coresh J, Rhee EP, Grams ME: Identification of 969 protein quantitative trait loci in an African American population with kidney disease attributed to hypertension. Kidney Int 102(5):1167-1177, 2022.

Wu HH, Hua X, Shi J, Chatterjee N, Zhu B: Utilizing patient information to identify subtype heterogeneity of cancer driver genes. Stat Methods Med Res 31(3):510-519, 2022.

Zhang J, Dutta D, Kottgen A, Tin A, Schlosser P, Grams ME, Harvey B, CKDGen Consortium, Yu B, Boerwinkle E, Coresh J, Chatterjee N: Plasma proteome analyses in individuals of European and African ancestry identify cis-pQTLs and models for proteome-wide association studies. Nat Genet 54(5):593-602, 2022.

Arvanitis M, Qi G, Bhatt DL, Post WS, Chatterjee N, Battle A, McEvoy JW: Linear and nonlinear Mendelian randomization analyses of the association between diastolic blood pressure and cardiovascular events: the J-curve revisited. Circulation 143(9):895-906, 2021.

Ballreich J, Jin J, Kundu P, Chatterjee N: Provider and patient characteristics of medicare beneficiaries who are high-risk for COVID-19 mortality. J Gen Intern Med 36(7):2189-2190, 2021.

Blechter B, Wong JYY, ..., Chatterjee N, et al: Sub-multiplicative interaction between polygenic risk score and household coal use in relation to lung adenocarcinoma among never-smoking women in Asia. Environ Int 147:105975, 2021.

Chen TH, Chatterjee N, Landi MT, Shi J: A penalized regression framework for building polygenic risk models based on summary statistics from genome-wide association studies and incorporating external information. JASA 116(533):133-143, 2021.

de Rochemonteix M, Napolioni V, Sanyal N, Belloy ME, Caporaso NE, Landi MT, Greicius MD, Chatterjee N, Han SS: Likelihood ratio test for gene-environment interaction based on the trend effect of genotype under an additive risk model using the gene-environment independence assumption. Am J Epidemiol 190(1):129-141, 2021.

Grams ME, Surapaneni A, Chen J, Zhou L, Yu Z, Dutta D, Welling PA, Chatterjee N, Zhang J, Arking DE, Chen TK, Rebholz CM, Yu B, Schlosser P, Rhee EP, Ballantyne CM, Boerwinkle E, Lutsey PL, Mosley T, Feldman HI, Dubin RF, Ganz P, Lee H, Zheng Z, Coresh J: Proteins associated with risk of kidney function decline in the general population. J Am Soc Nephrol 32(9):2291-2302, 2021.

Hung RJ, Warkentin MT, Brhane Y, Chatterjee N, et al: Assessing lung cancer absolute risk trajectory based on a polygenic risk model. Cancer Res 81(6):1607-1615, 2021.

Jin J, Agarwala N, Kundu P, Harvey B, Zhang Y, Wallace E, Chatterjee N: Individual and community-level risk for COVID-19 mortality in the United States. Nat Med 27(2):264-269, 2021.

Kapoor PM, Mavaddat N, Choudhury PP, ..., Chatterjee N, et al: Combined associations of a polygenic risk score and classical risk factors with breast cancer risk. J Natl Cancer Inst 113(3):329-337, 2021.

Kim W, Moll M, Qiao D, Hobbs BD, Shrine N, Sakornsakolpat P, Tobin MD, Dudbridge F, Wain LV, Ladd-Acosta C, Chatterjee N, Silverman EK, Cho MH, Beaty TH: Interaction of cigarette smoking and polygenic risk score on reduced lung function. JAMA Netw Open 4(12):e2139525, 2021.

Leroux A, Xu S, Kundu P, Muschelli J, Smirnova E, Chatterjee N, Crainiceanu C: Quantifying the predictive performance of objectively measured physical activity on mortality in the UK Biobank. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 76(8):1486-1494, 2021.

Mhatre S, Richmond RC, Chatterjee N, Rajaraman P, Wang Z, Zhang H, Badwe R, Goel M, Patkar S, Shrikhande SV, Patil PS, Davey Smith G, Relton CL, Dikshit RP: The role of gallstones in gallbladder cancer in India: a Mendelian randomization study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 30(2):396-403, 2021.

Mocci E, Kundu P, ..., Chatterjee N, et al: Smoking modifies pancreatic cancer risk loci on 2q21.3. Cancer Res 81(11):3134-3143, 2021.

Pal Choudhury P, Brook MN, Hurson AN, Lee A, Mulder CV, Coulson P, Schoemaker MJ, Jones ME, Swerdlow AJ, Chatterjee N, Antoniou AC, Garcia-Closas M: Comparative validation of the BOADICEA and Tyrer-Cuzick breast cancer risk models incorporating classical risk factors and polygenic risk in a population-based prospective cohort of women of European ancestry. Breast Cancer Res 23(1):22, 2021.

Qi G, Chatterjee N: A comprehensive evaluation of methods for Mendelian randomization using realistic simulations and an analysis of 38 biomarkers for risk of type 2 diabetes. Int J Epidemiol 50(4):1335-1349, 2021.

Sanyal N, Napolioni V, de Rochemonteix M, Belloy ME, Caporaso NE, Landi MT, Greicius MD, Chatterjee N, Han SS: A robust test for additive gene-environment interaction under the trend effect of genotype using an empirical Bayes-type shrinkage estimator. Am J Epidemiol 190(9):1948-1960, 2021.

Wand H, Lambert SA, Tamburro C, Iacocca MA, ..., Chatterjee N, et al: Improving reporting standards for polygenic scores in risk prediction studies. Nature 591(7849):211-219, 2021.

Yu Z, Jin J, Tin A, Kottgen A, Yu B, Chen J, Surapaneni A, Zhou L, Ballantyne CM, Hoogeveen RC, Arking DE, Chatterjee N, Grams ME, Coresh J: Polygenic risk scores for kidney function and their associations with circulating proteome, and incident kidney diseases. J Am Soc Nephrol 32(12):3161-3173, 2021.

Zhang H, Zhao N, Ahearn TU, Wheeler W, Garcia-Closas M, Chatterjee N: A mixed-model approach for powerful testing of genetic associations with cancer risk incorporating tumor characteristics. Biostatistics 22(4):772-788, 2021.

Arvanitis M, Tampakakis E, Zhang Y, Wang W, Auton A, 23andMe Research Team, Dutta D, Glavaris S, Keramati A, Chatterjee N, Chi NC, Ren B, Post WS, Battle A: Genome-wide association and multi-omic analyses reveal ACTN2 as a gene linked to heart failure. Nat Commun 11(1):1122, 2020.

Bolton KL, Ptashkin RN, Gao T, Braunstein L, Devlin SM, ..., Chatterjee N, et al: Cancer therapy shapes the fitness landscape of clonal hematopoiesis. Nat Genet 52(11):1219-1226, 2020.

Chien LH, Chen CH, Chen TY, ..., Katki HA, Chatterjee N, et al: Predicting lung cancer occurrence in never-smoking females in Asia: TNSF-SQ, a prediction model. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 29(2):452-459, 2020.

ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes Consortium (includes Chatterjee N): Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes. Nature 578(7793):82-93, 2020.

Koutros S, Kogevinas M, ..., Chatterjee N, et al: Diesel exhaust and bladder cancer risk by pathologic stage and grade subtypes. Environ Int 135:105346, 2020.

McGrath BP, Kundu P, Daya N, Coresh J, Selvin E, McEvoy JW, Chatterjee N: Isolated diastolic hypertension in the UK Biobank: Comparison of ACC/AHA and ESC/NICE guideline definitions. Hypertension 76(3):699-706, 2020.

Meisner A, Kundu P, Zhang YD, Lan LV, Kim S, Ghandwani D, Pal Choudhury P, Berndt SI, Freedman ND, Garcia-Closas M, Chatterjee N: Combined utility of 25 disease and risk factor polygenic risk scores for stratifying risk of all-cause mortality. Am J Hum Genet 107(3):418-431, 2020.

Mhatre S, Rajaraman P, Chatterjee N, Bray F, Goel M, Patkar S, Ostwal V, Patil P, Manjrekar A, Shrikhande SV, Badwe R, Dikshit R: Mustard oil consumption, cooking method, diet and gallbladder cancer risk in high- and low-risk regions of India. Int J Cancer 147(6):1621-1628, 2020.

Moore A, Kane E, Wang Z, Panagiotou OA, ..., Chatterjee N, et al: Genetically determined height and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Front Oncol 9:1539, 2020.

Pal Choudhury P, Chaturvedi AK, Chatterjee N: Evaluating discrimination of a lung cancer risk prediction model using partial risk-score in a two-phase study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 29(6):1196-1203, 2020.

Pal Choudhury P, Maas P, Wilcox A, Wheeler W, Brook M, Check D, Garcia-Closas M, Chatterjee N: iCARE: An R package to build, validate and apply absolute risk models. PLoS One 15(2):e0228198, 2020.

Pal Choudhury P, Wilcox AN, Brook MN, Zhang Y, Ahearn T, Orr N, Coulson P, Schoemaker MJ, Jones ME, Gail MH, Swerdlow AJ, Chatterjee N, Garcia-Closas M: Comparative validation of breast cancer risk prediction models and projections for future risk stratification. J Natl Cancer Inst 112(3):278-285, 2020.

Ray D, Chatterjee N: Effect of non-normality and low count variants on cross-phenotype association tests in GWAS. Eur J Hum Genet 28(3):300-312, 2020.

Ray D, Chatterjee N: A powerful method for pleiotropic analysis under composite null hypothesis identifies novel shared loci between type 2 diabetes and prostate cancer. PLoS Genet 16(12):e1009218, 2020.

Tang H, Jiang L, Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ, Arslan AA, ..., Chatterjee N, et al: Genome-wide gene-diabetes and gene-obesity interaction scan in 8,255 cases and 11,900 controls from PanScan and PanC4 consortia. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 29(9):1784-1791, 2020.

Wong JYY, Zhang H, Hsiung CA, ..., Chatterjee N, et al: Tuberculosis infection and lung adenocarcinoma: Mendelian randomization and pathway analysis of genome-wide association study data from never-smoking Asian women. Genomics 112(2):1223-1232, 2020.

Yu Z, Coresh J, Qi G, Grams M, Boerwinkle E, Snieder H, Teumer A, Pattaro C, Kottgen A, Chatterjee N, Tin A: A bidirectional Mendelian randomization study supports causal effects of kidney function on blood pressure. Kidney Int 98(3):708-716, 2020.

Zhang H, Ahearn TU, Lecarpentier J, ..., Chatterjee N, et al: Genome-wide association study identifies 32 novel breast cancer susceptibility loci from overall and subtype-specific analyses. Nat Genet 52(6):572-581, 2020.

Zhang YD, Hurson AN, Zhang H, Choudhury PP, ..., Chatterjee N, et al: Assessment of polygenic architecture and risk prediction based on common variants across fourteen cancers. Nat Commun 11(1):3353, 2020.

Zhong J, Jermusyk A, Wu L, Hoskins JW, Collins I, ..., Chatterjee N, et al: A transcriptome-wide association study identifies novel candidate susceptibility genes for pancreatic cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 112(10):1003-1012, 2020.


Yiqun Chen (go to top of document)


Chen YT, Gao LL: Testing for a difference in means of a single feature after clustering. Biostatistics 26(1):kxae046, 2024.

Chen Y, Gui H, Yao H, Adu-Brimpong J, Javitz S, Golovko V, Ko J, Daneshjou R, Chiou AS: Single-lesion skin cancer risk stratification triage pathway. JAMA Dermatol 160(9):972-976, 2024.

Chen YT, Jewell SW, Witten DM: More powerful selective inference for the graph fused lasso. J Comp Graph Stat 32(2):577-587, 2023.

Chen YT, Jewell SW, Witten DM: Quantifying uncertainty in spikes estimated from calcium imaging data. Biostatistics 24(2):481-501, 2023.

Chen YT, Witten DM: Selective inference for k-means clustering. J Mach Learn Res 24:152, 2023.

Marquez C, Chen Y, Atukunda M, Chamie G, et al: The association between social network characteristics and tuberculosis infection among adults in 9 rural Ugandan communities. Clin Infect Dis 76(3):e902-e909, 2023.

Chen YT, Brown L, Chamie G, Kwarisiima D, et al: Social networks and HIV care outcomes in rural Kenya and Uganda. Epidemiology 32(4):551-559, 2021.

Brown LB, Balzer LB, Kabami J, Kwarisiima D, ..., Chen Y, et al: The influence of social networks on antiretroviral therapy initiation among HIV-infected antiretroviral therapy-naive youth in rural Kenya and Uganda. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 83(1):9-15, 2020.




Elizabeth Chin (go to top of document)


Ettman CK, Ringlein GV, Dohlman P, Straub J, Brantner CL, Chin ET, Sthapit S, Badillo Goicoechea E, Mojtabai R, Albert M, Spivak S, Iwashyna TJ, Goes FS, Stuart EA, Zandi PP: Trends in mental health care and telehealth use across area deprivation: an analysis of electronic health records from 2016 to 2024. PNAS Nexus 4(2):pgaf016, 2025.

Chin ET, Liu YE, Ogbunu CB, Basu S: Population health implications of Medicaid prerelease and transition services for incarcerated populations. Milbank Q 102(4):896-912, 2024.

Huynh BQ, Chin ET, Kiang MV: Estimated childhood lead exposure from drinking water in Chicago. JAMA Pediatr 178(5):473-479, 2024.

Huynh BQ, Chin ET, Spiegel PB: No evidence of inflated mortality reporting from the Gaza Ministry of Health. Lancet 403(10421):23-24, 2024.

Rosenblum M, Chin ET, Ogburn EL, Nishimura A, Westreich D, Datta A, et al: Misuse of statistical method results in highly biased interpretation of forensic evidence in Guyll et al. Law Prob Risk 23(1):mgad010, 2024.

Rosenblum M, Chin ET, Ogburn EL, Nishimura A, Westreich D, Datta A, et al: Incorrect statistical reasoning in Guyll et al leads to biased claims about strength of forensic evidence. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 121(45):e2315431121, 2024.

Chin ET, Leidner D, Lamson L, Lucas K, Studdert DM, Goldhaber-Fiebert JD, Andrews JR, Salomon JA: Protection against omicron from vaccination and previous infection in a prison system. N Engl J Med 387(19):1770-1782, 2022.

Chin ET, Leidner D, Zhang Y, Long E, Prince L, Schrag SJ, Verani JR, Wiegand RE, Alarid-Escudero F, Goldhaber-Fiebert JD, Studdert DM, Andrews JR, Salomon JA: Effectiveness of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines among incarcerated people in California state prisons: retrospective cohort study. Clin Infect Dis 75(1):e838-e845, 2022.

Prince L, Long E, Studdert DM, Leidner D, Chin ET, Andrews JR, Salomon JA, Goldhaber-Fiebert JD: Uptake of COVID-19 vaccination among frontline workers in California state prisons. JAMA Health Forum 3(3):e220099, 2022.

Uppal N, Chin ET, Erfani P, Sandoval RS, Lee CH, Mishori R, Peeler KR: Trends in decarceration, COVID-19 cases, and SARS-CoV-2 testing in US immigration detention centers from September 2020 to August 2021. JAMA Netw Open 5(2):e2148859, 2022.

Uppal N, Chin ET, Lee CH, Erfani P, Peeler KR: International medical graduates and practice rates in underserved communities in Florida. Healthc 10(2):100628, 2022.

Chin ET, Huynh BQ, Chapman LAC, Murrill M, Basu S, Lo NC: Frequency of routine testing for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in high-risk healthcare environments to reduce outbreaks. Clin Infect Dis 73(9):e3127-e3129, 2021.

Chin ET, Leidner D, Ryckman T, Liu YE, Prince L, Alarid-Escudero F, Andrews JR, Salomon JA, Goldhaber-Fiebert JD, Studdert DM: Covid-19 vaccine acceptance in California state prisons. N Engl J Med 385(4):374-376, 2021.

Chin ET, Leidner D, Zhang Y, Long E, Prince L, Li Y, Andrews JR, Studdert DM, Goldhaber-Fiebert JD, Salomon JA: Effectiveness of the mRNA-1273 vaccine during a SARS-CoV-2 delta outbreak in a prison. N Engl J Med 385(24):2300-2301, 2021.

Chin ET, Ryckman T, Prince L, Leidner D, Alarid-Escudero F, Andrews JR, Salomon JA, Studdert DM, Goldhaber-Fiebert JD: COVID-19 in the California state prison system: an observational study of decarceration, ongoing risks, and risk factors. J Gen Intern Med 36(10):3096-3102, 2021.

Erfani P, Chin ET, Lee CH, Uppal N, Peeler KR: Suicide rates of migrants in United States immigration detention (2010-2020). AIMS Public Health 8(3):416-420, 2021.

Huynh BQ, Kwong LH, Kiang MV, Chin ET, Mohareb AM, Jumaan AO, Basu S, Geldsetzer P, Karaki FM, Rehkopf DH: Public health impacts of an imminent Red Sea oil spill. Nat Sustain 4(12):1084-1091, 2021.

Kiang MV, Chin ET, Huynh BQ, Chapman LAC, Rodriguez-Barraquer I, Greenhouse B, Rutherford GW, Bibbins-Domingo K, Havlir D, Basu S, Lo NC: Routine asymptomatic testing strategies for airline travel during the COVID-19 pandemic: a simulation study. Lancet Infect Dis 21(7):929-938, 2021.

Ryckman T, Chin ET, Prince L, Leidner D, Long E, Studdert DM, Salomon JA, Alarid-Escudero F, Andrews JR, Goldhaber-Fiebert JD: Outbreaks of COVID-19 variants in US prisons: a mathematical modelling analysis of vaccination and reopening policies. Lancet Public Health 6(10):e760-e770, 2021.

Chin ET, Huynh BQ, Lo NC, Hastie T, Basu S: Projected geographic disparities in healthcare worker absenteeism from COVID-19 school closures and the economic feasibility of child care subsidies: a simulation study. BMC Med 18(1):218, 2020.

Paige SL, Galdos FX, Lee S, Chin ET, Ranjbarvaziri S, Feyen DAM, Darsha AK, Xu S, Ryan JA, Beck AL, Qureshi MY, Miao Y, Gu M, Bernstein D, Nelson TJ, Mercola M, Rabinovitch M, Ashley EA, Parikh VN, Wu SM: Patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells implicate intrinsic impaired contractility in hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Circulation 142(16):1605-1608, 2020.



Gwendolyn Clemens   (go to top of document)


Newman-Toker DE, Nassery N, Schaffer AC, Yu-Moe CW, Clemens GD, Wang Z, Zhu Y, Saber Tehrani AS, Fanai M, Hassoon A, Siegal D: Burden of serious harms from diagnostic error in the USA. BMJ Qual Saf 33(2):109-120, 2024.

Deal JA, Jiang K, Betz JF, Clemens GD, Zhu J, Reed NS, Garibaldi BT, Swenor BK: COVID-19 clinical outcomes by patient disability status: A retrospective cohort study. Disabil Health J 16(2):101441, 2023.

D'Souza G, Clemens G, Strickler HD, Wiley DJ, Troy T, Struijk L, Gillison M, Fakhry C: Long-term persistence of oral HPV over 7 years of follow-up. JNCI Cancer Spectr 4(5):pkaa047, 2020.

Newman-Toker DE, Wang Z, Zhu Y, Nassery N, Saber Tehrani AS, Schaffer AC, Yu-Moe CW, Clemens GD, Fanai M, Siegal D: Rate of diagnostic errors and serious misdiagnosis-related harms for major vascular events, infections, and cancers: toward a national incidence estimate using the "Big Three." Diagnosis 8(1):67-84, 2020.



Elizabeth Colantuoni (Johnson) (go to top of document)


Devlin JW, Sieber F, Akeju O, Khan BA, MacLullich AMJ, Marcantonio ER, Oh ES, Agar MR, Avelino-Silva TJ, Berger M, Burry L, Colantuoni EA, et al: Advancing delirium treatment trials in older adults: recommendations for future trials from the Network for Investigation of Delirium: Unifying Scientists (NIDUS). Crit Care Med 53(1):e15-e28, 2025.

Brodsky MB, Friedman LA, Colantuoni E, Pandian V, Vertigan AE, Needham DM, Chan KS: Instrument adaptation and preliminary validation study of the Laryngeal Hypersensitivity Questionnaire used for assessment of laryngeal symptoms in patients with artificial airways. Aust Crit Care 37(1):138-143, 2024.

Etzkorn LH, Le Coent Q, van den Boogaard M, Rondeau V, Colantuoni E: A joint frailty model for recurrent and competing terminal events: application to delirium in the ICU. Stat Med 43(12):2389-2402, 2024.

Hochberg CH, Colantuoni E, Sahetya SK, Eakin MN, Fan E, Psoter KJ, Iwashyna TJ, Needham DM, Hager DN: Extended versus standard proning duration for COVID-19-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome: a target trial emulation study. Ann Am Thorac Soc 21(10):1449-1457, 2024.

Hoyer E, Young D, Ke V, Zhang JY, Colantuoni E, Farley H, Dahbura A, Ghobadi K: Association of longitudinal mobility levels in the hospital and injurious inpatient falls. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 103(3):251-255, 2024.

Pandian V, Cherukuri SPS, Koneru M, Karne V, Tajrishi FZ, Aloori S, Kota P, Dinglas V, Colantuoni E, Akst L, Hillel AT, Needham DM, Brodsky MB, PALSS Study Team: Post-extubation Assessment of Laryngeal Symptoms and Severity (PALSS) in the intensive care unit: protocol of a prospective cohort study. ORL Head Neck Nurs 42(1):8-21, 2024.

Prochaska EC, Xiao S, Colantuoni E, Clark RH, Johnson J, Mukhopadhyay S, Kalu IC, Zerr DM, Reich PJ, Roberts J, Flannery DD, Milstone AM, CDC Prevention Epicenters Program: Hospital-onset bacteremia among neonatal intensive care unit patients. JAMA Pediatr 178(8):792-799, 2024.

Sick-Samuels AC, Koontz DW, Xie A, Kelly D, Woods-Hill CZ, Aneja A, Xiao S, Colantuoni EA, Marsteller J, Milstone AM, and the BrighT STAR Authorship Group: A survey of PICU clinician practices and perceptions regarding respiratory cultures in the evaluation of ventilator-associated infections in the BrighT STAR Collaborative. Pediatr Crit Care Med 25(1):e20-e30, 2024.

Steger JS, Durai I, Odayappan A, Raman R, Sruthi T, Song AJ, Puthuran G, Venkatesh R, Colantuoni E, Robin AL: An evaluation of the efficacy and safety of timolol maleate 0.5% microdrops administered with the Nanodropper. Ophthalmology 131(9):1045-1055, 2024.

Woods-Hill CZ, Koontz DW, Xie A, Colantuoni EA, Sick-Samuels A, Miller MR, Arthur A, Aneja A, Kumar U, Milstone AM, BrighT STAR Authorship Group: Diagnostic stewardship for blood cultures in the pediatric intensive care unit: lessons in implementation from the BrighT STAR Collaborative. Antimicrob Steward Healthc Epidemiol 4(1):e148, 2024.

Young DL, Al-Ani A, Lakhmalla M, Raman V, Fatima A, Friedman LA, Challa SR, Vasishta S, Koneru M, Colantuoni E, Needham DM, Dinglas VD, Scoping Review Team: Participant retention in follow-up studies of intensive care unit survivors-a scoping review. Aust Crit Care 37(6):964-970, 2024.

Young DL, Hannum SM, Engels R, Colantuoni E, Friedman LA, Hoyer EH: Dynamic prediction of post-acute care needs for hospitalized medicine patients. J Am Med Dir Assoc 25(7):104939, 2024.

Azamfirei R, Mennie C, Dinglas VD, Fatima A, Colantuoni E, et al: Impact of a multifaceted early mobility intervention for critically ill children - the PICU Up! trial: study protocol for a multicenter stepped-wedge cluster randomized controlled trial. Trials 24(1):191, 2023.

Capo-Lugo CE, Young DL, Farley H, Aquino C, McLaughlin K, Colantuoni E, Friedman LA, Kumble S, Hoyer EH: Revealing the tension: the relationship between high fall risk categorization and low patient mobility. J Am Geriatr Soc 71(5):1536-1546, 2023.

Egbert ER, Xiao S, Prochaska E, Ali SO, Colantuoni E, Gadala A, Koontz D, Zhong D, Schumacher CM, Sick-Samuels AC, Debes AK, Milstone AM: Association of healthcare worker behaviors with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) risk during four pandemic periods and characteristics associated with high-risk behaviors. Antimicrob Steward Healthc Epidemiol 3(1):e16, 2023.

Hoyer EH, Friedman M, Lavezza A, Flanagan E, Kumble S, D'Alessandro M, Gutierrez M, Colantuoni E, Brotman DJ, Young DL: A unit-based, multi-center evaluation of adopting mobility measures and daily mobility goals in the hospital setting. Appl Nurs Res 70:151655, 2023.

Manohar S, Colantuoni E, Thorne-Lyman AL, Shrestha B, Adhikari RK, Kc A, Bhattarai A, West KP Jr: Evaluating preschool linear growth velocities: an interim reference illustrated in Nepal. Public Health Nutr 26(12):2704-2716, 2023.

Woods-Hill CZ, Koontz DW, Colantuoni EA, Xiao S, Xie A, Miller MR, Milstone AM, Bright STAR Authorship Group: Sustainability of the Bright STAR diagnostic stewardship program to reduce blood culture rates among critically ill children. JAMA Pediatr 177(11):1234-1237, 2023.

Xiao S, Woods-Hill CZ, Koontz D, Thurm C, Richardson T, Milstone AM, Colantuoni E, Bright STAR Authorship Group: Comparison of administrative database-derived and hospital-derived data for monitoring blood culture use in the pediatric intensive care unit. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc 12(7):436-442, 2023.

Xie A, Koontz DW, Colantuoni EA, Voskertchian A, Miller MR, Fackler JC, Milstone AM, Woods-Hill CZ: Application of participatory ergonomics to the dissemination of a quality improvement program for optimizing blood culture use. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf 49(10):529-538, 2023.

Brown CH, Lewis A, Probert J, Parish M, Tian J, Mandal K, Everett A, Colantuoni E, Kamath V, Hogue C, Moghekar A: Perioperative neurofilament light plasma concentrations and cognition before and after cardiac surgery: a prospective nested cohort study. Anesthesiology 137(3):303-314, 2022.

Debes AK, Xiao S, Egbert ER, Caturegli P, Gadala A, Colantuoni E, Sitaras I, Pekosz A, Milstone AM: Neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 spike antibodies against omicron in paired samples after two or three doses of mRNA vaccine. Microbiol Spectr 10(5):e0204622, 2022.

Hashem MD, Hopkins RO, Colantuoni E, Dinglas VD, Sinha P, Aronson Friedman L, Morris PE, Jackson JC, Hough CL, Calfee CS, Needham DM: Six-month and 12-month patient outcomes based on inflammatory subphenotypes in sepsis-associated ARDS: secondary analysis of SAILS-ALTOS trial. Thorax 77(1):22-30, 2022.

Hiser S, Urbanek J, Young DL, McLaughlin KH, Colantuoni E, Brotman DJ, Needham DM, Hoyer E: Improving patient selection for use of consumer grade physical activity monitors in the hospital. Braz J Phys Ther 26(5):100447, 2022.

Johnson J, Latif A, Randive B, Kadam A, ..., Colantuoni E, et al: Implementation of the Comprehensive Unit-Based Safety Program to improve infection prevention and control practices in four neonatal intensive care units in Pune, India. Front Pediatr 9:794637, 2022.

Lemberg KM, Koontz DW, Young DJ, DiDomizio PG, King A, Chen AR, Gamper CJ, Colantuoni E, Milstone AM, Cooper SL: Trainee-led engagement of the care team improves application of an institutional blood culture clinical decision algorithm to pediatric oncology inpatients: a single-institution quality improvement project. Pediatr Qual Saf 7(2):e545, 2022.

Pytell JD, Thakrar AP, Chander G, Colantuoni E: Changes in alcohol consumption by beverage type attributable to the COVID-19 pandemic for 10 states, March 2020 to November 2020: an ecological simulation-based analysis. J Addict Med 16(6):e412-e416, 2022.

Woods-Hill CZ, Colantuoni EA, Koontz DW, Voskertchian A, et al: Association of diagnostic stewardship for blood cultures in critically ill children with culture rates, antibiotic use, and patient outcomes: Results of the Bright STAR collaborative. JAMA Pediatr 176(7):690-698, 2022.

Ambalam V, Sick-Samuels AC, Johnson J, Colantuoni E, Gadala A, Rock C, Milstone AM, CDC Prevention Epicenter Program: Impact of postnatal age on neonatal intensive care unit bloodstream infection reporting. Am J Infect Control 49(9):1191-1193, 2021.

Baldwin MR, Pollack LR, Friedman RA, Norris SP, Javaid A, O'Donnell MR, Cummings MJ, Needham DM, Colantuoni E, Maurer MS, Lederer DJ: Frailty subtypes and recovery in older survivors of acute respiratory failure: a pilot study. Thorax 76(4):350-359, 2021.

Berney S, Hopkins RO, Rose JW, Koopman R, Puthucheary Z, Pastva A, Gordon I, Colantuoni E, Parry SM, Needham DM, Denehy L: Functional electrical stimulation in-bed cycle ergometry in mechanically ventilated patients: a multicentre randomised controlled trial. Thorax 76(7):656-663, 2021.

Brown CH, Edwards C, Lin C, Jones EL, Yanek LR, Esmaili M, Gorashi Y, Skelton R, Kaganov D, Curto R, Lessing NL, Cha S, Colantuoni E, Neufeld K, Sieber F, Dean CL, Hogue CW: Spinal anesthesia with targeted sedation based on bispectral index values compared with general anesthesia with masked bispectral index values to reduce delirium: The SHARP Randomized Controlled Trial. Anesthesiology 135(6):992-1003. 2021.

Cichowitz C, Loevinsohn G, Klein EY, Colantuoni E, Galiatsatos P, Rennert J, Irvin NA: Racial and ethnic disparities in hospital observation in Maryland. Am J Emerg Med 46:532-538, 2021.

Colantuoni E: Clarifying the impact of predicted versus observed control arm mortality rates on randomized trials in critical illness. Crit Care Med 49(4):e483-e484, 2021.

Colantuoni E, Koneru M, Akhlaghi N, Li X, Hashem MD, Dinglas VD, Neufeld KJ, Harhay MO, Needham DM: Heterogeneity in design and analysis of ICU delirium randomized trials: a systematic review. Trials 22(1):354, 2021.

Colantuoni E, Li X, Hashem MD, Girard TD, Scharfstein DO, Needham DM: A structured methodology review showed analyses of functional outcomes are frequently limited to "survivors only" in trials enrolling patients at high risk of death. J Clin Epidemiol 137:126-132, 2021.

Debes AK, Xiao S, Colantuoni E, Egbert ER, Caturegli P, Gadala A, Milstone AM: Association of vaccine type and prior SARS-CoV-2 infection with symptoms and antibody measurements following vaccination among health care workers. JAMA Intern Med 181(12):1660-1662, 2021.

Egbert ER, Xiao S, Colantuoni E, Caturegli P, Gadala A, Milstone AM, Debes AK: Durability of spike immunoglobin G antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 among health care workers with prior infection. JAMA Netw Open 4(8):e2123256, 2021.

Hiser S, Chung CR, Toonstra A, Friedman LA, Colantuoni E, Hoyer E, Needham DM: Inter-rater reliability of the Johns Hopkins Highest Level of Mobility Scale (JH-HLM) in the intensive care unit. Braz J Phys Ther 25(3):352-355, 2021.

Kelly JTD, Colantuoni E, Robinson C, Decker MR: Quantifying the ripple effects of civil war: how armed conflict is associated with more severe violence in the home. Health Hum Rights 23(1):75-89, 2021.

Nakano M, Nomura Y, Whitman G, Sussman M, Schena S, Kilic A, Choi CW, Akiyoshi K, Neufeld KJ, Lawton J, Colantuoni E, Yamaguchi A, Wen M, Smielewski P, Brady K, Bush B, Hogue CW, Brown CH 4th: Cerebral autoregulation in the operating room and intensive care unit after cardiac surgery. Br J Anaesth 126(5):967-974, 2021.

Parry SM, Nalamalapu SR, Nunna K, Rabiee A, Friedman LA, Colantuoni E, Needham DM, Dinglas VD: Six-minute walk distance after critical illness: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Intensive Care Med 36(3):343-351, 2021.

Peitzmeier SM, Wirtz AL, Beyrer C, Peryshkina A, Sherman SG, Colantuoni E, Decker MR: Polyvictimization among Russian sex workers: intimate partner, police, and pimp violence cluster with client violence. J Interpers Violence 36(15-16):NP8056-NP8081, 2021.

Sick-Samuels AC, Linz M, Bergmann J, Fackler JC, Berenholtz SM, Ralston SL, Hoops K, Dwyer J, Colantuoni E, Milstone AM: Diagnostic stewardship of endotracheal aspirate cultures in a PICU. Pediatrics 147(5):e20201634, 2021.

Tonna JE, Dalton A, Presson AP, Zhang C, Colantuoni E, Lander K, Howard S, Beynon J, Kamdar BB: The effect of a quality improvement intervention on sleep and delirium in critically ill patients in a surgical ICU. Chest 160(3):899-908, 2021.

Ward DS, Absalom AR, Aitken LM, Balas MC, Brown DL, Burry L, Colantuoni E, Coursin D, Devlin JW, Dexter F, Dworkin RH, Egan TD, Elliott D, Egerod I, Flood P, Fraser GL, Girard TD, Gozal D, Hopkins RO, Kress J, Maze M, Needham DM, Pandharipande P, Riker R, Sessler DI, Shafer SL, Shehabi Y, Spies C, Sun LS, Tung A, Urman RD: Design of clinical trials evaluating sedation in critically ill adults undergoing mechanical ventilation: recommendations from Sedation Consortium on Endpoints and Procedures for Treatment, Education, and Research (SCEPTER) Recommendation III. Crit Care Med 49(10):1684-1693, 2021.

Zanettini C, Omar M, Dinalankara W, Imada EL, Colantuoni E, Parmigiani G, Marchionni L: covid19census: U.S. and Italy COVID-19 metrics and other epidemiological data. Database 2021:baab027, 2021.

Zanettini C, Omar M, Dinalankara W, Imada EL, Colantuoni E, Parmigiani G, Marchionni L: Influenza vaccination and COVID-19 mortality in the USA: an ecological study. Vaccines 9(5):427, 2021.

Zhao N, Khamash DF, Koh H, Voskertchian A, Egbert E, Mongodin EF, White JR, Hittle L, Colantuoni E, Milstone AM: Low diversity in nasal microbiome associated with Staphylococcus aureus colonization and bloodstream infections in hospitalized neonates. Open Forum Infect Dis 8(10):ofab475, 2021.

Zhong D, Xiao S, Debes AK, Egbert ER, Caturegli P, Colantuoni E, Milstone AM: Durability of antibody levels after vaccination with mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in individuals with or without prior infection. JAMA 326(24):2524-2526, 2021.

Dougherty GB, Golden SH, Gross AL, Colantuoni E, Dean LT: Measuring structural racism and its association with BMI. Am J Prev Med 59(4):530-537, 2020.

Friedman LA, Young DL, Nelliot A, Colantuoni E, Mendez-Tellez PA, Needham DM, Dinglas VD: Factors associated with home visits in a 5-year study of acute respiratory distress syndrome survivors. Am J Crit Care 29(6):429-438, 2020.

Gupta P, Martin JL, Needham DM, Vangala S, Colantuoni E, Kamdar BB: Use of actigraphy to characterize inactivity and activity in patients in a medical ICU. Heart Lung 49(4):398-406, 2020.

Hiser S, Toonstra A, Friedman LA, Colantuoni E, Needham DM: Inter-rater reliability of activity measure for post-acute care '6-Clicks' inpatient mobility short form in the intensive care unit. Physiother Res Int 25(4):e1849, 2020.

Hoops KEM, Fackler JC, King A, Colantuoni E, Milstone AM, Woods-Hill C: How good is our diagnostic intuition? Clinician prediction of bacteremia in critically ill children. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 20(1):144, 2020.

Kamdar BB, Suri R, Suchyta MR, Digrande KF, Sherwood KD, Colantuoni E, Dinglas VD, Needham DM, Hopkins RO: Return to work after critical illness: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Thorax 75(1):17-27, 2020.

Milstone AM, Voskertchian A, Koontz DW, Khamash DF, Ross T, Aucott SW, Gilmore MM, Cosgrove SE, Carroll KC, Colantuoni E: Effect of treating parents colonized with Staphylococcus aureus on transmission to neonates in the intensive care unit: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA 323(4):319-328, 2020.

Nunna K, Al-Ani A, Nikooie R, Friedman LA, Raman V, Wadood Z, Vasishta S, Colantuoni E, Needham DM, Dinglas VD: Participant retention in follow-up studies of acute respiratory failure survivors. Respir Care 65(9):1382-1391, 2020.

Peitzmeier SM, Wirtz AL, Peryshkina A, Sherman S, Colantuoni E, Beyrer C, Decker MR: Associations between violence and HIV risk behaviors differ by perpetrator among Russian sex workers. AIDS Behav 24(3):812-822, 2020.

Rawal H, Young DL, Nikooie R, Al Ani AH, Friedman LA, Vasishta S, Haut ER, Colantuoni E, Needham DM, Dinglas VD: Participant retention in trauma intensive care unit (ICU) follow-up studies: a post-hoc analysis of a previous scoping review. Trauma Surg Acute Care Open 5(1):e000584, 2020.

Semler MW, Bernard GR, Aaron SD, Angus DC, Biros MH, Brower RG, Calfee CS, Colantuoni EA, et al: Identifying clinical research priorities in adult pulmonary and critical care: NHLBI working group report. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 202(4):511-523, 2020.

Wang C, Colantuoni E, Leroux A, Scharfstein DO: idem: an R package for inferences in clinical trials with death and missingness. J Stat Softw 93:12, 2020.

Woods-Hill CZ, Koontz DW, King AF, Voskertchian A, Colantuoni EA, Miller MR, Fackler JC, Bonafide CP, Milstone AM, Xie A, Bright Star Authorship group: Practices, perceptions, and attitudes in the evaluation of critically ill children for bacteremia: a national survey. Pediatr Crit Care Med 21(1):e23-e29, 2020.

Young DL, Colantuoni E, Friedman LA, Seltzer J, Daley K, Ye B, Brotman DJ, Hoyer EH: Prediction of disposition within 48-hours of hospital admission using patient mobility scores. J Hosp Med 15(9):540-543, 2020.




Leonardo Collado Torres   (go to top of document)


Garcia-Ruiz S, Zhang D, ..., Collado-Torres L, et al: Splicing accuracy varies across human introns, tissues, age and disease. Nat Commun 16(1):1068, 2025.

Ramnauth AD, Tippani M, Divecha HR, Papariello AR, Miller RA, Nelson ED, Thompson JR, Pattie EA, Kleinman JE, Maynard KR, Collado-Torres L, Hyde TM, Martinowich K, Hicks SC, Page SC: Spatiotemporal analysis of gene expression in the human dentate gyrus reveals age-associated changes in cellular maturation and neuroinflammation. Cell Rep 44(2):115300, 2025.

Benjamin KJM, Arora R, Feltrin AS, Pertea G, Giles HH, Stolz JM, D'Ignazio L, Collado-Torres L, Shin JH, et al: Sex affects transcriptional associations with schizophrenia across the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and caudate nucleus. Nat Commun 15(1):3980, 2024.

Benjamin KJM, Chen Q, Eagles NJ, Huuki-Myers LA, Collado-Torres L, Stolz JM, Pertea G, Shin JH, Paquola ACM, Hyde TM, Kleinman JE, Jaffe AE, Han S, Weinberger DR: Analysis of gene expression in the postmortem brain of neurotypical Black Americans reveals contributions of genetic ancestry. Nat Neurosci 27(6):1064-1074, 2024.

Daskalakis NP, Iatrou A, Chatzinakos C, ..., Collado-Torres L, et al: Systems biology dissection of PTSD and MDD across brain regions, cell types, and blood. Science 384(6698):eadh3707, 2024.

Deng C, Whalen S, Steyert M, ..., PsychENCODE Consortium (includes Collado Torres L): Massively parallel characterization of regulatory elements in the developing human cortex. Science 384(6698):eadh0559, 2024.

Eagles NJ, Bach SV, Tippani M, Ravichandran P, Du Y, Miller RA, Hyde TM, Page SC, Martinowich K, Collado-Torres L: Integrating gene expression and imaging data across Visium capture areas with visiumStitched. BMC Genomics 25(1):1077, 2024.

Emani PS, Liu JJ, Clarke D, ..., PsychENCODE Consortium (includes Collado Torres L): Single-cell genomics and regulatory networks for 388 human brains. Science 384(6698):eadi5199, 2024.

Huuki-Myers LA, Spangler A, Eagles NJ, ..., Guo B, ..., Hicks SC, ..., Collado-Torres L, et al: A data-driven single-cell and spatial transcriptomic map of the human prefrontal cortex. Science 384(6698):eadh1938, 2024.

Katrinli S, Wani AH, Maihofer AX, Ratanatharathorn A, Daskalakis NP, Montalvo-Ortiz J, ..., PsychENCODE PTSD Brainomics Project (includes Collado-Torres L), et al: Epigenome-wide association studies identify novel DNA methylation sites associated with PTSD: a meta-analysis of 23 military and civilian cohorts. Genome Med 16(1):147, 2024.

Rodriguez LA, Tran MN, Garcia-Flores R, Oh S, Phillips RA 3rd, Pattie EA, Divecha HR, Kim SH, Shin JH, Lee YK, Montoya C, Jaffe AE, Collado-Torres L, Page SC, Martinowich K: TrkB-dependent regulation of molecular signaling across septal cell types. Transl Psychiatry 14(1):52, 2024.

Ruzicka WB, Mohammadi S, Fullard JF, ..., PsychENCODE Consortium (includes Collado Torres L): Single-cell multi-cohort dissection of the schizophrenia transcriptome. Science 384(6698):eadg5136, 2024.

Weber LM, Divecha HR, Tran MN, Kwon SH, Spangler A, Montgomery KD, Tippani M, Bharadwaj R, Kleinman JE, Page SC, Hyde TM, Collado-Torres L, Maynard KR, Martinowich K, Hicks SC: The gene expression landscape of the human locus coeruleus revealed by single-nucleus and spatially-resolved transcriptomics. eLife 12:RP84628, 2024.

Wen C, Margolis M, Dai R, ..., PsychENCODE Consortium (includes Collado Torres L, Hicks S): Cross-ancestry atlas of gene, isoform, and splicing regulation in the developing human brain. Science 384(6698):eadh0829, 2024.

Xia Y, Xia C, Jiang Y, Chen Y, Zhou J, Dai R, Han C, Mao Z, PsychENCODE Consortium (includes Collado Torres L), Liu C, Chen C: Transcriptomic sex differences in postmortem brain samples from patients with psychiatric disorders. Sci Trans Med 16(749):eadh9974, 2024.

Eagles NJ, Wilton R, Jaffe AE, Collado-Torres L: BiocMAP: a Bioconductor-friendly, GPU-accelerated pipeline for bisulfite-sequencing data. BMC Bioinformatics 24(1):340, 2023.

Garcia-Ruiz S, Gustavsson EK, Zhang D, Reynolds RH, Chen Z, Fairbrother-Browne A, Gil-Martinez AL, Botia JA, Collado-Torres L, Ryten M: IntroVerse: a comprehensive database of introns across human tissues. Nucleic Acids Res 51(D1):D167-D178, 2023.

Guo B, Huuki-Myers LA, Grant-Peters M, Collado-Torres L, Hicks SC: escheR: unified multi-dimensional visualizations with Gestalt principles. Bioinform Adv 3(1):vbad179, 2023.

Huuki-Myers LA, Montgomery KD, Kwon SH, Page SC, Hicks SC, Maynard KR, Collado-Torres L: Data-driven identification of total RNA expression genes for estimation of RNA abundance in heterogeneous cell types highlighted in brain tissue. Genome Biol 24(1):233, 2023.

Maden SK, Kwon SH, Huuki-Myers LA, Collado-Torres L, Hicks SC, Maynard KR: Challenges and opportunities to computationally deconvolve heterogeneous tissue with varying cell sizes using single-cell RNA-sequencing datasets. Genome Biol 24(1):288, 2023.

Nelson ED, Maynard KR, Nicholas KR, Tran MN, Divecha HR, Collado-Torres L, Hicks SC, Martinowich K: Activity-regulated gene expression across cell types of the mouse hippocampus. Hippocampus 33(9):1009-1027, 2023.

Benjamin KJM, Chen Q, Jaffe AE, Stolz JM, Collado-Torres L, et al: Analysis of the caudate nucleus transcriptome in individuals with schizophrenia highlights effects of antipsychotics and new risk genes. Nat Neurosci 25(11):1559-1568, 2022.

Pardo B, Spangler A, Weber LM, Page SC, Hicks SC, Jaffe AE, Martinowich K, Maynard KR, Collado-Torres L: spatialLIBD: an R/Bioconductor package to visualize spatially-resolved transcriptomics data. BMC Genomics 23(1):434, 2022.

Punzi G, Ursini G, Chen Q, Radulescu E, Tao R, Huuki LA, Di Carlo P, Collado-Torres L, Shin JH, Catanesi R, Jaffe AE, et al: Genetics and brain transcriptomics of completed suicide. Am J Psychiatry 179(3):226-241, 2022.

Righelli D, Weber LM, Crowell HL, Pardo B, Collado-Torres L, Ghazanfar S, Lun ATL, Hicks SC, Risso D: SpatialExperiment: infrastructure for spatially resolved transcriptomics data in R using Bioconductor. Bioinformatics 38(11):3128-3131, 2022.

Zandi PP, Jaffe AE, Goes FS, Burke EE, Collado-Torres L, et al: Amygdala and anterior cingulate transcriptomes from individuals with bipolar disorder reveal downregulated neuroimmune and synaptic pathways. Nat Neurosci 25(3):381-389, 2022.

Clifton NE, Collado-Torres L, Burke EE, Pardinas AF, et al: Developmental profile of psychiatric risk associated with voltage-gated cation channel activity. Biol Psychiatry 90(6):399-408, 2021.

Eagles NJ, Burke EE, Leonard J, ..., Jaffe AE, Collado-Torres L: SPEAQeasy: a scalable pipeline for expression analysis and quantification for R/bioconductor-powered RNA-seq analyses. BMC Bioinformatics 22(1):224, 2021.

Hu B, Won H, Mah W, Park RB, Kassim B, Spiess K, Kozlenkov A, Crowley CA, Pochareddy S; PsychENCODE Consortium (includes Collado-Torres L), et al: Neuronal and glial 3D chromatin architecture informs the cellular etiology of brain disorders. Nat Commun 12(1):3968, 2021.

Maynard KR, Collado-Torres L, Weber LM, Uytingco C, Barry BK, Williams SR, Catallini JL 2nd, Tran MN, Besich Z, Tippani M, Chew J, Yin Y, Kleinman JE, Hyde TM, Rao N, Hicks SC, Martinowich K, Jaffe AE: Transcriptome-scale spatial gene expression in the human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Nat Neurosci 24(3):425-436, 2021.

Perzel Mandell KA, Eagles NJ, ..., Collado-Torres L, et al: Genome-wide sequencing-based identification of methylation quantitative trait loci and their role in schizophrenia risk. Nat Commun 112(1):5251, 2021.

Perzel Mandell KA, Price AJ, Wilton R, Collado-Torres L, Tao R, Eagles NJ, Szalay AS, Hyde TM, Weinberger DR, Kleinman JE, Jaffe AE: Characterizing the dynamic and functional DNA methylation landscape in the developing human cortex. Epigenetics 16(1):1-13, 2021.

Tran MN, Maynard KR, Spangler A, Huuki LA, Montgomery KD, Sadashivaiah V, Tippani M, Barry BK, Hancock DB, Hicks SC, Kleinman JE, Hyde TM, Collado-Torres L, Jaffe AE, Martinowich K: Single-nucleus transcriptome analysis reveals cell-type-specific molecular signatures across reward circuitry in the human brain. Neuron 109(19):3088-3103, 2021.

Wilks C, Ahmed O, Baker DN, Zhang D, Collado-Torres L, Langmead B: Megadepth: efficient coverage quantification for BigWigs and BAMs. Bioinformatics 37(18):3014-3016, 2021.

Wilks C, Zheng SC, Chen FY, Charles R, Solomon B, Ling JP, Imada EL, Zhang D, Joseph L, Leek JT, Jaffe AE, Nellore A, Collado-Torres L, Hansen KD, Langmead B: recount3: summaries and queries for large-scale RNA-seq expression and splicing. Genome Biol 22(1):323, 2021.

Araki Y, Hong I, Gamache TR, Ju S, Collado-Torres L, Shin JH, Huganir RL: SynGAP isoforms differentially regulate synaptic plasticity and dendritic development. Elife 9:e56273, 2020.

Burke EE, Chenoweth JG, Shin JH, Collado-Torres L, et al: Dissecting transcriptomic signatures of neuronal differentiation and maturation using iPSCs. Nat Commun 11(1):462, 2020.

Chavez J, Barberena-Jonas C, Sotelo-Fonseca JE, Alquicira-Hernandez J, Salgado H, Collado-Torres L, Reyes A: Programmatic access to bacterial regulatory networks with regutools. Bioinformatics 36(16):4532-4534, 2020.

Guelfi S, D'Sa KD, Botia JA, ..., Collado-Torres L, et al: Regulatory sites for splicing in human basal ganglia are enriched for disease-relevant information. Nat Commun 11(1):1041, 2020.

Imada EL, Sanchez DF, Collado-Torres L, ..., Jaffe AE, Leek JT, et al: Recounting the FANTOM CAGE-Associated Transcriptome. Genome Res 30(7):1073-1081, 2020.

Jaffe AE, Hoeppner DJ, Saito T, Blanpain L, Ukaigwe J, Burke EE, Collado-Torres L, et al: Profiling gene expression in the human dentate gyrus granule cell layer reveals insights into schizophrenia and its genetic risk. Nat Neurosci 23(4):510-519, 2020.

Semick SA, Collado-Torres L, Markunas CA, Shin JH, Deep-Soboslay A, Tao R, Huestis MA, Bierut LJ, Maher BS, Johnson EO, Hyde TM, et al: Developmental effects of maternal smoking during pregnancy on the human frontal cortex transcriptome. Mol Psychiatry 25(12):3267-3277, 2020.

Zhang D, Guelfi S, Garcia-Ruiz S, ..., Collado-Torres L, et al: Incomplete annotation has a disproportionate impact on our understanding of Mendelian and complex neurogenetic disorders. Sci Adv 6(24):eaay8299, 2020.



Ciprian Crainiceanu  (go to top of document)


Goeddel LA, Hernandez M, Koffman L, Slowey C, Muschelli J 3rd, Zhou X, Parikh CR, Lima JAC, Bandeen-Roche K, Faraday N, Crainiceanu CM, Brown C 4th: Assessment of renal vein stasis index by transesophageal echocardiography during cardiac surgery: a feasibility study. Anesth Analg 140(1):224-227. 2025.

Goeddel LA, Koffman L, Hernandez M, Whitman G, Parikh CR, Lima JAC, Bandeen-Roche K, Zhou X, Muschelli J 3rd, Crainiceanu C, Faraday N, Brown C 4th: Occurrence of low cardiac index during normotensive periods in cardiac surgery: a prospective cohort study using continuous noninvasive cardiac output monitoring. Anesth Analg 140(1):77-86, 2025.

Koffman L, Crainiceanu C, Muschelli J: Comparing step counting algorithms for high-resolution wrist accelerometry data in NHANES 2011-2014. Med Sci Sports Exerc 57(4):746-755, 2025.

Wanigatunga AA, Dong Y, Jin M, Leroux A, Cui E, Zhou X, Zhao A, Schrack JA, Bandeen-Roche K, Walston JD, Xue QL, Lindquist MA, Crainiceanu CM: Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity at any dose reduces all-cause dementia risk regardless of frailty status. J Am Med Dir Assoc 26(3):105456, 2025.

Zhao A, Cui E, Leroux A, Zhou X, Muschelli J, Lindquist MA, Crainiceanu CM: Objectively measured physical activity using wrist-worn accelerometers as a predictor of incident Alzheimer's disease in the UK Biobank. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 80(2):glae287, 2025.

Agarwala N, Zipunnikov V, Crainiceanu C, Leroux A: Quantifying the time-varying association between objectively measured physical activity and mortality in US older adults over a 12-year follow-up period: the NHANES 2003-2006 study. BMJ Evid Based Med 29(6):409-414, 2024.

Ballard ED, Greenstein D, Reiss PT, Crainiceanu CM, Cui E, Duncan WC Jr, Hejazi NS, Zarate CA Jr.: Functional changes in sleep-related arousal after ketamine administration in individuals with treatment-resistant depression. Transl Psychiatry 14(1):238, 2024.

Blair PW, Siddharthan T, Herrera PM, Cui E, Waitt P, Hossen S, Fong TC, Anova L, Erazo H, Mount C, Pettrone K, Rothman RE, Pollett SD, Crainiceanu C, Clark DV, et al: Validation of lung ultrasound for coronavirus disease 2019 prognostication in an international multicenter cohort study. J Infect Dis 230(5):e1092-e1100, 2024.

Etzkorn LH, Heravi AS, Knuth ND, Wu KC, Post WS, Urbanek JK, Crainiceanu CM: Classification of free-living body posture with ECG patch accelerometers: application to the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study. Stat Biosci 16:25-44, 2024.

Koffman L, Crainiceanu C, Leroux A: Walking fingerprinting. Applied Statistics 73(5):1221-1241, 2024.

Leroux A, Crainiceanu C, Zeger S, Taub M, Ansari B, Wager TD, Bayman E, Coffey C, Langefeld C, McCarthy R, Tsodikov A, Brummet C, Clauw DJ, Edwards RR, Lindquist MA, A2CPS Consortium: Statistical modeling of acute and chronic pain patient-reported outcomes obtained from ecological momentary assessment. Pain 165(9):1955-1965, 2024.

Leroux A, Cui E, Smirnova E, Muschelli J, Schrack JA, Crainiceanu CM: NHANES 2011-2014: Objective physical activity is the strongest predictor of all-cause mortality. Med Sci Sports Exerc 56(10):1926-1934, 2024.

Marino FR, Wu HT, Etzkorn L, Rooney MR, Soliman EZ, Deal JA, Crainiceanu C, Spira AP, Wanigatunga AA, Schrack JA, Chen LY: Associations of physical activity and heart rate variability from a two-week ECG monitor with cognitive function and dementia: The ARIC Neurocognitive Study. Sensors 24(13):4060, 2024.

Yang KK, Rattsev I, Lkhagvajav Z, Flaks-Manov N, Gorman K, Epstein JA, Crainiceanu CM, Taylor CO: Patterns of healthcare utilization according to health equity determinants during the first year of the pandemic at Johns Hopkins Medicine. JAMIA Open 7(4):ooae093, 2024.

Cui E, Li R, Crainiceanu CM, Xiao L: Fast multilevel functional principal component analysis. J Comput Graph Stat 32(2):366-377, 2023.

Koffman LJ, Crainiceanu CM, Roemmich RT, French MA: Identifying unique subgroups of individuals with stroke using heart rate and steps to characterize physical activity. J Am Heart Assoc 12(18):e030577, 2023.

Koffman L, Zhang Y, Harezlak J, Crainiceanu C, Leroux A: Fingerprinting walking using wrist-worn accelerometers. Gait Posture 103:92-98, 2023.

Meng Q, Cui E, Leroux A, Mowry EM, Lindquist MA, Crainiceanu CM: Quantifying the association between objectively measured physical activity and multiple sclerosis in the UK Biobank. Med Sci Sports Exerc 55(12):2194-2202, 2023.

Sergazinov R, Leroux A, Cui E, Crainiceanu C, Aurora RN, Punjabi NM, Gaynanova I: A case study of glucose levels during sleep using multilevel fast function on scalar regression inference. Biometrics 79(4):3873-3882, 2023.

Siddharthan T, Blair PW, Cui E, Pearce J, Herrera P, Liu G, East J, Crainiceanu C, Clark DV, CCPSEI Research Team, Clinical Characterisation Protocol for Severe Infectious Diseases (CCPSEI) Research Team: Additive value of lung ultrasound to clinical parameters for prognosticating COVID-19. ERJ Open Res 9(3):00564-2022, 2023.

Torbati ME, Minhas DS, Laymon CM, Maillard P, Wilson JD, Chen CL, Crainiceanu CM, DeCarli CS, Hwang SJ, Tudorascu DL: MISPEL: A supervised deep learning harmonization method for multi-scanner neuroimaging data. Med Image Anal 89:102926, 2023.

Zhao A, Cui E, Leroux A, Lindquist MA, Crainiceanu CM: Evaluating the prediction performance of objective physical activity measures for incident Parkinson's disease in the UK Biobank. J Neurol 270(12):5913-5923, 2023.

Berardi G, Frey-Law L, ..., Lindquist M, Caffo BS, Crainiceanu C, Zeger S, ..., Taub M, et al: Multi-site observational study to assess biomarkers for susceptibility or resilience to chronic pain: The Acute to Chronic Pain Signatures (A2CPS) study protocol. Front Med 9:849214, 2022.

Blair PW, Hwang J, Pearce J, Fong TC, Cui E, Herrera P, Liu G, Crainiceanu C, Siddharthan T, Clark DV, CCPSEI Research Team: Do worsening lung ultrasound scans identify severe COVID-19 trajectories? Front Med 9:1021929, 2022.

Blair PW, Siddharthan T, Liu G, Bai J, Cui E, East J, Herrera P, Anova L, Mahadevan V, Hwang J, Hossen S, Seo S, Sonuga O, Lawrence J, Peters J, Cox AL, Manabe YC, Fenstermacher K, Shea S, Rothman RE, Hansoti B, Sauer L, Crainiceanu C, Clark DV: Point-of-care lung ultrasound predicts severe disease and death due to COVID-19: a prospective cohort study. Crit Care Explor 4(8):e0732, 2022.

Cui E, Leroux A, Smirnova E, Crainiceanu CM: Fast univariate inference for longitudinal functional models. J Comp Graph Stat 31(1): 219-230, 2022.

Etzkorn LH, Liu F, Urbanek JK, Heravi AS, Magnani JW, Plankey MW, Margolich JB, Witt MD, Palella FJ Jr, Haberlen SA, Wu KC, Post WS, Schrack JA, Crainiceanu CM: Patterns of objectively measured physical activity differ between men living with and without HIV. AIDS 36(11):1553-1562, 2022.

Gaynanova I, Punjabi N, Crainiceanu C: Modeling continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) data during sleep. Biostatistics 23(1):223-239, 2022.

Hu M, Crainiceanu C, Schindler MK, Dewey B, Reich DS, Shinohara RT, Eloyan A: Matrix decomposition for modeling lesion development processes in multiple sclerosis. Biostatistics 23(1):83-100, 2022.

Karas M, Muschelli J, Leroux A, Urbanek JK, Wanigatunga AA, Bai J, Crainiceanu CM, Schrack JA: Comparison of accelerometry-based measures of physical activity: retrospective observational data analysis study. JMIR mHealth uHealth 10(7):e38077, 2022.

Ledbetter MK, Tabacu L, Leroux A, Crainiceanu CM, Smirnova E: Cardiovascular mortality risk prediction using objectively measured physical activity phenotypes in NHANES 2003-2006. Prev Med 164:107303, 2022.

Leroux A, Frey KP, Crainiceanu CM, Obremskey WT, Stinner DJ, Bosse MJ, Karunakar MA, O'Toole RV, Carroll EA, Hak DJ, Hayda R, Alkhoury D, Schmidt AH, METRC: Defining incidence of acute compartment syndrome in the research setting: a proposed method from the PACS Study. J Orthop Trauma 36(Suppl 1):S26-S32, 2022.

Li R, Xiao L, Smirnova E, Cui E, Leroux A, Crainiceanu CM: Fixed-effects inference and tests of correlation for longitudinal functional data. Stat Med 41(17):3349-3364, 2022.

Qi G, Dutta D, Leroux A, Ray D, Muschelli J, Crainiceanu C, Chatterjee N: Genome-wide association studies of 27 accelerometry-derived physical activity measurements identified novel loci and genetic mechanisms. Genet Epidemiol 46(2):122-138, 2022.

Smirnova E, Mallow C, Muschelli J, Shao Y, Thiboutot J, Lam A, Rule AM, Crainiceanu C, Yarmus L: Predictive performance of selected breath volatile organic carbon compounds in stage 1 lung cancer. Transl Lung Cancer Res 11(6):1009-1018, 2022.

Cui E, Crainiceanu CM, Leroux A: Additive functional Cox model. J Comput Graph Stat 30(3):780-793, 2021.

Durfee AZ, Sheppard SM, Meier EL, Bunker L, Cui E, Crainiceanu C, Hillis AE: Explicit training to improve affective prosody recognition in adults with acute right hemisphere stroke. Brain Sci 11(5):667, 2021.

Eshaghzadeh Torbati M, Minhas DS, Ahmad G, O'Connor EE, Muschelli J, Laymon CM, Yang Z, Cohen AD, Aizenstein HJ, Klunk WE, Christian BT, Hwang SJ, Crainiceanu CM, Tudorascu DL: A multi-scanner neuroimaging data harmonization using RAVEL and ComBat. Neuroimage 245:118703, 2021.

Karas M, Straczkiewicz M, Fadel W, Harezlak J, Crainiceanu CM, Urbanek JK: Adaptive empirical pattern transformation (ADEPT) with application to walking stride segmentation. Biostatistics 22(2):331-347, 2021.

Karas M, Urbanek JK, Illiano VP, Bogaarts G, Crainiceanu CM, Dorn JF: Estimation of free-living walking cadence from wrist-worn sensor accelerometry data and its association with SF-36 quality of life scores. Physiol Meas 42(6):065006, 2021.

Kaufman MR, Dey D, Crainiceanu C, Dredze M: #MeToo and Google inquiries into sexual violence: a hashtag campaign can sustain information seeking. J Interpers Violence 36(19-20):9857-9867, 2021.

Lambe J, Fitzgerald KC, Murphy OC, Filippatou AG, Sotirchos ES, Kalaitzidis G, Vasileiou E, Pellegrini N, Ogbuokiri E, Toliver B, Luciano NJ, Davis S, Fioravante N, Kwakyi O, Risher H, Crainiceanu CM, Prince JL, Newsome SD, Mowry EM, Saidha S, Calabresi PA: Association of spectral-domain OCT with long-term disability worsening in multiple sclerosis. Neurology 96(16):e2058-e2069, 2021.

Leroux A, Rzasa-Lynn R, Crainiceanu C, Sharma T: Wearable devices: current status and opportunities in pain assessment and management. Digit Biomark 5(1):89-102, 2021.

Leroux A, Xu S, Kundu P, Muschelli J, Smirnova E, Chatterjee N, Crainiceanu C: Quantifying the predictive performance of objectively measured physical activity on mortality in the UK Biobank. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 76(8):1486-1494, 2021.

Malone SK, Patterson F, Grunin L, Melkus GD, Riegel B, Punjabi N, Yu G, Urbanek J, Crainiceanu C, Pack A: Habitual physical activity patterns in a nationally representative sample of U.S. adults. Transl Behav Med 11(2):332-341, 2021.

Solhjoo S, Punjabi NM, Ivanescu AE, Crainiceanu C, Gaynanova I, Wicken C, Buckenmaier C 3rd, Haigney MC: Methadone destabilizes cardiac repolarization during sleep. Clin Pharmacol Ther 110(4):1066-1074, 2021.

Yu X, Hao L, Crainiceanu C, Leroux A: Occupational determinants of physical activity at work: Evidence from wearable accelerometer in 2005-2006 NHANES. SSM Popul Health 17:100989, 2021.

Benjamin-Neelon SE, Bai J, Ostbye T, Neelon B, Pate RR, Crainiceanu C: Physical activity and adiposity in a racially diverse cohort of US infants. Obesity 28(3):631-637, 2020.

Carass A, Roy S, Gherman A, Reinhold JC, Jesson A, Arbel T, Maier O, Handels H, Ghafoorian M, Platel B, Birenbaum A, Greenspan H, Pham DL, Crainiceanu CM, Calabresi PA, Prince JL, Roncal WRG, Shinohara RT, Oguz I: Evaluating white matter lesion segmentations with refined Sorensen-Dice analysis. Sci Rep 10(1):8242, 2020.

Crainiceanu CM, Crainiceanu A: The upstrap. Biostatistics 21(2):e164-e166, 2020.

Filippatou AG, Lambe J, Sotirchos ES, Fitzgerald KC, Aston A, Murphy OC, Pellegrini N, Fioravante N, Risher H, Ogbuokiri E, Kwakyi O, Toliver B, Davis S, Luciano N, Crainiceanu C, Prince JL, Mowry EM, Calabresi PA, Saidha S: Association of body mass index with longitudinal rates of retinal atrophy in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler 26(7):843-854, 2020.

Gherman A, Muschelli J, Caffo B, Crainiceanu C: Rxnat: An open-source R package for XNAT-based repositories. Front Neuroinform 14:572068, 2020.

Hannawi Y, Muschelli J, Mulder M, Sharrock M, Storm C, Leithner C, Crainiceanu CM, Stevens RD: Postcardiac arrest neurological prognostication with quantitative regional cerebral densitometry. Resuscitation 154:101-109, 2020.

Heravi AS, Etzkorn LH, Urbanek JK, Crainiceanu CM, Punjabi NM, Ashikaga H, Brown TT, Budoff MJ, D'Souza G, Magnani JW, Palella FJ Jr, Berger RD, Wu KC, Post WS: HIV infection is associated with variability in ventricular repolarization: the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS). Circulation 141(3):176-187, 2020.

Punjabi NM, Patil S, Crainiceanu C, Aurora RN: Variability and misclassification of sleep apnea severity based on multi-night testing. Chest 158(1):365-373, 2020.

Smirnova E, Leroux A, Cao Q, Tabacu L, Zipunnikov V, Crainiceanu C, Urbanek JK: The predictive performance of objective measures of physical activity derived from accelerometry data for 5-year all-cause mortality in older adults: National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey 2003-2006. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 75(9):1779-1785, 2020.

Sotirchos ES, Gonzalez-Caldito N, Dewey BE, Fitzgerald KC, Glaister J, Filippatou A, Ogbuokiri E, Feldman S, Kwakyi O, Risher H, Crainiceanu C, Pham DL, Van Zijl PC, Mowry EM, Reich DS, Prince JL, Calabresi PA, Saidha S: Effect of disease-modifying therapies on subcortical gray matter atrophy in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler 26(3):312-321, 2020.

Sotirchos ES, Gonzalez Caldito N, Filippatou A, Fitzgerald KC, Murphy OC, Lambe J, Nguyen J, Button J, Ogbuokiri E, Crainiceanu CM, Prince JL, Calabresi PA, Saidha S, International Multiple Sclerosis Visual System (IMSVISUAL) Consortium: Progressive multiple sclerosis is associated with faster and specific retinal layer atrophy. Ann Neurol 87(6):885-896, 2020.

Tabacu L, Ledbetter M, Leroux A, Crainiceanu C, Smirnova E: Quantifying the varying predictive value of physical activity measures obtained from wearable accelerometers on all-cause mortality over short to medium time horizons in NHANES 2003-2006. Sensors 21(1):E4, 2020.



Frank Curriero (go to top of document)


Moored KD, Desjardins MR, Crane BM, Donahue PT, Richards EA, Hirsch JA, Lovasi GS, Rosso AL, Garg PK, Shields TM, Curriero FC, Odden MC, Lopez OL, Biggs ML, Newman AB, Carlson MC: Neighborhood physical activity facilities predict risk of incident mixed and vascular dementia: The Cardiovascular Health Cognition Study. Alzheimers Dement 21(1):e14387, 2025.

Bellows AL, Palmer AC, Curriero F, Thorne-Lyman AL, Shamim AA, Shaikh S, Haque R, Ali H, Sugimoto JD, Christian P, West KP Jr, Labrique AB: Changes in urbanicity and household availability of and proximity to food vendors from 2004 to 2020 in a rural district of northwestern Bangladesh. Health Place 90:103374, 2024.

Brooks MM, Salvatore AL, Khanal P, Curriero FC: Mapping cumulative risk in Delaware: approach and implications for health equity. J Public Health Manag Pract 30(3):E112-E123, 2024.

Crane BM, Moored KD, Donahue PT, Corrigan AE, Curriero FC, Shields TM, Desjardins MR, Richards EA, Rosso AL, Lovasi GS, Odden MC, Lopez OL, Biggs ML, Newman AB, Andrews RM, Carlson MC: Associations between toxicity-weighted concentrations and dementia risk: Results from the Cardiovascular Health Cognition Study. Sci Total Environ 945:173706, 2024.

Desjardins MR, Davis BJK, Curriero FC: Evaluating the performance of Bayesian geostatistical prediction with physical barriers in the Chesapeake Bay. Environ Monit Assess 196(3):255, 2024.

Desjardins MR, Kanarek NF, Nelson WG, Bachman J, Curriero FC: Disparities in cancer stage outcomes by catchment areas for a comprehensive cancer center. JAMA Netw Open 7(5):e249474, 2024.

Greene E, Walcott M, Guerra L, Tieu HV, Nandi V, Soler J, Diaz J, Curriero F, Latkin C, Bosompem A, Frye V, NNHIV Study Team: Correlates of concordance between self-reported and lab-confirmed viral load among Black and Latine men who have sex with men (BLMSM) living with HIV in New York City. AIDS Care 36(5):661-671, 2024.

Kharmats AY, Corrigan AE, Curriero FC, Neff R, Caulfield L, Kennedy CE, Whitley J, Montazer JS, Hu L, Gittelsohn J: Geospatial food environment exposure and obesity among low income Baltimore City children: associations differ by data source and processing method. J Hunger Environ Nutr 19(5):694-717, 2024.

Linton SL, Corrigan AE, Sisson LN, Cooper HLF, Kramer MR, Curriero FC: Mapping gentrification, segregation, rental cost burden and sexually transmitted infections in Atlanta, Georgia, 2005-2018. Spat Spatiotemporal Epidemiol 51:100680, 2024.

Makhni MC, Curriero FC, Yeung CM, Leung E, Kvit A, Ahmad CS, Lehman RA Jr: The burden of back and neck strains and sprains in professional baseball players. Clin Spine Surg 37(7):305-309, 2024.

Siegel SD, Zhang Y, Lynch SM, Rowland J, Curriero FC: A novel approach for conducting a catchment area analysis of breast cancer by age and stage for a community cancer center. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 33(5):646-653, 2024.

Tao XG, Curriero FC, Mahesh M: Low dose radiation and solid tumors mortality risk. J Occup Environ Med 66(6):e230-e237, 2024.

Tao XG, Curriero FC, Mahesh M: Low-dose radiation risks of lymphohematopoietic cancer mortality in U.S. shipyard workers. Radiat Res 201(6):586-603, 2024.

Tieu HV, Nandi V, Diaz JE, Greene E, Walcott M, Curriero F, Desjardins MR, Wychgram C, Latkin C, Rundle AG, Frye VA, NNHIV Study Team: Neighborhoods, networks, and HIV care among men who have sex with men: proposal for a longitudinal study. JMIR Res Protoc 13:e64358, 2024.

Wychgram C, Aucott JN, Rebman AW, Curriero FC: Identifying the geographic leading edge of Lyme disease in the United States with internet searches: A spatiotemporal analysis of Google Health Trends data. PLoS One 19(11):e0312277, 2024.

Aune KT, Zaitchik BF, Curriero FC, Davis MF, Smith GS: Agreement in extreme precipitation exposure assessment is modified by race and social vulnerability. Front Epidemiol 3:1128501, 2023.

Coyle CR, Desjardins MR, Curriero FC, Rudolph J, Astemborski J, Falade-Nwulia O, Kirk GD, Thomas DL, Mehta SH, Genberg BL: Geographic variation in HCV treatment penetration among people who inject drugs in Baltimore, MD. J Viral Hepat 30(10):810-818, 2023.

Desjardins MR, Desravines N, Fader AN, Wethington SL, Curriero FC: Geographic disparities in potential accessibility to gynecologic oncologists in the United States from 2001 to 2020. Obstet Gynecol 142(3):688-697, 2023.

Freelander L, Rickless DS, Anderson C, Curriero F, Rockhill S, Mirsajedin A, Colon CJ, Lusane J, Vigo-Valentin A, Wong D: The impact of COVID-19 on healthcare coverage and access in racial and ethnic minority populations in the United States. Geospat Health 18(2), 2023.

Harfouche MN, Shields T, Curriero FC: Geospatial analysis of firearm injuries in an urban setting: Individual rather than community characteristics affect firearm injury risk. Am J Surg 225(6):1062-1068, 2023.

Hauser M, Kabuya JB, Mantus M, Kamavu LK, Sichivula JL, Matende WM, Fritschi N, Shields T, Curriero F, Kvit A, Chongwe G, Moss WJ, Ritz N, Ippolito MM: Malaria in refugee children resettled to a holoendemic area of sub-Saharan Africa. Clin Infect Dis 76(3):e1104-e1113, 2023.

Makhni MC, Curriero FC, Yeung CM, Kvit A, Ahmad CS, Lehman RA Jr.: Epidemiology of lumbar spine conditions in professional baseball players. Clin Spine Surg 36(7):E283-E287, 2023.

Siegel SD, Brooks MM, Berman JD, Lynch SM, Sims-Mourtada J, Schug ZT, Curriero FC: Neighborhood factors and triple negative breast cancer: The role of cumulative exposure to area-level risk factors. Cancer Med 12(10):11760-11772, 2023.

Brooks MM, Siegel SD, Corrigan AE, Curriero FC: Aggregated spatial intensity as a method for estimating point-level exposures within area-level units: The case of tobacco retailer exposure in census tracts. Spat Spatiotemporal Epidemiol 41:100482, 2022.

Carr JB 2nd, McElheny KD, Corrigan A, Rowe D, Ma K, Curriero FC: The most common type, severity, and expected frequency of injuries vary by defensive position in professional baseball players. Am J Sports Med 50(9):2534-2541, 2022.

Chalmers PN, Mcelheny K, D'Angelo J, Rowe D, Ma K, Curriero FC, Kvit A, Erickson BJ: Effect of weather and game factors on injury rates in professional baseball players. Am J Sports Med 50(4):1130-1136, 2022.

Francis L, Perrin N, Curriero FC, Black MM, Allen JK: Food desert status of family child care homes: relationship to young children's food quality. Int J Environ Res Public Health 19(11):6393, 2022.

Fries B, Davis BJK, Corrigan AE, DePaola A, Curriero FC: Nested spatial and temporal modeling of environmental conditions associated with genetic markers of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Washington State Pacific oysters. Front Microbiol 13:849336, 2022.

Haeberle HS, Ramkumar PN, Frantz TL, Jones GL, Curriero FC, Corrigan A, Soloff L, Schickendantz MS, Frangiamore SJ: Pectoralis muscle injuries in major and minor league baseball. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 31(8):e363-e368, 2022.

Kvik A, Rose J, Curriero FC, Crifasi CK, Pollack CE: The association between vacant housing demolition and safety and health in Baltimore, MD. Prev Med 164:107292, 2022.

Makhni MC, Curriero FC, Yeung CM, Leung E, Kvit A, Mroz T, Ahmad CS, Lehman RA Jr: Epidemiology of spine-related neurologic injuries in professional baseball players. Spine 47(6):E265-E271, 2022.

Shannon KL, Shields T, Ahmed S, Rahman H, Prue CS, Khyang J, Ram M, Haq MZ, Akter J, Alam MS, Glass GE, Nyunt MM, Sack DA, Sullivan DJ, Khan WA, Curriero FC: Temporal and spatial differences between symptomatic and asymptomatic malaria infections in the Chittagong Hill Districts, Bangladesh. Am J Trop Med Hyg 107(6):1210-1217, 2022.

Siegel SD, Brooks M, Bourke J, Curriero FC: Reducing exposure to tobacco retailers with residential zoning policy: insights from a geospatial analysis of Wilmington, Delaware. Cities Health 6(4):752-764, 2022.

Siegel SD, Brooks MM, Lynch SM, Sims-Mourtada J, Schug ZT, Curriero FC: Racial disparities in triple negative breast cancer: toward a causal architecture approach. Breast Cancer Res 24(1):37, 2022.

Siegel SD, Brooks MM, Sims-Mourtada J, Schug ZT, Leonard DJ, Petrelli N, Curriero FC: A population health assessment in a community cancer center catchment area: triple-negative breast cancer, alcohol use, and obesity in New Castle County, Delaware. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 31(1):108-116, 2022.

Tao XG, Curriero FC, Chee EM, Mahesh M: Updated standardized mortality ratio evaluation of disease risks of shipyard workers exposed to low dose ionizing radiation. J Occup Environ Med 64(4):e224-e230, 2022.

Brooks MM, Siegel SD, Curriero FC: Characterizing the spatial relationship between smoking status and tobacco retail exposure: implications for policy development and evaluation. Health Place 68:102530, 2021.

Conway JJ, Curriero FC, Camp CL, Toresdahl BG, Coleman S, Kinderknecht JJ: Time out of play due to illness in major and minor league baseball. Clin J Sport Med 31(3):e137-e143, 2021.

Curriero FC, Wychgram C, Rebman AW, Corrigan AE, Kvit A, Shields T, Aucott JN: The Lyme and Tickborne Disease Dashboard: A map-based resource to promote public health awareness and research collaboration. PLoS One 16(12):e0260122, 2021.

Davis BJK, Corrigan AE, Sun Z, Atherly E, DePaola A, Curriero FC: A case-control analysis of traceback investigations for Vibrio parahaemolyticus infections (vibriosis) and pre-harvest environmental conditions in Washington State, 2013-2018. Sci Total Environ 752:141650, 2021.

Fakunle DO, Curriero FC, Leaf PJ, Furr-Holden DM, Thorpe RJ: Black, white, or green? The effects of racial composition and socioeconomic status on neighborhood-level tobacco outlet density. Ethn Health 26(7):1012-1027, 2021.

Fletcher KM, Espey J, Grossman MK, Sharpe JD, Curriero FC, Wilt GE, Sunshine G, Moreland A, Howard-Williams M, Ramos JG, Giuffrida D, Garcia MC, Hartnett WM, Foster S: Social vulnerability and county stay-at-home behavior during COVID-19 stay-at-home orders, United States, April 7-April 20, 2020. Ann Epidemiol 64:76-82, 2021.

Frantz T, Ramkumar PN, Frangiamore S, Jones G, Soloff L, Kvit A, Curriero FC, Schickendantz M: Epidemiology of acromioclavicular joint injuries in professional baseball: analysis from the Major League Baseball Health and Injury Tracking System. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 30(1):127-133, 2021.

Green G, Pollack Porter KM, Kvit A, Conte S, D'Angelo J, Valadka A, Curriero FC: Examining batting performance after a sports-related concussion among Major League Baseball position players. Am J Sports Med 49(3):790-797, 2021.

Green GA, Porter KP, Conte S, Valadka AB, Soloff L, Curriero FC: Preventing concussions from foul tips and backswings in professional baseball: catchers' perceptions of and experiences with conventional and hockey-style masks. Clin J Sport Med 31(1):e1-e7, 2021.

Guemes A, Ray S, Aboumerhi K, Desjardins MR, Kvit A, Corrigan AE, Fries B, Shields T, Stevens RD, Curriero FC, Etienne-Cummings R: A syndromic surveillance tool to detect anomalous clusters of COVID-19 symptoms in the United States. Sci Rep 11(1):4660, 2021.

Siegel SD, Brooks M, Curriero FC: Operationalizing the population health framework: clinical characteristics, social context, and the built environment. Popul Health Manag 24(4):454-462, 2021.

Siegel SD, Brooks M, Ragozine-Bush HE, Schnoll RA, Curriero FC: The co-occurrence of smoking and alcohol use disorder in a hospital-based population: Applying a multimorbidity framework using geographic information system methods. Addict Behav 118:106883, 2021.

Bhondoekhan FRP, Searle KM, Hamapumbu H, Lubinda M, Matoba J, Musonda M, Katowa B, Shields TM, Kobayashi T, Norris DE, Curriero FC, Stevenson JC, Thuma PE, Moss WJ, Southern and Central Africa International Centers of Excellence for Malaria Research: Improving the efficiency of reactive case detection for malaria elimination in southern Zambia: a cross-sectional study. Malar J 19(1):175, 2020.

Hultman K, Szukics PF, Grzenda A, Curriero FC, Cohen SB: Gastrocnemius injuries in professional baseball players: an epidemiological study. Am J Sports Med 48(10):2489-2498, 2020.

Johnson KA, Jones-Smith J, Curriero FC, Cheskin LJ, Benjamin-Neelon SE, Perin J, Caicedo MR, Thornton RLJ: Low-income black and Hispanic children's neighborhood food environments and weight trajectories in early childhood. Acad Pediatr 20(6):784-792, 2020.

Rubenstein WJ, Allahabadi S, Curriero F, Feeley BT, Lansdown DA: Fracture epidemiology in professional baseball from 2011 to 2017. Orthop J Sports Med 8(8):2325967120943161, 2020.

Spaur M, Davis BJK, Kivitz S, DePaola A, Bowers JC, Curriero FC, Nachman KE: A systematic review of post-harvest interventions for Vibrio parahaemolyticus in raw oysters. Sci Total Environ 745:140795, 2020.

Stojan G, Kvit A, Curriero FC, Petri M: A spatiotemporal analysis of organ-specific lupus flares in relation to atmospheric variables and fine particulate matter pollution. Arthritis Rheumatol 72(7):1134-1142, 2020.

Tieu HV, Koblin BA, Latkin C, Curriero FC, Greene ER, Rundle A, Frye V: Neighborhood and network characteristics and the HIV care continuum among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. J Urban Health 97(5):592-608, 2020.




Abhirup Datta   (go to top of document)


Bonas M, Datta A, Wikle CK, Boone EL, Alamri FS, Hari BV, Kavila I, Simmons SJ, Jarvis SM, Burr WS, Pagendam DE, Chang W, Castruccio S: Assessing predictability of environmental time series with statistical and machine learning models. Environmetrics 36(1),e2864, 2025.

Dey D, Banerjee S, Lindquist MA, Datta A: Graph-constrained analysis for multivariate functional data. J Multivar Anal 207:105428, 2025.

Heffernan C, Koehler K, Zamora ML, Buehler C, Gentner DR, Peng RD, Datta A: A causal machine-learning framework for studying policy impact on air pollution: a case study in COVID-19 lockdowns. Am J Epidemiol 194(1):185-194, 2025.

Gilbert B, Datta A: Visibility graph-based covariance functions for scalable spatial analysis in non-convex partially Euclidean domains. Biometrics 80(3):ujae089, 2024.

Rosenblum M, Chin ET, Ogburn EL, Nishimura A, Westreich D, Datta A, et al: Misuse of statistical method results in highly biased interpretation of forensic evidence in Guyll et al. Law Prob Risk 23(1):mgad010, 2024.

Rosenblum M, Chin ET, Ogburn EL, Nishimura A, Westreich D, Datta A, et al: Incorrect statistical reasoning in Guyll et al leads to biased claims about strength of forensic evidence. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 121(45):e2315431121, 2024.

Tang B, Pramanik S, Zhao Y, Caffo B, Datta A: Direct Bayesian linear regression for distribution-valued covariates. Electron J Stat 18(2): 3327-3375, 2024.

Wang G, Datta A, Lindquist MA: Improved fMRI-based pain prediction using Bayesian group-wise functional registration. Biostatistics 25(3):885-903, 2024.

Dey D, Datta A, Banerjee S: Modeling multivariate spatial dependencies using graphical models. N Engl J Stat Data Sci 1(2):283-295, 2023.

Fiksel J, Gilbert B, Wilson E, Kalter H, Kante A, Akum A, Blau D, Bassat Q, Macicame I, Samo Gudo E, Black R, Zeger S, Amouzou A, Datta A: Correcting for verbal autopsy misclassification bias in cause-specific mortality estimates. Am J Trop Med Hyg 108(5_Suppl):66-77, 2023.

Gilbert B, Fiksel J, Wilson E, Kalter H, Kante A, Akum A, Blau D, Bassat Q, Macicame I, Samo Gudo E, Black R, Zeger S, Amouzou A, Datta A: Multi-cause calibration of verbal autopsy-based cause-specific mortality estimates of children and neonates in Mozambique. Am J Trop Med Hyg 108(5_Suppl):78-89, 2023.

Heffernan C, Peng R, Gentner DR, Koehler K, Datta A: A dynamic spatial filtering approach to mitigate underestimation bias in field calibrated low-cost sensor air pollution data. Ann Appl Stat 17(4): 3056-3087, 2023.

Koehler K, Wilks M, Green T, Rule AM, Zamora ML, Buehler C, Datta A, Gentner DR, Putcha N, Hansel NN, Kirk GD, Raju S, McCormack M: Evaluation of calibration approaches for indoor deployments of PurpleAir monitors. Atmos Environ 310:119944, 2023.

Lin JJY, Buehler C, Datta A, Gentner DR, Koehler K, Zamora ML: Laboratory and field evaluation of a low-cost methane sensor and key environmental factors for sensor calibration. Environ Sci Atmos 3(4):683-694, 2023.

Macicame I, Kante AM, Wilson E, Gilbert B, Koffi A, Nhachungue S, Monjane C, Duce P, Adriano A, Chicumbe S, Jani I, Kalter HD, Datta A, Zeger S, Black RE, Gudo ES, Amouzou A, COMSA-Mozambique Study Team: Countrywide mortality surveillance for action in Mozambique: results from a national sample-based vital statistics system for mortality and cause of death. Am J Trop Med Hyg 108(5_Suppl):5-16, 2023.

Saha A, Basu S, Datta A: Random forests for spatially dependent data. JASA 118(541):665-683, 2023.

Weber LM, Saha A, Datta A, Hansen KD, Hicks SC: nnSVG for the scalable identification of spatially variable genes using nearest-neighbor Gaussian processes. Nat Commun 14(1):4059, 2023.

Wikle CK, Datta A, Vyasa Hari B, Boone EL, Sahoo I, Kavila I, Castruccio S, Simmons SJ, Burr WS, Chang W: An illustration of model agnostic explainability methods applied to environmental data. Environmetrics 34(1):e2772, 2023.

Zamora ML, Buehler C, Datta A, Gentner DR, Koehler K: Identifying optimal co-location calibration periods for low-cost sensors. Atmos Meas Tech 16(1):169-179, 2023.

Datta A: Nearest-neighbor sparse Cholesky matrices in spatial statistics. WIREs Comp Stat 14(5):e1574, 2022.

Dey D, Datta A, Banerjee S: Graphical Gaussian process models for highly multivariate spatial data. Biometrika 109(4):993-1014, 2022.

Fiksel J, Datta A, Amouzou A, Zeger S: Generalized Bayes quantification learning under dataset shift. JASA 117(540):2163-2181, 2022.

Fiksel J, Zeger S, Datta A: A transformation-free linear regression for compositional outcomes and predictors. Biometrics 78(3):974-987, 2022.

Finley AO, Datta A, Banerjee S: spNNGP R package for nearest neighbor Gaussian process models. J Stat Softw 103(5):1-40, 2022.

Gao L, Datta A, Banerjee S: Hierarchical multivariate directed acyclic graph autoregressive models for spatial diseases mapping. Stat Med 41(16):3057-3075, 2022.

Patton A, Datta A, Zamora ML, Buehler C, Xiong F, Gentner DR, Koehler K: Non-linear probabilistic calibration of low-cost environmental air pollution sensor networks for neighborhood level spatiotemporal exposure assessment. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 32(6):908-916, 2022.

Saha A, Datta A, Banerjee S: Scalable predictions for spatial probit linear mixed models using nearest neighbor Gaussian processes. J Data Sci 20(4): 533-544, 2022.

Seal S, Datta A, Basu S: Efficient estimation of SNP heritability using Gaussian predictive process in large scale cohort studies. PLoS Genet 8(4):e1010151, 2022.

Wang G, Datta A, Lindquist MA: Bayesian functional registration of fMRI activation maps. Ann Appl Stat 16 (3), 1676-1699, 2022.

Zamora ML, Buehler C, Lei H, Datta A, Xiong F, Gentner DR, Koehler K: Evaluating the performance of using low-cost sensors to calibrate for cross-sensitivities in a multipollutant network. ACS ES&T Engineering 2(5):780-793, 2022.

Datta A, Fiksel J, Amouzou A, Zeger SL: Regularized Bayesian transfer learning for population-level etiological distributions. Biostatistics 22(4):836-857, 2021.

Datta A, Pita A, Rao A, Sithole B, Mnisi Z, Baral S: Size estimation of key populations in the HIV epidemic in eSwatini using incomplete and misaligned capture-recapture data. Ann Appl Stat 14(3):1207-1241, 2020.

Datta A, Saha A, Zamora ML, Buehler C, Hao L, Xiong F, Gentner DR, Koehler K: Statistical field calibration of a low-cost PM 2.5 monitoring network in Baltimore. Atmos Environ 242:117761, 2020.



Marie Diener-West   (go to top of document)


Repka MX, Dean TW, Kraker RT, Li Z, ..., Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group (includes Diener-West M): Visual acuity and ophthalmic outcomes 5 years after cataract surgery among children younger than 13 years. JAMA Ophthalmol 140(3):269-276, 2025.

Donahue SP, Chandler DL, Wu R, Marsh JD, Law C, Areaux RG Jr, Ghasia FF, Li Z, Kraker RT, Cotter SA, Holmes JM, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group (includes Diener-West M): Eight-year outcomes of bilateral lateral rectus recessions versus unilateral recession-resection in childhood basic-type intermittent exotropia. Ophthalmology 131(1):98-106, 2024.

Morrison AM, Kulp MT, Cotter SA, ..., Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial-Attention and Reading (CITTART) Investigator Group (includes Diener-West M): One-year follow-up of clinical convergence measures in children enrolled in the Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial-Attention and Reading Trial. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 44(7):1346-1353, 2024.

Wang S, Repka MX, Sutherland DR, Hatt SR, Traboulsi EI, Lambert SR, Melia BM, Kraker RT, Holmes JM, Cotter SA, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group (includes Diener-West M): Complications, visual acuity, and refractive error 3 years after secondary intraocular lens implantation for pediatric aphakia. Ophthalmology 131(10):1196-1206, 2024.

Writing Committee for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group (includes Diener-West M), Chen AM, Erzurum SA, et al: Refractive error change and overminus lens therapy for childhood intermittent exotropia. JAMA Ophthalmol 142(5):417-428, 2024.

Bothun ED, Repka MX, Kraker RT, Wu R, Leske DA, Hatt SR, Li Z, Freedman SF, Astle WF, Cotter SA, Holmes JM, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group (includes Diener-West M): Incidence of glaucoma-related adverse events in the first 5 years after pediatric lensectomy. JAMA Ophthalmol 141(4):324-331, 2023.

Jenewein EC, Cotter S, Roberts T, Kulp M, Mitchell GL, Jones-Jordan LA, Chen AM, Hopkins K, Huang K, Amster D, Fecho G, Tyler J, Meiyeppen S, Scheiman M, Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial-Attention and Reading Trial (CITT-ART) Investigator Group (includes Diener-West M): Vergence/accommodative therapy for symptomatic convergence insufficiency in children: time course of improvements in convergence function. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 43(1):105-115, 2023.

Ng JH, Yang W, Dember LM, HFM Study Group (includes Diener-West M): Performance characteristics of candidate criteria for hemodialysis arteriovenous fistula maturation. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 18(10):1321-1332, 2023.

Periyakoil D, Periyakoil P, Tee CA, Spanos CJ, Diener-West M, Tee M, Prata N: Are there differences between the stress responses of Philippine men and women to the COVID-19 pandemic? Int J Environ Res Public Health 20(3):2326, 2023.

Repka MX, Weise KK, Chandler DL, Wu R, Melia BM, Manny RE, Kehler LAF, Jordan CO, Raghuram A, Summers AI, Lee KA, Petersen DB, Erzurum SA, Pang Y, Lenhart PD, Ticho BH, Beck RW, Kraker RT, Holmes JM, Cotter SA, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group (includes Diener-West M): Low-dose 0.01% atropine eye drops vs placebo for myopia control: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Ophthalmol 141(8):756-765, 2023.

Yen KG, Repka MX, Sutherland DR, Haider KM, Hatt SR, Kraker RT, Galvin JA, Li Z, Cotter SA, Holmes JM, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group (includes Diener-West M): Complications occurring through 5 years following primary intraocular lens implantation for pediatric cataract. JAMA Ophthalmol 141(8):705-714, 2023.

Coffman VR, Hall DJ, Pisanic N, Wiesner-Friedman C, Rogers S, Rule A, McCormack M, Diener-West M, Davis MF, Heaney CD: Assessing residential exposure to microbes from industrial hog operations in rural North Carolina: methods and lessons learned. Prog Community Health Partnersh 16(1):61-72, 2022.

Freedman SF, Hercinovic A, Wallace DK, Kraker RT, Li Z, Bhatt AR, Boente CS, Crouch ER, Hubbard GB, Rogers DL, VanderVeen D, Yang MB, Cheung NL, Cotter SA, Holmes JM, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group (includes Diener-West M): Low- and very low-dose bevacizumab for retinopathy of prematurity: reactivations, additional treatments, and 12-month outcomes. Ophthalmology 129(10):1120-1128, 2022.

Kulp MT, Sinnott LT, Cotter SA, Borsting E, Toole AJ, Chen AM, Jenewein EC, Morrison AM, Plaumann MD, Jones-Jordan L, Mitchell GL, Tea YC, Scheiman MM, Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial (CITT) Investigator Group, Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial - Attention, Reading Trial (CITT-ART) Investigator Group (includes Diener-West M): Does coexisting accommodative dysfunction impact clinical convergence measures, symptoms and treatment success for symptomatic convergence insufficiency in children? Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 42(1):59-70, 2022.

Li Y, He Y, Falzon I, Fairbourn B, Tingey S, Imrey PB, Radeva MK, Beck GJ, Gassman JJ, Roy-Chaudhury P, Berceli SA, Cheung AK, Shiu YT, Hemodialysis Fistula Maturation Study (includes Diener-West M): Dynamic remodeling of human arteriovenous fistula wall obtained from magnetic resonance imaging during the first 6 months after creation. Kidney Int Rep 7(8):1905-1909, 2022.

Pineles SL, Henderson RJ, Repka MX, ..., Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group (includes Diener-West M): The Pediatric Optic Neuritis Prospective Outcomes Study: Two-year results. Ophthalmology 129(8):856-864, 2022.

Repka MX, Dean TW, Kraker RT, ..., Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group (includes Diener-West M): Visual acuity and ophthalmic outcomes 5 years after cataract surgery among children younger than 13 years. JAMA Ophthalmol 140(3):269-276, 2022.

Zia N, Bachani AM, Kajungu D, Galiwango E, Loeb M, Diener-West M, Wegener S, Pariyo G, Hyder AA: Understanding child disability: Factors associated with child disability at the Iganga-Mayuge Health and Demographic Surveillance Site in Uganda. PLoS One 17(4):e0267182, 2022.

Chen AM, Roberts TL, Cotter SA, Kulp MT, Sinnott LT, Borsting EJ, Tea YC, Jones-Jordan LA, Hertle R, Mitchell GL, Eugene Arnold L, Chase C, Scheiman MM, Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial - Attention and Reading Trial (CITT-ART) Investigator Group (includes Diener-West M): Effectiveness of vergence/accommodative therapy for accommodative dysfunction in children with convergence insufficiency. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 41(1):21-32, 2021.

Coffman VR, Hall DJ, Pisanic N, Love DC, Nadimpalli M, McCormack M, Diener-West M, Davis MF, Heaney CD: Self-reported work activities, eye, nose, and throat symptoms, and respiratory health outcomes among an industrial hog operation worker cohort, North Carolina, USA. Am J Ind Med 64(5):403-413, 2021.

Coffman VR, Hall DJ, Pisanic N, Nadimpalli M, McCormack M, Diener-West M, Davis MF, Heaney CD: Personal protective equipment use during industrial hog operation work activities and acute lung function changes in a prospective worker cohort, North Carolina 2014-2015. Am J Ind Med 64(8):688-698, 2021.

Kraker RT, Wallace DK, Beck RW, Saunders CT, Lorenzi E, Melia BM, Li Z, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group (includes Diener-West M): Choice of dose level for a randomized clinical trial of low-dose bevacizumab vs laser for type 1 retinopathy of prematurity. JAMA Ophthalmol 139(10):1143-1144, 2021.

Oh J, Chen M, Cybulsky K, Suthiphosuwan S, Seyman E, Dewey B, Diener-West M, van Zijl P, Prince J, Reich DS, Calabresi PA: Five-year longitudinal changes in quantitative spinal cord MRI in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler 27(4):549-558, 2021.

Writing Committee for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group (PEDIG) (includes Diener-West M), Bothun ED, Repka MX, Dean TW, Gray ME, Lenhart PD, Li Z, Morrison DG, Wallace DK, Kraker RT, Cotter SA, Holmes JM: Visual outcomes and complications after lensectomy for traumatic cataract in children. JAMA Ophthalmol 139(6):647-653, 2021.

Zia N, Bachani AM, Kajungu D, Galiwango E, Loeb M, Diener-West M, Wegener S, Pariyo G, Hyder AA: Measuring child functioning: Assessing correlation and agreement between caregiver and child responses at the Iganga-Mayuge health and demographic surveillance site in Uganda. Disabil Health J 14(2):101022, 2021.

McAdams-DeMarco MA, Chu NM, Steckel M, Kunwar S, Gonzalez Fernandez M, Carlson MC, Fine DM, Appel LJ, Diener-West M, Segev DL: Interventions Made to Preserve Cognitive Function Trial (IMPCT) study protocol: a multi-dialysis center 2x2 factorial randomized controlled trial of intradialytic cognitive and exercise training to preserve cognitive function. BMC Nephrol 21(1):383, 2020.

Zia N, Loeb M, Kajungu D, Galiwango E, Diener-West M, Wegener S, Pariyo G, Hyder AA, Bachani AM: Adaptation and validation of UNICEF/Washington group child functioning module at the Iganga-Mayuge health and demographic surveillance site in Uganda. BMC Public Health 20(1):1334, 2020.



Lacey Etzkorn (go to top of document)


Davoudi A, Urbanek JK, Etzkorn L, Parikh R, Soliman EZ, Wanigatunga AA, Gabriel KP, Coresh J, Schrack JA, Chen LY: Validation of a Zio XT Patch accelerometer for the objective assessment of physical activity in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study. Sensors 24(3):761, 2024.

Etzkorn LH, Heravi AS, Knuth ND, Wu KC, Post WS, Urbanek JK, Crainiceanu CM: Classification of free-living body posture with ECG patch accelerometers: application to the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study. Stat Biosci 16:25-44, 2024.

Etzkorn LH, Le Coent Q, van den Boogaard M, Rondeau V, Colantuoni E: A joint frailty model for recurrent and competing terminal events: application to delirium in the ICU. Stat Med 43(12):2389-2402, 2024.

Marino FR, Wu HT, Etzkorn L, Rooney MR, Soliman EZ, Deal JA, Crainiceanu C, Spira AP, Wanigatunga AA, Schrack JA, Chen LY: Associations of physical activity and heart rate variability from a two-week ECG monitor with cognitive function and dementia: The ARIC Neurocognitive Study. Sensors 24(13):4060, 2024.

Dougherty RJ, Liu F, Etzkorn L, Wanigatunga AA, Walter PJ, Knuth ND, Schrack JA, Ferrucci L: Validation of accelerometer placement to capture energy expenditure using doubly labeled water. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 47(10):1045-1049, 2022.

Etzkorn LH, Liu F, Urbanek JK, Heravi AS, Magnani JW, Plankey MW, Margolich JB, Witt MD, Palella FJ Jr, Haberlen SA, Wu KC, Post WS, Schrack JA, Crainiceanu CM: Patterns of objectively measured physical activity differ between men living with and without HIVAIDS 36(11):1553-1562, 2022.

Wesner E, Etzkorn L, Bakre S, Chen J, Davis A, Zhang Y, Yasar S, Rao A, Luciano M, Wang J, Moghekar A: The clinical utility of the MOCA in iNPH assessmentFront Neurol 13:887669, 2022.

Heravi AS, Etzkorn LH, Urbanek JK, Crainiceanu CM, Punjabi NM, Ashikaga H, Brown TT, Budoff MJ, D'Souza G, Magnani JW, Palella FJ Jr, Berger RD, Wu KC, Post WS: HIV infection is associated with variability in ventricular repolarization: the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS)Circulation 141(3):176-187, 2020.




Constantine Frangakis    (go to top of document)


Alexandris AS, Rafaels K, Horsmon M, Wozniak S, Belamarich J, Flores P, Frangakis CE, Ryu J, Iacono D, Perl D, Koliatsos VE: Diffuse axonal and vascular pathology in the gyrencephalic brain after high-energy blunt injury: clinicopathological correlations involving the brainstem. J Neurotrauma 42(5-6):417-436, 2025.

Chen JS, Hutton HE, Tran HV, Quang VN, Nguyen MX, Sripaipan T, Dowdy DW, Latkin CA, Chander G, Frangakis C, Go VF: Efficacy of two evidence-based alcohol consumption interventions on positive, negative, and neutral days among hazardous alcohol users living with HIV in Vietnam. AIDS Behav 28(2):421-428, 2024.

Chen JS, Chander G, Tran HV, Sripaipan T, Hoa NTK, Miller WC, Latkin CA, Dowdy DW, Hutton HE, Frangakis C, Go VF: Phosphatidylethanol and self-reported alcohol consumption among people living with HIV in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam. Alcohol 47(6):1100-1108, 2023.

Nguyen MX, Reyes HL, Pence BW, Muessig KE, Hutton H, Latkin CA, Dowdy D, Chander G, Lancaster KE, Frangakis C, Sripaipan T, Tran HV, Go VF: Alcohol use as a mediator of the effect of two alcohol reduction interventions on mental health symptoms of ART clients in Vietnam. AIDS Care 35(11):1691-1699, 2023.

Nguyen MX, Zimmer C, Latkin CA, Lancaster KE, Dowdy DW, Hutton H, Chander G, Frangakis C, Gaynes BN, Sripaipan T, Tran HV, Go VF: Validation of the combined Patient Health Questionnaire Anxiety and Depression Scale among people with HIV in Vietnam. Int J STD AIDS 34(12):832-840, 2023.

Smith MK, Latkin CA, Hutton HE, Chander G, Enns EA, Ha TV, Frangakis C, Sripaipan T, Go VF: Longitudinal trajectories of alcohol use in Vietnamese adults with hazardous alcohol use and HIV. AIDS Behav 27(6):1972-1980, 2023.

Tao Y, Afthinos A, Gallegos J, Herrmann O, Frangakis C, Tsapkini K: Transcranial direct current stimulation to the left angular gyrus improves verbal learning in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: a case report. Brain Stimul 16(5):1458-1460, 2023.

Wang Z, Ficek BN, Webster KT, Herrmann O, Frangakis CE, Desmond JE, Onyike CU, Caffo B, Hillis AE, Tsapkini K: Specificity in generalization effects of transcranial direct current stimulation over the left inferior frontal gyrus in primary progressive aphasia. Neuromodulation 26(4):850-860, 2023.

Alexandris AS, Wang Y, Frangakis CE, Lee Y, Ryu J, Alam Z, Koliatsos VE: Long-term changes in axon calibers after injury: observations on the mouse corticospinal tract. Int J Mol Sci 23(13):7391, 2022.

Frangakis C, Kohler B, Georgiades CS: CT-guided celiac ganglion block for neurogenic gastrointestinal dysmotility. J Vasc Interv Radiol 33(12):1492-1499, 2022.

Herrmann O, Ficek B, Webster KT, Frangakis C, Spira AP, Tsapkini K: Sleep as a predictor of tDCS and language therapy outcomes. Sleep 45(3):zsab275, 2022.

Nguyen MX, Hershow RB, Blackburn NA, Bui QX, Latkin CA, Hutton H, Chander G, Dowdy D, Lancaster KE, Frangakis C, Sripaipan T, Tran HV, Go VF: "I refused to drink but they still forced me": A mixed-methods approach to understanding the pathways to reduce alcohol use among Vietnamese people with HIV. Soc Sci Med 301:114902, 2022.

Nguyen MX, Reyes HL, Pence BW, Muessig KE, Hutton HE, Latkin CA, Dowdy D, Chander G, Lancaster KE, Frangakis C, Sripaipan T, Tran HV, Go VF: Effects of two alcohol reduction interventions on depression and anxiety symptoms of ART clients in Vietnam. AIDS Behav 26(6):1829-1840, 2022.

Blackburn NA, Go VF, Bui Q, Hutton H, Tampi RP, Sripaipan T, Ha TV, Latkin CA, Golden S, Golin C, Chander G, Frangakis C, Gottfredson N, Dowdy DW: The cost-effectiveness of adapting and implementing a brief intervention to target frequent alcohol use among persons with HIV in Vietnam. AIDS Behav 25(7):2108-2119, 2021.

Frangakis C, Sohn JH, Bas A, Chapiro J, Schernthaner RE, Lin M, Hamilton JP, Pawlik TM, Hong K, Duran R: Longitudinal analysis of the effect of repeated transarterial chemoembolization for liver cancer on portal venous pressure. Front Oncol 11:639235, 2021.

Hershow RB, Reyes HLMN, Ha TV, Chander G, Mai NVT, Sripaipan T, Dowdy DW, Latkin C, Hutton HE, Pettifor A, Maman S, Frangakis C, Go VF: Evaluating the effects of two alcohol reduction counseling interventions on intimate partner violence perpetration: secondary analysis of a three-arm randomized controlled trial among Vietnamese men with HIV. Addiction 116(10):2712-2723, 2021.

Kolarich A, Frangakis C, Yarchoan M, Hong K, Georgiades C: Transarterial chemoembolization in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma with intra-atrial tumor extension: imaging response and oncologic outcomes. J Vasc Interv Radiol 32(8):1203-1208, 2021.

Nguyen MX, McNaughton Reyes HL, Pence BW, Muessig K, Hutton HE, Latkin CA, Dowdy D, Chander G, Lancaster KE, Frangakis C, Sripaipan T, Ha Tran V, Go VF: The longitudinal association between depression, anxiety symptoms and HIV outcomes, and the modifying effect of alcohol dependence among ART clients with hazardous alcohol use in Vietnam. J Int AIDS Soc 24 Suppl 2:e25746, 2021.

Riello M, Frangakis CE, Ficek B, Webster KT, Desmond JE, Faria AV, Hillis AE, Tsapkini K: Neural correlates of letter and semantic fluency in primary progressive aphasia. Brain Sci 12(1):1, 2021.

Zhao Y, Ficek B, Webster K, Frangakis C, Caffo B, Hillis AE, Faria A, Tsapkini K: White matter integrity predicts electrical stimulation (tDCS) and language therapy effects in primary progressive aphasia. Neurorehabil Neural Repair 35(1):44-57, 2021.

Blackburn NA, Go VF, Bui Q, Hutton H, Tampi RP, Sripaipan T, Ha TV, Latkin C, Golden S, Golin C, Chander G, Frangakis C, Gottfredson N, Dowdy DW: Implementation of two alcohol reduction interventions among persons with hazardous alcohol use who are living with HIV in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam: a micro-costing analysis. Glob Health Action 13(1):1814035, 2020.

de Aguiar V, Zhao Y, Faria A, Ficek B, Webster KT, Wendt H, Wang Z, Hillis AE, Onyike CU, Frangakis C, Caffo B, Tsapkini K: Brain volumes as predictors of tDCS effects in primary progressive aphasia. Brain Lang 200:104707, 2020.

Frangakis CE: The method of envelopes to concisely calculate semiparametric efficient scores under parametric restrictions. Int J Biostat 17(1):1-5, 2020.

Go VF, Hutton HE, Ha TV, Chander G, Latkin CA, Mai NVT, Quynh BX, Nguyen V, Sripaipan T, Lancaster KE, Blackburn N, Hershow RB, Dowdy DW, Frangakis C: Effect of 2 integrated interventions on alcohol abstinence and viral suppression among Vietnamese adults with hazardous alcohol use and HIV: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Netw Open 3(9):e2017115, 2020.

Hershow RB, Ha TV, Sripaipan T, Latkin C, Hutton HE, Chander G, Bui Q, Nguyen VQ, Frangakis C, Go VF: Perpetration of intimate partner violence among men living with HIV in northern Vietnam. AIDS Behav 24(9):2555-2571, 2020.

Hershow RB, Reyes HLM, Ha TV, Chander G, Mai NVT, Sripaipan T, Frangakis C, Dowdy DW, Latkin C, Hutton HE, Pettifor A, Maman S, Go VF: Alcohol use, depressive symptoms, and intimate partner violence perpetration: a longitudinal analysis among men with HIV in northern Vietnam. PLoS One 15(10):e0240674, 2020.

Lancaster KE, Hetrick A, Sripaipan T, Ha TV, Hutton HE, Chander G, Latkin CA, Dowdy D, Frangakis C, Quynh BX, Go VF: Alcohol abstinence stigma and alcohol use among HIV patients in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam. PLoS One 15(9):e0239330, 2020.

Morkos J, Porosnicu Rodriguez KA, Zhou A, Kolarich AR, Frangakis C, Rodriguez R, Georgiades CS: Percutaneous cryoablation for Stage 1 renal cell carcinoma: outcomes from a 10-year prospective study and comparison with matched cohorts from the National Cancer Database. Radiology 296(2):452-459, 2020.

Nguyen MX, Dowdy D, Latkin CA, Hutton HE, Chander G, Frangakis C, Lancaster KE, Sripaipan T, Bui QX, Tran HV, Go VF: Social support modifies the association between hazardous drinking and depression symptoms among ART clients in Vietnam. Drug Alcohol Depend 215:108249, 2020.

Qian T, Frangakis C, Yiannoutsos C: Double-sampling designs with application to PEPFAR. Stat Biosci 12(3):417-445, 2020.




Adrian Gherman (go to top of document)


Carass A, Roy S, Gherman A, Reinhold JC, Jesson A, Arbel T, Maier O, Handels H, Ghafoorian M, Platel B, Birenbaum A, Greenspan H, Pham DL, Crainiceanu CM, Calabresi PA, Prince JL, Roncal WRG, Shinohara RT, Oguz I: Evaluating white matter lesion segmentations with refined Sorensen-Dice analysis. Sci Rep 10(1):8242, 2020.

Gherman A, Muschelli J, Caffo B, Crainiceanu C: Rxnat: An open-source R package for XNAT-based repositories. Front Neuroinform 14:572068, 2020.




Andre Hackman   (go to top of document)


Ippolito MM, Gebhardt ME, Ferriss E, ..., Hackman A, et al: Scientific findings of the Southern and Central Africa International Center of Excellence for Malaria Research: Ten years of malaria control impact assessments in hypo-, meso-, and holoendemic transmission zones in Zambia and Zimbabwe. Am J Trop Med Hyg 107(4_Suppl):55-67, 2022.

Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium (METRC) (includes Hackman A): Effect of supplemental perioperative oxygen on SSI among adults with lower-extremity fractures at increased risk for infection: a randomized clinical trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am 104(14):1236-1243, 2022.

Wesolowski A, Ippolito MM, Gebhardt ME, ..., Hackman A, et al: Policy implications of the Southern and Central Africa International Center of Excellence for Malaria Research: Ten years of malaria control impact assessments in hypo-, meso-, and holoendemic transmission zones in Zambia and Zimbabwe. Am J Trop Med Hyg 107(4_Suppl):68-74, 2022.



Kasper Hansen   (go to top of document)


Boukas L, Luperchio TR, Razi A, Hansen KD, Bjornsson HT: Neuron-specific chromatin disruption at CpG islands and aging-related regions in Kabuki syndrome mice. Genome Res 34(5):696-710, 2024.

Fletez-Brant K, Qiu Y, Gorkin DU, Hu M, Hansen KD: Removing unwanted variation between samples in Hi-C experiments. Brief Bioinform 25(3):bbae217, 2024.

Gao CW, Lin W, Riddle RC, Chopra S, Kim J, Boukas L, Hansen KD, Bjornsson HT, Fahrner JA: Growth deficiency in a mouse model of Kabuki syndrome 2 bears mechanistic similarities to Kabuki syndrome 1. PLoS Genet 20(6):e1011310, 2024.

Gao CW, Lin WY, Riddle RC, Kushwaha P, Boukas L, Bjornsson HT, Hansen KD, Fahnrner JA: A mouse model of Weaver syndrome displays overgrowth and excess osteogenesis reversible with KDM6A/6B inhibition. JCI Insight 9(1):e173392, 2024.

Kuo A, Hansen KD, Hicks SC: Quantification and statistical modeling of droplet-based single-nucleus RNA-sequencing data. Biostatistics 25(3):801-817, 2024.

Majumder MA, Leek JT, Hansen KD, Razi A, McGuire AL: Large-scale genotype prediction from RNA sequence data necessitates a new ethical and policy framework. Nat Genet 56(8):1537-1540, 2024.

Lo EKW, Mears BM, Maurer HC, Idrizi A, Hansen KD, Thompson ED, Hruban RH, Olive KP, Feinberg AP: Comprehensive DNA methylation analysis indicates that pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia lesions are acinar-derived and epigenetically primed for carcinogenesis. Cancer Res 83(11):1905-1916, 2023.

Maden SK, Walsh B, Ellrott K, Hansen KD, Thompson RF, Nellore A: recountmethylation enables flexible analysis of public blood DNA methylation array data. Bioinform Adv 3(1):vbad020, 2023.

Morin A, Thompson EE, Helling BA, Shorey-Kendrick LE, ..., Hansen K, et al: A functional genomics pipeline to identify high-value asthma and allergy CpGs in the human methylome. J Allergy Clin Immunol 151(6):1609-1621, 2023.

Weber LM, Saha A, Datta A, Hansen KD, Hicks SC: nnSVG for the scalable identification of spatially variable genes using nearest-neighbor Gaussian processes. Nat Commun 14(1):4059, 2023.

Wulfridge P, Davidovich A, Salvador AC, Manno GC, Tryggvadottir R, Idrizi A, Huda MN, Bennett BJ, Adams LG, Hansen KD, Threadgill DW, Feinberg AP: Precision pharmacological reversal of strain-specific diet-induced metabolic syndrome in mice informed by epigenetic and transcriptional regulation. PLoS Genet 19(10):e1010997, 2023.

Zheng SC, Stein-O'Brien G, Boukas L, Goff LA, Hansen KD: Pumping the brakes on RNA velocity by understanding and interpreting RNA velocity estimates. Genome Biol 24(1):246, 2023.

Arneson A, Haghani A, Thompson MJ, Pellegrini M, Kwon SB, Vu H, Maciejewski E, Yao M, Li CZ, Lu AT, Morselli M, Rubbi L, Barnes B, Hansen KD, Zhou W, Breeze CE, Ernst J, Horvath S: A mammalian methylation array for profiling methylation levels at conserved sequences. Nat Commun 13(1):783, 2022.

Hu JR, Myint L, Levey AS, Coresh J, Inker LA, Grams ME, Guallar E, Hansen KD, Rhee EP, Shafi T: A metabolomics approach identified toxins associated with uremic symptoms in advanced chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int 101(2):369-378, 2022.

Schatz MC, Philippakis AA, Afgan E, Banks E, Carey VJ, Carroll RJ, Culotti A, Ellrott K, Goecks J, Grossman RL, Hall IM, Hansen KD, Lawson J, Leek JT, et al: Inverting the model of genomics data sharing with the NHGRI Genomic Data Science Analysis, Visualization, and Informatics Lab-space. Cell Genom 2(1):100085, 2022.

Wang Y, Hicks SC, Hansen KD: Addressing the mean-correlation relationship in co-expression analysis. PLoS Comput Biol 18(3):e1009954, 2022.

Zheng SC, Stein-O'Brien G, Augustin JJ, Slosberg J, Carosso GA, Winer B, Shin G, Bjornsson HT, Goff LA, Hansen KD: Universal prediction of cell-cycle position using transfer learning. Genome Biol 23(1):41, 2022.

Credle JJ, Robinson ML, Gunn J, Monaco D, Sie B, Tchir A, Hardick J, Zheng X, Shaw-Saliba K, Rothman RE, Eshleman SH, Pekosz A, Hansen K, Mostafa H, Steinegger M, Larman HB: Highly multiplexed oligonucleotide probe-ligation testing enables efficient extraction-free SARS-CoV-2 detection and viral genotyping. Mod Pathol 34(6):1093-1103, 2021.

de Goede OM, Nachun DC, Ferraro NM, Gloudemans MJ, Rao AS, Smail C, Eulalio TY, Aguet F, Ng B, Xu J, Barbeira AN, Castel SE, Kim-Hellmuth S, Park Y, Scott AJ, Strober BJ, GTEx Consortium (includes Hansen K), et al: Population-scale tissue transcriptomics maps long non-coding RNAs to complex disease. Cell 184(10):2633-2648, 2021.

Luperchio TR, Boukas L, Zhang L, Pilarowski GO, Jiang J, Kalinousky A, Hansen KD, Bjornsson HT: Leveraging the Mendelian Disorders of the Epigenetic Machinery to systematically map functional epigenetic variation. Elife 10:e65884, 2021.

Maden SK, Thompson RF, Hansen KD, Nellore A: Human methylome variation across Infinium 450K data on the Gene Expression Omnibus. NAR Genom Bioinform 3(2):lqab025, 2021.

Rizzardi LF, Hickey PF, Idrizi A, Tryggvadottir R, Callahan CM, Stephens KE, Taverna SD, Zhang H, Ramazanoglu S, GTEx Consortium, Hansen KD, Feinberg AP: Human brain region-specific variably methylated regions are enriched for heritability of distinct neuropsychiatric traits. Genome Biol 22(1):116, 2021.

Wilks C, Zheng SC, Chen FY, Charles R, Solomon B, Ling JP, Imada EL, Zhang D, Joseph L, Leek JT, Jaffe AE, Nellore A, Collado-Torres L, Hansen KD, Langmead B: recount3: summaries and queries for large-scale RNA-seq expression and splicing. Genome Biol 22(1):323, 2021.

Boukas L, Bjornsson HT, Hansen KD: Promoter CpG density predicts downstream gene loss-of-function intolerance. Am J Hum Genet 107(3):487-498, 2020.

Castel SE, Aguet F, Mohammadi P, GTEx Consortium (includes Hansen K), Ardlie KG, Lappalainen T: A vast resource of allelic expression data spanning human tissues. Genome Biol 21(1):234, 2020.

Jiang L, Wang M, Lin S, Jian R, Li X, Chan J, Dong G, Fang H, Robinson AE, GTEx Consortium (includes Hansen K), Snyder MP: A quantitative proteome map of the human body. Cell 183(1):269-283, 2020.

Lee I, Razaghi R, Gilpatrick T, Molnar M, Gershman A, Sadowski N, Sedlazeck FJ, Hansen KD, Simpson JT, Timp W: Simultaneous profiling of chromatin accessibility and methylation on human cell lines with nanopore sequencing. Nat Methods 17(12):1191-1199, 2020.

Myint L, Wang R, Boukas L, Hansen KD, Goff LA, Avramopoulos D: A screen of 1,049 schizophrenia and 30 Alzheimer's-associated variants for regulatory potential. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet 183(1):61-73, 2020.

Rajagopalan S, Park B, Palanivel R, Vinayachandran V, Deiuliis JA, Gangwar RS, Das L, Yin J, Choi Y, Al-Kindi S, Jain MK, Hansen KD, Biswal S: Metabolic effects of air pollution exposure and reversibility. J Clin Invest 130(11):6034-6040, 2020.




Stephanie Hicks (go to top of document)


Phillips RA 3rd, Oh S, Bach SV, Du Y, Miller RA, Kleinman JE, Hyde TM, Hicks SC, Page SC, Martinowich K: Transcriptomic characterization of human lateral septum neurons reveals conserved and divergent marker genes across species. iScience 28(2):111820, 2025.

Ramnauth AD, Tippani M, Divecha HR, Papariello AR, Miller RA, Nelson ED, Thompson JR, Pattie EA, Kleinman JE, Maynard KR, Collado-Torres L, Hyde TM, Martinowich K, Hicks SC, Page SC: Spatiotemporal analysis of gene expression in the human dentate gyrus reveals age-associated changes in cellular maturation and neuroinflammation. Cell Rep 44(2):115300, 2025.

Erdogdu B, Varabyou A, Hicks SC, Salzberg SL, Pertea M: Detecting differential transcript usage in complex diseases with SPIT. Cell Rep Methods 4(3):100736, 2024.

Ford K, Zuin E, Righelli D, Medina E, Schoch H, Singletary K, Muheim C, Frank MG, Hicks SC, Risso D, Peixoto L: A global transcriptional atlas of the effect of acute sleep deprivation in the mouse frontal cortex. iScience 27(9):110752, 2024.

Hutchison WJ, Keyes TJ, tidyomics Consortium, Crowell HL, ..., Hicks SC, et al: The tidyomics ecosystem: enhancing omic data analyses. Nat Methods 21(7):1166-1170, 2024.

Huuki-Myers LA, Spangler A, Eagles NJ, ..., Guo B, ..., Hicks SC, ..., Collado-Torres L, et al: A data-driven single-cell and spatial transcriptomic map of the human prefrontal cortex. Science 384(6698):eadh1938, 2024.

Kuo A, Hansen KD, Hicks SC: Quantification and statistical modeling of droplet-based single-nucleus RNA-sequencing data. Biostatistics 25(3):801-817, 2024.

Weber LM, Divecha HR, Tran MN, Kwon SH, Spangler A, Montgomery KD, Tippani M, Bharadwaj R, Kleinman JE, Page SC, Hyde TM, Collado-Torres L, Maynard KR, Martinowich K, Hicks SC: The gene expression landscape of the human locus coeruleus revealed by single-nucleus and spatially-resolved transcriptomics. eLife 12:RP84628, 2024.

Wen C, Margolis M, Dai R, ..., PsychENCODE Consortium (includes Collado Torres L, Hicks S): Cross-ancestry atlas of gene, isoform, and splicing regulation in the developing human brain. Science 384(6698):eadh0829, 2024.

Wright C, Meng Q, Breshock MR, Atta L, Taub MA, Jager LR, Muschelli J, Hicks SC: Open case studies: statistics and data science education through real-world applications. J Stat Data Sci Educ 32(4):331-344, 2024.

Wrobel J, Hector EC, Crawford L, McGowan L, da Silva N, Goldsmith J, Hicks S, Kane M, Lee Y, Mayrink V, Paciorek CJ, Usher T, Wolfson J: Partnering with authors to enhance reproducibility at JASA. JASA 119(546):795-797, 2024.

Dyjack N, Baker DN, Braverman V, Langmead B, Hicks SC: A scalable and unbiased discordance metric with H. Biostatistics 25(1):188-202, 2023.

Guo B, Huuki-Myers LA, Grant-Peters M, Collado-Torres L, Hicks SC: escheR: unified multi-dimensional visualizations with Gestalt principles. Bioinform Adv 3(1):vbad179, 2023.

Hippen AA, Omran DK, Weber LM, Jung E, Drapkin R, Doherty JA, Hicks SC, Greene CS: Performance of computational algorithms to deconvolve heterogeneous bulk ovarian tumor tissue depends on experimental factors. Genome Biol 24(1):239, 2023.

Hou W, Ji Z, Chen Z, Wherry EJ, Hicks SC, Ji H: A statistical framework for differential pseudotime analysis with multiple single-cell RNA-seq samples. Nat Commun 14(1):7286, 2023.

Huuki-Myers LA, Montgomery KD, Kwon SH, Page SC, Hicks SC, Maynard KR, Collado-Torres L: Data-driven identification of total RNA expression genes for estimation of RNA abundance in heterogeneous cell types highlighted in brain tissue. Genome Biol 24(1):233, 2023.

Maden SK, Kwon SH, Huuki-Myers LA, Collado-Torres L, Hicks SC, Maynard KR: Challenges and opportunities to computationally deconvolve heterogeneous tissue with varying cell sizes using single-cell RNA-sequencing datasets. Genome Biol 24(1):288, 2023.

Nelson ED, Maynard KR, Nicholas KR, Tran MN, Divecha HR, Collado-Torres L, Hicks SC, Martinowich K: Activity-regulated gene expression across cell types of the mouse hippocampus. Hippocampus 33(9):1009-1027, 2023.

Weber LM, Saha A, Datta A, Hansen KD, Hicks SC: nnSVG for the scalable identification of spatially variable genes using nearest-neighbor Gaussian processes. Nat Commun 14(1):4059, 2023.

Mallick H, Chatterjee S, Chowdhury S, Chatterjee S, Rahnavard A, Hicks SC: Differential expression of single-cell RNA-seq data using Tweedie models. Stat Med 41(18):3492-3510, 2022.

Pardo B, Spangler A, Weber LM, Page SC, Hicks SC, Jaffe AE, Martinowich K, Maynard KR, Collado-Torres L: spatialLIBD: an R/Bioconductor package to visualize spatially-resolved transcriptomics data. BMC Genomics 23(1):434, 2022.

Righelli D, Weber LM, Crowell HL, Pardo B, Collado-Torres L, Ghazanfar S, Lun ATL, Hicks SC, Risso D: SpatialExperiment: infrastructure for spatially resolved transcriptomics data in R using Bioconductor. Bioinformatics 38(11):3128-3131, 2022.

Wang Y, Hicks SC, Hansen KD: Addressing the mean-correlation relationship in co-expression analysis. PLoS Comput Biol 18(3):e1009954, 2022.

Baker DN, Dyjack N, Braverman V, Hicks SC, Langmead B: Fast and memory-efficient scRNA-seq k-means clustering with various distances. ACM BCB 2021:24, 2021.

Heil BJ, Hoffman MM, Markowetz F, Lee SI, Greene CS, Hicks SC: Reproducibility standards for machine learning in the life sciences. Nat Methods 18(10):1132-1135, 2021.

Hicks SC, Liu R, Ni Y, Purdom E, Risso D: mbkmeans: Fast clustering for single cell data using mini-batch k-means. PLoS Comput Biol 17(1):e1008625, 2021.

Hippen AA, Falco MM, Weber LM, Erkan EP, Zhang K, Doherty JA, Vaharautio A, Greene CS, Hicks SC: miQC: An adaptive probabilistic framework for quality control of single-cell RNA-sequencing data. PLoS Comput Biol 17(8):e1009290, 2021.

Maynard KR, Collado-Torres L, Weber LM, Uytingco C, Barry BK, Williams SR, Catallini JL 2nd, Tran MN, Besich Z, Tippani M, Chew J, Yin Y, Kleinman JE, Hyde TM, Rao N, Hicks SC, Martinowich K, Jaffe AE: Transcriptome-scale spatial gene expression in the human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Nat Neurosci 24(3):425-436, 2021.

Peng RD, Hicks SC: Reproducible research: a retrospective. Annu Rev Public Health 42:79-93, 2021.

Tran MN, Maynard KR, Spangler A, Huuki LA, Montgomery KD, Sadashivaiah V, Tippani M, Barry BK, Hancock DB, Hicks SC, Kleinman JE, Hyde TM, Collado-Torres L, Jaffe AE, Martinowich K: Single-nucleus transcriptome analysis reveals cell-type-specific molecular signatures across reward circuitry in the human brain. Neuron 109(19):3088-3103, 2021.

Weber LM, Hippen AA, Hickey PF, Berrett KC, Gertz J, Doherty JA, Greene CS, Hicks SC: Genetic demultiplexing of pooled single-cell RNA-sequencing samples in cancer facilitates effective experimental design. Gigascience 10(9):giab062, 2021.

Amezquita RA, Lun ATL, Becht E, Carey VJ, Carpp LN, Geistlinger L, Marini F, Rue-Albrecht K, Risso D, Soneson C, Waldron L, Pages H, Smith ML, Huber W, Morgan M, Gottardo R, Hicks SC: Orchestrating single-cell analysis with Bioconductor. Nat Methods 17(2):137-145, 2020.

Hou W, Ji Z, Ji H, Hicks SC: A systematic evaluation of single-cell RNA-sequencing imputation methods. Genome Biol 21(1):218, 2020.

Huang R, Soneson C, Ernst FGM, Rue-Albrecht KC, Yu G, Hicks SC, Robinson MD: TreeSummarizedExperiment: a S4 class for data with hierarchical structure. F1000Res 9:1246, 2020.

Lahnemann D, Koster J, Szczurek E, McCarthy DJ, Hicks SC, et al: Eleven grand challenges in single-cell data science. Genome Biol 21(1):31, 2020.



Hongkai Ji   (go to top of document)


Fang W, Yang Y, Ji H, Kalhor R: Reconstructing progenitor state hierarchy and dynamics using lineage barcoding data. Methods Mol Biol 2886:177-199, 2025.

Jackson C, Cherry C, Bom S, Dykema AG, Wang R, Thompson E, Zhang M, Li R, Ji Z, Hou W, Zhan W, ..., Ji H, et al: Distinct myeloid-derived suppressor cell populations in human glioblastoma. Science 387(6731):eabm5214, 2025.

Rosner S, Connor S, Sanber K, Zahurak M, Zhang T, Gurumurthy I, Zeng Z, Presson B, Singh D, Rayes R, Sivapalan L, Pereira G, Ji Z, ..., Ji H, et al: Divergent clinical and immunologic outcomes based on STK11 co-mutation status in resectable KRAS-mutant lung cancers following neoadjuvant immune checkpoint blockade. Clin Cancer Res 31(2):339-351, 2025.

Zeng Z, Zhang T, Zhang J, Li S, Connor S, Zhang B, Zhao Y, Wilson J, Singh D, Kulikauskas R, Church CD, Pulliam TH, Jani S, Nghiem P, Topalian SL, Forde PM, Pardoll DM, Ji H, Smith KN: A minimal gene set characterizes TIL specific for diverse tumor antigens across different cancer types. Nat Commun 16(1):1070, 2025.

Andargie TE, Roznik K, Redekar N, Hill T, Zhou W, Apalara Z, Kong H, Gordon O, Meda R, Park W, Johnston TS, Wang Y, Brady S, Ji H, Yanovski JA, Jang MK, Lee CM, Karaba AH, Cox AL, Agbor-Enoh S: Cell-free DNA reveals distinct pathology of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. J Clin Invest 134(1):e178008, 2024.

Blawski R, Vokshi BH, Guo X, Kittane S, Sallaku M, Chen W, ..., Zhou W, ..., Ji H, et al: Methylation of the chromatin modifier KMT2D by SMYD2 contributes to therapeutic response in hormone-dependent breast cancer. Cell Rep 43(5):114174, 2024.

Chhabra Y, Fane ME, ..., Zhao R, ..., Ji H, et al: Sex-dependent effects in the aged melanoma tumor microenvironment influence invasion and resistance to targeted therapy. Cell 187(21):6016-6034, 2024.

Hong X, Nadeau K, Wang G, Larman B, Smith KN, Pearson C, Ji H, Frischmeyer-Guerrerio P, Liang L, Hu FB, Wang X: Metabolomic profiles during early childhood and risk of food allergies and asthma in multiethnic children from a prospective birth cohort. J Allergy Clin Immunol 154(1):168-178, 2024.

Jagirdar K, Portuallo ME, Wei M, Wilhide M, Bravo Narula JA, ..., Ji H, et al: ERK hyperactivation serves as a unified mechanism of escape in intrinsic and acquired CDK4/6 inhibitor resistance in acral lentiginous melanoma. Oncogene 43(6):395-405, 2024.

Liao X, Kang L, Peng Y, Chai X, Xie P, Lin C, Ji H, Jiao Y, Liu J: Multivariate stochastic modeling for transcriptional dynamics with cell-specific latent time using SDEvelo. Nat Commun 15(1):10849, 2024.

Roznik K, Andargie TE, Johnston TS, Gordon O, Wang Y, Akindele NP, Persaud D, Antar AAR, Manabe YC, Zhou W, Ji H, Agbor-Enoh S, Karaba AH, Thompson EA, Cox AL: Emergency myelopoiesis distinguishes multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children from pediatric severe coronavirus disease 2019. J Infect Dis 230(2):e305-e317, 2024.

Stephens KE, Moore C, Vinson DA, White BE, Renfro Z, Zhou W, Ji Z, Ji H, Zhu H, Guan Y, Taverna SD: Identification of regulatory elements in primary sensory neurons involved in trauma-induced neuropathic pain. Mol Neurobiol 61(3):1845-1859, 2024.

Andargie TE, Roznik K, Redekar N, Hill T, Zhou W, Apalara Z, Kong H, Gordon O, Meda R, Park W, Johnston TS, Wang Y, Brady S, Ji H, Yanovski JA, Jang MK, Lee CM, Karaba AH, Cox AL, Agbor-Enoh S: Cell-free DNA reveals distinct pathology of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. J Clin Invest 133(21):e171729, 2023.

Dykema AG, Zhang J, Cheung LS, Connor S, Zhang B, Zeng Z, Cherry CM, Li T, Caushi JX, Nishimoto M, Munoz AJ, Ji Z, Hou W, Zhan W, ..., Ji H, et al: Lung tumor-infiltrating Treg have divergent transcriptional profiles and function linked to checkpoint blockade response. Sci Immunol 8(87):eadg1487, 2023.

Fang Y, Ji Z, Zhou W, Abante J, Koldobskiy MA, Ji H, Feinberg AP: DNA methylation entropy is associated with DNA sequence features and developmental epigenetic divergence. Nucleic Acids Res 51(5):2046-2065, 2023.

Hou W, Ji Z, Chen Z, Wherry EJ, Hicks SC, Ji H: A statistical framework for differential pseudotime analysis with multiple single-cell RNA-seq samples. Nat Commun 14(1):7286, 2023.

Huang Y, Dhummakupt A, Khetan P, Nilles T, Zhou W, Mudvari P, Szewczyk J, Chen YH, Boritz E, Ji H, Agwu A, Persaud D: Immune activation and exhaustion marker expression on T-cell subsets in ART-treated adolescents and young adults with perinatal HIV-1 infection as correlates of viral persistence. Front Immunol 14:1007626, 2023.

Keuthan CJ, Schaub JA, Wei M, Fang W, Quillen S, Kimball E, Johnson TV, Ji H, Zack DJ, Quigley HA: Regional gene expression in the retina, optic nerve head, and optic nerve of mice with optic nerve crush and experimental glaucoma. Int J Mol Sci 24(18):13719, 2023.

Li W, Berlinicke C, Huang Y, Giera S, McGrath AG, Fang W, Chen C, Takaesu F, Chang X, Duan Y, Kumar D, Chang C, Mao HQ, Sheng G, Dodge JC, Ji H, Madden S, Zack DJ, Chamling X: High-throughput screening for myelination promoting compounds using human stem cell-derived oligodendrocyte progenitor cells. iScience 26(3):106156, 2023.

Liu W, Liao X, Luo Z, Yang Y, Lau MC, Jiao Y, Shi X, Zhai W, Ji H, Yeong J, Liu J: Probabilistic embedding, clustering, and alignment for integrating spatial transcriptomics data with PRECAST. Nat Commun 14(1):296, 2023.

Qi G, Strober BJ, Popp JM, Keener R, Ji H, Battle A: Single-cell allele-specific expression analysis reveals dynamic and cell-type-specific regulatory effects. Nat Commun 14(1):6317, 2023.

Ramachandran J, Chen W, Lex RK, Windsor KE, Lee H, Wang T, Zhou W, Ji H, Vokes SA: The BAF chromatin complex component SMARCC1 does not mediate GLI transcriptional repression of Hedgehog target genes in limb buds. Dev Biol 504:128-136, 2023.

Shenderov E, De Marzo AM, Lotan TL, Wang H, Chan S, Lim SJ, Ji H, Allaf ME, Chapman C, Moore PA, Chen F, Sorg K, White AM, Church SE, Hudson B, Fields PA, Hu S, Denmeade SR, Pienta KJ, Pavlovich CP, Ross AE, Drake CG, Pardoll DM, Antonarakis ES: Neoadjuvant enoblituzumab in localized prostate cancer: a single-arm, phase 2 trial. Nat Med 29(4):888-897, 2023.

Xu R, Hong X, Ladd-Acosta C, Buckley JP, Choi G, Wang G, Hou W, Wang X, Liang L, Ji H: Contrasting association of maternal plasma biomarkers of smoking and 1-carbon micronutrients with offspring DNA methylation: evidence of aryl hydrocarbon receptor repressor gene-smoking-folate interaction. J Nutr 153(8):2339-2351, 2023.

Zhai J, Ji H, Jiang H: Reconstruction of single-cell trajectories using stochastic tree search. Genes 14(2):318, 2023.

Zhao M, Chauhan P, Sherman CA, Singh A, Kaileh M, Mazan-Mamczarz K, Ji H, Joy J, Nandi S, De S, Zhang Y, Fan J, Becker KG, Loke P, Zhou W, Sen R: NF-κB subunits direct kinetically distinct transcriptional cascades in antigen receptor-activated B cells. Nat Immunology 24(9):1552-1564, 2023.

Dykema AG, Zhang B, Woldemeskel BA, Garliss CC, Rashid R, Westlake T, Zhang L, Zhang J, Cheung LS, Caushi JX, Pardoll DM, Cox AL, Ji H, Smith KN, Blankson JN: SARS-CoV-2 vaccination diversifies the CD4+ spike-reactive T cell repertoire in patients with prior SARS-CoV-2 infection. EBioMedicine 80:104048, 2022.

Fang W, Bell CM, Sapirstein A, Asami S, Leeper K, Zack DJ, Ji H, Kalhor R: Quantitative fate mapping: a general framework for analyzing progenitor state dynamics via retrospective lineage barcoding. Cell 185(24):4604-4620, 2022.

Frumento N, Figueroa A, Wang T, Zahid MN, Wang S, Massaccesi G, Stavrakis G, Crowe JE Jr, Flyak AI, Ji H, Ray SC, Shaw GM, Cox AL, Bailey JR: Repeated exposure to heterologous hepatitis C viruses associates with enhanced neutralizing antibody breadth and potency. J Clin Invest 132(15):e160058, 2022.

Hong X, Liang L, Ji H, Frischmeyer-Guerrerio P, Wang G, Pearson C, Stampfer M, Hu FB, Wang X: Fetal lipidome and incident risk of food allergy: a prospective birth cohort study. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 33(2):e13722, 2022.

Hou W, Zhang M, Ji Y, Hong X, Wang G, Xu R, Liang L, Saria S, Ji H: A prospective birth cohort study of maternal prenatal cigarette smoking assessed by self-report and biomarkers on childhood risk of overweight or obesity. Precis Nutr 1(3):e00017, 2022.

Karaba AH, Zhou W, Hsieh LL, Figueroa A, Massaccesi G, Rothman RE, Fenstermacher KZJ, Sauer L, Shaw-Saliba K, Blair PW, Robinson ML, Leung S, Wesson R, Alachkar N, El-Diwany R, Ji H, Cox AL: Differential cytokine signatures of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and influenza infection highlight key differences in pathobiology. Clin Infect Dis 74(2):254-262, 2022.

Lex RK, Zhou W, Ji Z, Falkenstein KN, Schuler KE, Windsor KE, Kim JD, Ji H, Vokes SA: GLI transcriptional repression is inert prior to Hedgehog pathway activation. Nat Commun 13(1):808, 2022.

Liu Q, Miao H, Li S, Zhang P, Gerber GF, Follmann D, Ji H, Zeger SL, Chertow DS, Quinn TC, Robinson ML, Kickler TS, Rothman RE, Fenstermacher KZJ, Braunstein EM, Cox AL, Farci P, Fauci AS, Lusso P: Anti-PF4 antibodies associated with disease severity in COVID-19. Proc Natl Acad Sci 119(47):e2213361119, 2022.

Ramachandran J, Zhou W, Bardenhagen AE, Nasr T, Yates ER, Zorn AM, Ji H, Vokes SA: Hedgehog regulation of epithelial cell state and morphogenesis in the larynx. Elife 11:e77055, 2022.

Sharrock AV, Mulligan TS, Hall KR, Williams EM, White DT, Zhang L, Emmerich K, Matthews F, Nimmagadda S, Washington S, Le KD, Meir-Levi D, Cox OL, Saxena MT, Calof AL, Lopez-Burks ME, Lander AD, Ding D, Ji H, Ackerley DF, Mumm JS: NTR 2.0: a rationally engineered prodrug-converting enzyme with substantially enhanced efficacy for targeted cell ablation. Nat Methods 19(2):205-215, 2022.

Shu C, Jaffe AE, Sabunciyan S, Ji H, Astemborski J, Sun J, Bakulski KM, Sosnowski DW, Mehta SH, Kirk GD, Maher BS: Epigenome-wide association analyses of active injection drug use. Drug Alcohol Depend 235:109431, 2022.

Turnbull AE, Ji H, Dinglas VD, Wu AW, Mendez-Tellez PA, Himmelfarb CD, Shanholtz CB, Hosey MM, Hopkins RO, Needham DM: Understanding patients' perceived health after critical illness: analysis of two prospective, longitudinal studies of ARDS survivors. Chest 161(2):407-417, 2022.

Wei X, Li Z, Ji H, Wu H: EDClust: an EM-MM hybrid method for cell clustering in multiple-subject single-cell RNA sequencing. Bioinformatics 38(10):2692-2699, 2022.

Akindele N, Kouo T, Karaba AH, Gordon O, Fenstermacher KZJ, Beaudry J, Rubens JH, Atik CC, Zhou W, Ji H, Tao X, Vaidya D, Mostafa H, Caturegli P, Blair PW, Sauer L, Cox AL, Persaud D: Distinct cytokine and chemokine dysregulation in hospitalized children with acute coronavirus disease 2019 and multisystem inflammatory syndrome with similar levels of nasopharyngeal severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 shedding. J Infect Dis 224(4):606-615, 2021.

Caushi JX, Zhang J, Ji Z, Vaghasia A, Zhang B, Hsiue EH, Mog BJ, Hou W, ..., Ji H, et al: Transcriptional programs of neoantigen-specific TIL in anti-PD-1-treated lung cancers. Nature 596(7870):126-132, 2021.

Chamling X, Kallman A, Fang W, Berlinicke CA, Mertz JL, Devkota P, Pantoja IEM, Smith MD, Ji Z, Chang C, Kaushik A, Chen L, Whartenby KA, Calabresi PA, Mao HQ, Ji H, Wang TH, Zack DJ: Single-cell transcriptomic reveals molecular diversity and developmental heterogeneity of human stem cell-derived oligodendrocyte lineage cells. Nat Commun 12(1):652, 2021.

Cottrell T, Zhang J, Zhang B, Kaunitz GJ, Burman P, Chan HY, Verde F, Hooper JE, Hammers H, Allaf ME, Ji H, Taube J, Smith KN: Evaluating T-cell cross-reactivity between tumors and immune-related adverse events with TCR sequencing: pitfalls in interpretations of functional relevance. J Immunother Cancer 9(7):e002642, 2021.

Dykema AG, Zhang B, Woldemeskel BA, Garliss CC, Cheung LS, Choudhury D, Zhang J, Aparicio L, Bom S, Rashid R, Caushi JX, Hsiue EH, Cascino K, Thompson EA, Kwaa AK, Singh D, Thapa S, Ordonez AA, Pekosz A, D'Alessio FR, Powell JD, Yegnasubramanian S, Zhou S, Pardoll DM, Ji H, Cox AL, Blankson JN, Smith KN: Functional characterization of CD4+ T cell receptors crossreactive for SARS-CoV-2 and endemic coronaviruses. J Clin Invest 131(10):e146922, 2021.

Gao M, Fu Y, Zhou W, Gui G, Lal B, Li Y, Xia S, Ji H, Eberhart CG, Laterra J, Ying M: EGFR activates a TAZ-driven oncogenic program in glioblastoma. Cancer Res 81(13):3580-3592, 2021.

Hong X, Surkan PJ, Zhang B, Keiser A, Ji Y, Ji H, Burd I, Bustamante-Helfrich B, Ogunwole SM, Tang WY, Liu L, Pearson C, Cerda S, Zuckerman B, Hao L, Wang X: Genome-wide association study identifies a novel maternal gene x stress interaction associated with spontaneous preterm birth. Pediatr Res 89(6):1549-1556, 2021.

Koldobskiy MA, Jenkinson G, Abante J, Rodriguez DiBlasi VA, Zhou W, Pujadas E, Idrizi A, Tryggvadottir R, Callahan C, Bonifant CL, Rabin KR, Brown PA, Ji H, Goutsias J, Feinberg AP: Converging genetic and epigenetic drivers of paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia identified by an information-theoretic analysis. Nat Biomed Eng 5(4):360-376, 2021.

Sinha S, Satpathy AT, Zhou W, Ji H, Stratton JA, Jaffer A, Bahlis N, Morrissy S, Biernaskie JA: Profiling chromatin accessibility at single-cell resolution. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics 19(2):172-190, 2021.

Stephens KE, Zhou W, Renfro Z, Ji Z, Ji H, Guan Y, Taverna SD: Global gene expression and chromatin accessibility of the peripheral nervous system in animal models of persistent pain. J Neuroinflammation 18(1):185, 2021.

Thompson EA, Cascino K, Ordonez AA, Zhou W, ..., Ji H, et al: Metabolic programs define dysfunctional immune responses in severe COVID-19 patients. Cell Rep 34(11):108863, 2021.

Wang G, Foney DM, DiBari J, Hong X, Showell N, Kim KS, Ji H, Pearson C, Mirolli G, Rusk S, Sharfstein J, Cheng TL, Zuckerman B, Wang X: A prospective cohort study on the intersectionality of obesity, chronic disease, social factors, and incident risk of COVID-19 in US low-income minority middle-age mothers. Int J Obes 45(12):2577-2584, 2021.

Wang G, Tang WY, Ji H, Wang X: Prenatal exposure to mercury and precocious puberty: a prospective birth cohort study. Hum Reprod 36(3):712-720, 2021.

Wang G, Tang WY, Wills-Karp M, Ji H, Bartell TR, Ji Y, Hong X, Pearson C, Cheng TL, Wang X: A nonlinear relation between maternal red blood cell manganese concentrations and child blood pressure at age 6-12 y: a prospective birth cohort study. J Nutr 151(3):570-578, 2021.

Xu R, Hong X, Zhang B, Huang W, Hou W, Wang G, Wang X, Igusa T, Liang L, Ji H: DNA methylation mediates the effect of maternal smoking on offspring birthweight: a birth cohort study of multi-ethnic US mother-newborn pairs. Clin Epigenetics 13(1):47, 2021.

Zhang L, Chen C, Fu J, Lilley B, Berlinicke C, Hansen B, Ding D, Wang G, Wang T, Shou D, Ye Y, Mulligan T, Emmerich K, Saxena MT, Hall KR, Sharrock AV, Brandon C, Park H, Kam TI, Dawson VL, Dawson TM, Shim JS, Hanes J, Ji H, Liu JO, Qian J, Ackerley DF, Rohrer B, Zack DJ, Mumm JS: Large-scale phenotypic drug screen identifies neuroprotectants in zebrafish and mouse models of retinitis pigmentosa. Elife 10:e57245, 2021.

Hong X, Zhang B, Liang L, Zhang Y, Ji Y, Wang G, Ji H, Clish CB, Burd I, Pearson C, Zuckerman B, Hu FB, Wang X: Postpartum plasma metabolomic profile among women with preeclampsia and preterm delivery: implications for long-term health. BMC Med 18(1):277, 2020.

Hou W, Ji Z, Ji H, Hicks SC: A systematic evaluation of single-cell RNA-sequencing imputation methods. Genome Biol 21(1):218, 2020.

Ji Z, Zhou W, Hou W, Ji H: Single-cell ATAC-seq signal extraction and enhancement with SCATE. Genome Biol 21(1):161, 2020.

Lex RK, Ji Z, Falkenstein KN, Zhou W, Henry JL, Ji H, Vokes SA: GLI transcriptional repression regulates tissue-specific enhancer activity in response to Hedgehog signaling. Elife 9:e50670, 2020.

Qiu X, Ma F, Zhao M, Cao Y, Shipp L, Liu A, Dutta A, Singh A, Braikia FZ, De S, Wood WH 3rd, Becker KG, Zhou W, Ji H, Zhao K, Atchison ML, Sen R: Altered 3D chromatin structure permits inversional recombination at the IgH locus. Sci Adv 6(33):eaaz8850, 2020.

Shu C, Jaffe AE, Sabunciyan S, Ji H, Astemborski J, Sun J, Bakulski KM, Mehta SH, Kirk GD, Maher BS: Epigenome-wide association scan identifies methylation sites associated with HIV infection. Epigenomics 12(21):1917-1927, 2020.

Surkan PJ, Hong X, Zhang B, Nawa N, Ji H, Tang WY, Ji Y, Kimmel MC, Wang G, Pearson C, Wang X: Can social support during pregnancy affect maternal DNA methylation? Findings from a cohort of African-Americans. Pediatr Res 88(1):131-138, 2020.

Zhang J, Ji Z, Caushi JX, El Asmar M, Anagnostou V, Cottrell TR, Chan HY, Suri P, Guo H, Merghoub T, Chaft JE, Reuss JE, Tam AJ, Blosser RL, Abu-Akeel M, Sidhom JW, Zhao N, Ha JS, Jones DR, Marrone KA, Naidoo J, Gabrielson E, Taube JM, Velculescu VE, Brahmer JR, Housseau F, Hellmann MD, Forde PM, Pardoll DM, Ji H, Smith KN: Compartmental analysis of T-cell clonal dynamics as a function of pathologic response to neoadjuvant PD-1 blockade in resectable non-small cell lung cancer. Clin Cancer Res 26(6):1327-1337, 2020.



Sophia Li (go to top of document)


Fukui N, Li SS, DeGuzman J, Myers JF, Openshaw J, Sharma A, Watt J, Lewnard JA, Jain S, Andrejko KL, Pry JM, California COVID-19 Case-Control Study Team: Mixed methods approach to examining the implementation experience of a phone-based survey for a SARS-CoV-2 test-negative case-control study in California. PLoS One 19(5):e0301070, 2024.

Andrejko KL, Myers JF, Fukui N, ... on behalf of the California Covid-Case-Control Study Team (includes Li S): Real-world uptake of COVID-19 vaccination among individuals expressing vaccine hesitancy: a registry-linkage study. Vaccine 41(10):1649-1656, 2023.

Andrejko KL, Myers JF, Openshaw J, Fukui N, Li S, et al: Receipt of COVID-19 and seasonal influenza vaccines in California (USA) during the 2021-2022 influenza season. Vaccine 41(6):1190-1197, 2023.

Andrejko KL, Pry JM, Myers JF, Mehrotra M, ... on behalf of the California Covid-Case-Control Study Team (includes Li S): Waning of 2-dose BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection accounting for depletion-of-susceptibles bias. Am J Epidemiol 192(6):895-907, 2023.

Andrejko KL, Pry J, Myers JF, Openshaw J, Watt J, ..., Li SS, et al: Predictors of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection following high-risk exposure. Clin Infect Dis 75(1):e276-e288, 2023.

Andrejko KL, Pry JM, Myers JF, Fukui N, ..., California Covid-Case-Control Study Team (includes Li S): Effectiveness of face mask or respirator use in indoor public settings for prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection-California, February-December 2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 71(6):212-216, 2022.

Andrejko KL, Pry J, Myers JF, Jewell NP, ..., California COVID-19 Case-Control Study Team (includes Li S): Prevention of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) by mRNA-based vaccines within the general population of California. Clin Infect Dis 74(8):1382-1389, 2022.



Ximin Li   (go to top of document)


Abousy M, Drew-Bear LE, Gibbons A, Pan-Doh N, Li X, Handa JT: In-depth analysis of preoperative OCT markers as prognostic factors for lamellar macular holes and epiretinal membrane foveoschisis. Ophthalmol Retina 8(5):465-472, 2024.

Awidi AA, Chang DF, Riaz KM, Li X, LaBorwit S, Zebardast N, Srikumaran D, Prescott CR, Daoud YJ, Woreta FA: Anti-inflammatory medication use after cataract surgery: online survey of practice patterns. J Cataract Refract Surg 50(3):224-229, 2024.

Awidi AA, Zhao J, Li X, Rajaii F, Ahmad M, Jensen A, Woreta FA: Etiology and characteristics of patients presenting with eyelid lacerations at a level 1 trauma center. Clin Ophthalmol 18:929-935, 2024.

Hannan K, Li X, Mehta A, Yenokyan G, Payne JL, Shea AA, Hantsoo L: Mood symptoms and gut function across the menstrual cycle in individuals with premenstrual syndrome. Horm Behav 166:105634, 2024.

Zhao D, Li X, Carey AR, Henderson AD, Sight Outcomes Research Collaborative Consortium: Optic neuritis and cranial neuropathies diagnosis rates before coronavirus disease 2019, in the initial pandemic phase, and post-vaccine introduction. Ophthalmology 131(1):78-86, 2024.

Abousy M, Schilling A, Qiu M, Rajaii F, Li X, Woreta FA: Ophthalmology resident oculofacial surgery case exposure: an ACGME case log analysis. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 39(2):187-193, 2023.

Nozadi SS, Li X, Kong X, Rennie B, Kanda D, MacKenzie D, Luo L, Posner J, Blackwell CK, Croen LA, Ferrara A, O'Connor TG, Zimmerman E, Ghassabian A, Leve LD, Elliott AJ, Schmidt RJ, Sprowles JLN, Lewis JL: Effects of COVID-19 financial and social hardships on infants' and toddlers' development in the ECHO Program. Int J Environ Res Public Health 20(2):1013, 2023.

Ondersma SJ, Kress AM, Stroustrup A, Annett RD, Avalos LA, Talavera-Barber M, Brennan PA, Camargo CA Jr, Conradt E, Dunlop AL, Elliott AJ, Hedderson MM, Li X, McGrath M, Nguyen RHN, Page GP, Sathyanarayana S, Lester B: The association between intrauterine exposure to opioids, tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis and length of birth hospitalization among neonates without NOWS. J Perinatol 43(7):949-951, 2023.

Pytell JD, Li X, Thompson C, Lesko CR, McCaul ME, Hutton H, Scott Batey D, Cachay E, Mayer KH, Napravnik S, Christopoulos K, Yang C, Crane HM, Chander G, Lau B: The temporal relationship of alcohol use and subsequent self-reported health status among people with HIV. Am J Med Open 9:100020, 2023.

Sun E, Li X, Gruener AM, Chang JR, Eberhart CG, Henderson AD, Carey AR: Presenting features of giant cell arteritis with active versus healed arteritis on biopsy. Neuroophthalmology 47(3):129-135, 2023.

Sun E, Li X, Gruener AM, Chang JR, Henderson AD, Carey AR: Baseline characteristics and clinical presentation of biopsy-proven giant cell arteritis in white compared with black patients. J Neuroophthalmol 43(4):504-508, 2023.

Abousy M, Schilling A, Qiu M, Justin GA, Rajaii F, Li X, Woreta FA: Ophthalmology resident ophthalmic trauma case exposure: trends over time and an ACGME case log analysis. Clin Ophthalmol 16:1365-1373, 2022.

Fliotsos MJ, Campbell JA, Li X, Engstrom MB, Stoeger CG, McClory C, Titus MS, Johnson P, Johnston KB, Fischer T, Brooks LK, Montoya MM, Glasser DB, Akpek EK, Srikumaran D: Trends in early graft failure leading to regrafting after endothelial keratoplasty in the United States. Cornea 41(7):833-839, 2022.

Guan C, Pease ME, Quillen S, Ling YTT, Li X, Kimball E, Johnson TV, Nguyen TD, Quigley HA: Quantitative microstructural analysis of cellular and tissue remodeling in human glaucoma optic nerve head. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 63(11):18, 2022.

Hill S, Topel K, Li X, Solomon BS: Engagement in a social needs navigation program and health care utilization in pediatric primary care. Acad Pediatr 22(7):1221-1227, 2022.

Iannuzzelli K, Shi R, Carter R, Huynh R, Morgan O, Kuo SH, Bang J, Mills KA, Baranano K, Zee DS, Moukheiber E, Roda R, Butala A, Marvel C, Joyce M, Li X, Wang J, Rosenthal LS: The association between educational attainment and SCA 3 age of onset and disease course. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 98:99-102, 2022.

Justin GA, Miller SC, Tsou B, Li X, Purt B, Fliotsos MJ, Zhao J, Gardner SE, Legault GL, Yonekawa Y, Rapuano CJ, Woreta FA, Pelton RW: Ghost and honorary authorship in ophthalmology: a cross-sectional survey. Am J Ophthalmol 240:67-78, 2022.

Miller SC, Meeralakshmi P, Fliotsos MJ, Justin GA, Yonekawa Y, Chen A, Hoskin AK, Blanch RJ, Cavuoto KM, Low R, Li X, et al: Global current practice patterns for the management of hyphema. Clin Ophthalmol 16:3135-3144, 2022.

Colantuoni E, Koneru M, Akhlaghi N, Li X, Hashem MD, Dinglas VD, Neufeld KJ, Harhay MO, Needham DM: Heterogeneity in design and analysis of ICU delirium randomized trials: a systematic review. Trials 22(1):354, 2021.

Colantuoni E, Li X, Hashem MD, Girard TD, Scharfstein DO, Needham DM: A structured methodology review showed analyses of functional outcomes are frequently limited to "survivors only" in trials enrolling patients at high risk of death. J Clin Epidemiol 137:126-132, 2021.

Dunlop AL, Essalmi AG, Alvalos L, ..., Li X, et al: Racial and geographic variation in effects of maternal education and neighborhood-level measures of socioeconomic status on gestational age at birth: Findings from the ECHO cohorts. PLoS One 16(1):e0245064, 2021.

Mannschreck DB, Li X, Okoye G: Rural melanoma patients in Maryland do not present with more advanced disease than urban patients. Dermatol Online J 27(5), 2021.

Ong SS, Liu TYA, Li X, Singh MS: Choriocapillaris flow loss in center-involving retinitis pigmentosa: a quantitative optical coherence tomography angiography study using a novel classification system. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 259(11):3235-3242, 2021.

Shah YS, Zhu AY, Zafar SI, Sarezky D, Li X, Liu TYA, Sachdeva MM, Woreta FA: Clinical outcomes of secondary scleral-sutured foldable hydrophilic acrylic intraocular lens placement by trainees: a single-site analysis. Clin Ophthalmol 15:783-790, 2021.

Ansah DO, Li X, Gehlbach PL, Jun AS, Soiberman US: Prediction error in iris suture fixated intraocular lenses and long-term stability. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 48(9):1175-1182, 2020.

Ong SS, Linz MO, Li X, Liu TYA, Han IC, Scott AW: Retinal thickness and microvascular changes in children with sickle cell disease evaluated by optical coherence tomography (OCT) and OCT angiography. Am J Ophthalmol 209:88-98, 2020.



Martin Lindquist   (go to top of document)


Dey D, Banerjee S, Lindquist MA, Datta A: Graph-constrained analysis for multivariate functional data. J Multivar Anal 207:105428, 2025.

Wanigatunga AA, Dong Y, Jin M, Leroux A, Cui E, Zhou X, Zhao A, Schrack JA, Bandeen-Roche K, Walston JD, Xue QL, Lindquist MA, Crainiceanu CM: Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity at any dose reduces all-cause dementia risk regardless of frailty status. J Am Med Dir Assoc 26(3):105456, 2025.

Zhao A, Cui E, Leroux A, Zhou X, Muschelli J, Lindquist MA, Crainiceanu CM: Objectively measured physical activity using wrist-worn accelerometers as a predictor of incident Alzheimer's disease in the UK Biobank. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 80(2):glae287, 2025.

Bailey DH, Jung AJ, Beltz AM, Eronen MI, Gische C, Hamaker EL, Kording KP, Lebel C, Lindquist MA, Moeller J, Razi A, Rohrer JM, Zhang B, Murayama K: Causal inference on human behaviour. Nat Hum Behav 8(8):1448-1459, 2024.

Botvinik-Nezer R, Petre B, Ceko M, Lindquist MA, Friedman NP, Wager TD: Placebo treatment affects brain systems related to affective and cognitive processes, but not nociceptive pain. Nat Commun 15(1):6017, 2024.

Farahani FV, Ismaila LE, Sadowsky CL, Sair HI, Chen LM, Belegu V, Pekar JJ, Lindquist MA, Choe AS: Brain network alterations in chronic spinal cord injury: multilayer community detection approach. Neurotrauma Rep 5(1):1048-1059, 2024.

Leroux A, Crainiceanu C, Zeger S, Taub M, Ansari B, Wager TD, Bayman E, Coffey C, Langefeld C, McCarthy R, Tsodikov A, Brummet C, Clauw DJ, Edwards RR, Lindquist MA, A2CPS Consortium: Statistical modeling of acute and chronic pain patient-reported outcomes obtained from ecological momentary assessment. Pain 165(9):1955-1965, 2024.

Lopez Naranjo C, Razzaq FA, Li M, Wang Y, Bosch-Bayard JF, Lindquist MA, et al: EEG functional connectivity as a Riemannian mediator: an application to malnutrition and cognition. Hum Brain Mapp 45(7):e26698, 2024.

Niyogi PG, Lindquist MA, Maiti T: A tensor based varying-coefficient model for multi-modal neuroimaging data analysis. IEEE Trans Signal Process 72:1607-1619, 2024.

Quide Y, Jahanshad N, Andoh J, Antoniou G, ..., Lindquist M, et al: ENIGMA-Chronic Pain: a worldwide initiative to identify brain correlates of chronic pain. Pain 165(12):2662-2666, 2024.

Sadil P, Lindquist MA: Comparing automated subcortical volume estimation methods; amygdala volumes estimated by FSL and FreeSurfer have poor consistency. Hum Brain Mapp 45(17):e70027, 2024.

Stewart BW, Keaser ML, Lee H, Margerison SM, Cormie MA, Moayedi M, Lindquist MA, Chen S, Mathur BN, Seminowicz DA: Pathological claustrum activity drives aberrant cognitive network processing in human chronic pain. Curr Biol 34(9):1953-1966, 2024.

Wang G, Datta A, Lindquist MA: Improved fMRI-based pain prediction using Bayesian group-wise functional registration. Biostatistics 25(3):885-903, 2024.

Andreella A, Finos L, Lindquist MA: Enhanced hyperalignment via spatial prior information. Hum Brain Mapp 4(4):1725-1740, 2023.

Bogaerts K, Van Den Houte M, Jongen D, Ly HG, Coppens E, Schruers K, Van Diest I, Jan T, Van Wambeke P, Petre B, Kragel PA, Lindquist MA, Wager TD, Van Oudenhove L, Van den Bergh O: Brain mediators of negative affect-induced physical symptom reporting in patients with functional somatic syndromes. Trans Psychiatry 13(1):285, 2023.

Chin EM, Gorny N, Pekar JJ, Campbell CM, Lindquist M, Lenz C, Hoon AH Jr, Jantzie LL, Robinson S: A second dimension of somatosensory system injury? Thalamic volume loss and neuropathic pain in adults with cerebral palsy and periventricular white matter injury. Ann Child Neurol Soc 1(4):305-311, 2023.

Gujar SK, Manzoor K, Wongsripuemtet J, Wang G, Ryan D, Agarwal S, Lindquist M, Caffo B, Pillai JJ, Sair HI: Identification of the language network from resting-state fMRI in patients with brain tumors: how accurate are experts? AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 44(3):274-282, 2023.

Kim J, Andrews-Hanna JR, Eisenbarth H, Lux BK, Kim HJ, Lee E, Lindquist MA, Losin EAR, Wager TD, Woo CW: A dorsomedial prefrontal cortex-based dynamic functional connectivity model of rumination. Nat Commun 14(1):3540, 2023.

Meng Q, Cui E, Leroux A, Mowry EM, Lindquist MA, Crainiceanu CM: Quantifying the association between objectively measured physical activity and multiple sclerosis in the UK Biobank. Med Sci Sports Exerc 55(12):2194-2202, 2023.

Murtha K, Larsen B, Pines A, Parkes L, Moore TM, Adebimpe A, Bertolero M, Alexander-Bloch A, Calkins ME, Davila DG, Lindquist MA, Mackey AP, Roalf DR, Scott JC, Wolf DH, Gur RC, Gur RE, Barzilay R, Satterthwaite TD: Associations between neighborhood socioeconomic status, parental education, and executive system activation in youth. Cereb Cortex 33(4):1058-1073, 2023.

Nath T, Caffo B, Wager T, Lindquist MA: A machine learning based approach towards high-dimensional mediation analysis. Neuroimage 268:119843, 2023.

Robinson ML, Garibaldi BT, Lindquist MA: When clinical prediction is steering the ship, beware the drift of its wake. Ann Intern Med 176(10):1424-1425, 2023.

Sluka KA, Wager TD, ..., Caffo B, ..., Lindquist M, et al: Predicting chronic postsurgical pain: current evidence and a novel program to develop predictive biomarker signatures. Pain 164(9):1912-1926, 2023.

Smith BB, Zhao Y, Lindquist MA, Caffo B: Regression models for partially localized fMRI connectivity analyses. Front Neuroimaging 2:1178359, 2023.

Tang B, Zhao Y, Venkataraman A, Tsapkini K, Lindquist MA, Pekar J, Caffo B: Differences in functional connectivity distribution after transcranial direct-current stimulation: a connectivity density point of view. Hum Brain Mapping 44(1):170-185, 2023.

Zhao A, Cui E, Leroux A, Lindquist MA, Crainiceanu CM: Evaluating the prediction performance of objective physical activity measures for incident Parkinson's disease in the UK Biobank. J Neurol 270(12):5913-5923, 2023.

Zorina-Lichtenwalter K, Bango CI, Van Oudenhove L, Ceko M, Lindquist MA, Grotzinger AD, Keller MC, Friedman NP, Wager TD: Genetic risk shared across 24 chronic pain conditions: identification and characterization with genomic structural equation modeling. Pain 164(10):2239-2252, 2023.

Berardi G, Frey-Law L, ..., Lindquist M, Caffo BS, Crainiceanu C, Zeger S, ..., Taub M, et al: Multi-site observational study to assess biomarkers for susceptibility or resilience to chronic pain: The Acute to Chronic Pain Signatures (A2CPS) study protocol. Front Med 9:849214, 2022.

Cheng JC, Anzolin A, Berry M, Honari H, Paschali M, Lazaridou A, Lee J, Ellingsen DM, Loggia ML, Grahl A, Lindquist MA, Edwards RR, Napadow V: Dynamic functional brain connectivity underlying temporal summation of pain in fibromyalgia. Arthritis Rheumatol 74(4):700-710, 2022.

Honari H, Lindquist MA: Mode decomposition-based time-varying phase synchronization for fMRI. Neuroimage 261:119519, 2022.

Krimmel SR, DeSouza DD, Keaser ML, Sanjanwala BM, Cowan RP, Lindquist MA, Haythornthwaite JA, Seminowicz DA: Three dimensions of association link migraine symptoms and functional connectivity. J Neurosci 42(31):6156-6166, 2022.

Langenecker SA, Westlund Schreiner M, Thomas LR, Bessette KL, DelDonno SR, Jenkins LM, Easter RE, Stange JP, Pocius SL, Dillahunt A, Love TM, Phan KL, Koppelmans V, Paulus M, Lindquist MA, Caffo B, Mickey BJ, Welsh RC: Using network parcels and resting-state networks to estimate correlates of mood disorder and related research domain criteria constructs of reward responsiveness and inhibitory control. Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging 7(1):76-84, 2022.

Santhanam P, Nath T, Lindquist MA, Cooper DS: Relationship between TSH levels and cognition in the young adult: an analysis of the human connectome project data. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 107(7):1897-1905, 2022.

Wang G, Datta A, Lindquist MA: Bayesian functional registration of fMRI activation maps. Ann Appl Stat 16 (3), 1676-1699, 2022.

Weaver C, Xiao L, Lindquist MA: Single-index models with functional connectivity network predictors. Biostatistics 24(1):52-67, 2022.

Zhu X, Suarez-Jimenez B, Lazarov A, Such S, Marohasy C, Small SS, Wager TD, Lindquist MA, Lissek S, Neria Y: Sequential fear generalization and network connectivity in trauma exposed humans with and without psychopathology. Commun Biol 5(1):1275, 2022.

Barber AD, Hegarty CE, Lindquist M, Karlsgodt KH: Heritability of functional connectivity in resting state: assessment of the dynamic mean, dynamic variance, and static connectivity across networks. Cereb Cortex 31(6):2834-2844, 2021.

Beheshtian E, Jalilianhasanpour R, Modir Shanechi A, Sethi V, Wang G, Lindquist MA, Caffo BS, Agarwal S, Pillai JJ, Gujar SK, Sair HI: Identification of the somatomotor network from language task-based fMRI compared with resting-state fMRI in patients with brain lesions. Radiology 301(1):178-184, 2021.

Choe AS, Tang B, Smith KR, Honari H, Lindquist MA, Caffo BS, Pekar JJ: Phase-locking of resting-state brain networks with the gastric basal electrical rhythm. PLoS One 16(1):e0244756, 2021.

Duffy KA, Fisher ZF, Arizmendi CA, Molenaar PCM, Hopfinger J, Cohen JR, Beltz AM, Lindquist MA, Hallquist MN, Gates KM: Detecting task-dependent functional connectivity in group iterative multiple model estimation with person-specific hemodynamic response functions. Brain Connect 11(6):418-429, 2021.

Duffy KA, Rosch KS, Nebel MB, Seymour KE, Lindquist MA, Pekar JJ, Mostofsky SH, Cohen JR: Increased integration between default mode and task-relevant networks in children with ADHD is associated with impaired response control. Dev Cogn Neurosci 50:100980, 2021.

Honari H, Choe AS, Lindquist MA: Evaluating phase synchronization methods in fMRI: a comparison study and new approaches. Neuroimage 228:117704, 2021.

Kragel PA, Ceko M, Theriault J, Chen D, Satpute AB, Wald LW, Lindquist MA, Feldman Barrett L, Wager TD: A human colliculus-pulvinar-amygdala pathway encodes negative emotion. Neuron 109(15):2404-2412, 2021.

Ma W, Xiao L, Liu B, Lindquist MA: A functional mixed model for scalar on function regression with application to a functional MRI study. Biostatistics 22(3):439-454, 2021.

Shappell HM, Duffy KA, Rosch KS, Pekar JJ, Mostofsky SH, Lindquist MA, Cohen JR: Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder spend more time in hyperconnected network states and less time in segregated network states as revealed by dynamic connectivity analysis. Neuroimage 229:117753, 2021.

Wang G, Muschelli J, Lindquist MA: Moderated t-tests for group-level fMRI analysis. Neuroimage 237:118141, 2021.

Geuter S, Reynolds Losin EA, Roy M, Atlas LY, Schmidt L, Krishnan A, Koban L, Wager TD, Lindquist MA: Multiple brain networks mediating stimulus-pain relationships in humans. Cereb Cortex 30(7):4204-4219, 2020.

Lindquist M: Neuroimaging results altered by varying analysis pipelines. Nature 582(7810):36-37, 2020.

Lurie DJ, Kessler D, Bassett DS, Betzel RF, Breakspear M, Kheilholz S, Kucyi A, Liegeois R, Lindquist MA, McIntosh AR, Poldrack RA, Shine JM, Thompson WH, Bielczyk NZ, Douw L, Kraft D, Miller RL, Muthuraman M, Pasquini L, Razi A, Vidaurre D, Xie H, Calhoun VD: Questions and controversies in the study of time-varying functional connectivity in resting fMRI. Netw Neurosci 4(1):30-69, 2020.

Mejia AF, Yue YR, Bolin D, Lindgren F, Lindquist MA: A Bayesian general linear modeling approach to cortical surface fMRI data analysis. JASA 115(530):501-520, 2020.

Sobel ME, Lindquist MA: Estimating causal effects in studies of human brain function: New models, methods and estimands. Ann Appl Stat 14(1): 452-472, 2020.

Zhao Y, Lindquist MA, Caffo BS: Sparse principal component based high-dimensional mediation analysis. Comput Stat Data Anal 142: 106835, 2020.





Thomas Louis   (go to top of document)


Berube S, Kobayashi T, Norris DE, Ruczinski I, Moss WJ, Wesolowski A, Louis TA: Novel bioinformatic methods and machine learning approaches reveal candidate biomarkers of the intensity and timing of past exposure to Plasmodium falciparum. PLoS Glob Public Health 3(8):e0001840, 2023.

Berube S, Kobayashi T, Wesolowski A, Norris DE, Ruczinski I, Moss WJ, Louis TA: A Bayesian hierarchical model for signal extraction from protein microarrays. Stat Med 42(9):1445-1460, 2023.

Habermann H, Louis TA, Reeder F: Is autonomy possible and is it a good thing? Stat Public Policy 10(1):2221314, 2023.

Henderson NC, Varadhan R, Louis T: Improved small domain estimation via compromise regression weights. JASA 118(544):2793-2809, 2023.

Berube S, Kobayashi T, Wesolowski A, Norris DE, Ruczinski I, Moss WJ, Louis TA: A pre-processing pipeline to quantify, visualize, and reduce technical variation in protein microarray studies. Proteomics 22(3):e2100033, 2022.

Collaco JM, Raraigh KS, Betz J, Aksit MA, Blau N, Brown J, Dietz HC, MacCarrick G, Nogee LM, Sheridan MB, Vernon HJ, Beaty TH, Louis TA, Cutting GR: Accurate assignment of disease liability to genetic variants using only population data. Genet Med 24(1):87-99, 2022.

Ippolito MM, Kabuya JB, Hauser M, Kamavu LK, Banda PM, Yanek LR, Malik R, Mulenga M, Bailey JA, Chongwe G, Louis TA, Shapiro TA, Moss WJ, Southern and Central Africa International Centers of Excellence for Malaria Research: Whole blood transfusion for severe malarial anemia in a high plasmodium falciparum transmission setting. Clin Infect Dis 75(11):1893-1902, 2022.

Louis TA: Discussion of The Statistician in Medicine, by Professor Sir Austin Bradford Hill. Stat Med 40(1):35-36, 2021.

Rothmann M, Crown W, Louis TA, Permutt T, Ruberg S, Segal J, Scott J: Assessing and communicating heterogeneity of treatment effects for patient subpopulations: Panel discussion on considerations in design and analysis. Pharm Stat 20(5):952-964, 2021.

Daumit GL, Janssen EM, Jerome GJ, Dalcin AT, Charleston J, Clark JM, Coughlin JW, Yeh HC, Miller ER, Durkin N, Louis TA, Frick KD, Wang NY, Appel LJ: Cost of behavioral weight loss programs implemented in clinical practice: The POWER trial at Johns Hopkins. Transl Behav Med 10(1):103-113, 2020.

Henderson NC, Louis TA, Rosner GL, Varadhan R: Individualized treatment effects with censored data via fully nonparametric Bayesian accelerated failure time models. Biostatistics 21(1):50-68, 2020.




John McGready   (go to top of document)


Abusamaan MS, Ballreich J, Dobs A, Kane B, Maruthur N, McGready J, Riekert K, Wanigatunga AA, Alderfer M, Alver D, Lalani B, Ringham B, Vandi F, Zade D, Mathioudakis NN: Effectiveness of artificial intelligence vs. human coaching in diabetes prevention: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 25(1):325, 2024.

Graham E, Thorne-Lyman AL, McGready J, Mui Y, Manohar S, Neupane S, Fanzo J, West KP Jr: Measuring community urbanicity and its influence on household food security across Nepal's agroecological zones. Curr Dev Nutr 8(6):103773, 2024.

Gavigan C, Abbey EJ, McGready J, Simonsick EM, Mammen JS: Levothyroxine dosing in older adults: recommendations derived from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. Endocr Pract 29(8):612-617, 2023.

Kuo SE, Atayeva R, McGready J, Cooney CM, Lifchez SD: Scleroderma and Raynaud phenomenon: the cold truth regarding the use of operative management. Plast Reconstr Surg 152(2):369e-370e, 2023.

Pasqualino MM, Shaikh S, Islam MT, Parvin S, Ali H, McGready J, Labrique AB, Hossain MI, Palmer AC: Household animal ownership is associated with infant animal source food consumption in Bangladesh. Matern Child Nutr 19(3):e13495, 2023.

Pasqualino MM, Shaikh S, McGready J, Islam MT, Ali H, Ahmed T, West KP Jr, Alam M, Hossain MI, Labrique AB, Palmer AC: An egg intervention improves dietary intakes but does not fill intake gaps for multiple micronutrients among infants in rural Bangladesh. J Nutr 153(4):1199-1210, 2023.

Zale AD, Abusamaan MS, McGready J, Mathioudakis N: Prediction of next glucose measurement in hospitalized patients by comparing various regression methods: retrospective cohort study. JMIR Form Res 7:e41577, 2023.

Abbey EJ, McGready J, Oh E, Simonsick EM, Mammen JSR: Thyroid hormone use and overuse in dementia: results from the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study. J Am Geriatr Soc 70(11):3308-3311, 2022.

Abbey EJ, McGready J, Sokoll LJ, Simonsick EM, Mammen JSR: Free thyroxine distinguishes subclinical hypothyroidism from other aging-related changes in those with isolated elevated thyrotropin. Front Endocrinol 13:858332, 2022.

Zale AD, Abusamaan MS, McGready J, Mathioudakis N: Development and validation of a machine learning model for classification of next glucose measurement in hospitalized patients. EClinicalMedicine 44:101290, 2022.

Abbey EJ, McGready J, Ferrucci L, Simonsick EM, Mammen JSR: Thyroid hormone supplementation and all-cause mortality in community-dwelling older adults: results from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. J Am Geriatr Soc 69(5):1283-1290, 2021.

Beres LK, Mody A, Sikombe K, Nicholas LH, Schwartz S, Eshun-Wilson I, Somwe P, Simbeza S, Pry JM, Kaumba P, McGready J, Holmes CB, Bolton-Moore C, Sikazwe I, Denison JA, Geng EH: The effect of tracer contact on return to care among adult, "lost to follow-up" patients living with HIV in Zambia: an instrumental variable analysis. J Int AIDS Soc 24(12):e25853, 2021.

Beres LK, Schwartz S, Simbeza S, McGready J, Eshun-Wilson I, Mwamba C, Sikombe K, Topp SM, Somwe P, Mody A, Mukamba N, Ehrenkranz PD, Padian N, Pry J, Moore CB, Holmes CB, Sikazwe I, Denison JA, Geng E: Patterns and predictors of incident return to HIV care among traced, disengaged patients in Zambia: analysis of a prospective cohort. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 86(3):313-322, 2021.

Hoover-Fong JE, Alade AY, Hashmi SS, Hecht JT, Legare JM, Little ME, Liu C, McGready J, Modaff P, Pauli RM, Rodriguez-Buritica DF, Schulze KJ, Serna ME, Smid CJ, Bober MB: Achondroplasia Natural History Study (CLARITY): a multicenter retrospective cohort study of achondroplasia in the United States. Genet Med 23(8):1498-1505, 2021.

Hoover-Fong JE, Schulze KJ, Alade AY, Bober MB, Gough E, Hashmi SS, Hecht JT, Legare JM, Little ME, Modaff P, Pauli RM, Rodriguez-Buritica DF, Serna ME, Smid C, Liu C, McGready J: Growth in achondroplasia including stature, weight, weight-for-height and head circumference from CLARITY: achondroplasia natural history study-a multi-center retrospective cohort study of achondroplasia in the US. Orphanet J Rare Dis 16(1):522, 2021.

Mathioudakis NN, Abusamaan MS, Shakarchi AF, Sokolinsky S, Fayzullin S, McGready J, Zilbermint M, Saria S, Golden SH: Development and validation of a machine learning model to predict near-term risk of iatrogenic hypoglycemia in hospitalized patients. JAMA Netw Open 4(1):e2030913, 2021.

Merrill KG, Campbell JC, Decker MR, McGready J, Burke VM, Mwansa JK, Miti S, Frimpong C, Kennedy CE, Denison JA: Past-year violence victimization is associated with viral load failure among HIV-positive adolescents and young adults. AIDS Behav 25(5):1373-1383, 2021.

Mustafa Ali MK, Sabha MM, Mustafa SK, Banifadel M, Ghazaleh S, Aburayyan KM, Ghanim MT, Awad MT, Gekonde DN, Ambati AR, Ramahi A, Elzanaty AM, Nesheiwat Z, Shastri PM, Al-Sarie M, McGready J: Hospitalization and post-hospitalization outcomes among teaching internal medicine, employed hospitalist, and locum tenens hospitalist services in a tertiary center: a prospective cohort study. J Gen Intern Med 36(10):3040-3051, 2021.

Beres LK, Merrill KG, McGready J, Denison JA, Schwartz S, Sikazwe I, Decker MR: Intimate partner violence polyvictimisation and HIV among coupled women in Zambia: Analysis of a population-based survey. Glob Public Health 15(4):558-570, 2020.

Hoover-Fong J, Alade AY, Ain M, Berkowitz I, Bober M, Carter E, Hecht J, Hoerschemeyer D, Krakow D, MacCarrick G, Mackenzie WG, Mendoza R, Okenfuss E, Popplewell D, Raggio C, Schulze K, McGready J: Blood pressure in adults with short stature skeletal dysplasias. Am J Med Genet A 182(1):150-161, 2020.

Merrill KG, Campbell JC, Decker MR, McGready J, Burke VM, Mwansa JK, Miti S, Frimpong C, Kennedy CE, Denison JA: Prevalence of physical and sexual violence and psychological abuse among adolescents and young adults living with HIV in Zambia. PLoS One 15(6):e0235203, 2020.

Verma S, Zegar J, Hoge C, McGready J, Sidana A: Multiparametric MRI-ultrasound fusion prostate biopsy in patients without prior diagnosis of prostate cancer: beyond centers of excellence. Aging Male 23(5):1570-1575, 2020.

Wood SN, Kennedy SR, Akumu I, Tallam C, Asira B, Hameeduddin Z, McGready J, Zimmerman LA, Kennedy CE, Glass N, Decker MR: Reproductive coercion among intimate partner violence survivors in Nairobi. Stud Fam Plann 51(4):343-360, 2020.



Babak Moghadas (go to top of document)


Moghadas B, Bharadwaj VN, Tobey JP, Tian Y, Stabenfeldt SE, Kodibagkar VD: GdDO3NI enhanced magnetic resonance imaging allows imaging of hypoxia after brain injury. J Magn Reson Imaging 55(4):1161-1168, 2022.

Veldhuizen J, Chavan R, Moghadas B, Park JG, Kodibagkar VD, Migrino RQ, Nikkhah M: Cardiac ischemia on-a-chip to investigate cellular and molecular response of myocardial tissue under hypoxia. Biomaterials 281:121336, 2022.

Moghadas B, Solouk A, Sadeghi D: Development of chitosan membrane using non-toxic crosslinkers for potential wound dressing applications. Polymer Bulletin 78: 4919-4929, 2021.

Gupta S, Singh P, Moghadas B, Grim BJ, Kodibagkar VD, Green MD: Synthesis of PEG and quaternary ammonium grafted silicone copolymers as nanoemulsifiers. ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2(5):1856-1864, 2020.


John Muschelli   (go to top of document)


Goeddel LA, Hernandez M, Koffman L, Slowey C, Muschelli J 3rd, Zhou X, Parikh CR, Lima JAC, Bandeen-Roche K, Faraday N, Crainiceanu CM, Brown C 4th: Assessment of renal vein stasis index by transesophageal echocardiography during cardiac surgery: a feasibility study. Anesth Analg 140(1):224-227. 2025.

Goeddel LA, Koffman L, Hernandez M, Whitman G, Parikh CR, Lima JAC, Bandeen-Roche K, Zhou X, Muschelli J 3rd, Crainiceanu C, Faraday N, Brown C 4th: Occurrence of low cardiac index during normotensive periods in cardiac surgery: a prospective cohort study using continuous noninvasive cardiac output monitoring. Anesth Analg 140(1):77-86, 2025.

Koffman L, Crainiceanu C, Muschelli J: Comparing step counting algorithms for high-resolution wrist accelerometry data in NHANES 2011-2014. Med Sci Sports Exerc 57(4):746-755, 2025.

Zhao A, Cui E, Leroux A, Zhou X, Muschelli J, Lindquist MA, Crainiceanu CM: Objectively measured physical activity using wrist-worn accelerometers as a predictor of incident Alzheimer's disease in the UK Biobank. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 80(2):glae287, 2025.

Leroux A, Cui E, Smirnova E, Muschelli J, Schrack JA, Crainiceanu CM: NHANES 2011-2014: Objective physical activity is the strongest predictor of all-cause mortality. Med Sci Sports Exerc 56(10):19261934, 2024.

Wright C, Meng Q, Breshock MR, Atta L, Taub MA, Jager LR, Muschelli J, Hicks SC: Open case studies: statistics and data science education through real-world applications. J Stat Data Sci Educ 32(4):331-344, 2024.

Savonen C, Wright C, Hoffman AM, Muschelli J, Cox K, Tan FJ, Leek JT: Open-source Tools for Training Resources - OTTR. J Stat Data Sci Educ 31(1):57-65, 2023.

Zhao C, Tapera TM, Bagautdinova J, Bourque J, Covitz S, Gur RE, Gur RC, Larsen B, Mehta K, Meisler SL, Murtha K, Muschelli J, Roalf DR, Sydnor VJ, Valcarcel AM, Shinohara RT, Cieslak M, Satterthwaite TD: ModelArray: An R package for statistical analysis of fixel-wise data. Neuroimage 271:120037, 2023.

Karas M, Muschelli J, Leroux A, Urbanek JK, Wanigatunga AA, Bai J, Crainiceanu CM, Schrack JA: Comparison of accelerometry-based measures of physical activity: retrospective observational data analysis study. JMIR mHealth uHealth 10(7):e38077, 2022.

Pham DD, Muschelli J, Mejia AF: ciftiTools: A package for reading, writing, visualizing, and manipulating CIFTI files in R. Neuroimage 250:118877, 2022.

Qi G, Dutta D, Leroux A, Ray D, Muschelli J, Crainiceanu C, Chatterjee N: Genome-wide association studies of 27 accelerometry-derived physical activity measurements identified novel loci and genetic mechanisms. Genet Epidemiol 46(2):122-138, 2022.

Redd AD, Peetluk LS, Jarrett BA, Hanrahan C, Schwartz S, Rao A, Jaffe AE, ..., Muschelli J, et al: Curating the evidence about COVID-19 for frontline public health and clinical care: the Novel Coronavirus Research Compendium. Public Health Rep 137(2):197-202, 2022.

Sharrock MF, Mould WA, Hildreth M, Ryu EP, Walborn N, Awad IA, Hanley DF, Muschelli J: Bayesian deep learning outperforms clinical trial estimators of intracerebral and intraventricular hemorrhage volume. J Neuroimaging 32(5):968-976, 2022.

Smirnova E, Mallow C, Muschelli J, Shao Y, Thiboutot J, Lam A, Rule AM, Crainiceanu C, Yarmus L: Predictive performance of selected breath volatile organic carbon compounds in stage 1 lung cancer. Transl Lung Cancer Res 11(6):1009-1018, 2022.

Bennett TD, Moffitt RA, Hajagos JG, ..., Muschelli J, et al: Clinical characterization and prediction of clinical severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection among US adults using data from the US National COVID Cohort Collaborative. JAMA Netw Open (7):e2116901, 2021.

Bowring MG, Wang Z, Xu Y, Betz J, Muschelli J, Garibaldi BT, Zeger SL: Outcome-stratified analysis of biomarker trajectories for patients infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Am J Epidemiol 190(10):2094-2106, 2021.

Broll S, Urbanek J, Buchanan D, Chun E, Muschelli J, Punjabi NM, Gaynanova I: Interpreting blood GLUcose data with R package iglu. PLoS One 16(4):e0248560, 2021.

Eshaghzadeh Torbati M, Minhas DS, Ahmad G, O'Connor EE, Muschelli J, Laymon CM, Yang Z, Cohen AD, Aizenstein HJ, Klunk WE, Christian BT, Hwang SJ, Crainiceanu CM, Tudorascu DL: A multi-scanner neuroimaging data harmonization using RAVEL and ComBat. Neuroimage 245:118703, 2021.

Garibaldi BT, Fiksel J, Muschelli J, Robinson ML, Rouhizadeh M, Perin J, Schumock G, Nagy P, Gray JH, Malapati H, Ghobadi-Krueger M, Niessen TM, Kim BS, Hill PM, Ahmed MS, Dobkin ED, Blanding R, Abele J, Woods B, Harkness K, Thiemann DR, Bowring MG, Shah AB, Wang MC, Bandeen-Roche K, Rosen A, Zeger SL, Gupta A: Patient trajectories among persons hospitalized for COVID-19 : a cohort study. Ann Intern Med 174(1):33-41, 2021.

Leroux A, Xu S, Kundu P, Muschelli J, Smirnova E, Chatterjee N, Crainiceanu C: Quantifying the predictive performance of objectively measured physical activity on mortality in the UK Biobank. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 76(8):1486-1494, 2021.

Scully EP, Schumock G, Fu M, Massaccesi G, Muschelli J, Betz J, Klein EY, West NE, Robinson M, Garibaldi BT, Bandeen-Roche K, Zeger S, Klein SL, Gupta A: Sex and gender differences in testing, hospital admission, clinical presentation, and drivers of severe outcomes from COVID-19. Open Forum Infect Dis 8(9):ofab448, 2021.

Sharrock MF, Mould WA, Ali H, Hildreth M, Awad IA, Hanley DF, Muschelli J: 3D deep neural network segmentation of intracerebral hemorrhage: development and validation for clinical trials. Neuroinformatics 19(3):403-415, 2021.

Tustison NJ, Cook PA, Holbrook AJ, Johnson HJ, Muschelli J, Devenyi GA, Duda JT, Das SR, Cullen NC, Gillen DL, Yassa MA, Stone JR, Gee JC, Avants BB: The ANTsX ecosystem for quantitative biological and medical imaging. Sci Rep 11(1):9068, 2021.

Wang G, Muschelli J, Lindquist MA: Moderated t-tests for group-level fMRI analysis. Neuroimage 237:118141, 2021.

Wongvibulsin S, Garibaldi BT, Antar AAR, Wen J, Wang MC, Gupta A, Bollinger R, Xu Y, Wang K, Betz JF, Muschelli J, Bandeen-Roche K, Zeger SL, Robinson ML: Development of Severe COVID-19 Adaptive Risk Predictor (SCARP), a calculator to predict severe disease or death in hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Ann Intern Med 174(6):777-785, 2021.

Wrobel J, Muschelli J, Leroux A: Diurnal physical activity patterns across ages in a large UK based cohort: the UK Biobank study. Sensors 21(4):1545, 2021.

Gherman A, Muschelli J, Caffo B, Crainiceanu C: Rxnat: An open-source R package for XNAT-based repositories. Front Neuroinform 14:572068, 2020.

Hannawi Y, Muschelli J, Mulder M, Sharrock M, Storm C, Leithner C, Crainiceanu CM, Stevens RD: Postcardiac arrest neurological prognostication with quantitative regional cerebral densitometry. Resuscitation 154:101-109, 2020.

Hansen BM, Ullman N, Muschelli J, Norrving B, Dlugash R, Avadhani R, Awad I, Zuccarello M, Ziai WC, Hanley DF, Thompson RE, Lindgren A, MISTIE and CLEAR Investigators: Relationship of white matter lesions with intracerebral hemorrhage expansion and functional outcome: MISTIE II and CLEAR III. Neurocrit Care 33(2):516-524, 2020.

Muschelli J: ROC and AUC with a binary predictor: a potentially misleading metric. J Classif 37(3):696-708, 2020.

Rothstein JD, Caulfield LE, Broaddus-Shea ET, Muschelli J, Gilman RH, Winch PJ: "The doctor said formula would help me": Health sector influences on use of infant formula in peri-urban Lima, Peru. Soc Sci Med 244:112324, 2020.

Ryan SM, Vestal B, Maier LA, Carlson NE, Muschelli J: Template creation for high-resolution computed tomography scans of the lung in R software. Acad Radiol 27(8):e204-e215, 2020.

Valcarcel AM, Muschelli J, Pham DL, Martin ML, Yushkevich P, Brandstadter R, Patterson KR, Schindler MK, Calabresi PA, Bakshi R, Shinohara RT: TAPAS: A Thresholding Approach for Probability Map Automatic Segmentation in Multiple Sclerosis. Neuroimage Clin 27:102256, 2020.




Akihiko Nishimura (go to top of document)


Bu F, Schuemie MJ, Nishimura A, Smith LH, Kostka K, Falconer T, McLeggon JA, Ryan PB, Hripcsak G, Suchard MA: Bayesian safety surveillance with adaptive bias correction. Stat Med 43(2):395-418, 2024.

Cai CX, Nishimura A, Bowring MG, Westlund E, ..., Zeger S, et al: Similar risk of kidney failure among patients with blinding diseases who receive ranibizumab, aflibercept, and bevacizumab: an Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics Network Study. Ophthalmol Retina 8(8):733-743, 2024.

Ding X, Kharrazi H, Nishimura A: Assessing the impact of social determinants of health on diabetes severity and management. JAMIA Open 7(4):ooae107, 2024.

Khera R, Aminorroaya A, Dhingra LS, Thangaraj PM, Pedroso Camargos A, Bu F, Ding X, Nishimura A, et al: Comparative effectiveness of second-line antihyperglycemic agents for cardiovascular outcomes: a multinational, federated analysis of LEGEND-T2DM. J Am Coll Cardiol 84(10):904-917, 2024.

Rosenblum M, Chin ET, Ogburn EL, Nishimura A, Westreich D, Datta A, et al: Misuse of statistical method results in highly biased interpretation of forensic evidence in Guyll et al. Law Prob Risk 23(1):mgad010, 2024.

Rosenblum M, Chin ET, Ogburn EL, Nishimura A, Westreich D, Datta A, et al: Incorrect statistical reasoning in Guyll et al leads to biased claims about strength of forensic evidence. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 121(45):e2315431121, 2024.

Fisher AA, Ji X, Nishimura A, Baele G, Lemey P, Suchard MA: Shrinkage-based random local clocks with scalable inference. Mol Biol Evol 40(11):msad242, 2023.

Khera R, Dhingra LS, Aminorroaya A, Li K, Zhou JJ, ..., Nishimura A, et al: Multinational patterns of second line antihyperglycaemic drug initiation across cardiovascular risk groups: federated pharmacoepidemiological evaluation in LEGEND-T2DM. BMJ Med 2(1):e000651, 2023.

Nishimura A, Suchard MA: Prior-preconditioned conjugate gradient method for accelerated Gibbs sampling in "Large n, Large p" Bayesian sparse regression. JASA 118(544):2468-2481, 2023.

Nishimura A, Suchard MA: Shrinkage with shrunken shoulders: Gibbs sampling shrinkage model posteriors with guaranteed convergence rates. Bayesian Analysis 18(2): 367-390, 2023.

Schuemie MJ, Bu F, Nishimura A, Suchard MA: Adjusting for both sequential testing and systematic error in safety surveillance using observational data: empirical calibration and MaxSPRT. Stat Med 42(5):619-631, 2023.

Zhang Z, Nishimura A, Trovao NS, Cherry JL, Holbrook AJ, Ji X, Lemey P, Suchard MA: Accelerating Bayesian inference of dependency between mixed-type biological traits. PLoS Comput Biol 19(8):e1011419, 2023.

Nishimura A, Xie J, Kostka K, Duarte-Salles T, et al: International cohort study indicates no association between alpha-1 blockers and susceptibility to COVID-19 in benign prostatic hyperplasia patients. Front Pharmacol 13:945592, 2022.

Wang Z, Bowring MG, Rosen A, Garibaldi B, Zeger S, Nishimura A: Learning and predicting from dynamic models for COVID-19 patient monitoring. Stat Sci 37(2):251-265, 2022.

Koenecke A, Powell M, Xiong R, Shen Z, Fischer N, Huq S, Khalafallah AM, Trevisan M, Sparen P, Carrero JJ, Nishimura A, Caffo B, Stuart EA, Bai R, Staedtke V, Thomas DL, Papadopoulos N, Kinzler KW, Vogelstein B, Zhou S, Bettegowda C, Konig MF, Mensh BD, Vogelstein JT, Athey S: Alpha-1 adrenergic receptor antagonists to prevent hyperinflammation and death from lower respiratory tract infection. Elife 10:e61700, 2021.

Powell M, Koenecke A, Byrd JB, Nishimura A, Konig MF, Xiong R, Mahmood S, Mucaj V, Bettegowda C, Rose L, Tamang S, Sacarny A, Caffo B, Athey S, Stuart EA, Vogelstein JT: Ten rules for conducting retrospective pharmacoepidemiological analyses: example COVID-19 study. Front Pharmacol 12:700776, 2021.

Zhang Z, Nishimura A, Bastide P, Ji X, Payne RP, Goulder P, Lemey P, Suchard MA: Large-scale inference of correlation among mixed-type biological traits with phylogenetic multivariate probit models. Ann Appl Stat 15(1):230-251, 2021.

Duan LL, Young AL, Nishimura A, Dunson DB: Bayesian constraint relaxation. Biometrika 107(1):191-204, 2020.

Ji X, Zhang Z, Holbrook A, Nishimura A, Baele G, Rambaut A, Lemey P, Suchard MA: Gradients do grow on trees: a linear-time O(N)-dimensional gradient for statistical phylogenetics. Mol Biol Evol 37(10):3047-3060, 2020.

Nishimura A, Dunson D: Recycling intermediate steps to improve Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. Bayesian Analysis 15(4):1087-1108, 2020.

Nishimura A, Dunson DB, Lu J: Discontinuous Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for discrete parameters and discontinuous likelihoods. Biometrika 107(2):365-380, 2020.



Daniel Obeng (go to top of document)


Ermer J, Aguiar D, Boden A, Ding B, Obeng D, Rose M, Vokrot J: Lifecycle management in pharmaceutical analysis: how to establish an efficient and relevant continued performance monitoring program. J Pharm Biomed Anal 181:113051, 2020.


Elizabeth Ogburn  (go to top of document)


Nguyen TQ, Stuart EA, Scharfstein DO, Ogburn EL: Sensitivity analysis for principal ignorability violation in estimating complier and noncomplier average causal effects. Stat Med 43(19):3664-3688, 2024.

Ogburn EL, Sofrygin O, Diaz I, van der Laan MJ: Causal inference for social network data. JASA 119(545):597-611, 2024.

Rosenblum M, Chin ET, Ogburn EL, Nishimura A, Westreich D, Datta A, et al: Misuse of statistical method results in highly biased interpretation of forensic evidence in Guyll et al. Law Prob Risk 23(1):mgad010, 2024.

Rosenblum M, Chin ET, Ogburn EL, Nishimura A, Westreich D, Datta A, et al: Incorrect statistical reasoning in Guyll et al leads to biased claims about strength of forensic evidence. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 121(45):e2315431121, 2024.

Avolio LN, Smith TJS, Navas-Acien A, Kruczynski K, Pisanic N, Randad PR, Detrick B, Fry RC, van Geen A, Goessler W, Karron RA, Klein SL, Ogburn EL, et al: The Pregnancy, Arsenic, and Immune Response (PAIR) Study in rural northern Bangladesh. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 37(2):165-178, 2023.

Lee Y, Buchanan AL, Ogburn EL, Friedman SR, Halloran ME, Katenka NV, Wu J, Nikolopoulos GK: Finding influential subjects in a network using a causal framework. Biometrics 79(4):3715-3727, 2023.

Miao W, Hu W, Ogburn EL, Zhou XH: Identifying effects of multiple treatments in the presnece of unmeasured confounding. JASA 119(543):1953-1967, 2023.

Casey JA, Kioumourtzoglou MA, Ogburn EL, Melamed A, Shaman J, Kandula S, Neophytou A, Darwin KC, Sheffield JS, Gyamfi-Bannerman C: Long-term fine particulate matter concentrations and prevalence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2: differential relationships by socioeconomic status among pregnant individuals in New York City. Am J Epidemiol 191(11):1897-1905, 2022.

Di Stefano L, Ogburn EL, Ram M, Scharfstein DO, Li T, et al: Hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine for the treatment of hospitalized patients with COVID-19: An individual participant data meta-analysis. PLoS One 17(9):e0273526, 2022.

Ogburn EL, Cai J, Kuchibhotla AK, Berk RA, Buja A: Contribution to the discussion of 'Assumption-lean inference for generalised linear model parameters' by Vansteelandt and Dukes. JRSS-B 84(3):715-716, 2022.

Thorpe LE, Adhikari S, Lopez P, ..., Ogburn EL, et al: Neighborhood socioeconomic environment and risk of type 2 diabetes: associations and mediation through food environment pathways in three independent study samples. Diabetes Care 45(4):798-810, 2022.

Clipman SJ, Mehta SH, Srikrishnan AK, Zook KJ, Duggal P, Mohapatra S, Shanmugam S, Nandagopal P, Kumar MS, Ogburn E, Lucas GM, Latkin CA, Solomon SS: Role of direct and indirect social and spatial ties in the diffusion of HIV and HCV among people who inject drugs: A cross-sectional community-based network analysis in New Delhi, India. Elife 10:e69174, 2021.

Haendel MA, Chute CG, Bennett TD, ..., N3C Consortium (includes Ogburn E): The National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C): Rationale, design, infrastructure, and deployment. J Am Med Inform Assoc 28(3):427-443, 2021.

Lee Y, Ogburn EL: Network dependence can lead to spurious associations and invalid inference. JASA 116(535):1060-1074, 2021.

Ogburn EL, Rudolph KE, Morello-Frosch R, Khan A, Casey JA: A warning about using predicted values from regression models for epidemiologic inquiry. Am J Epidemiol 190(6):1142-1147, 2021.

Ogburn EL, Shpitser I: Causal modelling: the two cultures. Observational Studies 7(1):179-183, 2021.

Kimmel SE, Califf RM, Dean NE, Goodman SN, Ogburn EL: Editorial: COVID-19 clinical trials: a teachable moment for improving our research infrastructure and relevance. Ann Intern Med 173(8):652-653, 2020.

Ogburn EL, Bierer BE, Brookmeyer R, Choirat C, Dean NE, De Gruttola V, Ellenberg SS, Halloran ME, Hanley DF Jr, Lee JK, Wang R, Scharfstein DO: Comment: Aggregating data from COVID-19 trials. Science 368(6496):1198-1199, 2020.

Ogburn EL, Shpitser I, Lee Y: Causal inference, social networks and chain graphs. JRSS-A 183(4):1659-1676, 2020.



Chathurangi Pathiravasan (go to top of document)


Colon-Ramos U, Lewis EC, Tucker AC, Poirier L, Pathiravasan CH, et al: Design of the Focus on Restaurant Engagement to Strengthen Health (FRESH) study: leveraging systems science to work with independently-owned restaurants to increase access to and promotion of healthful foods. Front Public Health 12:1427792, 2025.

Ishigami J, Liu H, Zhao D, Sabit A, Pathiravasan CH, Charleston J, Miller ER 3rd, Matsushita K, Appel LJ, Brady TM: Effects of noise and public setting on blood pressure readings: a randomized crossover trial. Ann Intern Med 178(2):149-156, 2025.

Ellenbogen MI, Marine JE, Arbab-Zadeh A, Pathiravasan CH, Swann J, Brotman DJ: Relationship between insurance status and receipt of cardiac tests and procedures during hospitalization: a cross-sectional study. J Am Heart Assoc 13(19):e035797, 2024.

Kishan A, Pearson ZC, Li SS, Pressman Z, Ahiarakwe U, Pathiravasan CH, Srikumaran U: How low can we go? a randomized controlled trial of low-quantity initial opioid prescriptions for shoulder surgery. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 33(6):1211-1218, 2024.

Lee J, Wang X, Liu C, Pathiravasan CH, Benjamin EJ, McManus DD, Murabito JM: Depressive symptoms are not associated with clinically important levels of digital home blood pressure in the electronic Framingham Heart Study. Cardiovasc Digit Health J 5(2):50-58, 2024.

Liu H, Zhao D, Sabit A, Pathiravasan CH, Ishigami J, Charleston J, Miller ER 3rd, Matsushita K, Appel LJ, Brady TM: Arm position and blood pressure readings: the ARMS Crossover Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Intern Med 184(12):1436-1442, 2024.

Rong J, Pathiravasan CH, Zhang Y, Faro JM, Wang X, Schramm E, Borrelli B, Benjamin EJ, Liu C, Murabito JM: Baseline smartphone app survey return in the electronic Framingham Heart Study Offspring and Omni 1 Study: eCohort Study. JMIR Aging 7:e64636, 2024.

Spartano NL, Zhang Y, Liu C, Chernofsky A, Lin H, Trinquart L, Borrelli B, Pathiravasan CH, Kheterpal V, Nowak C, Vasan RS, Benjamin EJ, McManus DD, Murabito JM: Agreement between Apple watch and Actical step counts in a community setting: cross-sectional investigation from the Framingham Heart Study. JMIR Biomed Eng 9:e54631, 2024.

Wang X, Zhang Y, Pathiravasan CH, Ukonu NC, Rong J, Benjamin EJ, McManus DD, Larson MG, Vasan RS, Hamburg NM, Murabito JM, Liu C, Mitchell GF: Association of arterial stiffness with mid- to long-term home blood pressure variability in the Electronic Framingham Heart Study: Cohort Study. JMIR Cardio 8:e54801, 2024.

Zhang Y, Wang X, Pathiravasan CH, Spartano NL, Lin H, Borrelli B, Benjamin EJ, McManus DD, Larson MG, Vasan RS, Shah RV, Lewis GD, Liu C, Murabito JM, Nayor M: Association of smartwatch-based heart rate and physical activity with cardiorespiratory fitness measures in the community: cohort study. J Med Internet Res 26:e56676, 2024.

Shapira-Daniels A, Kornej J, Spartano NL, Wang X, Zhang Y, Pathiravasan CH, Liu C, Trinquart L, Borrelli B, McManus DD, Murabito JM, Benjamin EJ, Lin H: Step count, self-reported physical activity, and predicted 5-year risk of atrial fibrillation: cross-sectional analysis. J Med Internet Res 25:e43123, 2023.

Wang X, Pathiravasan CH, Zhang Y, Trinquart L, Borrelli B, Spartano NL, Lin H, Nowak C, Kheterpal V, Benjamin EJ, McManus DD, Murabito JM, Liu C: Association of depressive symptom trajectory with physical activity collected by mHealth devices in the Electronic Framingham Heart Study: cohort study. JMIR Ment Health 10:e44529, 2023.

Hammond MM, Zhang Y, Pathiravasan CH, Lin H, Sardana M, Trinquart L, Benjamin EJ, Borrelli B, Manders ES, Fusco K, Kornej J, Spartano NL, Kheterpal V, Nowak C, McManus DD, Liu C, Murabito JM: Relations between BMI trajectories and habitual physical activity measured by a smartwatch in the electronic cohort of the Framingham Heart Study: Cohort Study. JMIR Cardio 6(1):e32348, 2022.

Pathiravasan CH, Zhang Y, Wang X, Trinquart L, Benjamin EJ, Borrelli B, McManus DD, Kheterpal V, Lin H, Spartano NL, Schramm E, Liu C, Murabito JM: Factors associated with long-term use of digital devices in the electronic Framingham Heart Study. NPJ Digit Med 5(1):195, 2022.

Zhang Y, Pathiravasan CH, Hammond MM, Liu H, Lin H, Sardana M, Trinquart L, Borrelli B, Manders ES, Kornej J, Spartano NL, Nowak C, Kheterpal V, Benjamin EJ, McManus DD, Murabito JM, Liu C: Comparison of daily routines between middle-aged and older participants with and those without diabetes in the electronic Framingham Heart Study: Cohort Study. JMIR Diabetes 7(1):e29107, 2022.

Ding EY, Pathiravasan CH, Schramm E, Borrelli B, Liu C, Trinquart L, Kornej J, Benjamin EJ, Murabito JM, McManus DD: Design, deployment, and usability of a mobile system for cardiovascular health monitoring within the electronic Framingham Heart Study. Cardiovasc Digit Health J 2(3):171-178, 2021.

Pathiravasan CH, Zhang Y, Trinquart L, Benjamin EJ, Borrelli B, McManus DD, Kheterpal V, Lin H, Sardana M, Hammond MM, Spartano NL, Dunn AL, Schramm E, Nowak C, Manders ES, Liu H, Kornej J, Liu C, Murabito JM: Adherence of mobile app-based surveys and comparison with traditional surveys: eCohort Study. J Med Internet Res 23(1):e24773, 2021.

Kornej J, Murabito JM, Zhang Y, Liu C, Trinquart L, Sardana M, Manders ES, Hammond MM, Spartano NL, Pathiravasan CH, Wang X, Borrelli B, McManus DD, Benjamin EJ, Lin H: No evidence of association between habitual physical activity and ECG traits: Insights from the electronic Framingham Heart Study. Cardiovasc Digit Health 3(1):56-58, 2021.

Sardana M, Lin H, Zhang Y, Liu C, Trinquart L, Benjamin EJ, Manders ES, Fusco K, Kornej J, Hammond MM, Spartano N, Pathiravasan CH, Kheterpal V, Nowak C, Borrelli B, Murabito JM, McManus DD: Association of habitual physical activity with home blood pressure in the electronic Framingham Heart Study (eFHS): Cross-sectional Study. J Med Internet Res 23(6):e25591, 2021.

Lin H, Sardana M, Zhang Y, Liu C, Trinquart L, Benjamin EJ, Manders ES, Fusco K, Kornej J, Hammond MM, Spartano NL, Pathiravasan CH, Kheterpal V, Nowak C, Borrelli B, Murabito JM, McManus DD: Association of habitual physical activity with cardiovascular disease risk. Circ Res 127(10):1253-1260, 2020.




Michael Rosenblum   (go to top of document)


Siddiqua TJ, Schulze KJ, Hasan ST, ..., Rosenblum M, et al: Micronutrient dose response (MiNDR) study among women of reproductive age and pregnant women in rural Bangladesh: study protocol for double-blind, randomised, controlled trials. BMJ Open 15(1):e090108, 2025.

Susukida R, Amin-Esmaeili M, Badillo-Goicoechea E, Nguyen TQ, Stuart EA, Rosenblum M, Dunn KE, Mojtabai R: Application of causal forest model to examine treatment effect heterogeneity in substance use disorder psychosocial treatments. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res 34(1):e70011, 2025.

Van Lancker K, Betz JF, Rosenblum M: Combining covariate adjustment with group sequential, information-adaptive designs to improve randomized trial efficiency. Biometrics 81(1):ujaf020, 2025.

Cuellar M, Vanderplas S, Luby A, Rosenblum M: Methodological problems in every black-box study of forensic firearm comparisons. Law Prob Risk 23(1):mgae015, 2024.

Mohs R, Bakker A, Rosenzweig-Lipson S, Rosenblum M, Barton RL, Albert MS, Cohen S, Zeger S, Gallagher M: The HOPE4MCI study: A randomized double-blind assessment of AGB101 for the treatment of MCI due to AD. Alzheimers Dement 10(1):e12446, 2024.

Rosenblum M, Chin ET, Ogburn EL, Nishimura A, Westreich D, Datta A, et al: Misuse of statistical method results in highly biased interpretation of forensic evidence in Guyll et al. Law Prob Risk 23(1):mgad010, 2024.

Rosenblum M, Chin ET, Ogburn EL, Nishimura A, Westreich D, Datta A, et al: Incorrect statistical reasoning in Guyll et al leads to biased claims about strength of forensic evidence. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 121(45):e2315431121, 2024.

Coleman JS, Diniz CP, Fuchs EJ, Marzinke MA, Aung W, Bakshi RP, Farzadegan H, Bream JH, Nilles TL, Hudson S, Bumpus NN, Schwartz GJ, Rosenblum MA, Rooney JF, Hendrix CW: Interaction of depot medroxyprogesterone acetate and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/emtricitabine on peripheral blood mononuclear cells and cervical tissue susceptibility to HIV infection and pharmacokinetics. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 92(1):89-96, 2023.

Imai K, Rosenblum M, Rothmann M: 14th Annual University of Pennsylvania Conference on statistical issues in clinical trials/subgroup analysis in clinical trials: Opportunities and challenges (afternoon panel discussion). Clin Trials 20(4):405-415, 2023.

Wang B, Susukida R, Mojtabai R, Amin-Esmaeili M, Rosenblum M: Model-robust inference for clinical trials that improve precision by stratified randomization and covariate adjustment. JASA 118(542):1152-1163, 2023.

Williams N, Rosenblum M, Diaz I: Optimising precision and power by machine learning in randomised trials with ordinal and time-to-event outcomes with an application to COVID-19. JRSS-A 185(4):2156-2178, 2022.

Askenase MH, Goods BA, Beatty HE, Steinschneider AF, ..., Thompson RE, ..., ICHseq Investigators MISTIE III Investigators (includes Rosenblum M): Longitudinal transcriptomics define the stages of myeloid activation in the living human brain after intracerebral hemorrhage. Sci Immunol 6(56):eabd6279, 2021.

Benkeser D, Diaz I, Luedtke A, Segal J, Scharfstein D, Rosenblum M: Improving precision and power in randomized trials for COVID-19 treatments using covariate adjustment, for binary, ordinal, and time-to-event outcomes. Biometrics 77(4):1467-1481, 2021.

Steingrimsson JA, Betz J, Qian T, Rosenblum M: Optimized adaptive enrichment designs for three-arm trials: learning which subpopulations benefit from different treatments. Biostatistics 22(2):283-297, 2021.

Canto MI, Trindade AJ, Abrams J, Rosenblum M, Dumot J, Chak A, Iyer P, Diehl D, Khara HS, Corbett FS, McKinley M, Shin EJ, Waxman I, Infantolino A, Tofani C, Samarasena J, Chang K, Wang B, Goldblum J, Voltaggio L, Montgomery E, Lightdale CJ, Shaheen NJ: Multifocal cryoballoon ablation for eradication of Barrett's esophagus-related neoplasia: a prospective multicenter clinical trial. Am J Gastroenterol 115(11):1879-1890, 2020.

McGinty EE, Stone EM, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Bandara S, Murphy KA, Stuart EA, Rosenblum MA, Daumit GL: Effects of Maryland's Affordable Care Act Medicaid health home waiver on quality of cardiovascular care among people with serious mental illness. J Gen Intern Med 35(11):3148-3158, 2020.

Rosenblum M, Fang EX, Liu H: Optimal, twostage, adaptive enrichment designs for randomized trials, using sparse linear programming. JRSS-B 82(3):749-772, 2020.



Ingo Ruczinski  (go to top of document)


Choi SH, Jurgens SJ, Xiao L, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Ruczinski I): Sequencing in over 50,000 cases identifies coding and structural variation underlying atrial fibrillation risk. Nat Genet 57(3):548-562, 2025.

Li X, Chen H, Selvaraj MS, Van Buren E, Zhou H, ..., Yu Z, Jiang MZ, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Ruczinski I), et al: A statistical framework for multi-trait rare variant analysis in large-scale whole-genome sequencing studies. Nat Comput Sci 5(2):125-143, 2025.

Mangnier L, Ruczinski I, Ricard J, Moreau C, Girard S, Maziade M, Bureau A: RetroFun-RVS: A retrospective family-based framework for rare variant analysis incorporating functional annotations. Genet Epidemiol 49(2):e70001, 2025.

Grant-McAuley W, Morgenlander WR, Ruczinski I, Kammers K, Laeyendecker O, Hudelson SE, Thakar M, Piwowar-Manning E, et al: Identification of antibody targets associated with lower HIV viral load and viremic control. PLoS One 19(9):e0305976, 2024.

Keener R, Chhetri SB, Connelly CJ, Taub MA, ..., Ruczinski I, et al: Validation of human telomere length multi-ancestry meta-analysis association signals identifies POP5 and KBTBD6 as human telomere length regulation genes. Nat Commun 15(1):4417, 2024.

Liebhoff AM, Venkataraman T, Morgenlander WR, Na M, Kula T, Waugh K, Morrison C, Rewers M, Longman R, Round J, Elledge S, Ruczinski I, Langmead B, Larman HB: Efficient encoding of large antigenic spaces by epitope prioritization with Dolphyn. Nat Commun 15(1):1577, 2024.

Morgenlander WR, Chia WN, Parra B, Monaco DR, Ragan I, Pardo CA, Bowen R, Zhong D, Norris DE, Ruczinski I, Durbin A, Wang LF, Larman HB, Robinson ML: Precision arbovirus serology with a pan-arbovirus peptidome. Nat Commun 15(1):5833, 2024.

Szczesny B, Boorgula MP, Chavan S, Campbell M, Johnson RK, Kammers K, ..., Ruczinski I, ..., Taub MA, et al: Multi-omics in nasal epithelium reveals three axes of dysregulation for asthma risk in the African Diaspora populations. Nat Commun 15(1):4546, 2024.

Berube S, Kobayashi T, Norris DE, Ruczinski I, Moss WJ, Wesolowski A, Louis TA: Novel bioinformatic methods and machine learning approaches reveal candidate biomarkers of the intensity and timing of past exposure to Plasmodium falciparum. PLoS Glob Public Health 3(8):e0001840, 2023.

Berube S, Kobayashi T, Wesolowski A, Norris DE, Ruczinski I, Moss WJ, Louis TA: A Bayesian hierarchical model for signal extraction from protein microarrays. Stat Med 42(9):1445-1460, 2023.

Grant-McAuley W, Morgenlander W, ..., Ruczinski I, Kammers K, Laeyendecker O, Larman HB, Eshleman SH: Comprehensive profiling of pre-infection antibodies identifies HIV targets associated with viremic control and viral load. Front Immunol 14:1178520, 2023.

Huffaker MF, Kanchan K, Bahnson HT, Ruczinski I, Shankar G, Leung DYM, Baloh C, Du Toit G, Lack G, Nepom GT, Mathias RA: Epidermal differentiation complex genetic variation in atopic dermatitis and peanut allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol 151(4):1137-1142, 2023.

Li X, Quick C, Zhou H, Gaynor SM, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Ruczinski I), et al: Powerful, scalable and resource-efficient meta-analysis of rare variant associations in large whole genome sequencing studies. Nat Genet 55(1):154-164, 2023.

Recto K, Kachroo P, Huan T, Van Den Berg D, Lee GY, Bui H, Lee DH, Gereige J, Yao C, Hwang SJ, Joehanes R, Weiss ST; NHLBI Trans-Omics in Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Ruczinski I), O'Connor GT, Levy D, DeMeo D: Epigenome-wide DNA methylation association study of circulating IgE levels identifies novel targets for asthma. EBioMedicine 95:104758, 2023.

Weinstock JS, Gopakumar J, Burugula BB, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Ruczinski I), et al: Aberrant activation of TCL1A promotes stem cell expansion in clonal haematopoiesis. Nature 616(7958):755-763, 2023.

Wong WJ, Emdin C, Bick AG, ..., NHLBI TOPMed Hematology Working Group (includes Ruczinski I), et al: Clonal haematopoiesis and risk of chronic liver disease. Nature 616(7958):747-754, 2023.

Angkeow JW, Monaco DR, Chen A, ..., Ruczinski I, et al: Phage display of environmental protein toxins and virulence factors reveals the prevalence, persistence, and genetics of antibody responses. Immunity 55(6):1051-1066, 2022.

Berube S, Kobayashi T, Wesolowski A, Norris DE, Ruczinski I, Moss WJ, Louis TA: A pre-processing pipeline to quantify, visualize, and reduce technical variation in protein microarray studies. Proteomics 22(3):e2100033, 2022.

Chen A, Kammers K, Larman HB, Scharpf RB, Ruczinski I: Detecting and quantifying antibody reactivity in PhIP-Seq data with BEER. Bioinformatics 38(19):4647-4649, 2022.

Chen A, Kammers K, Larman HB, Scharpf RB, Ruczinski I: Detecting antibody reactivities in Phage ImmunoPrecipitation Sequencing data. BMC Genomics 23(1):654, 2022.

Grant-McAuley W, Laeyendecker O, Monaco D, Chen A, Hudelson SE, Klock E, Brookmeyer R, ..., Ruczinski I, Kammers K, et al: Evaluation of multi-assay algorithms for cross-sectional HIV incidence estimation in settings with universal antiretroviral treatment. BMC Infect Dis 22(1):838, 2022.

Hu X, Qiao D, Kim W, Moll M, ..., Ruczinski I, et al: Polygenic transcriptome risk scores for COPD and lung function improve cross-ethnic portability of prediction in the NHLBI TOPMed program. Am J Hum Genet 109(5):857-870, 2022.

Kanchan K, Grinek S, Bahnson HT, Ruczinski I, Shankar G, Larson D, et al: HLA alleles and sustained peanut consumption promote IgG4 responses in subjects protected from peanut allergy. J Clin Invest 132(1):e152070, 2022.

Kanchan K, Shankar G, Huffaker MF, Bahnson HT, Chinthrajah RS, Sanda S, Manohar M, Ling H, Paschall JE, Toit GD, Ruczinski I, Togias A, Lack G, Nadeau KC, Jones SM, Nepom GT, Mathias RA: HLA-associated outcomes in peanut oral immunotherapy trials identify mechanistic and clinical determinants of therapeutic success. Front Immunol 13:941839, 2022.

Katz DH, Tahir UA, Bick AG, Pampana A, ..., National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute TOPMed (Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine) Consortium (includes Ruczinski I): Whole genome sequence analysis of the plasma proteome in black adults provides novel insights into cardiovascular disease. Circulation 145(5):357-370, 2022.

Li Z, Li X, Zhou H, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Ruczinski I), et al: A framework for detecting noncoding rare-variant associations of large-scale whole-genome sequencing studies. Nat Methods 19(12):1599-1611, 2022.

Mason SE, Moreta-Martinez R, Labaki WW, ..., COPDGene Investigators (includes Ruczinski I): Longitudinal association between muscle loss and mortality in ever smokers. Chest 161(4):960-970, 2022.

Ngwa JS, Yanek LR, Kammers K, Kanchan K, Taub MA, Scharpf RB, Faraday N, Becker LC, Mathias RA, Ruczinski I: Secondary analyses for genome-wide association studies using expression quantitative trait loci. Genet Epidemiol 46(3-4):170-181, 2022.

Selvaraj MS, Li X, Li Z, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Ruczinski I), et al: Whole genome sequence analysis of blood lipid levels in >66,000 individuals. Nat Commun 13(1):5995, 2022.

Tahir UA, Katz DH, Avila-Pachecho J, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine 1 Consortium (includes Ruczinski I), et al: Whole genome association study of the plasma metabolome identifies metabolites linked to cardiometabolic disease in black individuals. Nat Commun 13(1):4923, 2022.

Taub MA, Conomos MP, Keener R, Iyer KR ..., Ruczinski I, et al: Genetic determinants of telomere length from 109,122 ancestrally diverse whole-genome sequences in TOPMed. Cell Genom 2(1):100084, 2022.

Wainschtein P, Jain D, Zheng Z, TOPMed Anthropometry Working Group, NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Ruczinski I), et al: Assessing the contribution of rare variants to complex trait heritability from whole-genome sequence data. Nat Genet 54(3):263-273, 2022.

Bin L, Malley C, Taylor P, ..., Ruczinski I, et al: Whole genome sequencing identifies novel genetic mutations in patients with eczema herpeticum. Allergy 76(8):2510-2523, 2021.

Cade BE, Lee J, Sofer T, Wang H, Zhang M, Chen H, Gharib SA, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Ruczinski I), et al: Whole-genome association analyses of sleep-disordered breathing phenotypes in the NHLBI TOPMed program. Genome Med 13(1):136, 2021.

Chen A, Laeyendecker O, Eshleman SH, Monaco DR, Kammers K, Larman HB, Ruczinski I: A top scoring pairs classifier for recent HIV infections. Stat Med 40(11):2604-2612, 2021.

Daya M, Cox C, Acevedo N, Boorgula MP, Campbell M, ..., Ruczinski I, et al: Multiethnic genome-wide and HLA association study of total serum IgE level. J Allergy Clin Immunol 148(6):1589-1595, 2021.

Kammers K, Chen A, Monaco DR, Hudelson SE, Grant-McAuley W, Moore RD, Alter G, Deeks SG, Morrison CS, Eller LA, Blankson JN, Laeyendecker O, Ruczinski I, Eshleman SH, Larman HB: HIV antibody profiles in HIV controllers and persons with treatment-induced viral suppression. Front Immunol 12:740395, 2021.

Kammers K, Taub MA, Rodriguez B, Yanek LR, Ruczinski I, Martin J, Kanchan K, Battle A, Cheng L, Wang ZZ, Johnson AD, Leek JT, Faraday N, Becker LC, Mathias RA: Transcriptional profile of platelets and iPSC-derived megakaryocytes from whole-genome and RNA sequencing. Blood 137(7):959-968, 2021.

Kasela S, Ortega VE, Martorella M, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Ruczinski I), et al: Genetic and non-genetic factors affecting the expression of COVID-19-relevant genes in the large airway epithelium. Genome Med 13(1):66, 2021.

Keramati AR, Chen MH, Rodriguez BAT, ..., Ruczinski I, ..., Taub MA, et al: Genome sequencing unveils a regulatory landscape of platelet reactivity. Nat Commun 12(1):3626, 2021.

Luo Y, Kanai M, Choi W, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Ruczinski I), et al: A high-resolution HLA reference panel capturing global population diversity enables multi-ancestry fine-mapping in HIV host response. Nat Genet 53(10):1504-1516, 2021.

Morgenlander WR, Henson SN, Monaco DR, Chen A, Littlefield K, Bloch EM, Fujimura E, Ruczinski I, et al: Antibody responses to endemic coronaviruses modulate COVID-19 convalescent plasma functionality. J Clin Invest 131(7):e146927, 2021.

Natarajan P, Pampana A, Graham SE, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Ruczinski I), et al: Chromosome Xq23 is associated with lower atherogenic lipid concentrations and favorable cardiometabolic indices. Nat Commun 12(1):2182, 2021.

Ray D, Venkataraghavan S, Zhang W, Leslie EJ, Hetmanski JB, Weinberg SM, Murray JC, Marazita ML, Ruczinski I, Taub MA, Beaty TH: Pleiotropy method reveals genetic overlap between orofacial clefts at multiple novel loci from GWAS of multi-ethnic trios. PLoS Genet 17(7):e1009584, 2021.

Reiner AP, Raffield LM, Franceschini N, Auer PL, Lange EM, Nickerson DA, Zakai NA, Correa A, Olson N, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine Consortium (includes Ruczinski I): Effect of sickle cell trait and APOL1 genotype on the association of soluble uPAR with kidney function measures in black Americans. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 16(2):287-289, 2021.

Sofer T, Zheng X, Laurie CA, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Ruczinski I), et al: Variant-specific inflation factors for assessing population stratification at the phenotypic variance level. Nat Commun 12(1):3506, 2021.

Taliun D, Harris DN, Kessler MD, ..., Ruczinski I, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium, et al: Sequencing of 53,831 diverse genomes from the NHLBI TOPMed Program. Nature 590(7845):290-299, 2021.

Yang C, Hallmark B, Chai JC, O'Connor TD, Reynolds LM, Wood AC, Seeds M, Chen YI, Steffen LM, Tsai MY, Kaplan RC, Daviglus ML, Mandarino LJ, Fretts AM, Lemaitre RN, Coletta DK, Blomquist SA, Johnstone LM, Tontsch C, Qi Q, Ruczinski I, Rich SS, Mathias RA, Chilton FH, Manichaikul A: Impact of Amerind ancestry and FADS genetic variation on omega-3 deficiency and cardiometabolic traits in Hispanic populations. Commun Biol 4(1):918, 2021.

Zhang W, Venkataraghavan S, Hetmanski JB, Leslie EJ, Marazita ML, Feingold E, Weinberg SM, Ruczinski I, Taub MA, Scott AF, Ray D, Beaty TH: Detecting gene-environment interaction for maternal exposures using case-parent trios ascertained through a case with non-syndromic orofacial cleft. Front Cell Dev Biol 9:621018, 2021.

Bick AG, Weinstock JS, Nandakumar SK, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine Consortium (includes Ruczinski I), et al: Inherited causes of clonal haematopoiesis in 97,691 whole genomes. Nature 586(7831):763-768, 2020.

Bishop MR, Diaz Perez KK, Sun M, Ho S, Chopra P, Mukhopadhyay N, Hetmanski JB, Taub MA, ..., Ruczinski I, et al: Genome-wide enrichment of de novo coding mutations in orofacial cleft trios. Am J Hum Genet 107(1):124-136, 2020.

Cristiano S, McKean D, Carey J, Bracci P, Brennan P, Chou M, Du M, Gallinger S, Goggins MG, Hassan MM, Hung RJ, Kurtz RC, Li D, Lu L, Neale R, Olson S, Petersen G, Rabe KG, Fu J, Risch H, Rosner GL, Ruczinski I, Klein AP, Scharpf RB: Bayesian copy number detection and association in large-scale studies. BMC Cancer 20(1):856, 2020.

Hecker J, Ruczinski I, Cho MH, Silverman EK, Coull B, Lange C: A flexible and nearly optimal sequential testing approach to randomized testing: QUICK-STOP. Genet Epidemiol 44(2):139-147, 2020.

Kanchan K, Iyer K, Yanek LR, Carcamo-Orive I, Taub MA, ..., Ruczinski I, et al: Genomic integrity of human induced pluripotent stem cells across nine studies in the NHLBI NextGen program. Stem Cell Res 46:101803, 2020.

Kessler MD, Loesch DP, Perry JA, ..., TOPMed Population Genetics Working Group (includes Ruczinski I), et al: De novo mutations across 1,465 diverse genomes reveal mutational insights and reductions in the Amish founder population. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 117(5):2560-2569, 2020.

Li X, Li Z, Zhou H, Gaynor SM, Liu Y, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Ruczinski I), et al: Dynamic incorporation of multiple in silico functional annotations empowers rare variant association analysis of large whole-genome sequencing studies at scale. Nat Genet 52(9):969-983, 2020.

Milne S, Li X, Hernandez Cordero AI, Yang CX, Cho MH, Beaty TH, Ruczinski I, Hansel NN, Bosse Y, Brandsma CA, Sin DD, Obeidat M: Protective effect of club cell secretory protein (CC-16) on COPD risk and progression: a Mendelian randomisation study. Thorax 75(11):934-943, 2020.

Sergeant S, Hallmark B, Mathias RA, Mustin TL, Ivester P, Bohannon ML, Ruczinski I, Johnstone L, Seeds MC, Chilton FH: Prospective clinical trial examining the impact of genetic variation in FADS1 on the metabolism of linoleic acid- and ɣ-linolenic acid-containing botanical oils. Am J Clin Nutr 111(5):1068-1078, 2020.

Strand M, Austin E, Moll M, ..., Ruczinski I, et al: A risk prediction model for mortality among smokers in the COPDGene study. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis 7(4):346-361, 2020.

Vince N, Limou S, Daya M, ..., Ruczinski I, ..., Taub M, et al: Association of HLA-DRB109:01 with tIgE levels among African-ancestry individuals with asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol 146(1):147-155, 2020.

Zhao X, Qiao D, Yang C, Kasela S, ..., Ruczinski I, et al: Whole genome sequence analysis of pulmonary function and COPD in 19,996 multi-ethnic participants. Nat Commun 11(1):5182, 2020.



Ahmed Sabit (go to top of document)


Awidi AA, Woreta FA, Sabit A, Hu H, Potu N, Devience E, Wang J, Vupputuri S: The effect of racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic differences on visual impairment before cataract surgery. Ophthalmology 132(1):98-107, 2025.

Ishigami J, Liu H, Zhao D, Sabit A, Pathiravasan CH, Charleston J, Miller ER 3rd, Matsushita K, Appel LJ, Brady TM: Effects of noise and public setting on blood pressure readings: a randomized crossover trial. Ann Intern Med 178(2):149-156, 2025.

Ehsani JP, Duren ML, Grant BJB, Sabit A, Yenokyan G: Prevalence and profiles of risky driving behavior among US teenagers. JAMA Netw Open 7(7):e2425263, 2024.

Ehsani JP, Michael J, Duren M, Drabo E, Sabit A: Prevalence and use of driver monitoring systems: a national survey in the United States. J Law Med Ethics 52(S1):26-30, 2024.

Liu H, Zhao D, Sabit A, Pathiravasan CH, Ishigami J, Charleston J, Miller ER 3rd, Matsushita K, Appel LJ, Brady TM: Arm position and blood pressure readings: the ARMS Crossover Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Intern Med 184(12):1436-1442, 2024.

Mudalegundi S, Clifton M, Lifchez S, LaPorte D, Ramanathan S, Sabit AH, Woreta F: Perspectives on application and interview capping in residency selection of surgical subspecialties. J Surg Educ 81(8):1013-1023, 2024.

Winicki NM, Radomski SN, Ciftci Y, Sabit AH, Johnston FM, Greer JB: Mortality risk prediction for primary appendiceal cancer. Surgery 175(6):1489-1495, 2024.

Ehsani JP, Michael JP, Frattaroli S, Yenokyan G, Sabit A: Public support for vehicle technology to prevent operation by impaired drivers. JAMA Netw Open 6(4):e239152. 2023.

Hassan MK, Houston R, Karim MS, Sabit A: CEO duality and firm performance during the 2020 coronavirus outbreak. J Econ Asymmetries 27:e00278, 2023.

Osman SMI, Sabit A: Predictors of COVID-19 vaccination rate in USA: a machine learning approach. Mach Learn Appl 10:100408, 2022.




Patrick Sadil (go to top of document)

Halchenko YO, Goncalves M, Ghosh S, ..., Sadil P, et al: HeuDiConv-flexible DICOM conversion into structured directory layouts. Journal of Open Source Software 9(99):5839, 2024.

Sadil P, Cowell RA, Huber DE: The push-pull of serial dependence effects: Attraction to the prior response and repulsion from the prior stimulus. Psychon Bull Rev 31(1):259-273, 2024.

Sadil P, Lindquist MA: Comparing automated subcortical volume estimation methods; amygdala volumes estimated by FSL and FreeSurfer have poor consistency. Hum Brain Mapp 45(17):e70027, 2024.

Sadil P, Cowell RA, Huber DE: A modeling framework for determining modulation of neural-level tuning from non-invasive human fMRI data. Commun Biol 5(1):1244, 2022.


Ziling Shen   (go to top of document)

Lakhani DA, Radmard M, Tafazolimoghadam A, Patel S, ..., Shen Z, et al: Preference signaling in the radiology residency match: national survey of applicants. J Am Coll Radiol 22(1):116-124, 2025.



Elizabeth Stuart   (go to top of document)


Ettman CK, Brantner CL, Goicoechea EB, Dohlman P, Ringlein GV, Straub J, Sthapit S, Mojtabai R, Spivak S, Albert M, Goes FS, Stuart EA, Zandi PP: Gaps in psychiatric care before and after the COVID-19 pandemic among patients with depression using electronic health records. Psychiatry Res 344:116354, 2025.

Ettman CK, Ringlein GV, Dohlman P, Straub J, Brantner CL, Chin ET, Sthapit S, Badillo Goicoechea E, Mojtabai R, Albert M, Spivak S, Iwashyna TJ, Goes FS, Stuart EA, Zandi PP: Trends in mental health care and telehealth use across area deprivation: an analysis of electronic health records from 2016 to 2024. PNAS Nexus 4(2):pgaf016, 2025.

Hong H, Liu L, Stuart EA: Estimating target population treatment effects in meta-analysis with individual participant-level data. Stat Methods Med Res 34(2):355-368, 2025.

Schuler MS, Coffman DL, Stuart EA, Nguyen TQ, Vegetabile B, McCaffrey DF: Practical challenges in mediation analysis: a guide for applied researchers. Health Serv Outcomes Res Methodol 25(1):57-84, 2025.

Stone EM, Jopson AD, Seewald NJ, Stuart EA, Wise E, McCourt AD, German D, McGinty EE: Effects of Texas state agency integration on mental health service use among individuals with co-occurring cognitive disabilities and mental health conditions. Community Mental Health J 61(1):111-121, 2025.

Susukida R, Amin-Esmaeili M, Badillo-Goicoechea E, Nguyen TQ, Stuart EA, Rosenblum M, Dunn KE, Mojtabai R: Application of causal forest model to examine treatment effect heterogeneity in substance use disorder psychosocial treatments. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res 34(1):e70011, 2025.

Brantner CL, Nguyen TQ, Tang T, Zhao C, Hong H, Stuart EA: Comparison of methods that combine multiple randomized trials to estimate heterogeneous treatment effects. Stat Med 43(7):1291-1314, 2024.

Castro F, Stuart E, Deal J, Varadaraj V, Swenor BK: STEM doctorate recipients with disabilities experienced early in life earn lower salaries and are underrepresented among higher academic positions. Nat Hum Behav 8(1):72-81, 2024.

Chen R, Aherrera A, Jones MR, Stuart EA, Davis MF, Rule AM: Association between prolonged dual use of cigarettes and e-cigarettes and psychosocial factors among U.S. smokers: secondary data analysis from the 2013 to 2019 PATH study. Hyg Environ Health Adv 11:100103, 2024.

Dahabreh IJ, Matthews A, Steingrimsson JA, Scharfstein DO, Stuart EA: Using trial and observational data to assess effectiveness: trial emulation, transportability, benchmarking, and joint analysis. Epidemiol Rev 46(1):1-16, 2024.

Eddelbuettel JCP, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Meiselbach MK, Stuart EA, Huskamp HA, Busch AB, Hollander MAG, Schilling C, Barry CL, Eisenberg MD: Changes in healthcare spending attributable to high deductible health plan offer among enrollees with comorbid substance use disorder and cardiovascular disease. J Gen Intern Med 39(11):1993-2000, 2024.

Ettman CK, Badillo-Goicoechea E, Stuart EA: Financial strain, schooling modality and mental health of US adults living with children during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Epidemiol Community Health 78(10):662-668, 2024.

Ettman CK, Brantner CL, Albert M, Goes FS, Mojtabai R, Spivak S, Stuart EA, Zandi PP: Trends in telepsychiatry and in-person psychiatric care for depression in an academic health system, 2017-2022. Psychiatr Serv 75(2):178-181, 2024.

Ettman CK, Subramanian M, Fan AY, Adam GP, Abdalla SM, Galea S, Stuart EA: Assets and depression in U.S. adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 59(4):571-583, 2024.

Flores JP, Kahn G, Penfold RB, Stuart EA, Ahmedani BK, Beck A, Boggs JM, Coleman KJ, Daida YG, Lynch FL, Richards JE, Rossom RC, Simon GE, Wilcox HC: Adolescents who do not endorse risk via the Patient Health Questionnaire before self-harm or suicide. JAMA Psychiatry 81(7):717-726, 2024.

Gemmill A, Margerison CE, Stuart EA, Bell SO: Infant deaths after Texas' 2021 ban on abortion in early pregnancy. JAMA Pediatr 178(8):784-791, 2024.

Gibbons JB, Li W, Stuart EA, Saloner B: Simulated impact of mobile opioid treatment program units on increasing access to methadone for opioid use disorder. Health Serv Res 59(5):e14271, 2024.

Kabata D, Stuart EA, Shintani A: Prognostic score-based model averaging approach for propensity score estimation. BMC Med Res Methodol 24(1):228, 2024.

Kahn GD, Wilcox HC, Stuart EA: Identifying causal risk factors for self-harm among adolescents with U.S. Child Protective Services contact. Arch Suicide Res 28(1):173-183, 2024.

Keyes KM, Pakserian D, Rudolph KE, Salum G, Stuart EA: Population neuroscience: understanding concepts of generalizability and transportability and their application to improving the public's health. Curr Top Behav Neurosci 68:37-51, 2024.

Kuhlemeier A, Jaki T, Witkiewitz K, Stuart EA, Van Horn ML: Validation of predicted individual treatment effects in out of sample respondents. Stat Med 43(22):4349-4360, 2024.

McGinty EE, Alegria M, Beidas RS, Braithwaite J, Kola L, Leslie DL, Moise N, Mueller B, Pincus HA, Shidhaye R, Simon K, Singer SJ, Stuart EA, Eisenberg MD: The Lancet Psychiatry Commission: transforming mental health implementation research. Lancet Psychiatry 11(5):368-396, 2024.

McGinty EE, Seewald NJ, Bandara S, ..., Stuart EA: Scaling interventions to manage chronic disease: innovative methods at the intersection of health policy research and implementation science. Prev Sci 25(Suppl 1):96-108, 2024.

Mehta R, Hochberg M, Shardell M, Ryan A, Dong Y, Beamer BA, Peer J, Stuart EA, Schuler M, Gallo JJ, Rathbun AM: Evaluation of dynamic effects of depressive symptoms on physical function in knee osteoarthritis. Arthritis Care Res 76(5):673-681, 2024.

Murphy KA, Sarker E, Stuart EA, Cook C, Goldsholl S, Daumit GL: Effect of care management on cholesterol for individuals with serious mental illness: a secondary analysis of an RCT. J Gen Intern Med 39(2):354-356, 2024.

Nguyen TQ, Carlson MC, Stuart EA: Identification of complier and noncomplier average causal effects in the presence of latent missing-at-random (LMAR) outcomes: a unifying view and choices of assumptions. Biostatistics 25(4):978-996, 2024.

Nguyen TQ, Stuart EA: Multiple imputation for propensity score analysis with covariates missing at random: some clarity on "within" and "across" methods. Am J Epidemiol 193(10):1470-1476, 2024.

Nguyen TQ, Stuart EA, Scharfstein DO, Ogburn EL: Sensitivity analysis for principal ignorability violation in estimating complier and noncomplier average causal effects. Stat Med 43(19):3664-3688, 2024.

Olsen RB, Orr LL, Bell SH, Petraglia E, Badillo-Goicoechea E, Miyaoka A, Stuart EA: Using a multi-site RCT to predict impacts for a single site: do better data and methods yield more accurate predictions? J Res Educ Eff 17(1):184-210, 2024.

Pampati S, Liddon N, Stuart EA, Waller LA, Mpofu JJ, Lopman B, Adkins SH, Guest JL, Jones J: Disparities in unmet health care needs among US children during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ann Fam Med 22(2):130-139, 2024.

Rathbun AM, Shardell MD, Gallo JJ, Ryan AS, Stuart EA, Schuler MS, Dong Y, Beamer B, Mehta R, Peer JE, Hochberg MC: Time-varying treatment effect modification of oral analgesic effectiveness by depressive symptoms in knee osteoarthritis: an application of structural nested mean models in a prospective cohort. Int J Epidemiol 53(1):dyad152, 2024.

Ringlein GV, Ettman CK, Stuart EA: Income or job loss and psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic. JAMA Netw Open 7(7):e2424601, 2024.

Robertson SE, Joyce NR, Steingrimsson JA, Stuart EA, Aberle DR, Gatsonis CA, Dahabreh IJ: Comparing lung cancer screening strategies in a nationally representative US population using transportability methods for the National Lung Cancer Screening Trial. JAMA Netw Open 7(1):e2346295, 2024.

Robertson SE, Steingrimsson JA, Joyce NR, Stuart EA, Dahabreh IJ: Estimating subgroup effects in generalizability and transportability analyses. Am J Epidemiol 193(1):149-158, 2024.

Ross RK, Nunes EV, Olfson M, Shulman M, Krawczyk N, Stuart EA, Rudolph KE: Comparative effectiveness of extended-release naltrexone and sublingual buprenorphine for treatment of opioid use disorder among Medicaid patients. Addiction 119(11):1975-1986, 2024.

Ruhl AP, Hsieh MM, Stuart EA: Charting the waters of sickle cell disease with target trial emulation. JAMA Intern Med 184(11):1372-1373, 2024.

Seewald NJ, McGinty EE, Stuart EA: Target trial emulation for evaluating health policy. Ann Intern Med 177(11):1530-1538, 2024.

Si Y, Bandoli G, Cole KM, Daniele Fallin M, Stuart EA, Gurka KK, Althoff KN, Thompson WK, HBCD Design Workgroup and Biostatistics Workgroup: Advancing high quality longitudinal data collection: Implications for the HEALthy Brain and Child Development (HBCD) Study design and recruitment. Dev Cogn Neurosci 69:101432, 2024.

Stone EM, Wise E, Stuart EA, McGinty EE: Experiences of health care services among people with cognitive disabilities and mental health conditions. Disabil Health J 17(2):101547, 2024.

Tormohlen KN, Eisenberg MD, Fingerhood MI, Yu J, McCourt AD, Stuart EA, Rutkow L, Quintero L, White SA, McGinty EE: Trends in opioid use disorder outpatient treatment and telehealth utilization before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychiatr Serv 75(1):72-75, 2024.

Tormohlen KN, Schmid I, Stuart EA, Davis C, McGinty EE: State laws that require coprescribing opioids and naloxone and codispensing practices. Am J Prev Med 66(1):138-145, 2024.

Assini-Meytin LC, Nair R, McGinty EB, Stuart EA, Letourneau EJ: Is the Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansion associated with reported incidents of child sexual abuse? Child Maltreat 28(2):203-208, 2023.

Bell SO, Stuart EA, Gemmill A: Texas' 2021 ban on abortion in early pregnancy and changes in live births. JAMA 330(3):281-282, 2023.

Brantner CL, Chang TH, Nguyen TQ, Hong H, Di Stefano L, Stuart EA: Methods for integrating trials and non-experimental data to examine treatment effect heterogeneity. Stat Sci 38(4):640-654, 2023.

Busch AB, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Schilling C, Stuart EA, Hollander M, Meiselbach MK, Barry CL, Huskamp HA, Eisenberg MD: Measurement approaches to estimating methadone continuity in opioid use disorder care. Med Care 61(5):314-320, 2023.

Carroll G, Solomon KT, Heil J, Saloner B, Stuart EA, Patel EY, Greifer N, Salzman M, Murphy E, Baston K, Haroz R: Impact of administering buprenorphine to overdose survivors using emergency medical services. Ann Emerg Med 81(2):165-175, 2023.

Chokesuwattanaskul R, Ananwattanasuk T, Hughey AB, Stuart EA, et al: Three-dimensional-guided and ICE-guided transseptal puncture for cardiac ablations: a propensity score match study. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 34(2):382-388, 2023.

Dahabreh IJ, Robins JM, Haneuse SJA, Saeed I, Robertson SE, Stuart EA, Hernan MA: Sensitivity analysis using bias functions for studies extending inferences from a randomized trial to a target population. Stat Med 42(13):2029-2043, 2023.

Dang LE, Gruber S, Lee H, Dahabreh IJ, Stuart EA, Williamson BD, Wyss R, Diaz I, et al: A causal roadmap for generating high-quality real-world evidence. J Clin Transl Sci 7(1):e212, 2023.

Diouf I, Malpas CB, Sharmin S, ..., Stuart EA, et al: Effectiveness of multiple disease-modifying therapies in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: causal inference to emulate a multiarm randomised trial. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 94(12):1004-1011, 2023.

Eddelbuettel JCP, Barry CL, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Busch AB, Hollander MAG, Huskamp HA, Meiselbach MK, Schilling C, Stuart EA, Eisenberg MD: High-deductible health plans and nonfatal opioid overdose. Med Care 61(9):601-604, 2023.

Ettman CK, Badillo-Goicoechea E, Stuart EA: Evolution of depression and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic and across demographic groups in a large sample of U.S. adults. AJPM Focus 2(4):100140, 2023.

Ettman CK, Fan AY, Subramanian M, Adam GP, Badillo Goicoechea E, Abdalla SM, Stuart EA, Galea S: Prevalence of depressive symptoms in U.S. adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review. SSM Popul Health 21:101348, 2023.

Gazit S, Saciuk Y, Perez G, Peretz A, Ben-Tov A, Stuart EA, Patalon T: Hybrid immunity against reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 following a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection and single dose of the BNT162b2 vaccine in children and adolescents: a target trial emulation. Lancet Microbe 4(7):e495-e505, 2023.

Griffin BA, Schuler MS, Pane J, Patrick SW, Smart R, Stein BD, Grimm G, Stuart EA: Methodological considerations for estimating policy effects in the context of co-occurring policies. Health Serv Outcomes Res Methodol 23(2):149-165, 2023.

Griffin BA, Schuler MS, Stone EM, Patrick SW, Stein BD, Nascimento de Lima P, Griswold M, Scherling A, Stuart EA: Identifying optimal methods for addressing confounding bias when estimating the effects of state-level policies. Epidemiology 34(6):856-864, 2023.

Hansford HJ, Cashin AG, Jones MD, Swanson SA, Islam N, Dahabreh IJ, Dickerman BA, Egger M, Garcia-Albeniz X, Golub RM, Lodi S, Moreno-Betancur M, Pearson SA, Schneeweiss S, Sterne J, Sharp MK, Stuart EA, Hernan MA, Lee H, McAuley JH: Development of the TrAnsparent ReportinG of observational studies Emulating a Target trial (TARGET) guideline. BMJ Open 13(9):e074626, 2023.

Hansford HJ, Cashin AG, Jones MD, Swanson SA, Islam N, Douglas SRG, Rizzo RRN, Devonshire JJ, Williams SA, Dahabreh IJ, Dickerman BA, Egger M, Garcia-Albeniz X, Golub RM, Lodi S, Moreno-Betancur M, Pearson SA, Schneeweiss S, Sterne JAC, Sharp MK, Stuart EA, et al: Reporting of observational studies explicitly aiming to emulate randomized trials: a systematic review. JAMA Netw Open 6(9):e2336023, 2023.

Hollander MAG, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Schilling C, Meiselbach MK, Stuart EA, Huskamp HA, Busch AB, Eddelbuettel JCP, Barry CL, Eisenberg MD: Do high-deductible health plans incentivize changing the timing of substance use disorder treatment? Med Care Res Rev 80(5):530-539, 2023.

Hong H, Liu L, Mojtabai R, Stuart EA: Calibrated meta-analysis to estimate the efficacy of mental health treatments in target populations: an application to paliperidone trials for treatment of schizophrenia. BMC Med Res Methodol 23(1):150, 2023.

Kennedy-Hendricks A, Eddelbuettel JCP, Bicket MC, Meiselbach MK, Hollander MAG, Busch AB, Huskamp HA, Stuart EA, Barry CL, Eisenberg MD: Impact of high deductible health plans on U.S. adults with chronic pain. Am J Prev Med 65(5):800-808, 2023.

Li F, Hong H, Stuart EA: A note on semiparametric efficient generalization of causal effects from randomized trials to target populations. Commun Stat Theory Methods 52(16):5767-5798, 2023.

Lupton-Smith C, Goicoechea EB, Collins M, Lessler J, Grabowski MK, Stuart EA: Consistency between household and county measures of onsite schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Res Educ Eff 16(3):419-441, 2023.

McCourt AD, Tormohlen KN, Schmid I, Stone EM, Stuart EA, Davis CS, Bicket MC, McGinty EE: Effects of opioid prescribing cap laws on opioid and other pain treatments among persons with chronic pain. J Gen Intern Med 38(4):929-937, 2023.

McGinty EE, Tormohlen KN, Seewald NJ, Bicket MC, McCourt AD, Rutkow L, White SA, Stuart EA: Effects of U.S. state medical cannabis laws on treatment of chronic noncancer pain. Ann Intern Med 176(7):904-912, 2023.

Meiselbach MK, Huskamp HA, Eddelbuettel JCP, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Hollander MAG, Schilling C, Busch AB, Stuart EA, Barry CL, Eisenberg MD: Choice of high-deductible health plans among enrollees with a substance use disorder. J Subst Use Addict Treat 154:209152, 2023.

Nadamuni M, Takvorian KS, Stuart E, Muller D, Vining T, Knoper K, Hardin CC, Sacks CA: Good intentions to treat. NEJM Evid 2(3):EVIDstat2300007, 2023.

Nolley EP, Sahetya SK, Hochberg CH, Hossen S, Hager DN, Brower RG, Stuart EA, Checkley W: Outcomes among mechanically ventilated patients with severe pneumonia and acute hypoxemic respiratory failure from SARS-CoV-2 and other etiologies. JAMA Netw Open 6(1):e2250401, 2023.

Purtle J, Goldman ML, Stuart EA: Interpreting between-state variation in 988 suicide and crisis lifeline call volume rates. Psychiatr Serv 74(9):901, 2023.

Purtle J, Lindsey MA, Raghavan R, Stuart EA: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 2020 in-state answer rates, stratified by call volume rates and geographic region. Psychiatr Serv 74(2):204-205, 2023.

Samuel LJ, Crews DC, Swenor BK, Zhu J, Stuart EA, Szanton SL, Kim B, Dwivedi P, Li Q, Reed NS, Thorpe RJ Jr: Supplemental nutrition assistance program access and racial disparities in food insecurity. JAMA Netw Open 6(6):e2320196, 2023.

Samuel LJ, Zhu J, Dwivedi P, Stuart EA, Szanton SL, Li Q, Thorpe RJ Jr, Reed NS, Swenor BK: Food insecurity gaps in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program based on disability status. Disabil Health J 16(4):101486, 2023.

Sharifi V, Shahrivar Z, Zarafshan H, Ashezary SB, Arabgol F, Khademi M, Jafarinia M, Hajebi A, Abolhassani F, Emami S, Ashkezari AB, Stuart EA, Mojtabai R, Wissow L: Effect of general practitioner training in a collaborative child mental health care program on children's mental health outcomes in a low-resource setting: a cluster randomized trial. JAMA Psychiatry 80(1):22-30. 2023.

Solomon KT, O'Connor J, Gibbons JB, Kilaru AS, Feder KA, Xue L, Saloner B, Stuart EA, Cole ES, Hulsey E, Meisel Z, Patel E, Donohue JM: Association between hospital adoption of an emergency department treatment pathway for opioid use disorder and patient initiation of buprenorphine after discharge. JAMA Health Forum 4(3):e230245, 2023.

Williamson BD, Wyss R, Stuart EA, Dang LE, Mertens AN, Neugebauer RS, Wilson A, Gruber S: An application of the Causal Roadmap in two safety monitoring case studies: Causal inference and outcome prediction using electronic health record data. J Clin Transl Sci 7(1):e208, 2023.

Bandara S, Maniates H, Hulsey E, Smith JS, DiDomenico E, Stuart EA, Saloner B, Krawczyk N: Opioid treatment program safety measures during the COVID-19 pandemic: a statewide survey. BMC Health Serv Res 22(1):418, 2022.

Brenneke SG, Nordeck CD, Riehm KE, Schmid I, Tormohlen KN, Smail EJ, Johnson RM, Kalb LG, Stuart EA, Thrul J: Trends in cannabis use among U.S. adults amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Int J Drug Policy 100:103517, 2022.

Chang TH, Nguyen TQ, Lee Y, Jackson JW, Stuart EA: Flexible propensity score estimation strategies for clustered data in observational studies. Stat Med 41(25):5016-5032, 2022.

Chang TH, Stuart EA: Propensity score methods for observational studies with clustered data: A review. Stat Med 41(18):3612-3626, 2022.

Darden ME, Dowdy D, Gardner L, Hamilton BH, Kopecky K, Marx M, Papageorge NW, Polsky D, Powers KA, Stuart EA, Zahn MV: Modeling to inform economy-wide pandemic policy: bringing epidemiologists and economists together. Health Econ 31(7):1291-1295, 2022.

Eisenberg MD, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Schilling C, Busch AB, Huskamp HA, Stuart EA, Meiselbach MK, Barry CL: The impact of HDHPs on service use and spending for substance use disorders. Am J Manag Care 28(10):530-536, 2022.

Gibbons JB, Stuart EA, Saloner B: Methadone on wheels-a new option to expand access to care through mobile units. JAMA Psychiatry 79(3):187-188, 2022.

Greifer N, Stuart EA: Matching methods for confounder adjustment: an addition to the epidemiologist's toolbox. Epidemiol Rev 43(1):118-129, 2022.

Haber NA, Clarke-Deelder E, Feller A, Smith ER, Salomon JA, MacCormack-Gelles B, Stone EM, Bolster-Foucault C, Daw JR, Hatfield LA, Fry CE, Boyer CB, Ben-Michael E, Joyce CM, Linas BS, Schmid I, Au EH, Wieten SE, Jarrett B, Axfors C, Nguyen VT, Griffin BA, Bilinski A, Stuart EA: Problems with evidence assessment in COVID-19 health policy impact evaluation: a systematic review of study design and evidence strength. BMJ Open 12(1):e053820, 2022.

Haber NA, Wieten SE, Rohrer JM, Arah OA, Tennant PWG, Stuart EA, et al: Causal and associational language in observational health research: a systematic evaluation. Am J Epidemiol 191(12):2084-2097, 2022.

Hecht AA, Stuart EA, Pollack Porter KM: Factors associated with universal free school meal provision adoption among US public schools. J Acad Nutr Diet 122(1):49-63, 2022.

Kahn GD, Rabinowitz JA, Stuart EA, Wilcox HC: Prospective examination of self-harm up to three years after contact with Child Protective Services (CPS). Int J Inj Contr Saf Promot 29(1):15-22, 2022.

Kennedy-Hendricks A, Schilling CJ, Busch AB, Stuart EA, Huskamp HA, Meiselbach MK, Barry CL, Eisenberg MD: Impact of high deductible health plans on continuous buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder. J Gen Intern Med 37(4):769-776, 2022.

Krawczyk N, Maniates H, Hulsey E, Smith JS, DiDomenico E, Stuart EA, Saloner B, Bandara S: Shifting medication treatment practices in the COVID-19 pandemic: a statewide survey of Pennsylvania opioid treatment programs. J Addict Med 16(6):645-652, 2022.

Letourneau EJ, Assini-Meytin LC, Nair R, Stuart EA, Decker MR, McGinty EB: Health insurance expansion and family violence prevention: a conceptual framework. Child Abuse Negl 129:105664, 2022.

Lupton-Smith C, Badillo-Goicochea E, Chang TH, Maniates H, Riehm KE, Schmid I, Stuart EA: Factors associated with county-level mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Community Psychol 50(5):2431-2442, 2022.

Lupton-Smith C, Stuart EA, McGinty EE, Dalcin AT, Jerome GJ, Wang NY, Daumit GL: Determining predictors of weight loss in a behavioral intervention: a case study in the use of Lasso regression. Front Psychiatry 12:707707, 2022.

McGinty EE, Bicket MC, Seewald NJ, Stuart EA, Alexander GC, Barry CL, McCourt AD, Rutkow L: Effects of state opioid prescribing laws on use of opioid and other pain treatments among commercially insured U.S. adults. Ann Intern Med 175(5):617-627, 2022.

McGinty EE, Nair R, Assini-Meytin LC, Stuart EA, Letourneau EJ: Impact of Medicaid expansion on reported incidents of child neglect and physical abuse. Am J Prev Med 62(1):e11-e20, 2022.

Meiselbach MK, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Schilling C, Busch AB, Huskamp HA, Stuart EA, Hollander MAG, Barry CL, Eisenberg MD: High deductible health plans and spending among families with a substance use disorder. Drug Alcohol Depend 241:109681, 2022.

Nordeck CD, Riehm KE, Smail EJ, Holingue C, Kane JC, Johnson RM, Veldhuis CB, Kalb LG, Stuart EA, Kreuter F, Thrul J: Changes in drinking days among United States adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Addiction 117(2):331-340, 2022.

Riehm KE, Badillo Goicoechea E, Wang FM, Kim E, Aldridge LR, Lupton-Smith CP, Presskreischer R, Chang TH, LaRocca S, Kreuter F, Stuart EA: Association of non-pharmaceutical interventions to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2 with anxiety and depressive symptoms: a multi-national study of 43 countries. Int J Public Health 67:1604430, 2022.

Riehm KE, Brignone E, Gallo JJ, Stuart EA, Mojtabai R: Emergency health services use and medically-treated suicidal behaviors following depression screening among adolescents: A longitudinal cohort study. Prev Med 161:107148, 2022.

Riehm KE, Brignone E, Stuart EA, Gallo JJ, Mojtabai R: Diagnoses and treatment after depression screening in primary care among youth. Am J Prev Med 62(4):511-518, 2022.

Schilling CJ, Eisenberg MD, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Busch AB, Huskamp HA, Stuart EA, Meiselbach MK, Barry CL: Effects of high-deductible health plans on enrollees with mental health conditions with and without substance use disorders. Psychiatr Serv 73(5):518-525, 2022.

Schmid I, Rudolph KE, Nguyen TQ, Hong H, Seamans MJ, Ackerman B, Stuart EA: Comparing the performance of statistical methods that generalize effect estimates from randomized controlled trials to much larger target populations. Commun Stat Simul Comput 51(8):4326-4348, 2022.

Schmid I, Stuart EA, McCourt AD, Tormohlen KN, Stone EM, Davis CS, Bicket MC, McGinty EE: Effects of state opioid prescribing cap laws on opioid prescribing after surgery. Health Serv Res 57(5):1154-1164, 2022.

Smail EJ, Riehm KE, Veldhuis CB, Johnson RM, Holingue C, Stuart EA, Kalb LG, Thrul J: Associations of household structure and presence of children in the household with mental distress during the early stages of the U.S. COVID-19 pandemic. Fam Syst Health 40(1):46-59, 2022.

Solomon KT, Bandara S, Reynolds IS, Krawczyk N, Saloner B, Stuart E, Connolly E: Association between availability of medications for opioid use disorder in specialty treatment and use of medications among patients: A state-level trends analysis. J Subst Abuse Treat 132:108424, 2022.

Stone EM, Tormohlen KN, McCourt AD, Schmid I, Stuart EA, Davis CS, Bicket MC, McGinty EE: Association between state opioid prescribing cap laws and receipt of opioid prescriptions among children and adolescents. JAMA Health Forum 3(8):e222461, 2022.

Stuart EA, Schmid I, Nguyen T, Sarker E, Pittman A, Benke K, Rudolph K, Badillo-Goicoechea E, Leoutsakos JM: Assumptions not often assessed or satisfied in published mediation analyses in psychology and psychiatry. Epidemiol Rev 43(1):48-52, 2022.

Tormohlen KN, McCourt AD, Schmid I, Stone EM, Stuart EA, Davis C, Bicket MC, McGinty EE: State prescribing cap laws' association with opioid analgesic prescribing and opioid overdose. Drug Alcohol Depend 240:109626, 2022.

Wiens KE, Smith CP, Badillo-Goicoechea E, Grantz KH, Grabowski MK, Azman AS, Stuart EA, Lessler J: In-person schooling and associated COVID-19 risk in the United States over spring semester 2021. Sci Adv 8(16):eabm9128, 2022.

Yin X, Mishra-Kalyan PS, Sridhara R, Stewart MD, Stuart EA, Davi RC: Exploring the potential of external control arms created from patient level data: a case study in non-small cell lung cancer. J Biopharm Stat 32(1):204-218, 2022.

Ackerman B, Lesko CR, Siddique J, Susukida R, Stuart EA: Generalizing randomized trial findings to a target population using complex survey population data. Stat Med 40(5):1101-1120, 2021.

Ackerman B, Siddique J, Stuart EA: Calibrating validation samples when accounting for measurement error in intervention studies. Stat Methods Med Res 30(5):1235-1248, 2021.

Antiporta DA, Cutipe YL, Mendoza M, Celentano DD, Stuart EA, Bruni A: Depressive symptoms among Peruvian adult residents amidst a national lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Psychiatry 21(1):111, 2021.

Austin PC, Stuart EA: The effect of a constraint on the maximum number of controls matched to each treated subject on the performance of full matching on the propensity score when estimating risk differences. Stat Med 40(1):101-118, 2021.

Badillo-Goicoechea E, Chang TH, Kim E, LaRocca S, Morris K, Deng X, Chiu S, Bradford A, Garcia A, Kern C, Cobb C, Kreuter F, Stuart EA: Global trends and predictors of face mask usage during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Public Health 21(1):2099, 2021.

Ben-Michael E, Feller A, Stuart EA: A trial emulation approach for policy evaluations with group-level longitudinal data. Epidemiology 32(4):533-540, 2021.

Brenneke SG, Nordeck CD, Riehm KE, Schmid I, Tormohlen KN, Smail EJ, Johnson RM, Kalb LG, Stuart EA, Thrul J: Trends in cannabis use among U.S. adults amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Int J Drug Policy 100:103517, 2021.

Burgdorf JG, Arbaje AI, Stuart EA, Wolff JL: Unmet family caregiver training needs associated with acute care utilization during home health care. J Am Geriatr Soc 69(7):1887-1895, 2021.

Burgdorf JG, Stuart EA, Arbaje AI, Wolff JL: Family caregiver training needs and medicare home health visit utilization. Med Care 59(4):341-347, 2021.

Dahabreh IJ, Haneuse SJA, Robins JM, Robertson SE, Buchanan AL, Stuart EA, Hernan MA: Study designs for extending causal inferences from a randomized trial to a target population. Am J Epidemiol 190(8):1632-1642, 2021.

Dick AS, Lopez DA, Watts AL, ..., Stuart EA, et al: Meaningful associations in the adolescent brain cognitive development study. Neuroimage 239:118262, 2021.

Eisenberg MD, McCourt A, Stuart EA, Rutkow L, Tormohlen KN, Fingerhood MI, Quintero L, White SA, McGinty EE: Studying how state health services delivery policies can mitigate the effects of disasters on drug addiction treatment and overdose: protocol for a mixed-methods study. PLoS One 16(12):e0261115, 2021.

Ferris LM, Saloner B, Jackson K, Lyons BC, Murthy V, Kharrazi H, Latimore A, Stuart EA, Weiner JP: Performance of a predictive model versus prescription-based thresholds in identifying patients at risk of fatal opioid overdose. Subst Use Misuse 56(3):396-403, 2021.

Gianattasio KZ, Bennett EE, Wei J, Mehrotra ML, Mosley T, Gottesman RF, Wong DF, Stuart EA, Griswold ME, Couper D, Glymour MM, Power MC, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative: Generalizability of findings from a clinical sample to a community-based sample: A comparison of ADNI and ARIC. Alzheimers Dement 17(8):1265-1276, 2021.

Griffin BA, Schuler MS, Stuart EA, Patrick S, McNeer E, Smart R, Powell D, Stei BD, Schell TL, Pacula RL: Moving beyond the classic difference-in-differences model: a simulation study comparing statistical methods for estimating effectiveness of state-level policies. BMC Med Res Methodol 21(1):279, 2021.

Haber NA, Clarke-Deelder E, Salomon JA, Feller A, Stuart EA: Impact evaluation of coronavirus disease 2019 policy: a guide to common design issues. Am J Epidemiol 190(11):2474-2486, 2021.

Kalb LG, Badillo-Goicoechea E, Holingue C, Riehm KE, Thrul J, Stuart EA, Smail EJ, Law K, White-Lehman C, Fallin D: Psychological distress among caregivers raising a child with autism spectrum disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic. Autism Res 14(10):2183-2188. 2021.

Kennedy-Hendricks A, Bandara S, Daumit GL, Busch AB, Stone EM, Stuart EA, Murphy KA, McGinty EE: Behavioral health home impact on transitional care and readmissions among adults with serious mental illness. Health Serv Res 56(3):432-439, 2021.

Koenecke A, Powell M, Xiong R, Shen Z, Fischer N, Huq S, Khalafallah AM, Trevisan M, Sparen P, Carrero JJ, Nishimura A, Caffo B, Stuart EA, Bai R, Staedtke V, Thomas DL, Papadopoulos N, Kinzler KW, Vogelstein B, Zhou S, Bettegowda C, Konig MF, Mensh BD, Vogelstein JT, Athey S: Alpha-1 adrenergic receptor antagonists to prevent hyperinflammation and death from lower respiratory tract infection. Elife 10:e61700, 2021.

Krawczyk N, Garrett B, Ahmad NJ, Patel E, Solomon K, Stuart EA, Saloner B: Medications for opioid use disorder among American Indians and Alaska natives: availability and use across a national sample. Drug Alcohol Depend 220:108512, 2021.

Lee Y, Nguyen TQ, Stuart EA: Partially pooled propensity score models for average treatment effect estimation with multilevel data. JRSS-A 184(4):1578-1598, 2021.

Lessler J, Grabowski MK, Grantz KH, Badillo-Goicoechea E, Metcalf CJE, Lupton-Smith C, Azman AS, Stuart EA: Household COVID-19 risk and in-person schooling. Science 372(6546):1092-1097, 2021.

McGinty EE, Murphy KA, Dalcin AT, Stuart EA, Wang NY, Dickerson F, Gudzune K, Jerome G, Thompson D, Cullen BA, Gennusa J, Kilbourne AM, Daumit GL: A model for advancing scale-up of complex interventions for vulnerable populations: the ALACRITY Center for Health and Longevity in Mental Illness. J Gen Intern Med 36(2):500-505, 2021.

McGinty EE, Thompson D, Murphy KA, Stuart EA, Wang NY, Dalcin A, Mace E, Gennusa JV 3rd, Daumit GL: Adapting the Comprehensive Unit Safety Program (CUSP) implementation strategy to increase delivery of evidence-based cardiovascular risk factor care in community mental health organizations: protocol for a pilot study. Implement Sci Commun 2(1):26, 2021.

McGinty EE, Tormohlen KN, Barry CL, Bicket MC, Rutkow L, Stuart EA: Protocol: mixed-methods study of how implementation of US state medical cannabis laws affects treatment of chronic non-cancer pain and adverse opioid outcomes. Implement Sci 16(1):2, 2021.

Oh ES, Rosenberg PB, Rattinger GB, Stuart EA, Lyketsos CG, Leoutsakos JS: Psychotropic medication and cognitive, functional, and neuropsychiatric outcomes in Alzheimer's disease (AD). J Am Geriatr Soc 69(4):955-963, 2021.

Patel E, Bandara S, Saloner B, Stuart EA, Goodman D, Terplan M, McCourt A, White S, McGinty EE: Heterogeneity in prenatal substance use screening despite universal screening recommendations: findings from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, 2016-2018. Am J Obstet Gynecol 3(5):100419, 2021.

Powell M, Koenecke A, Byrd JB, Nishimura A, Konig MF, Xiong R, Mahmood S, Mucaj V, Bettegowda C, Rose L, Tamang S, Sacarny A, Caffo B, Athey S, Stuart EA, Vogelstein JT: Ten rules for conducting retrospective pharmacoepidemiological analyses: example COVID-19 study. Front Pharmacol 12:700776, 2021.

Riehm KE, Brenneke SG, Adams LB, Gilan D, Lieb K, Kunzler AM, Smail EJ, Holingue C, Stuart EA, Kalb LG, Thrul J: Association between psychological resilience and changes in mental distress during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Affect Disord 282:381-385, 2021.

Riehm KE, Holingue C, Smail EJ, Kapteyn A, Bennett D, Thrul J, Kreuter F, McGinty EE, Kalb LG, Veldhuis CB, Johnson RM, Fallin MD, Stuart EA: Trajectories of mental distress among U.S. adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ann Behav Med 55(2):93-102, 2021.

Schuler MS, Griffin BA, Cerda M, McGinty EE, Stuart EA: Methodological challenges and proposed solutions for evaluating opioid policy effectiveness. Health Serv Outcomes Res Methodol 21(1):21-41, 2021.

Seamans MJ, Hong H, Ackerman B, Schmid I, Stuart EA: Generalizability of subgroup effects. Epidemiology 32(3):389-392, 2021.

Solomon KT, Bandara S, Reynolds IS, Krawczyk N, Saloner B, Stuart E, Connolly E: Association between availability of medications for opioid use disorder in specialty treatment and use of medications among patients: A state-level trends analysis. J Subst Abuse Treat 132:108424, 2021.

Stuart EA, Dowdy DW: Evidence-based COVID-19 policy-making in schools. Nat Med 27(12):2078-2079, 2021.

Tormohlen KN, Bicket MC, White S, Barry CL, Stuart EA, Rutkow L, McGinty EE: The state of the evidence on the association between state cannabis laws and opioid-related outcomes: a review. Curr Addict Rep 8(4):538-545, 2021.

Tormohlen KN, Mojtabai R, Seiwell A, McGinty EE, Stuart EA, Tobin KE, Troiani V: Co-occurring opioid use and depressive disorders: patient characteristics and co-occurring health conditions. J Dual Diagn 17(4):296-303, 2021.

Yan M, Sigurdson S, Greifer N, Kennedy TAC, Toh TS, Lindsay PE, Weiss J, Hueniken K, Yeung C, Sugumar V, Sun A, Bezjak A, Cho BCJ, Raman S, Hope AJ, Giuliani ME, Stuart EA, Owen T, Ashworth A, Robinson A, de Moraes FY, Liu G, Lok BH: A comparison of hypofractionated and twice-daily thoracic irradiation in limited-stage small-cell lung cancer: an overlap-weighted analysis. Cancers 13(12):2895, 2021.

Amoah J, Stuart EA, Cosgrove SE, Harris AD, Han JH, Lautenbach E, Tamma PD: Comparing propensity score methods versus traditional regression analysis for the evaluation of observational data: a case study evaluating the treatment of gram-negative bloodstream infections. Clin Infect Dis 71(9):e497-e505, 2020.

Bandara SN, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Stuart EA, Barry CL, Abrams MT, Daumit GL, McGinty EE: The effects of the Maryland Medicaid Health Home Waiver on Emergency Department and inpatient utilization among individuals with serious mental illness. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 64:99-104, 2020.

Cowling K, Stuart EA, Neff RA, Vernick J, Magraw D, Pollack Porter K: The relationship between joining a US free trade agreement and processed food sales, 2002-2016: a comparative interrupted time-series analysis. Public Health Nutr 23(9):1609-1617, 2020.

Dahabreh IJ, Robertson SE, Steingrimsson JA, Stuart EA, Hernan MA: Extending inferences from a randomized trial to a new target population. Stat Med 39(14):1999-2014, 2020.

Dong N, Stuart EA, Lenis D, Quynh Nguyen T: Using propensity score analysis of survey data to estimate population average treatment effects: a case study comparing different methods. Eval Rev 44(1):84-108, 2020.

Feder KA, Ali MM, Sherman LJ, Letourneau E, Barry CL, Stuart EA, Mutter R: Elevated prevalence of antisocial behavior in adolescent children whose mothers misuse opioids. Drug Alcohol Depend 215:108153, 2020.

Feder KA, Mojtabai R, Stuart EA, Musci R, Letourneau EJ: Florida's opioid crackdown and mortality from drug overdose, motor vehicle crashes, and suicide: a Bayesian interrupted time-series analysis. Am J Epidemiol 189(9):885-893, 2020.

Flores JP, Swartz KL, Stuart EA, Wilcox HC: Co-occurring risk factors among U.S. high school students at risk for suicidal thoughts and behaviors. J Affect Disord 266:743-752, 2020.

Fox MP, Arah OA, Stuart EA: Commentary: The value of E-values and why they are not enough. Int J Epidemiol 49(5):1505-1506, 2020.

French B, Stuart EA: Study designs and statistical methods for studies of child and adolescent health policies. JAMA Pediatr 174(10):925-927, 2020.

Heyward J, Olson L, Sharfstein JM, Stuart EA, Lurie P, Alexander GC: Evaluation of the extended-release/long-acting opioid prescribing risk evaluation and mitigation strategy program by the US Food and Drug Administration: a review. JAMA Intern Med 180(2):301-309, 2020.

Holingue C, Badillo-Goicoechea E, Riehm KE, Veldhuis CB, Thrul J, Johnson RM, Fallin MD, Kreuter F, Stuart EA, Kalb LG: Mental distress during the COVID-19 pandemic among US adults without a pre-existing mental health condition: findings from American trend panel survey. Prev Med 139:106231, 2020.

Holingue C, Kalb LG, Riehm KE, Bennett D, Kapteyn A, Veldhuis CB, Johnson RM, Fallin MD, Kreuter F, Stuart EA, Thrul J: Mental distress in the United States at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Am J Public Health 110(11):1628-1634, 2020.

Krawczyk N, Mojtabai R, Stuart EA, Fingerhood M, Agus D, Lyons BC, Weiner JP, Saloner B: Opioid agonist treatment and fatal overdose risk in a state-wide US population receiving opioid use disorder services. Addiction 115(9):1683-1694, 2020.

Krawczyk N, Schneider KE, Eisenberg MD, Richards TM, Ferris L, Mojtabai R, Stuart EA, Casey Lyons B, Jackson K, Weiner JP, Saloner B: Opioid overdose death following criminal justice involvement: Linking statewide corrections and hospital databases to detect individuals at highest risk. Drug Alcohol Depend 213:107997, 2020.

McCourt AD, Crifasi CK, Stuart EA, Vernick JS, Kagawa RMC, Wintemute GJ, Webster DW: Purchaser licensing, point-of-sale background check laws, and firearm homicide and suicide in 4 US states, 1985-2017. Am J Public Health 110(10):1546-1552, 2020.

McGinty EE, Stone EM, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Bandara S, Murphy KA, Stuart EA, Rosenblum MA, Daumit GL: Effects of Maryland's Affordable Care Act Medicaid health home waiver on quality of cardiovascular care among people with serious mental illness. J Gen Intern Med 35(11):3148-3158, 2020.

Mendelson T, Clary LK, Sibinga E, Tandon D, Musci R, Mmari K, Salkever D, Stuart EA, Ialongo N: A randomized controlled trial of a trauma-informed school prevention program for urban youth: Rationale, design, and methods. Contemp Clin Trials 90:105895, 2020.

Murphy KA, Daumit GL, Bandara SN, Stone EM, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Stuart EA, Pollack CE, McGinty EE: Association between the Maryland Medicaid behavioral health home program and cancer screening in people with serious mental illness. Psychiatr Serv 71(6):608-611, 2020.

Nguyen TQ, Stuart EA: Propensity score analysis with latent covariates: measurement error bias correction using the covariate's posterior mean, aka the inclusive factor score. J Educ Behav Stat 45(5):598-636, 2020.

Pittman A, Stuart EA, Siddique J: Characterizing measurement error in dietary sodium in longitudinal intervention studies. Front Nutr 7:581439, 2020.

Rathbun AM, Schuler MS, Stuart EA, Shardell MD, Yau MS, Gallo JJ, Ryan AS, Hochberg MC: Depression subtypes in individuals with or at risk for symptomatic knee osteoarthritis. Arthritis Care Res 72(5):669-678, 2020.

Rathbun AM, Shardell MD, Ryan AS, Yau MS, Gallo JJ, Schuler MS, Stuart EA, Hochberg MC: Association between disease progression and depression onset in persons with radiographic knee osteoarthritis. Rheumatology 59(11):3390-3399, 2020.

Riehm KE, Holingue C, Kalb LG, Bennett D, Kapteyn A, Jiang Q, Veldhuis CB, Johnson RM, Fallin MD, Kreuter F, Stuart EA, Thrul J: Associations between media exposure and mental distress among U.S. adults at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Am J Prev Med 59(5):630-638, 2020.

Rudolph KE, Goin DE, Stuart EA: The peril of power: a tutorial on using simulation to better understand when and how we can estimate mediating effects. Am J Epidemiol 189(12):1559-1567, 2020.

Rudolph KE, Levy J, Schmidt NM, Stuart EA, Ahern J: Using transportability to understand differences in mediation mechanisms across trial sites of a housing voucher experiment. Epidemiology 31(4):523-533, 2020.

Samples H, Stuart EA, Saloner B, Barry CL, Mojtabai R: The role of screening in depression diagnosis and treatment in a representative sample of US primary care visits. J Gen Intern Med 35(1):12-20, 2020.

Schuler MS, Heins SE, Smart R, Griffin BA, Powell D, Stuart EA, Pardo B, Smucker S, Patrick SW, Pacula RL, Stein BD: The state of the science in opioid policy research. Drug Alcohol Depend 214:108137, 2020.

Stuart EA, Lesko CR: The promise, and challenges, of methods to enhance the external validity of randomized trial results. Clin Pharmacol Ther 108(6):1132-1134, 2020.

Wang L, Motter J, Bae S, Ahn JB, Kanakry JA, Jackson J, Schnitzler MA, Hess G, Lentine KL, Stuart EA, Segev DL, McAdams-DeMarco M: Induction immunosuppression and the risk of incident malignancies among older and younger kidney transplant recipients: A prospective cohort study. Clin Transplant 34(12):e14121, 2020.




Elizabeth Sugar (go to top of document)


Hill CS, Parkinson R, Jaffee EM, Sugar E, Zheng L, Onners B, et al: Phase 1 study of adjuvant allogeneic granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor-transduced pancreatic tumor cell vaccine, low-dose cyclophosphamide, and stereotactic body radiation therapy followed by FOLFIRINOX in high-risk resected pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 121(4):930-941, 2025.

Blake KV, Antal H, Bunnell HT, He J, Henderson R, Holbrook JT, McCahan SM, Pennington C, Rogers L, Shade D, Sugar EA, Taylor A, Wise RA, Wysocki T: Comprehension by caregivers and adolescents of clinical trial information delivered via multimedia video versus conventional practice: nonrandomized controlled trial. JMIR Pediatr Parent 6:e44252, 2023.

Cassard SD, Fitzgerald KC, Qian P, Emrich SA, Azevedo CJ, Goodman AD, Sugar EA, Pelletier D, Waubant E, Mowry EM: High-dose vitamin D3 supplementation in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a randomised clinical trial. EClinicalMedicine 59:101957, 2023.

Jabs DA, Sugar EA, Burke AE, Altaweel MM, Dunn JP, Gangaputra S, Kempen JH, Pepple KL, Stawell RJ, Holbrook JT, Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment (MUST) Trial and Follow-up Study Research Group: Cataract surgery in patients with uveitis treated with systemic therapy in the Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment (MUST) Trial and Follow-up Study: Risk factors and outcomes. Am J Ophthalmol 254:210-220, 2023.

Kaminsky DA, He J, Henderson R, Dixon AE, Irvin CG, Mastronarde J, Smith LJ, Sugar EA, Wise RA, Holbrook JT: Bronchodilator response does not associate with asthma control or symptom burden among patients with poorly controlled asthma. Respir Med 218:107375, 2023.

Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment Trial (MUST) Research Group, Writing Committee: Acharya NR, Vitale AT, Sugar EA, Holbrook JT, Burke AE, Thorne JE, Altaweel MM, Kempen JH, Jabs DA: Intravitreal therapy for uveitic macular edema-ranibizumab versus methotrexate versus the dexamethasone implant: the MERIT Trial results. Ophthalmology 130(9):914-923, 2023.

Synn AJ, Menson KE, Carnethon MR, Kalhan R, Sugar EA, Washko GR, Wise RA, Eakin MN: "It's a cause I believe in": factors motivating participation and engagement in longitudinal, respiratory-focused research studies. BMC Pulm Med 23(1):285, 2023.

Taraborelli D, Thomas JJ, Kim L, Fashina T, Hayek B, Mattia JG, Vandy M, Sugar E, Crozier I, Yeh S, Shantha JG: Visual acuity and vision-related quality of life outcomes following cataract surgery in Ebola virus disease survivors. Glob J Cataract Surg Res Ophthalmol 2(2):23-29, 2023.

Heumann TR, Baretti M, Sugar EA, Durham JN, Linden S, Lopez-Vidal TY, Leatherman J, Cope L, Sharma A, Weekes CD, O'Dwyer PJ, Reiss KA, Monga DK, Ahuja N, Azad NS: A randomized, phase II trial of oral azacitidine (CC-486) in patients with resected pancreatic adenocarcinoma at high risk for recurrence. Clin Epigenetics 14(1):166, 2022.

Jabs DA, Berkenstock MK, Altaweel MM, Holbrook JT, Sugar EA, ADVISE Research Group: The conundrum of clinical trials for the uveitides: appropriate outcome measures for one treatment used in several diseases. Epidemiol Rev 44(1):2-16, 2022.

Askenase MH, Goods BA, Beatty HE, Steinschneider AF, ..., Thompson RE, ..., ICHseq Investigators MISTIE III Investigators (includes Sugar E): Longitudinal transcriptomics define the stages of myeloid activation in the living human brain after intracerebral hemorrhage. Sci Immunol 6(56):eabd6279, 2021.

Ho WJ, Zhu Q, Durham J, Popovic A, ..., Stein-O'Brien G, Sugar EA, et al: Neoadjuvant cabozantinib and nivolumab converts locally advanced HCC into resectable disease with enhanced antitumor immunity. Nat Cancer 2(9):891-903, 2021.

Reyfman PA, Sugar E, Hazucha H, Hixon J, Reynolds C, Bose S, Dransfield MT, Han MK, Estepar RSJ, Rice MB, Washko GR, Carnethon M, Kalhan R, American Lung Association Airways Clinical Research Network, American Lung Association Airway's Clinical Research Network: Study protocol for a national cohort of adults focused on respiratory health: the American Lung Association Lung Health Cohort (ALA-LHC) Study. BMJ Open 11(7):e053342, 2021.

Rosenthal ES, Elm JJ, Ingles J, ..., Established Status Epilepticus Treatment Trial Study Group (includes Sugar E): Early neurologic recovery, practice pattern variation, and the risk of endotracheal intubation following established status epilepticus. Neurology 96(19):e2372-e2386, 2021.

Tomkins-Netzer O, Lightman SL, Burke AE, Sugar EA, Lim LL, Jaffe GJ, Altaweel MM, Kempen JH, Holbrook JT, Jabs DA, Multicenter Steroid Treatment Trial and Follow-up Study Research Group: Seven-year outcomes of uveitic macular edema: the Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment Trial and Follow-up Study results. Ophthalmology 128(5):719-728, 2021.

Yohannes AM, N Eakin M, Holbrook JT, Sugar EA, Henderson R, Baker AM, Casper AS, Kaminsky DA, Rea AL, Mathews AM, Que LG, Ramsdell JW, Gerald LB, Wise RA, Hanania NA: Association of mild cognitive impairment and characteristic of COPD and overall health status in a cohort study. Expert Rev Respir Med 15(1):153-159, 2021.

Zheng L, Ding D, Edil BH, Judkins C, ..., Sugar E, et al: Vaccine-induced intratumoral lymphoid aggregates correlate with survival following treatment with a neoadjuvant and adjuvant vaccine in patients with resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Clin Cancer Res 27(5):1278-1286, 2021.

Bose S, Bime C, Henderson RJ, Blake KV, Castro M, DiMango E, Hanania NA, Holbrook JT, Irvin CG, Kraft M, Peters SP, Reibman J, Sugar EA, Sumino K, Wise RA, Rogers L, American Lung Association Airways Clinical Research Centers: Biomarkers of type 2 airway inflammation as predictors of loss of asthma control during step-down therapy for well-controlled disease: the Long-Acting Beta-Agonist Step-Down Study (LASST). J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 8(10):3474-3481, 2020.

De Jesus-Acosta A, Sugar EA, O'Dwyer PJ, Ramanathan RK, Von Hoff DD, Rasheed Z, Zheng L, Begum A, Anders R, Maitra A, McAllister F, Rajeshkumar NV, Yabuuchi S, de Wilde RF, Batukbhai B, Sahin I, Laheru DA: Phase 2 study of vismodegib, a hedgehog inhibitor, combined with gemcitabine and nab-paclitaxel in patients with untreated metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Br J Cancer 122(4):498-505, 2020.

Kempen JH, Van Natta ML, Friedman DS, Altaweel MM, Ansari H, Dunn JP, Elner SG, Holbrook JT, Lim LL, Sugar EA, Jabs DA, Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment (MUST) Trial and Follow-up Study Research Group: Incidence and outcome of uveitic glaucoma in eyes with intermediate, posterior, or panuveitis followed up to 10 years after randomization to fluocinolone acetonide implant or systemic therapy. Am J Ophthalmol 219:303-316, 2020.

Sugar EA, Burke AE, Venugopal V, Thorne JE, Holbrook JT, Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment Trial and Follow-up Study Research Group: Responsiveness of vision-specific and general quality of life metrics to ocular and systemic events in patients with uveitis. Ophthalmology 127(12):1710-1718, 2020.

Tsujikawa T, Crocenzi T, Durham JN, Sugar EA, et al: Evaluation of cyclophosphamide/GVAX pancreas followed by listeria-mesothelin (CRS-207) with or without nivolumab in patients with pancreatic cancer. Clin Cancer Res 26(14):3578-3588, 2020.

Wu AA, Bever KM, Ho WJ, Fertig EJ, Niu N, Zheng L, Parkinson RM, Durham JN, Onners B, Ferguson AK, Wilt C, Ko AH, Wang-Gillam A, Laheru DA, Anders RA, Thompson ED, Sugar EA, Jaffee EM, Le DT: A phase II study of allogeneic GM-CSF-transfected pancreatic tumor vaccine (GVAX) with ipilimumab as maintenance treatment for metastatic pancreatic cancer. Clin Cancer Res 26(19):5129-5139, 2020.



Margaret Taub (go to top of document)


Choi SH, Jurgens SJ, Xiao L, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Taub M): Sequencing in over 50,000 cases identifies coding and structural variation underlying atrial fibrillation risk. Nat Genet 57(3):548-562, 2025.

Jakubek YA, Ma X, Stilp AM, Yu F, Bacon J, Wong JW, ..., Taub M, et al: Genomic and phenotypic correlates of mosaic loss of chromosome Y in blood. Am J Hum Genet 112(2):276-290, 2025.

Li X, Chen H, Selvaraj MS, Van Buren E, Zhou H, ..., Yu Z, Jiang MZ, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Taub M), et al: A statistical framework for multi-trait rare variant analysis in large-scale whole-genome sequencing studies. Nat Comput Sci 5(2):125-143, 2025.

Awotoye W, Mossey PA, Hetmanski JB, Gowans LJJ, ..., Taub M, et al: Damaging mutations in AFDN contribute to risk of nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate. Cleft Palate Craniofacial J 61(4):697-705, 2024.

Keener R, Chhetri SB, Connelly CJ, Taub MA, ..., Ruczinski I, et al: Validation of human telomere length multi-ancestry meta-analysis association signals identifies POP5 and KBTBD6 as human telomere length regulation genes. Nat Commun 15(1):4417, 2024.

Leroux A, Crainiceanu C, Zeger S, Taub M, Ansari B, Wager TD, Bayman E, Coffey C, Langefeld C, McCarthy R, Tsodikov A, Brummet C, Clauw DJ, Edwards RR, Lindquist MA, A2CPS Consortium: Statistical modeling of acute and chronic pain patient-reported outcomes obtained from ecological momentary assessment. Pain 165(9):1955-1965, 2024.

Pershad Y, Mack T, Poisner H, ..., Taub MA, et al: Determinants of mosaic chromosomal alteration fitness. Nat Commun 15(1):3800, 2024.

Rocheleau G, Clarke SL, Auguste G, Hasbani NR, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Taub M), et al: Rare variant contribution to the heritability of coronary artery disease. Nat Commun 15(1):8741, 2024.

Szczesny B, Boorgula MP, Chavan S, Campbell M, Johnson RK, Kammers K, ..., Ruczinski I, ..., Taub MA, et al: Multi-omics in nasal epithelium reveals three axes of dysregulation for asthma risk in the African Diaspora populations. Nat Commun 15(1):4546, 2024.

Wright C, Meng Q, Breshock MR, Atta L, Taub MA, Jager LR, Muschelli J, Hicks SC: Open case studies: statistics and data science education through real-world applications. J Stat Data Sci Educ 32(4):331-344, 2024.

Jakubek YA, Zhou Y, Stilp A, Bacon J, Wong JW, ..., Taub M, et al: Mosaic chromosomal alterations in blood across ancestries using whole-genome sequencing. Nat Genet 55(11):1912-1919, 2023.

Kim JS, Manichaikul AW, Hoffman EA, ..., Taub MA, et al: MUC5B, telomere length and longitudinal quantitative interstitial lung changes: the MESA Lung Study. Thorax 78(6):566-573, 2023.

Li X, Quick C, Zhou H, Gaynor SM, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Taub M), et al: Powerful, scalable and resource-efficient meta-analysis of rare variant associations in large whole genome sequencing studies. Nat Genet 55(1):154-164, 2023.

Lynch MT, Taub MA, Farfel JM, Yang J, Abadir P, De Jager PL, Grodstein F, Bennett DA, Mathias RA: Evaluating genomic signatures of aging in brain tissue as it relates to Alzheimer's disease. Sci Rep 13(1):14747, 2023.

Oladayo A, Gowans LJJ, Awotoye W, Alade A, ..., Taub M, et al: Clinically actionable secondary findings in 130 triads from sub-Saharan African families with non-syndromic orofacial clefts. Mol Genet Genomic Med 11(10):e2237, 2023.

Recto K, Kachroo P, Huan T, Van Den Berg D, Lee GY, Bui H, Lee DH, Gereige J, Yao C, Hwang SJ, Joehanes R, Weiss ST; NHLBI Trans-Omics in Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Taub M), O'Connor GT, Levy D, DeMeo D: Epigenome-wide DNA methylation association study of circulating IgE levels identifies novel targets for asthma. EBioMedicine 95:104758, 2023.

Schuermans A, Nakao T, Uddin MM, Hornsby W, Ganesh S, Shadyab AH, Liu S, Haring B, Shufelt CL, Taub MA, Mathias RA, Kooperberg C, Reiner AP, Bick AG, Manson JE, Natarajan P, Honigberg MC: Age at menopause, leukocyte telomere length, and coronary artery disease in postmenopausal women. Circ Res 133(5):376-386, 2023.

Weinstock JS, Gopakumar J, Burugula BB, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Taub M), et al: Aberrant activation of TCL1A promotes stem cell expansion in clonal haematopoiesis. Nature 616(7958):755-763, 2023.

Wong WJ, Emdin C, Bick AG, ..., NHLBI TOPMed Hematology Working Group (includes Taub M), et al: Clonal haematopoiesis and risk of chronic liver disease. Nature 616(7958):747-754, 2023.

Awotoye W, Mossey PA, Hetmanski JB, Gowans LJJ, Eshete MA, Adeyemo WL, Alade A, Zeng E, ..., Taub M, et al: Whole-genome sequencing reveals de-novo mutations associated with nonsyndromic cleft lip/palate. Sci Rep 12(1):11743, 2022.

Berardi G, Frey-Law L, ..., Lindquist M, Caffo BS, Crainiceanu C, Zeger S, ..., Taub M, et al: Multi-site observational study to assess biomarkers for susceptibility or resilience to chronic pain: The Acute to Chronic Pain Signatures (A2CPS) study protocol. Front Med 9:849214, 2022.

Johnson RK, Brunetti T, Quinn K, Doenges K, Campbell M, Arehart C, Taub MA, Mathias RA, Reisdorph N, Barnes KC, Daya M: Discovering metabolite quantitative trait loci in asthma using an isolated population. J Allergy Clin Immunol 149(5):1807-1811, 2022.

Katz DH, Tahir UA, Bick AG, Pampana A, ..., National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute TOPMed (Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine) Consortium (includes Taub M): Whole genome sequence analysis of the plasma proteome in black adults provides novel insights into cardiovascular disease. Circulation 145(5):357-370, 2022.

Li Z, Li X, Zhou H, ..., Taub MA, ..., et al: A framework for detecting noncoding rare-variant associations of large-scale whole-genome sequencing studies. Nat Methods 19(12):1599-1611, 2022.

Nakao T, Bick AG, Taub MA, et al: Mendelian randomization supports bidirectional causality between telomere length and clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential. Sci Adv 8(14):eabl6579, 2022.

Ngwa JS, Yanek LR, Kammers K, Kanchan K, Taub MA, Scharpf RB, Faraday N, Becker LC, Mathias RA, Ruczinski I: Secondary analyses for genome-wide association studies using expression quantitative trait loci. Genet Epidemiol 46(3-4):170-181, 2022.

Ray D, Vergara C, Taub MA, Wojcik G, Ladd-Acosta C, Beaty TH, Duggal P: Benchmarking statistical methods for analyzing parent-child dyads in genetic association studies. Genet Epidemiol 46(5-6):266-284, 2022.

Selvaraj MS, Li X, Li Z, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Taub M), et al: Whole genome sequence analysis of blood lipid levels in >66,000 individuals. Nat Commun 13(1):5995, 2022.

Tahir UA, Katz DH, Avila-Pachecho J, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine 1 Consortium (includes Taub M), et al: Whole genome association study of the plasma metabolome identifies metabolites linked to cardiometabolic disease in black individuals. Nat Commun 13(1):4923, 2022.

Taub MA, Conomos MP, Keener R, Iyer KR, et al: Genetic determinants of telomere length from 109,122 ancestrally diverse whole-genome sequences in TOPMed. Cell Genom 2(1):100084, 2022.

Wainschtein P, Jain D, Zheng Z, TOPMed Anthropometry Working Group, NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Taub M), et al: Assessing the contribution of rare variants to complex trait heritability from whole-genome sequence data. Nat Genet 54(3):263-273, 2022.

Washington C 3rd, Dapas M, Biddanda A, Magnaye KM, Aneas I, Helling BA, Szczesny B, Boorgula MP, Taub MA, et al: African-specific alleles modify risk for asthma at the 17q12-q21 locus in African Americans. Genome Med 14(1):112, 2022.

Cade BE, Lee J, Sofer T, Wang H, Zhang M, Chen H, Gharib SA, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Taub M), et al: Whole-genome association analyses of sleep-disordered breathing phenotypes in the NHLBI TOPMed program. Genome Med 13(1):136, 2021.

Kammers K, Taub MA, Mathias RA, Yanek LR, Kanchan K, Venkatraman V, Sundararaman N, Martin J, Liu S, Hoyle D, Raedschelders K, Holewinski R, Parker S, Dardov V, Faraday N, Becker DM, Cheng L, Wang ZZ, Leek JT, Van Eyk JE, Becker LC: Gene and protein expression in human megakaryocytes derived from induced pluripotent stem cells. J Thromb Haemost 19(7):1783-1799, 2021.

Kammers K, Taub MA, Rodriguez B, Yanek LR, Ruczinski I, Martin J, Kanchan K, Battle A, Cheng L, Wang ZZ, Johnson AD, Leek JT, Faraday N, Becker LC, Mathias RA: Transcriptional profile of platelets and iPSC-derived megakaryocytes from whole-genome and RNA sequencing. Blood 137(7):959-968, 2021.

Kasela S, Ortega VE, Martorella M, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Taub M), et al: Genetic and non-genetic factors affecting the expression of COVID-19-relevant genes in the large airway epithelium. Genome Med 13(1):66, 2021.

Keramati AR, Chen MH, Rodriguez BAT, ..., Ruczinski I, ..., Taub MA, et al: Genome sequencing unveils a regulatory landscape of platelet reactivity. Nat Commun 12(1):3626, 2021.

Luo Y, Kanai M, Choi W, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Taub M), et al: A high-resolution HLA reference panel capturing global population diversity enables multi-ancestry fine-mapping in HIV host response. Nat Genet 53(10):1504-1516, 2021.

Natarajan P, Pampana A, Graham SE, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Taub M), et al: Chromosome Xq23 is associated with lower atherogenic lipid concentrations and favorable cardiometabolic indices. Nat Commun 12(1):2182, 2021.

Ray D, Venkataraghavan S, Zhang W, Leslie EJ, Hetmanski JB, Weinberg SM, Murray JC, Marazita ML, Ruczinski I, Taub MA, Beaty TH: Pleiotropy method reveals genetic overlap between orofacial clefts at multiple novel loci from GWAS of multi-ethnic trios. PLoS Genet 17(7):e1009584, 2021.

Reiner AP, Raffield LM, Franceschini N, Auer PL, Lange EM, Nickerson DA, Zakai NA, Correa A, Olson N, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine Consortium (includes Taub M): Effect of sickle cell trait and APOL1 genotype on the association of soluble uPAR with kidney function measures in black Americans. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 16(2):287-289, 2021.

Sofer T, Zheng X, Laurie CA, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Taub M), et al: Variant-specific inflation factors for assessing population stratification at the phenotypic variance level. Nat Commun 12(1):3506, 2021.

Taliun D, Harris DN, Kessler MD, ..., Ruczinski I, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Taub M), et al: Sequencing of 53,831 diverse genomes from the NHLBI TOPMed Program. Nature 590(7845):290-299, 2021.

Vergara C, Valencia A, Thio CL, ..., Taub M, et al: A multiancestry sex-stratified genome-wide association study of spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C virus. J Infect Dis 223(12):2090-2098, 2021.

Zhang W, Venkataraghavan S, Hetmanski JB, Leslie EJ, Marazita ML, Feingold E, Weinberg SM, Ruczinski I, Taub MA, Scott AF, Ray D, Beaty TH: Detecting gene-environment interaction for maternal exposures using case-parent trios ascertained through a case with non-syndromic orofacial cleft. Front Cell Dev Biol 9:621018, 2021.

Bick AG, Weinstock JS, Nandakumar SK, ..., Taub MA, et al: Inherited causes of clonal haematopoiesis in 97,691 whole genomes. Nature 586(7831):763-768, 2020.

Bishop MR, Diaz Perez KK, Sun M, Ho S, Chopra P, Mukhopadhyay N, Hetmanski JB, Taub MA, ..., Ruczinski I, et al: Genome-wide enrichment of de novo coding mutations in orofacial cleft trios. Am J Hum Genet 107(1):124-136, 2020.

Kanchan K, Iyer K, Yanek LR, Carcamo-Orive I, Taub MA, ..., Ruczinski I, et al: Genomic integrity of human induced pluripotent stem cells across nine studies in the NHLBI NextGen program. Stem Cell Res 46:101803, 2020.

Kessler MD, Loesch DP, Perry JA, ..., TOPMed Population Genetics Working Group (includes Taub M), et al: De novo mutations across 1,465 diverse genomes reveal mutational insights and reductions in the Amish founder population. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 117(5):2560-2569, 2020.

Li X, Li Z, Zhou H, Gaynor SM, Liu Y, ..., NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium (includes Taub M), et al: Dynamic incorporation of multiple in silico functional annotations empowers rare variant association analysis of large whole-genome sequencing studies at scale. Nat Genet 52(9):969-983, 2020.

Mukhopadhyay N, Bishop M, Mortillo M, Chopra P, Hetmanski JB, Taub MA, Moreno LM, Valencia-Ramirez LC, Restrepo C, Wehby GL, Hecht JT, Deleyiannis F, Butali A, Weinberg SM, Beaty TH, Murray JC, Leslie EJ, Feingold E, Marazita ML: Whole genome sequencing of orofacial cleft trios from the Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Consortium identifies a new locus on chromosome 21. Hum Genet 139(2):215-226, 2020.

Vergara C, Duggal P, Thio CL, Valencia A, Brien TRO, Latanich R, Timp W, Johnson EO, Kral AH, Mangia A, Goedert JJ, Piazzola V, Mehta SH, Kirk GD, Peters MG, Donfield SM, Edlin BR, Busch MP, Alexander G, Murphy EL, Kim AY, Lauer GM, Chung RT, Cramp ME, Cox AL, Khakoo SI, Rosen HR, Alric L, Wheelan SJ, Wojcik GL, Thomas DL, Taub MA: Multi-ancestry fine mapping of interferon lambda and the outcome of acute hepatitis C virus infection. Genes Immun 21(5):348-359, 2020.

Vince N, Limou S, Daya M, ..., Ruczinski I, ..., Taub M, et al: Association of HLA-DRB109:01 with tIgE levels among African-ancestry individuals with asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol 146(1):147-155, 2020.



Carol Thompson   (go to top of document)


Jin Q, Pandey D, Thompson CB, Lewis S, Sung HW, Nguyen TD, Kuo S, Wilson KL, Gracias DH, Romer LH: Acute downregulation of emerin alters actomyosin cytoskeleton connectivity and function. Biophys J 122(18):3690-3703, 2023.

Pytell JD, Li X, Thompson C, Lesko CR, McCaul ME, Hutton H, Scott Batey D, Cachay E, Mayer KH, Napravnik S, Christopoulos K, Yang C, Crane HM, Chander G, Lau B: The temporal relationship of alcohol use and subsequent self-reported health status among people with HIV. Am J Med Open 9:100020, 2023.

Singh B, Berry J, Volovsky M, Xu Y, Soliman AM, Thompson CB, Segars JH: The utility and impact of the Painful Periods Screening Tool (PPST) to improve healthcare delivery for people with symptoms of pelvic pain. Reprod Sci 30(5):1676-1683, 2023.

Aboumatar H, Thompson C, Garcia-Morales E, Gurses AP, Naqibuddin M, Saunders J, Kim SW, AWise R: Perspective on reducing errors in research. Contemp Clin Trials Commun 23:100838, 2021.

Askenase MH, Goods BA, Beatty HE, Steinschneider AF, ..., Thompson RE, ..., ICHseq Investigators MISTIE III Investigators (includes Thompson C): Longitudinal transcriptomics define the stages of myeloid activation in the living human brain after intracerebral hemorrhage. Sci Immunol 6(56):eabd6279, 2021.

Gusdon AM, Thompson CB, Quirk K, Mayasi YM, Avadhani R, Awad IA, Hanley DF, Ziai WC: CSF and serum inflammatory response and association with outcomes in spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage with intraventricular extension: an analysis of the CLEAR-III Trial. J Neuroinflammation 18(1):179, 2021.

Messing BP, Ward EC, Lazarus C, Ryniak K, Maloney J, Thompson CB, Kramer E: Longitudinal comparisons of a whole-mouth taste test to clinician-rated and patient-reported outcomes of dysgeusia postradiotherapy in patients with head and neck cancer and associations with oral intake. Head Neck 43(7):2159-2177, 2021.

Ziai WC, Parry-Jones AR, Thompson CB, Sansing LH, Mullen MT, Murthy SB, Mould A, Nekoovaght-Tak S, Hanley DF: Early inflammatory cytokine expression in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with spontaneous intraventricular hemorrhage. Biomolecules 11(8):1123, 2021.

Stachelek GC, McNutt T, Thompson CB, Smith K, DeWeese TL, Song DY: Improvements in physician clinical workflow measures after implementation of a dashboard program. Pract Radiat Oncol 10(3):151-157, 2020.

Weston CM, Terkowitz MS, Thompson CB, Ford DE: Approaches to measuring trends in interdisciplinary research publications at one academic medical center. Acad Med 95(4):637-643, 2020.




Richard Thompson  (go to top of document)


Awad IA, Alcazar-Felix RJ, Stadnik A, Kinkade S, ..., Thompson RE, et al: Safety and efficacy of atorvastatin for rebleeding in cerebral cavernous malformations (AT CASH EPOC): a phase 1/2a, randomised placebo-controlled trial. Lancet Neurol 24(4):295-304, 2025.

Ziai W, Woo D, Sansing L, Hanley D, Ostapkovich N, Triene K, Gilkerson LA, Thompson R, Walborn N, Lane K, McBee N, Langefeld CD, Howard TD, Vagal A, Flaherty ML: The REpeated ASSEssment of SurvivorS in intracerebral haemorrhage: protocol for a multicentre, prospective observational study. BMJ Open 15(2):e094322, 2025.

Avadhani R, Ziai WC, Thompson RE, Mould WA, Lane K, Nanni A, Iacobelli M, Sharrock MF, Sansing LH, Van Eldik LJ, Hanley DF, BEACH trial consortium: Clinical trial protocol for BEACH: a phase 2a study of MW189 in patients with acute nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage. Neurocrit Care 40(2):807-815, 2024.

Baumann ME, Haddad NR, Salazar A, Childers WL, Farrokhi S, Goldstein NB, Hendershot BD, Reider L, Thompson RE, Valerio MS, Dearth CL, Garza LA, Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium (METRC): Testing the reliability of optical coherence tomography to measure epidermal thickness and distinguish volar and nonvolar skin. JID Innov 4(4):100276, 2024.

Casella JF, Furstenau DK, Adams RJ, Brambilla DJ, Lebensburger JD, ..., Thompson RE, et al: Hydroxyurea to prevent brain injury in children with sickle cell disease (HU Prevent)-a randomized, placebo-controlled phase II feasibility/pilot study. Am J Hematol 99(10):1906-1916, 2024.

Eyob E, Shaw JS, Bakker A, Munro C, Spira A, Wu M, Rabinowitz JA, Peters M, Wanigatunga S, Zipunnikov V, Thompson R, Burhanullah MH, Leoutsakos JM, Rosenberg P, Greenberg B: A randomized-controlled trial targeting cognition in early Alzheimer's disease by improving sleep with trazodone (REST). J Alzheimers Dis 101(s1):S205-S215, 2024.

Flemming KD, Kim H, Hage S, ..., Thompson R, et al: Trial readiness of cavernous malformations with symptomatic hemorrhage, part I: event rates and clinical outcome. Stroke 55(1):22-30, 2024.

Hage S, Kinkade S, Girard R, Flemming KD, ..., Thompson RE, et al: Trial readiness of cavernous malformations with symptomatic hemorrhage, part II: biomarkers and trial modeling. Stroke 55(1):31-39, 2024.

Hanley DF, Ziai WC, Vahidy FS, Polster S, McBee NA, Thompson RE, Awad IA: Intracerebral hemorrhage: keep it simple. Stroke 55(12):2942-2945, 2024.

Alkon DL, Sun MK, Tuchman AJ, Thompson RE: Advanced Alzheimer's disease patients show safe, significant, and persistent benefit in 6-month bryostatin trial. J Alzheimers Dis 96(2):759-766, 2023.

Yeo TP, Cannaday S, Thompson RE, Fogg R, Nevler A, Lavu H, Yeo CJ: Distress, depression, and the effect of ZIP code in pancreaticobiliary cancer patients and their significant others. J Am Coll Surg 236(2):339-349, 2023.

Archer KR, Davidson CA, Alkhoury D, Vanston SW, Moore TL, Deluca A, Betz JF, Thompson RE, Obremskey WT, Slobogean GP, Melton DH, Wilken JM, Karunakar MA, Rivera JC, Mir HR, McKinley TO, Frey KP, Castillo RC, Wegener ST, METRC: Cognitive-Behavioral-Based Physical Therapy for Improving Recovery After Traumatic Orthopaedic Lower Extremity Injury (CBPT-Trauma). J Orthop Trauma 36(Suppl 1):S1-S7, 2022.

Gitajn IL, Natoli RM, Spitler CA, Firoozabadi R, Tatman LM, Gary JL, Githens MF, Thompson RE, DeLuca A, Reider L, Wysocki E, Obremskey W: Radiographic assessment of ankle fracture displacement: a validation study. Foot Ankle Int 43(10):1269-1276, 2022.

Lane K, Majkowski R, Gruber J, Amirault D, Hillery S, Wieber C, Thompson DD, Huvane J, Bridges J, Ryu EP, Eyzaguirre LM, Gildea M, Thompson RE, Ford DE, Hanley D: Using gamification to enhance clinical trial start-up activities. J Clin Trans Sci 6(1):e75, 2022.

Nelson SE, Aldrich E, Johnson B, Groman S, Thompson RE, Urrutia V: Sustainability of intravenous alteplase administration via telephone-based consult: data from a US health system. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 31(4):106316, 2022.

Shah VA, Thompson RE, Yenokyan G, Acosta JN, Avadhani R, Dlugash R, McBee N, Li Y, Hansen BM, Ullman N, Falcone G, Awad IA, Hanley DF, Ziai WC: One-year outcome trajectories and factors associated with functional recovery among survivors of intracerebral and intraventricular hemorrhage with initial severe disability. JAMA Neurol 79(9):856-868, 2022.

Stinner DJ, Rivera JC, Smith CS, Weiss DB, Hymes RA, Matuszewski PE, Gary JL, Morshed S, Schmidt AH, Wilken JM, Archer KR, Bailey L, Kleihege J, McLaughlin KH, Thompson RE, Chung S, Remenapp C, MacKenzie EJ, Reider L, METRC: Early advanced weight-bearing after periarticular fractures: a randomized trial comparing antigravity treadmill therapy versus standard of care. J Orthop Trauma 36(Suppl 1):S8-S13, 2022.

Thompson RE, Tuchman AJ, Alkon DL: Bryostatin placebo-controlled trials indicate cognitive restoration above baseline for advanced Alzheimer's disease in the absence of memantine1. J Alzheimers Dis 86(3):1221-1229, 2022.

Al-Kawaz MN, Li Y, Thompson RE, Avadhani R, de Havenon A, Gruber J, Awad I, Hanley DF, Ziai W: Intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure in large spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage and impact of minimally invasive surgery. Front Neurol 12:729831, 2021.

Avadhani R, Thompson RE, Carhuapoma L, Yenokyan G, McBee N, Lane K, Ostapkovich N, Stadnik A, Awad IA, Hanley DF, Ziai WC: Post-stroke depression in patients with large spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 30(11):106082, 2021.

Askenase MH, Goods BA, Beatty HE, Steinschneider AF, ..., Thompson RE, ..., ICHseq Investigators MISTIE III Investigators: Longitudinal transcriptomics define the stages of myeloid activation in the living human brain after intracerebral hemorrhage. Sci Immunol 6(56):eabd6279, 2021.

Jassal MS, Lewis-Land C, Thompson RE, Butz A: Randomised pilot trial of cash incentives for reducing paediatric asthmatic tobacco smoke exposures from maternal caregivers and members of their social network. Arch Dis Child 106(4):345-354, 2021.

Kim H, Flemming KD, Nelson JA, Lui A, M..., Thompson RE, et al: Baseline characteristics of patients with cavernous angiomas with symptomatic hemorrhage in multisite trial readiness project. Stroke 52(12):3829-3838, 2021.

Polster SP, Carrion-Penagos J, Lyne SB, Gregson BA, Cao Y, Thompson RE, Stadnik A, Girard R, Money PL, Lane K, McBee N, Ziai W, Mould WA, Iqbal A, Metcalfe S, Hao Y, Dodd R, Carlson AP, Camarata PJ, Caron JL, Harrigan MR, Zuccarello M, Mendelow AD, Hanley DF, Awad IA: Intracerebral hemorrhage volume reduction and timing of intervention versus functional benefit and survival in the MISTIE III and STICH trials. Neurosurgery 88(5):961-970, 2021.

Halstead MR, Mould WA, Sheth KN, Rosand J, Thompson R, Levy A, Hanley DF, Goldstein JN, Nyquist P: Haptoglobin is associated with increased early perihematoma edema progression in spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage. Int J Stroke 15(8):899-908, 2020.

Hansen BM, Ullman N, Muschelli J, Norrving B, Dlugash R, Avadhani R, Awad I, Zuccarello M, Ziai WC, Hanley DF, Thompson RE, Lindgren A, MISTIE and CLEAR Investigators: Relationship of white matter lesions with intracerebral hemorrhage expansion and functional outcome: MISTIE II and CLEAR III. Neurocrit Care 33(2):516-524, 2020.

Jassal MS, Lewis-Land C, Thompson RE, Butz A: Linkage of maternal caregiver smoking behaviors on environmental and clinical outcomes of children with asthma: a post-hoc analysis of a financial incentive trial targeting reduction in pediatric tobacco smoke exposures. Int J Environ Res Public Health 17(22):E8502, 2020.

Nelson SE, Mould WA, Gandhi D, Thompson RE, Salter S, Dlugash R, Awad IA, Hanley DF, Ziai W: Primary intraventricular hemorrhage outcomes in the CLEAR III trial. Int J Stroke 15(8):872-880, 2020.

Pasciak AS, Abiola G, Liddell RP, Crookston N, Besharati S, Donahue D, Thompson RE, Frey E, Anders RA, Dreher MR, Weiss CR: The number of microspheres in Y90 radioembolization directly affects no, 2020.rmal tissue radiation exposure. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 47(4):816-827, 2020.



Jiayi (Jessie) Tong (go to top of document)


Jing N, Lu Y, Tong J, Weaver J, Ryan P, Xu H, Chen Y: Evaluating the bias, type I error and statistical power of the Prior Knowledge-Guided Integrated Likelihood Estimation (PIE) for bias reduction in EHR based association studies. J Biomed Inform 163:104787, 2025.

Tang H, Zhang B, Lu Y, Donahoo WT, Singh Ospina N, Kotecha P, Lu Y, Tong J, Smith SM, Rosenberg EI, Kimmel SE, Bian J, Guo J, Chen Y: Assessing the benefit-risk profile of newer glucose-lowering drugs: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized outcome trials. Diabetes Obes Metab 27(3):1444-1455, 2025.

Zhang D, Zhang B, Wu Q, Zhou T, Tong J, ..., Chen Y: Racial/ethnic differences in post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 in children and adolescents in the United States. Nat Commun 16(1):878, 2025.

He X, Wei R, Huang Y, Chen Z, Lyu T, Bost S, Tong J, Li L, Zhou Y, Li Z, Guo J, Tang H, Wang F, DeKosky S, Xu H, Chen Y, Zhang R, Xu J, Guo Y, Wu Y, Bian J: Develop and validate a computable phenotype for the identification of Alzheimer's disease patients using electronic health record data. Alzheimers Dement 16(3):e12613, 2024.

Lu Y, Tong J, Chubak J, Lumley T, Hubbard RA, Xu H, Chen Y: Leveraging error-prone algorithm-derived phenotypes: enhancing association studies for risk factors in EHR data. J Biomed Inform 157:104690, 2024.

Tong J, Li L, Reps JM, Lorman V, Jing N, Edmondson M, Lou X, Jhaveri R, Kelleher KJ, Pajor NM, Forrest CB, Bian J, Chu H, Chen Y: Advancing interpretable regression analysis for binary data: a novel distributed algorithm approach. Stat Med 43(29):5573-5582, 2024.

Tong J, Luo C, Sun Y, Duan R, Saine ME, Lin L, Peng Y, Lu Y, Batra A, Pan A, Wang O, Li R, Marks-Anglin A, Yang Y, Zuo X, Liu Y, Bian J, Kimmel SE, Hamilton K, Cuker A, Hubbard RA, Xu H, Chen Y: Confidence score: a data-driven measure for inclusive systematic reviews considering unpublished preprints. J Am Med Inform Assoc 31(4):809-819, 2024.

Tong J, Shen Y, Xu A, He X, Luo C, Edmondson M, Zhang D, Lu Y, Yan C, Li R, Siegel L, Sun L, Shenkman EA, Morton SC, Malin BA, Bian J, Asch DA, Chen Y: Evaluating site-of-care-related racial disparities in kidney graft failure using a novel federated learning framework. J Am Med Inform Assoc 31(6):1303-1312, 2024.

Wu Q, Pajor NM, Lu Y, Wolock CJ, Tong J, Lorman V, Johnson KB, Moore JH, Forrest CB, Asch DA, Chen Y: A latent transfer learning method for estimating hospital-specific post-acute healthcare demands following SARS-CoV-2 infection. Patterns 5(11):101079, 2024.

Wu Q, Tong J, Zhang B, Zhang D, Chen J, Lei Y, Lu Y, Wang Y, et al: Real-world effectiveness of BNT162b2 against infection and severe diseases in children and adolescents. Ann Intern Med 177(2):165-176, 2024.

Wu Q, Zhang B, Tong J, Bailey LC, et al: Real-world effectiveness and causal mediation study of BNT162b2 on long COVID risks in children and adolescents. EClinicalMedicine 79:102962, 2024.

Zhang D, Tong J, Jing N, Yang Y, Luo C, Lu Y, Christakis DA, Guthe D, Hornig M, Kelleher KJ, Morse KE, Rogerson CM, Divers J, Carroll RJ, Forrest CB, Chen Y: Learning competing risks across multiple hospitals: one-shot distributed algorithms. J Am Med Inform Assoc 31(5):1102-1112, 2024.

Zhang D, Tong J, Stein R, Lu Y, Jing N, Yang Y, Boland MR, Luo C, Baldassano RN, Carroll RJ, Forrest CB, Chen Y: One-shot distributed algorithms for addressing heterogeneity in competing risks data across clinical sites. J Biomedi Inform 150:104595, 2024.

Abene JA, Tong J, Minuk J, Lindenfeldar G, Chen Y, Chao AM: Food insecurity and binge eating: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Eat Disord 56(7):1301-1322, 2023.

Djulbegovic M, Tong J, Xu A, Yang J, Chen Y, Cuker A, Pishko AM: Adding caplacizumab to standard of care in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Blood Adv 7(10):2132-2142, 2023.

Duan R, Tong J, Lin L, Levine L, Sammel M, Stoddard J, Li T, Schmid CH, Chu H, Chen Y: PALM: PAtient-centered treatment ranking via Large-scale Multivariate network meta-analysis. Ann Appl Stat 17(1):815-837, 2023.

Duan R, Tong J, Sutton AJ, Asch DA, Chu H, Schmid CH, Chen Y: Origami plot: a novel multivariate data visualization tool that improves radar chart. J Clin Epidemiol 156:85-94, 2023.

Rao S, Jing N, Liu X, Lorman V, Maltenfort M, Schuchard J, Wu Q, Tong J, Razzaghi H, Mejias A, Lee GM, Pajor NM, Schulert GS, Thacker D, Jhaveri R, Christakis DA, Bailey LC, Forrest CB, Chen Y: Spectrum of severity of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children: an EHR-based cohort study from the RECOVER program. Sci Rep 13(1):21005, 2023.

Thaweethai T, Jolley SE, Karlson EW, Levitan EB, Levy B, ..., RECOVER Consortium (includes Tong J): Development of a definition of postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection. JAMA 329(22):1934-1946, 2023.

Tong J, Duan R, Li R, Luo C, Moore JH, Zhu J, Foster GD, Volpp KG, Yancy WS Jr, Shaw PA, Chen Y: Quantifying and correcting bias due to outcome dependent self-reported weights in longitudinal study of weight loss interventions. Sci Rep 13(1):19078, 2023.

Li W, Tong J, Anjum MM, Mohammed N, Chen Y, Jiang X: Federated learning algorithms for generalized mixed-effects model (GLMM) on horizontally partitioned data from distributed sources. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 22(1):269, 2022.

Luo C, Islam MN, Sheils NE, Buresh J, Reps J, Schuemie MJ, Ryan PB, Edmondson M, Duan R, Tong J, et al: DLMM as a lossless one-shot algorithm for collaborative multi-site distributed linear mixed models. Nat Commun 13(1):1678, 2022.

Qin BE, Cheng C, Luo C, Liu J, Xu XF, Tong J, Yuan D, Chen Y, Peng FH, Jiang Y: The effect on brain volume in HIV-negative and non-transplant cryptococcal meningitis. Med Mycol 60(9):myac068, 2022.

Tong J, Luo C, Islam MN, Sheils NE, Buresh J, Edmondson M, Merkel PA, Lautenbach E, Duan R, Chen Y: Distributed learning for heterogeneous clinical data with application to integrating COVID-19 data across 230 sites. NPJ Digit Med 5(1):76, 2022.

Zhang M, Tong J, Ma W, Luo C, Liu H, Jiang Y, Qin L, Wang X, Yuan L, Zhang J, Peng F, Chen Y, Li W, Jiang Y: Predictors of lung adenocarcinoma with leptomeningeal metastases: a 2022 targeted-therapy-assisted molGPA model. Front Oncol 12:903851, 2022.

Duan R, Chen Z, Tong J, Luo C, Lyu T, Tao C, Maraganore D, Bian J, Chen Y: Leverage real-world longitudinal data in large clinical research networks for Alzheimer's disease and related dementia (ADRD). AMIA Annu Symp Proc 2020:393-401, 2021.

Fan R, Zhang Y, Xu Y, Tong J, Chen Z, Gu M, Fan W, Chen Y, Peng F, Jiang Y: Serum antinuclear antibodies associate with worse prognosis in AQP4-positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder. Brain Behav 11(1):e01865, 2021.

Luo C, Jiang Y, Du J, Tong J, Huang J, Lo Re V 3rd, Ellenberg SS, Poland GA, Tao C, Chen Y: Prediction of post-vaccination Guillain-Barre syndrome using data from a passive surveillance system. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 30(5):602-609, 2021.

Tong J, Chen Z, Duan R, Lo-Ciganic WH, Lyu T, Tao C, Merkel PA, Kranzler HR, Bian J, Chen Y: Identifying clinical risk factors for opioid use disorder using a distributed algorithm to combine real-world data from a large clinical data research network. AMIA Annu Symp Proc 2020:1220-1229, 2021.

Yin Z, Tong J, Chen Y, Hubbard RA, Tang CY: A cost-effective chart review sampling design to account for phenotyping error in electronic health records (EHR) data. J Am Med Inform Assoc 29(1):52-61, 2021.

Duan R, Luo C, Schuemie MJ, Tong J, Liang CJ, Chang HH, Boland MR, Bian J, Xu H, Holmes JH, Forrest CB, Morton SC, Berlin JA, Moore JH, Mahoney KB, Chen Y: Learning from local to global: an efficient distributed algorithm for modeling time-to-event data. J Am Med Inform Assoc 27(7):1028-1036, 2020.

Hubbard RA, Tong J, Duan R, Chen Y: Reducing bias due to outcome misclassification for epidemiologic studies using EHR-derived probabilistic phenotypes. Epidemiology 31(4):542-550, 2020.

Paydary K, Banwell E, Tong J, Chen Y, Cuker A: Diagnostic accuracy of the PLASMIC score in patients with suspected thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Transfusion 60(9):2047-2057, 2020.

Tong J, Duan R, Li R, Scheuemie MJ, Moore JH, Chen Y: Robust-ODAL: learning from heterogeneous health systems without sharing patient-level data. Pac Symp Biocomput 25:695-706, 2020.

Tong J, Huang J, Chubak J, Wang X, Moore JH, Hubbard RA, Chen Y: An augmented estimation procedure for EHR-based association studies accounting for differential misclassification. J Am Med Inform Assoc 27(2):244-253, 2020.



Jiangxia Wang   (go to top of document)


Awidi AA, Woreta FA, Sabit A, Hu H, Potu N, Devience E, Wang J, Vupputuri S: The effect of racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic differences on visual impairment before cataract surgery. Ophthalmology 132(1):98-107, 2025.

Koseoglu ND, Wang J, Anokye-Danso F, Amezcua Moreno J, Cha E, Fuchs F, Teed J, Yao J, Zhang Y, Ahima RS, Sachdeva MM: Association of serum adiponectin and leptin levels with inner retinal thickness among individuals with or without elevated HbA1c. Sci Rep 15(1):8498, 2025.

Moon L, Kaur P, Wang J, Sodhi A, Eberhart C, Soiberman U: Mechanical strain of corneal epithelium influences the expression of genes implicated in keratoconus. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 66(1):52, 2025.

Soldan A, Pettigrew C, Wang J, Albert MS, Blennow K, Bittner T, Moghekar A: Blood-based biomarkers and risk of onset of mild cognitive impairment over the short and long term. Neurology 104(2):e210225, 2025.

Arbaje AI, Hsu YJ, Keita M, Greyson S, Wang J, Werner NE, Carl K, Hohl D, Jones K, Bowles KH, Chan KS, Marsteller JA, Gurses AP, Leff B: Development and validation of the Hospital-to-Home-Health Transition Quality (H3TQ) Index: A novel measure to engage patients and home health providers in evaluating hospital-to-home care transition quality. Qual Manag Health Care 33(3):140-148, 2024.

Brinson J, Kumar P, Wang J, Varadaraj V, Swenor BK, Scott AW: Disparities in eye care utilization by self-reported vision difficulty and diabetes status in the United States. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 31(3):283-290, 2024.

Bynoe K, Wang J, Sachdeva MM: Association of systemic and demographic risk factors with prevalence of retinopathy in US adults with prediabetes. Eye 38(16):3093-3100, 2024.

Huang JJ, Channa R, Wolf RM, Dong Y, Liang M, Wang J, Abramoff MD, Liu TYA: Autonomous artificial intelligence for diabetic eye disease increases access and health equity in underserved populations. NPJ Digit Med 7(1):196, 2024.

Nugent L, Son HS, Wang J, Varadaraj V, Smith K, Soiberman US, Srikumaran D: Racial variation in visual impairment of patients with keratoconus at presentation. Cornea 43(1):31-37, 2024.

Sachdeva MM, Lee Y, Unlu EK, Koseoglu ND, Cha E, Wang J, Prescott CR, Eghrari AO, Na CH: Tandem mass tag LC-MS/MS of aqueous humor from individuals with type 2 diabetes without retinopathy reveals early dysregulation of synaptic proteins. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 65(3):16, 2024.

Shou BL, Venkatesh K, Chen C, Ghidey R, Lee JH, Wang J, Channa R, Wolf RM, Abramoff MD, Liu TYA: Risk factors for nondiagnostic imaging in a real-world deployment of artificial intelligence diabetic retinal examinations in an integrated healthcare system: maximizing workflow efficiency through predictive dilation. J Diabetes Sci Technol 18(2):302-308, 2024.

Soldan A, Wang J, Pettigrew C, Davatzikos C, Erus G, Hohman TJ, Dumitrescu L, Bilgel M, Resnick SM, Rivera-Rivera LA, Langhough R, Johnson SC, Benzinger T, Morris JC, Laws SM, Fripp J, Masters CL, Albert MS: Alzheimer's disease genetic risk and changes in brain atrophy and white matter hyperintensities in cognitively unimpaired adults. Brain Commun 6(5):fcae276, 2024.

Son HS, Nugent L, Wang J, Varadaraj V, Smith K, Bower KS, Mgboji G, Soiberman US, Srikumaran D: Factors associated with receipt of crosslinking for keratoconus. Cornea 43(2):214-220, 2024.

Wright WF, Wang J, Auwaerter PG: Fever of Unknown Origin (FUO) criteria influences diagnostic outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Med 137(12):1246-1254, 2024.

Awidi AA, Wang J, Varadaraj V, Ali M, Cai CX, Sommer A, Ramulu PY, Woreta FA: The impact of social determinants of health on vision loss from cataracts and cataract surgery utilization in the United States-a national tealth interview survey analysis. Am J Ophthalmol 254:44-53, 2023.

Cai CX, Wang J, Ahmad S, Klawe J, Woreta F, Srikumaran D, Mahoney NR, Ramulu P: National trends in surgical subspecialisation in ophthalmology in the USA. Br J Ophthalmol 107(6):883-887, 2023.

Chen JH, Orden T, Wang J, Sowho M, Tversky J: Risk of anaphylaxis in cluster vs standard subcutaneous multiallergen immunotherapy. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 130(5):622-627, 2023.

Fermo OP, Zhang Y, Wang J, Moghekar AR: Cognitive impairment in chronic migraine compared to pseudotumor cerebri. Neurol Neurochir Pol 57(2):189-197, 2023.

Kumar P, Brinson J, Wang J, Samuel L, Swenor BK, Scott AW, Varadaraj V: Self-reported vision impairment and food insecurity in the US: National Health Interview Survey, 2011-2018. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 30(5):468-476, 2023.

Liu TYA, Wang J, Csaky KG: Correlation between hyperreflective foci and visual function testing in eyes with intermediate age-related macular degeneration. Int J Retina Vitreous 9(1):24, 2023.

Maru JA, Wang J, Knight OJ, Tsou BC, Oatts JT, Ross DA, Moore EZ, Zhang AY, Ramanathan S, Woreta FA: Barriers in ophthalmology residency applications for students identifying as underrepresented in medicine: A San Francisco Match analysis. J Surg Educ 80(7):971-980, 2023.

Massenzio SS, Uhler TA, Massenzio EM, Sun E, Srikumaran D, Clifton MM, Green LK, Sun G, Wang J, Woreta FA: Navigating the ophthalmology & urology match with a significant other. J Surg Educ 80(1):135-142, 2023.

Miller SC, Tsou BC, Fliotsos MJ, Legault GL, Wang J, Mondzelewski TJ, Munson PD, Lorch A, Green LK, Kim WI, Pelton RW, Woreta FA, Justin GA: Perspectives of resident and attending ophthalmologists on common ethical dilemmas in research. J Acad Ophthalmol 15(2):e237-e242, 2023.

Ong SS, Ahmed I, Gonzales A, Aguwa UT, Beatson B, Dai X, Pham AT, Shah YS, Zhou A, Arsiwala LT, Wang J, Handa JT: Management of uncomplicated rhegmatogenous retinal detachments: a comparison of practice patterns and clinical outcomes in a real-world setting. Eye 37(4):684-691, 2023.

Pettigrew C, Nazarovs J, Soldan A, Singh V, Wang J, Hohman T, Dumitrescu L, Libby J, Kunkle B, Gross AL, et al: Alzheimer's disease genetic risk and cognitive reserve in relationship to long-term cognitive trajectories among cognitively normal individuals. Alzheimers Res Ther 15(1):66, 2023.

Rizk EM, Wang J, Zhao X, Tsou B, Metiku BE, Cho K, Samineni P, Sridhar J, Woreta FA: Rates of internal hiring of ophthalmology faculty from their institution of training at top academic nedical centers: a cross-sectional study. J Acad Ophthalmol 15(2):e154-e161, 2023.

Shekhawat NS, Hall LN, Sulewski ME Jr, Woreta F, Wang J, Smith K, Kuo IC: Corneal culture and antibiotic susceptibility results for microbial keratitis in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States, 2016 to 2020. Eye Contact Lens 49(7):267-274, 2023.

Son HS, Moon L, Wang J, Eberhart CG, Jun AS, Srikumaran D, Soiberman US: Histological comparative analysis of Bowman layer grafts procured using 3 different techniques. Cornea 42(7):888-893, 2023.

Taccheri C, Jordan J, Tran D, Wang J, Han D, Varadaraj V, Crews DC, Cai CX: The impact of social determinants of health on eye care utilization in a national sample of people with diabetes. Ophthalmology 130(10):1037-1045, 2023.

Thangamathesvaran L, Wang J, Repka MX, Scott AW: Trends in retinopathy of prematurity care in the United States 2009-2018: a nationwide analysis using National Inpatient Sample. Ophthalmol Retina 7(4):360-366, 2023.

Vercammen KA, Dowling EA, Sharkey AL, Johnson Curtis C, Wang J, Kenney EL, Micha R, Mozaffarian D, Moran AJ: Estimated reductions in added sugar intake among US children and youth in response to sugar reduction targets. J Acad Nutr Diet 122(8):1455-1464, 2023.

Wright WF, Wang J, Auwaerter PG: Investigator-determined categories for fever of unknown origin (FUO) compared with International Classification of Diseases-10 classification of illness: a systematic review and meta-analysis with a proposal for revised FUO classification. Open Forum Infect Dis 10(3):ofad104, 2023.

Aguwa UT, Wang J, Woreta F, Pettey J, Sun G, Pineles S, Srikumaran D: Residency program diversity recruitment and education: survey of efforts and barriers to implementation. J Surg Educ 79(3):595-605, 2022.

Bastepe-Gray S, Wainwright L, Lanham DC, Gomez G, Kim JS, Forshee Z, Kaas B, McCoy A, McGregor C, Moukheiber E, Rajan S, Suarez-Cedeno G, Wang J, et al: GuitarPD: A randomized pilot study on the impact of nontraditional guitar instruction on functional movement and well-being in Parkinson's disease. Parkinsons Dis 2022:1061045, 2022.

Beatson B, Wang J, Boland MV, Ramulu P, Schein O, Fliotsos MJ, Sulewski ME, Srikumaran D: Corneal edema and keratoplasty: risk factors in eyes with previous glaucoma drainage devices. Am J Ophthalmol 238:27-35, 2022.

Bergman Z, Douglas J, Wang J, Idowu O, Kaleem M: Attitudes and perceptions toward the use of medical marijuana by glaucoma specialists. J Glaucoma 31(2):67-71, 2022.

Cai CX, Klawe J, Ahmad S, Zeger SL, Wang J, Sun G, Ramulu P, Srikumaran D: Geographic variations in gender differences in cataract surgery volume among a national cohort of ophthalmologists. J Cataract Refract Surg 48(9):1023-1030, 2022.

Darrow JA, Lewis A, Gulyani S, Khingelova K, Rao A, Wang J, Zhang Y, Luciano M, Yasar S, Moghekar A: CSF biomarkers predict gait outcomes in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus. Neurol Clin Pract 12(2):91-101, 2022.

Greenberg BD, Pettigrew C, Soldan A, Wang J, Wang MC, Darrow JA, Albert MS, Moghekar A: CSF Alzheimer disease biomarkers: time-varying relationships with MCI symptom onset and associations with age, sex, and ApoE4. Neurology 99(15):e1640-e1650, 2022.

Haut ER, Owodunni OP, Wang J, Shaffer DL, Hobson DB, Yenokyan G, Kraus PS, Farrow NE, Canner JK, Florecki KL, Webster KLW, Holzmueller CG, Aboagye JK, Popoola VO, Kia MV, Pronovost PJ, Streiff MB, Lau BD: Alert-triggered patient education versus nurse feedback for nonadministered venous thromboembolism prophylaxis doses: a cluster-randomized controlled trial. J Am Heart Assoc 11(18):e027119, 2022.

Huh DD, Wang J, Fliotsos MJ, Beal CJ, Boente CS, Wisely CE, De Andrade LM, Lorch AC, Ramanathan S, Reinoso MA, Swamy RN, Waxman EL, Woreta FA, Srikumaran D: Association between parental leave and ophthalmology resident physician performance. JAMA Ophthalmol 140(11):1066-1075, 2022.

Iannuzzelli K, Shi R, Carter R, Huynh R, Morgan O, Kuo SH, Bang J, Mills KA, Baranano K, Zee DS, Moukheiber E, Roda R, Butala A, Marvel C, Joyce M, Li X, Wang J, Rosenthal LS: The association between educational attainment and SCA 3 age of onset and disease course. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 98:99-102, 2022.

Johnson AA, Reidler JS, Speier W, Fuerst B, Wang J, Osgood GM: Visualization of fluoroscopic imaging in orthopedic surgery: head-mounted display vs conventional monitor. Surg Innov 29(3):353-359, 2022.

Li G, Di Meglio L, Wang J, Woreta FA, Bower KS, Jhanji V, Srikumaran D, Soiberman US: Crosslinking vs. observation in fellow eyes of keratoconus patients. J Ophthalmol 2022:4661392, 2022.

Mahjoub H, Zhang SX, Wang J, Memon W, Mostafa H, Breazzano MP: Characterizing the microbiota of instrumentation in ophthalmology clinics during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 260(8):2585-2590, 2022.

Moran AJ, Wang J, Sharkey AL, Dowling EA, Curtis CJ, Kessler KA: US food industry progress toward salt reduction, 2009-2018. Am J Public Health 112(2):325-333, 2022.

Owodunni OP, Lau BD, Wang J, Shaffer DL, Kraus PS, Holzmueller CG, Aboagye JK, Hobson DB, Varasteh Kia M, Armocida S, Streiff MB, Haut ER: Effectiveness of healthcare delivery, quality, and safety: a patient education bundle on venous thromboembolism prophylaxis administration by sex. J Surg Res 280:151-162, 2022.

Pettigrew C, Soldan A, Wang J, Wang MC, Greenberg B, Albert M, Moghekar A, BIOCARD Research Team: Longitudinal CSF Alzheimer's disease biomarker changes from middle age to late adulthood. Alzheimers Dement 14(1):e12374, 2022.

Thangamathesvaran L, Ong SS, Wang J, Lance E, Tekes A, Scott AW: Evaluation of macular flow voids on optical coherence tomography angiography as potential biomarkers for silent cerebral infarction in sickle cell disease. Retina 42(2):340-347, 2022.

Urso S, Wang J, Webber KM, Pantelyat A, Kaiser L, Anicoche ML, Bulacan T, Mamaril M: Music listening as a postanesthesia care unit (PACU) nursing intervention for laparoscopic radical prostatectomy patients: a randomized comparative clinical trial. J Perianesth Nurs 37(6):848-857, 2022.

Vercammen KA, Dowling EA, Sharkey AL, Johnson Curtis C, Wang J, Kenney EL, Micha R, Mozaffarian D, Moran AJ: Estimated reductions in added sugar intake among US children and youth in response to sugar reduction targets. J Acad Nutr Diet 122(8):1455-1464, 2022.

Wesner E, Etzkorn L, Bakre S, Chen J, Davis A, Zhang Y, Yasar S, Rao A, Luciano M, Wang J, Moghekar A: The clinical utility of the MOCA in iNPH assessment. Front Neurol 13:887669, 2022.

Clermont A, Gemayel JE, Hammoud R, Wang J, Beciu H, Sinno M, Berends W, Rosenblum N, Bienstock JL, Byrnes K, Samuels R: Effects of a 'Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative' on exclusive breastfeeding rates at a private hospital in Lebanon: an interrupted time series analysis. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 21(1):385, 2021.

Fermo OP, Rao A, Schwartzbaum A, Sengupta S, Zhang Y, Wang J, Moghekar A: Predictors of cognitive impairment in pseudotumor cerebri. Neurol Neurochir Pol 55(4):394-402, 2021.

Fischer NM, Hinkle JT, Perepezko K, Bakker CC, Morris M, Broen MPG, Butala A, Dawson TM, Leentjens AFG, Mari Z, Marvel CL, Mills KA, Rosenthal LS, Shepard MD, Pantelyat A, Bakker A, Pletnikova O, Troncoso JC, Wang J, Pontone GM: Brainstem pathologies correlate with depression and psychosis in Parkinson's disease. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 29(9):958-968, 2021.

Foster JW, Parikh RN, Wang J, Bower KS, Matthaei M, Chakravarti S, Jun AS, Eberhart CG, Soiberman US: Transcriptomic and immunohistochemical analysis of progressive keratoconus reveal altered WNT10A in epithelium and Bowman's layer. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 62(6):16, 2021.

Lau BD, Wang J, Hobson DB, Kraus PS, Shaffer DL, Streiff MB, Haut ER: Missed doses of venous thromboembolism prophylaxis: a growing problem without an active management strategy. J Gen Intern Med 36(2):540-542, 2021.

Shehata AEM, Kambhampati SP, Wang J, Soiberman US: Burst pressures in eyes with clear corneal incisions treated with ReSure glue. J Ophthalmol 2021:6691489, 2021.

Solomon SD, Kyerematen V, Qutab M, Wenick AS, Wang J, Hawkins BS: Are dilated fundus examinations needed for OCT-guided retreatment of exudative age-related macular degeneration? A prospective, randomized, pilot study. Clin Ophthalmol 15:3401-3417, 2021.

Aboobakar IF, Wang J, Chauhan BC, Boland MV, Friedman DS, Ramulu PY, Yohannan J: Factors predicting a greater likelihood of poor visual field reliability in glaucoma patients and suspects. Transl Vis Sci Technol 9(1):4, 2020.

Ahmed SR, Bellamkonda S, Zilbermint M, Wang J, Kalyani RR: Effects of the low carbohydrate, high fat diet on glycemic control and body weight in patients with type 2 diabetes: experience from a community-based cohort. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care 8(1):e000980, 2020.

Ansah DO, Wang J, Lu K, Jabbour S, Bower KS, Soiberman US: Post-FDA approval results of epithelium-off, full-fluence, Dresden protocol corneal collagen crosslinking in the USA. Ophthalmol Ther 9(4):1023-1040, 2020.

Chan CK, Soldan A, Pettigrew C, Wang J, Albert M, Rosenberg PB, BIOCARD Research Team: Depressive symptoms and CSF Alzheimer's disease biomarkers in relation to clinical symptom onset of mild cognitive impairment. Alzheimers Dement 12(1):e12106, 2020.

Chu RF, Hussien A, Li QK, Wang J, Friedes C, Ferro A, Hales RK, Battafarano R, Ettinger DS, Voong KR: Radiologic response of chemotherapy alone versus radiation and chemotherapy in the treatment of locally-advanced or advanced thymic epithelial tumors. Thorac Cancer 11(10):2924-2931, 2020.

Kuo IC, Lee B, Wang J: Outcomes of refractive surgery consultations at an academic center: characteristics associated with proceeding (or not proceeding) with surgery. J Ophthalmol 2020:4354085, 2020.

Liu H, Chen Q, Lan F, Luo Y, Lin E, Luo W, Kong M, Wang J, Zhang F: The modulation of laser refractive surgery on sensory eye dominance of anisometropia. J Ophthalmol 2020:3873740, 2020.

Murphy ZR, Wang J, Boland MV: Association of electronic health record use above meaningful use thresholds with hospital quality and safety outcomes. JAMA Netw Open 3(9):e2012529, 2020.

Owodunni OP, Haut ER, Shaffer DL, Hobson DB, Wang J, Yenokyan G, Kraus PS, Aboagye JK, Florecki KL, Webster KLW, Holzmueller CG, Streiff MB, Lau BD: Using electronic health record system triggers to target delivery of a patient-centered intervention to improve venous thromboembolism prevention for hospitalized patients: Is there a differential effect by race? PLoS One 15(1):e0227339, 2020.

Pantelyat A, Higginbotham L, Rosenthal L, Lanham D, Nesspor V, AlSalihi M, Bang J, Wang J, Albert M: Association of progressive supranuclear palsy rating scale with progressive supranuclear palsy quality of life scale. Neurodegener Dis 20(4):139-146, 2020.

Pettigrew C, Soldan A, Wang J, Wang MC, Arthur K, Moghekar A, Gottesman RF, Albert M: Association of midlife vascular risk and AD biomarkers with subsequent cognitive decline. Neurology 95(23):e3093-e3103, 2020.

Shen J, Kim J, Tzeng SY, Ding K, Hafiz Z, Long D, Wang J, Green JJ, Campochiaro PA: Suprachoroidal gene transfer with nonviral nanoparticles. Sci Adv 6(27):eaba1606, 2020.

Sotirchos ES, Filippatou A, Fitzgerald KC, Salama S, Pardo S, Wang J, Ogbuokiri E, Cowley NJ, Pellegrini N, Murphy OC, Mealy MA, Prince JL, Levy M, Calabresi PA, Saidha S: Aquaporin-4 IgG seropositivity is associated with worse visual outcomes after optic neuritis than MOG-IgG seropositivity and multiple sclerosis, independent of macular ganglion cell layer thinning. Mult Scler 26(11):1360-1371, 2020.



Mei-Cheng Wang  (go to top of document)


Mukhopadhyay P, Schaubel D, Wang MC: 15th Annual University of Pennsylvania conference on statistical issues in clinical trial/advances in time to event analyses in clinical trials (morning panel discussion). Clin Trials 21(5):562-570, 2024.

Wang K, Hua W, Wang M, Xu Y: A Bayesian semi-parametric model for learning biomarker trajectories and changepoints in the preclinical phase of Alzheimer's disease. Biometrics 80(2):ujae048, 2024.

Deng Z, Jones MR, Wang MC, Wolff AC, Visvanathan K: Racial and ethnic disparities in mortality among breast cancer survivors after a second malignancy. J Natl Cancer Inst 115(3):279-287, 2023.

Hong X, Rosenberg AZ, Heymann J, Yoshida T, Waikar SS, Ilori TO, Wang G, Rebuck H, Pearson C, Wang MC, Winkler CA, Kopp JB, Wang X: Joint associations of pregnancy complications and postpartum maternal renal biomarkers with severe cardiovascular morbidities: a US racially and ethnically diverse prospective birth cohort study. J Am Heart Assoc 12(22):e029311, 2023.

Sun Y, Moghekar A, Soldan A, Pettigrew C, Greenberg B, Albert M, Wang MC, BIOCARD Research Team: Cerebrospinal fluid Alzheimer's disease biomarker patterns of change prior to the onset of mild cognitive impairment. J Alzheimers Dis 96(1):287-300, 2023.

Wen J, Hu C, Wang MC: Joint inference for competing risks data using multiple endpoints. Biometrics 79(3):1635-1645, 2023.

Wen J, Wang MC, Hu C: Simultaneous hypothesis testing for multiple competing risks in comparative clinical trials. Stat Med 42(14):2394-2408, 2023.

Brichko R, Soldan A, Zhu Y, Wang MC, Faria A, Albert M, Pettigrew C, BIOCARD Research Team: Age-dependent association between cognitive reserve proxy and longitudinal white matter microstructure in older adults. Front Psychol 13:859826, 2022.

Chan CK, Pettigrew C, Soldan A, Zhu Y, Wang MC, Albert M, Rosenberg PB, BIOCARD Research Team: Association between late-life neuropsychiatric symptoms and cognitive decline in relation to white matter hyperintensities and amyloid burden. J Alzheimers Dis 86(3):1415-1426, 2022.

Deng Z, Jones MR, Wang MC, Visvanathan K: Mortality after second malignancy in breast cancer survivors compared to a first primary cancer: a nationwide longitudinal cohort study. NPJ Breast Cancer 8(1):82, 2022.

Greenberg BD, Pettigrew C, Soldan A, Wang J, Wang MC, Darrow JA, Albert MS, Moghekar A: CSF Alzheimer disease biomarkers: time-varying relationships with MCI symptom onset and associations with age, sex, and ApoE4. Neurology 99(15):e1640-e1650, 2022.

Pettigrew C, Soldan A, Brichko R, Zhu Y, Wang MC, Kutten K, Bilgel M, Mori S, Miller MI, Albert M, BIOCARD Research Team: Computerized paired associate learning performance and imaging biomarkers in older adults without dementia. Brain Imaging Behav 16(2):921-929, 2022.

Pettigrew C, Soldan A, Wang J, Wang MC, Greenberg B, Albert M, Moghekar A, BIOCARD Research Team: Longitudinal CSF Alzheimer's disease biomarker changes from middle age to late adulthood. Alzheimers Dement 14(1):e12374, 2022.

Wang MC, Zhu Y: Bias correction via outcome reassignment for cross-sectional data with binary disease outcome. Lifetime Data Anal 28(4):659-674, 2022.

Zhang M, Buckley JP, Liang L, Hong X, Wang G, Wang MC, Wills-Karp M, Wang X, Mueller NT: A metabolome-wide association study of in utero metal and trace element exposures with cord blood metabolome profile: Findings from the Boston Birth Cohort. Environ Int 158:106976, 2022.

Zhu Y, Wang MC: Obtaining optimal cutoff values for tree classifiers using multiple biomarkers. Biometrics 78(1):128-140, 2022.

Antar AAR, Yu T, Pisanic N, Azamfirei R, Tornheim JA, ..., Wang MC, et al: Delayed rise of oral fluid antibodies, elevated BMI, and absence of early fever correlate with longer time to SARS-CoV-2 RNA clearance in a longitudinally sampled cohort of COVID-19 outpatients. Open Forum Infect Dis 8(6):ofab195, 2021.

Garibaldi BT, Fiksel J, Muschelli J, Robinson ML, Rouhizadeh M, Perin J, Schumock G, Nagy P, Gray JH, Malapati H, Ghobadi-Krueger M, Niessen TM, Kim BS, Hill PM, Ahmed MS, Dobkin ED, Blanding R, Abele J, Woods B, Harkness K, Thiemann DR, Bowring MG, Shah AB, Wang MC, Bandeen-Roche K, Rosen A, Zeger SL, Gupta A: Patient trajectories among persons hospitalized for COVID-19 : a cohort study. Ann Intern Med 174(1):33-41, 2021.

Garibaldi BT, Wang K, Robinson ML, Zeger SL, Bandeen-Roche K, Wang MC, Alexander GC, Gupta A, Bollinger R, Xu Y: Comparison of time to clinical improvement with vs without remdesivir treatment in hospitalized patients with COVID-19. JAMA Netw Open 4(3):e213071, 2021.

Petersen ME, Rafii MS, Zhang F, Hall J, Julovich D, Ances BM, Schupf N, Krinsky-McHale SJ, Mapstone M, Silverman W, Lott I, Klunk W, Head E, Christian B, Foroud T, Lai F, Diana Rosas H, Zaman S, Wang MC, et al: Plasma total-tau and neurofilament light chain as diagnostic biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease dementia and mild cognitive impairment in adults with Down syndrome. J Alzheimers Dis 79(2):671-681, 2021.

Soldan A, Pettigrew C, Zhu Y, Wang MC, Bilgel M, Hou X, Lu H, Miller MI, Albert M, BIOCARD Research Team: Association of lifestyle activities with functional brain connectivity and relationship to cognitive decline among older adults. Cereb Cortex 31(12):5637-5651, 2021.

Wang MC, Yang Y: Complexity and bias in cross-sectional data with binary disease outcome in observational studies. Stat Med 40(4):950-962, 2021.

Wongvibulsin S, Garibaldi BT, Antar AAR, Wen J, Wang MC, Gupta A, Bollinger R, Xu Y, Wang K, Betz JF, Muschelli J, Bandeen-Roche K, Zeger SL, Robinson ML: Development of Severe COVID-19 Adaptive Risk Predictor (SCARP), a calculator to predict severe disease or death in hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Ann Intern Med 174(6):777-785, 2021.

Yang Y, Wang MC: Analyzing wearable device data using marked point processes. Biometrics 77(1):54-66, 2021.

Zhang M, Liu T, Wang G, Buckley JP, Guallar E, Hong X, Wang MC, Wills-Karp M, Wang X, Mueller NT: In utero exposure to heavy metals and trace elements and childhood blood pressure in a U.S. urban, low-income, minority birth cohort. Environ Health Perspect 129(6):67005, 2021.

Handen BL, Lott IT, Christian BT, Schupf N, ..., Wang MC, et al: The Alzheimer's Biomarker Consortium-Down Syndrome: Rationale and methodology. Alzheimers Dement 12(1):e12065, 2020.

Lai F, Mhatre PG, Yang Y, Wang MC, Schupf N, Rosas HD: Sex differences in risk of Alzheimer's disease in adults with Down syndrome. Alzheimers Dement 12(1):e12084, 2020.

Ning J, Cai C, Chen Y, Huang X, Wang MC: Semiparametric modelling and estimation of covariate-adjusted dependence between bivariate recurrent events. Biometrics 76(4):1229-1239, 2020.

Petersen ME, Zhang F, Schupf N, Krinsky-McHale SJ, Hall J, Mapstone M, Cheema A, Silverman W, Lott I, Rafii MS, Handen B, Klunk W, Head E, Christian B, Foroud T, Lai F, Rosas HD, Zaman S, Ances BM, Wang MC, Tycko B, Lee JH, O'Bryant S, Alzheimer's Biomarker ConsortiumDown Syndrome (ABCDS): Proteomic profiles for Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment among adults with Down syndrome spanning serum and plasma: An Alzheimer's Biomarker Consortium-Down Syndrome (ABC-DS) Study. Alzheimers Dement 12(1):e12039, 2020.

Pettigrew C, Soldan A, Wang J, Wang MC, Arthur K, Moghekar A, Gottesman RF, Albert M: Association of midlife vascular risk and AD biomarkers with subsequent cognitive decline. Neurology 95(23):e3093-e3103, 2020.

Pettigrew C, Soldan A, Zhu Y, Cai Q, Wang MC, Moghekar A, Miller MI, Singh B, Martinez O, Fletcher E, DeCarli C, Albert M: Cognitive reserve and rate of change in Alzheimer's and cerebrovascular disease biomarkers among cognitively normal individuals. Neurobiol Aging 88:33-41, 2020.

Soldan A, Pettigrew C, Zhu Y, Wang MC, Gottesman RF, DeCarli C, Albert M, BIOCARD Research Team: Cognitive reserve and midlife vascular risk: cognitive and clinical outcomes. Ann Clin Transl Neurol 7(8):1307-1317, 2020.

Soldan A, Pettigrew C, Zhu Y, Wang MC, Moghekar A, Gottesman RF, Singh B, Martinez O, Fletcher E, DeCarli C, Albert M, BIOCARD Research Team: White matter hyperintensities and CSF Alzheimer disease biomarkers in preclinical Alzheimer disease. Neurology 94(9):e950-e960, 2020.

Sun Y, Chiou SH, Wang MC: ROC-guided survival trees and ensembles. Biometrics 76(4):1177-1189, 2020.



Erik Westlund  (go to top of document)


Cai CX, Nishimura A, Bowring MG, Westlund E, ..., Zeger S, et al: Similar risk of kidney failure among patients with blinding diseases who receive ranibizumab, aflibercept, and bevacizumab: an Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics Network Study. Ophthalmol Retina 8(8):733-743, 2024.

Ong SS, Tran D, Westlund E, Ahmed I, Russell GB, Gonzales A, Handa JT, Cai CX: Neighborhood-level social determinants of health and presenting characteristics for rhegmatogenous retinal detachments. JAMA Ophthalmol 142(9):845-854, 2024.

Cifra CL, Westlund E: Breaking point. Pediatr Res 93(6):1780-1781, 2023.

Cifra CL, Westlund E, Ten Eyck P, Ward MM, Mohr NM, Katz DA: An estimate of missed pediatric sepsis in the emergency department. Diagnosis 8(2):193-198, 2020.


Gayane Yenokyan  (go to top of document)


Burton VJ, Kannan S, Jayakumar S, Gerner G, West S, Yenokyan G, Duncan AF: Longitudinal Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination (HINE) trajectories in children with cerebral palsy identified in high-risk follow-up. J Clin Med 14(5):1572, 2025.

Cerilli C, Zhu J, Varadaraj V, Campanile J, Sweeney F, Smith J, Yenokyan G, Swenor B: Gaps in disability inclusion across universities in the United States. PLoS One 20(1):e0317920, 2025.

Kashyap R, Yenokyan G, Joyner R, Gerstenhaber M, Alderfer M, Siegrist E, Moore J, Paller CJ, Aboumatar H, Potter JJ, Watkins S Jr, Niederhuber JE, Ford DE, Dobs A: Clinical research network: JHCRN infrastructure and lessons learned. Clin Transl Sci 18(1):e70123, 2025.

Odonkor MN, Pahwa B, Rincon-Torroella J, Abu-Bonsrah N, Yenokyan G, Dada OE, Goodwin CR, Huang J, Groves ML: Effects of gender and country of training on perceived access to opportunities for neurosurgical research and gender-concordant mentorship. World Neurosurg 193:492-510, 2025.

Yallew WW, Fasil R, Berhanu D, Wolde K, Teshite D, Sethi R, Yenokyan G, Woldemariam Y, Suhowatsky S, Hyre A, Noguchi L, Worku A: Evaluation of the feasibility, acceptability, and impact of group antenatal care at the health post level on continuation in antenatal care and facility based delivery in Ethiopia using a cluster randomized stepped-wedge design: study protocol. Gates Open Res 8:29, 2025.

Afifi J, Agarwal S, Alexe A, Allen M, ..., Yenokyan G, et al: Proceedings of the 15th International Newborn Brain Conference: Long-term outcome studies, developmental care, palliative care, ethical dilemmas, and challenging clinical scenarios in neonatal neurology. J Neonatal Perinatal Med 17(3):S447-S500, 2024.

Ali M, Dun C, Yenokyan G, Soiberman U, Jeng BH, Makary MA, Woreta F, Srikumaran D: Corneal transplant rejection postvaccination among Medicare beneficiaries. Cornea 43(11):1392-1396, 2024.

Avitabile CM, Krishnan US, Yung D, Handler SS, Varghese N, Bates A, Fineman J, Sullivan R, Friere G, Austin E, Mullen MP, Pereira C, Christensen EJ, Yenokyan G, Collaco JM, Abman SH, Romer L, Dunbar Ivy D, Rosenzweig EB: Actigraphy methodology in the Kids Mod PAH trial: Physical activity as a functional endpoint in pediatric clinical trials. Pulm Circ 14(1):e12339, 2024.

Beavis AL, Hirani Z, Rushton T, Rush MC, Fader AN, Yenokyan G, Rositch AF: Overweight and obese women's symptoms, knowledge, and preferences regarding endometrial biopsy for endometrial cancer detection: A threshold technique survey. Gynecol Oncol Rep 52:101361, 2024.

Cartagena-Reyes MA, Gupta M, Roy JM, Solomon E, Yenokyan G, Fogam L, Nazario-Ferrer GI, Elnemer WG, Park S, Skolasky RL Jr, Jain A: Gender diversity at spine surgery academic conferences: a 15-year investigation. Spine J 24(8):1369-1377, 2024.

Chang L, D'Amiano A, Bhatia R, Yenokyan G, Llosa NJ, Ladle BH, Meyer CF, Levin AS, Pratilas CA, Ladra M, Acharya S: Impact of consolidative radiation on overall and progression-free survival in pediatric, adolescent, and young adult metastatic bone and soft tissue sarcoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 118(2):474-484, 2024.

Ehsani JP, Duren ML, Grant BJB, Sabit A, Yenokyan G: Prevalence and profiles of risky driving behavior among US teenagers. JAMA Netw Open 7(7):e2425263, 2024.

Ehsani JP, Michael JP, Igusa T, Mueller J, Chang CH, Yenokyan G: Advancing transportation equity and safety through autonomous vehicles. Health Equity 8(1):143-146, 2024.

Hannan K, Li X, Mehta A, Yenokyan G, Payne JL, Shea AA, Hantsoo L: Mood symptoms and gut function across the menstrual cycle in individuals with premenstrual syndrome. Horm Behav 166:105634, 2024.

Kanatani S, Stiffler D, Bousema T, Yenokyan G, Sinnis P: Revisiting the Plasmodium sporozoite inoculum and elucidating the efficiency with which malaria parasites progress through the mosquito. Nat Commun 15(1):748, 2024.

Kaufman MR, Zhou X, Yenokyan G, Levine DK, Wright K, Salcido M, Garringer M, Palen LA: Exploring organizational digital readiness to offer youth e-mentoring. Mentor Tutoring 32(4):361-376, 2024.

Lammers B, Sydnor MJ, Cust S, Kim JH, Yenokyan G, Hillis AE, Sebastian R: Protocol for Cerebellar Stimulation for Aphasia Rehabilitation (CeSAR): a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled trial. PLoS One 19(8):e0298991, 2024.

Ramaiyer M, El Sabeh M, Zhu J, Shea A, Segev D, Yenokyan G, Borahay MA: The association of COVID-19 vaccination and menstrual health: a period-tracking app-based cohort study. Vaccine X 19:100501, 2024.

Rapaport S, Ngude H, Ficke JR, Yenokyan G, Rafiq MY, Juma O, Sakran JV, Stevens KA, Enumah ZO: What proportion of East African refugees report musculoskeletal problems? a cross-sectional survey. Clin Orthop Relat Res 482(1):47-56, 2024.

Shirzad M, Yenokyan G, Marcell AV, Kaufman MR: Deaths of despair-associated mortality rates globally: a 2000-2019 sex-specific disparities analysis. Public Health 236:35-42, 2024.

Yallew WW, Fasil R, Berhanu D, Wolde K, Teshite D, Sethi R, Yenokyan G, Woldemariam Y, Suhowatsky S, Hyre A, Noguchi L, Worku A: Evaluation of the feasibility, acceptability, and impact of group antenatal care at the health post level on continuation in antenatal care and facility based delivery in Ethiopia using a cluster randomized stepped-wedge design: study protocol. Gates Open Res 8:29, 2024.

Zhu S, Chirles TJ, Keller JA, Hellinger A, Xu Y, Yenokyan G, Chang CH, Weast R, Keller JN, Igusa T, Ehsani JP: Development of an algorithm for analysis of routes: case studies using novice and older drivers. J Safety Res 90:319-332, 2024.

Alashqar A, El Ouweini H, Gornet M, Yenokyan G, Borahay MA: Cardiometabolic profile of women with uterine leiomyoma: a cross-sectional study. Minerva Obstet Gynecol 75(1):27-38, 2023.

Anderson JR, Yogeshkumar S, Lu E, Yenokyan G, Thaler K, Mensa M, Chikaraddi S, Lokare L, Gudadinni MR, Antartani R, Donimath K, Patil B, Bidri S, Goudar SS, Derman R, Dalal A, CryoPop Study Group: The CryoPop study: Screening for high-grade cervical dysplasia in Karnataka, India. BJOG 130 Suppl 3:158-167, 2023.

Berhanu D, Bekele G, Melesse H, Taddese F, Owira P, Manguro G, Laleye O, Farouk Z, Balogun M, Hyre A, Mwaura S, Kiptoo OK, Wabwile VM, Mohammed S, Wolde K, Teno D, Eke EC, Don-Aki JO, Noguchi L, Suhowatsky S, Doggett E, Yenokyan G, Worku A: A clustered randomized control trial to assess feasibility, acceptability, and impact of implementing the birth companion intervention package in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Nigeria: study protocol. BMC Health Serv Res 23(1):1100, 2023.

Collaco JM, Abman SH, Austin ED, Avitabile CM, ..., Yenokyan G, et al: Kids Mod PAH trial: A multicenter trial comparing mono- versus duo-therapy for initial treatment of pediatric pulmonary hypertension. Pulm Circ 13(4):e12305, 2023.

Ehsani JP, Michael JP, Frattaroli S, Yenokyan G, Sabit A: Public support for vehicle technology to prevent operation by impaired drivers. JAMA Netw Open 6(4):e239152. 2023.

Elnakib S, Paina L, Attal B, Akter R, Khoury G, Karim L, Barkat HH, Tamang A, Yenokyan G, Metzler J, Robinson C: Incidence of child marriage among refugees and internally displaced persons in the Middle East and South Asia: evidence from six cross-sectional surveys. BMJ Open 13(6):e070056, 2023.

Hagopian LP, Falligant JM, Frank-Crawford MA, Yenokyan G, Piersma DE, Kaur J: Simplified methods for identifying subtypes of automatically maintained self-injury. J Appl Behav Anal 56(3):575-592, 2023.

Kanbour S, Yenokyan G, Abusamaan M, Laheru D, Alam A, El Asmar ML, Virk Z, Hardenbergh D, Mathioudakis N: Association of long-term, new-onset, and postsurgical diabetes with survival in patients with resectable pancreatic cancer: a retrospective cohort study. Pancreas 52(6):e309-e314, 2023.

Konings B, Villatoro L, Van den Eynde J, Barahona G, Burns R, McKnight M, Hui K, Yenokyan G, Tack J, Pasricha PJ: Gastrointestinal syndromes preceding a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease: testing Braak's hypothesis using a nationwide database for comparison with Alzheimer's disease and cerebrovascular diseases. Gut 72(11):2103-2111, 2023.

Latif MA, Tunacao JM, Fu Y, Moran TH, Yenokyan G, Fischman AM, Cheskin LJ, Holly BP, Hong K, Shin EJ, Steele KE, Kraitchman DL, Arepally A, Weiss CR: Association between gut hormones and weight change after bariatric arterial embolization: results from the BEAT Obesity Trial. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 46(2):220-228, 2023.

Leining MG, Zhou X, Yenokyan G, Sturm S, Meyer J, Diaz Y, Sorenson M, Chartrand N: Programa de diabetes: improving diabetes care for undocumented immigrants using the Chronic Care Model at a free community clinic. Acta Diabetol 60(7):963-969, 2023.

Maruf M, Zhu J, Haffar A, Morrill C, Michaud J, Zaman MH, Sholklapper T, Jayman J, Manyevetch R, Davis R, Wu W, Harris TGW, Di Carlo HN, Yenokyan G, Gearhart JP: Bladder capacity and growth in classic bladder exstrophy: a novel predictive tool. J Pediatr Urol 19(5):564, 2023.

Myers KS, Shey E, Ambinder EB, Mullen LA, Panigrahi B, Di Carlo PA, Yenokyan G, Oluyemi ET: Circumscribed masses on breast MRI: can MRI features guide management? J Breast Imaging 5(3):306-314, 2023.

Nidadavolu LS, Cosarderelioglu C, Merino Gomez A, Wu Y, Bopp T, Zhang C, Nguyen T, Marx-Rattner R, Yang H, Antonescu C, Florea L, Talbot CC, Smith B, Foster DB, Fairman JE, Yenokyan G, Chung T, Le A, Walston JD, Abadir PM: Interleukin-6 drives mitochondrial dysregulation and accelerates physical decline: insights from an inducible humanized IL-6 knock-in mouse model. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 78(10):1740-1752, 2023.

Rapaport S, Ngude H, Ficke JR, Yenokyan G, Rafiq MY, Juma O, Sakran JV, Stevens KA, Enumah ZO: What proportion of East African refugees report musculoskeletal problems? a cross-sectional survey. Clin Orthop Relat Res 482(1):47-56, 2023.

Sherer ML, Malik A, Osborne LM, Rowther AA, Zaidi A, Atif N, Rahman A, Kahloon LE, Salman M, Yenokyan G, Surkan PJ: Biological mechanisms in pregnant women With anxiety (Happy Mother-Healthy Baby Supplement Study): protocol for a longitudinal mixed eethods observational study. JMIR Res Protoc 12:e43193, 2023.

Siddiqi A, Monton O, Woods A, Masroor T, Fuller S, Owczarzak J, Yenokyan G, Cooper LA, Freund KM, Smith TJ, Kutner JS, Colborn KL, Joyner R, Elk R, Johnston FM: Dissemination and Implementation of a Community Health Worker Intervention for Disparities in Palliative Care (DeCIDE PC): a study protocol for a hybrid type 1 randomized controlled trial. BMC Palliat Care 22(1):139, 2023.

Simner PJ, Dien Bard J, Doern C, Kristie Johnson J, Westblade L, Yenokyan G, Patel R, Hanson KE, Antibacterial Resistance Leadership Group: Reporting of antimicrobial resistance from blood cultures, an antibacterial resistance leadership group survey summary: resistance marker reporting practices from positive blood cultures. Clin Infect Dis 76(9):1550-1558, 2023.

Vongsachang H, Guo X, Friedman DS, Yenokyan G, Collins ME: Neighbourhood disadvantage and vision screening failure rates: analysis of a school-based vision program in Baltimore, Maryland. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 30(4):441-444, 2023.

Almazan E, Yenokyan G, Ng K: Systemic diseases associated with a diagnosis of achalasia: a case-control study with the All of Us research program. Eur J Intern Med 104:125-127, 2022.

Campanile J, Cerilli C, Varadaraj V, Sweeney F, Smith J, Zhu J, Yenokyan G, Swenor BK: Accessibility and disability inclusion among top-funded U.S. undergraduate institutions. PLoS One 17(11):e0277249, 2022.

Ehsani JP, Weast RA, Chirles TJ, Hellinger A, Yenokyan G, Zhang Y: Can a smartphone application be used to measure practice driving behavior during the learner permit period? a step toward performance-based licensing. AJPM Focus 2(1):100058, 2022.

Enumah ZO, Manyama F, Yenokyan G, Ngude H, Rafiq MY, Juma O, Stevens K, Sakran JV: Untreated surgical problems among East African refugees: a cluster randomized, cross-sectional study. World J Surg 46(6):1278-1287, 2022.

Harrison JN, Steinberg J, Wilms Floet AML, Grace N, Menon D, German R, Chen B, Yenokyan G, Leppert MLO: Addressing pediatric developmental and mental health in primary care using tele-education. Clin Pediatr 61(1):46-55, 2022.

Haut ER, Owodunni OP, Wang J, Shaffer DL, Hobson DB, Yenokyan G, Kraus PS, Farrow NE, Canner JK, Florecki KL, Webster KLW, Holzmueller CG, Aboagye JK, Popoola VO, Kia MV, Pronovost PJ, Streiff MB, Lau BD: Alert-triggered patient education versus nurse feedback for nonadministered venous thromboembolism prophylaxis doses: a cluster-randomized controlled trial. J Am Heart Assoc 11(18):e027119, 2022.

Jo G, Habib D, Varadaraj V, Smith J, Epstein S, Zhu J, Yenokyan G, Ayers K, Swenor BK: COVID-19 vaccine website accessibility dashboard. Disabil Health J 15(3):101325, 2022.

Kanbour S, Yenokyan G, Snyder RA, Abusamaan MS, Mathioudakis N: Glycemic outcomes of hospitalized patients on ambulatory humulin-r U-500 insulin. Endocr Pract 28(12):1232-1236, 2022.

Lee JL, Zhang C, Westbrook R, ..., Yenokyan G, et al: Serum concentrations of losartan metabolites correlate with improved physical function in a pilot study of prefrail older adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 77(12):2356-2366, 2022.

Magarati M, Chambers RS, Yenokyan G, Rosenstock S, Walls M, Slimp A, Larzelere F, Lee A, Pinal L, Tingey L: Predictors of STD screening from the indigenist stress-coping model among native adults with binge substance use. Front Public Health 10:829539, 2022.

Meyer R, Lin C, Yenokyan G, Ellen M: Diagnostic utility of ultrasound versus physical examination in assessing knee effusions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Ultrasound Med 41(1):17-31, 2022.

Shah VA, Thompson RE, Yenokyan G, Acosta JN, Avadhani R, Dlugash R, McBee N, Li Y, Hansen BM, Ullman N, Falcone G, Awad IA, Hanley DF, Ziai WC: One-year outcome trajectories and factors associated with functional recovery among survivors of intracerebral and intraventricular hemorrhage with initial severe disability. JAMA Neurol 79(9):856-868, 2022.

Standeven LR, Osborne LM, Betz JF, Yenokyan G, Voegtline K, Hantsoo L, Payne JL: Allopregnanolone and depression and anxiety symptoms across the peripartum: an exploratory study. Arch Womens Ment Health 25(2):521-526, 2022.

Wright WF, Yenokyan G, Auwaerter PG: Geographic influence upon noninfectious diseases accounting for fever of unknown origin: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Open Forum Infect Dis 9(8):ofac396, 2022.

Wright WF, Yenokyan G, Simner PJ, Carroll KC, Auwaerter PG: Geographic variation of infectious disease diagnoses among patients with fever of unknown origin: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Open Forum Infect Dis 9(5):ofac151, 2022.

Askenase MH, Goods BA, Beatty HE, Steinschneider AF, ..., Thompson RE, ..., ICHseq Investigators MISTIE III Investigators (includes Yenokyan G): Longitudinal transcriptomics define the stages of myeloid activation in the living human brain after intracerebral hemorrhage. Sci Immunol 6(56):eabd6279, 2021.

Avadhani R, Thompson RE, Carhuapoma L, Yenokyan G, McBee N, Lane K, Ostapkovich N, Stadnik A, Awad IA, Hanley DF, Ziai WC: Post-stroke depression in patients with large spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 30(11):106082, 2021.

Ehsani JP, Weast R, Chirles T, Hellinger A, Shields W, Yenokyan G, Igusa T: Evaluating a smartphone application to increase the quantity and improve the quality of supervised practice driving. Inj Prev 27(6):587-591, 2021.

Enumah ZO, Rapaport S, Ngude H, Yenokyan G, Lekey A, Winch PJ, Stevens KA: Humanitarian surgical service utilization by a host country population: comparing surgery patterns between refugees and Tanzanians using an interrupted time-series analysis. Confl Health 15(1):85, 2021.

Fischer NM, Nieuwenhuis TO, Singh B, Yenokyan G, Segars JH: Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors reduce uterine fibroid incidence in hypertensive women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 106(2):e650-e659, 2021.

Hunsberger JB, Monitto CL, Hsu A, Yenokyan G, Jelin E: Pediatric surgeon opioid prescribing behavior: a survey of the American Pediatric Surgery Association membership. J Pediatr Surg 56(5):875-882, 2021.

Kang JY, Pickard AA, Bronder J, Yenokyan G, Chen M, Anderson WS, Sperling MR, Nei M: Magnetic resonance-guided laser interstitial thermal therapy: correlations with seizure outcome. Epilepsia 62(5):1085-1091, 2021.

Lake JE, La K, Erlandson KM, Adrian S, Yenokyan G, Scherzinger A, Dube MP, Stanley T, Grinspoon S, Falutz J, Mamputu JC, Marsolais C, McComsey GA, Brown TT: Tesamorelin improves fat quality independent of changes in fat quantity. AIDS 35(9):1395-1402, 2021.

McGoldrick MT, Etchill EW, Giuliano K, Barbur I, Yenokyan G, Whitman G, Kilic A: Improving contemporary outcomes following heart transplantation for cardiac amyloidosis. J Card Surg 36(10):3509-3518, 2021.

McGoldrick MT, Giuliano K, Etchill EW, Barbur I, Yenokyan G, Whitman G, Kilic A: Long-term survival after heart transplantation for cardiac sarcoidosis. J Card Surg 36(11):4247-4255, 2021.

Milstone AM, Rosenberg C, Yenokyan G, Koontz DW, Miller MR, CCLIP Authorship Group: Alcohol-impregnated caps and ambulatory central-line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs): A randomized clinical trial. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 42(4):431-439, 2021.

Nidadavolu LS, Stern D, Lin R, Wang Y, Li Y, Wu Y, Marin S, Antonio MJ, Yenokyan G, Boronina T, Cole R, Foster DB, Talbot C, Jedrych J, Smith B, Rini D, Le A, Cui H, Walston JD, Abadir PM: Valsartan nano-filaments alter mitochondrial energetics and promote faster healing in diabetic rat wounds. Wound Repair Regen 29(6):927-937, 2021.

Singh B, Sims H, Trueheart I, Simpson K, Wang KC, Patzkowsky K, Wegman T, Soma JM, Dixon R, Jayes F, Voegltine K, Yenokyan G, Su SC, Leppert P, Segars JH: A phase I clinical trial to assess safety and tolerability of injectable collagenase in women with symptomatic uterine fibroids. Reprod Sci 28(9):2699-2709, 2021.

Strauss AT, Yeh J, Martinez DA, Yenokyan G, Yoder J, Nehra R, Feller T, Bull-Henry K, Stein E, Hsu LCH, Al-Grain H, Zabko C, Fain C: A patient-centered framework for health systems engineering in gastroenterology: improving inpatient colonoscopy bowel preparation. BMC Gastroenterol 21(1):89, 2021.

Yogeshkumar S, Anderson J, Lu E, Kenyi E, Mensa M, Thaler K, Antartani R, Donimath K, Patil B, Chikaraddi S, Bidri S, Biradar A, Gudadinni MR, Lokare L, Yenokyan G, et al: Safety and efficacy of the new CryoPop cryotherapy device for cervical dysplasia in low- and middle-income countries: study protocol for a multicenter open-label non-inferiority clinical trial with historical controls. Trials 22(1):915, 2021.

Aleshnick M, Ganusov VV, Nasir G, Yenokyan G, Sinnis P: Experimental determination of the force of malaria infection reveals a non-linear relationship to mosquito sporozoite loads. PLoS Pathog 16(5):e1008181, 2020.

Enumah ZO, Canner JK, Alejo D, Warren DS, Zhou X, Yenokyan G, Matthew T, Lawton JS, Higgins RSD: Persistent racial and sex disparities in outcomes after coronary artery bypass surgery: a retrospective clinical registry review in the drug-eluting stent era. Ann Surg 272(4):660-667, 2020.

Gilotra NA, Wanamaker BL, Rahim H, Kunkel K, Yenokyan G, Schulman SP, Tedford RJ, Russell SD, Silber HA: Usefulness of noninvasively measured pulse amplitude changes during the Valsalva maneuver to identify hospitalized heart failure patients at risk of 30-day heart failure events (from the PRESSURE-HF Study). Am J Cardiol 125(6):916-923, 2020.

Hunsberger JB, Hsu A, Yaster M, Vozzo PT, Gao S, White ED, Yenokyan G, Vickers B, Monitto CL: Physicians prescribe more opioid than needed to treat pain in children after outpatient urological procedures: an observational cohort study. Anesth Analg 131(3):866-875, 2020.

Jennings Mayo-Wilson L, Coleman J, Timbo F, Ssewamala FM, Linnemayr S, Yi GT, Kang BA, Johnson MW, Yenokyan G, Dodge B, Glass NE: Microenterprise intervention to reduce sexual risk behaviors and increase employment and HIV preventive practices among economically-vulnerable African-American young adults (EMERGE): a feasibility randomized clinical trial. AIDS Behav 24(12):3545-3561, 2020.

Kang JY, Yenokyan G, Hwang BY, Chen M, Penn R, Mampre D, Sperling MR, Kamath V: Odor identification predicts postoperative seizure control following magnetic resonance-guided laser interstitial thermal therapy. Epilepsia 61(9):1949-1957, 2020.

Owodunni OP, Haut ER, Shaffer DL, Hobson DB, Wang J, Yenokyan G, Kraus PS, Aboagye JK, Florecki KL, Webster KLW, Holzmueller CG, Streiff MB, Lau BD: Using electronic health record system triggers to target delivery of a patient-centered intervention to improve venous thromboembolism prevention for hospitalized patients: Is there a differential effect by race? PLoS One 15(1):e0227339, 2020.

Pandian V, Leeper WR, Jones C, Pugh K, Yenokyan G, Bowyer M, Haut ER: Comparison of surgical cricothyroidotomy training: a randomized controlled trial of a swine model versus an animated robotic manikin model. Trauma Surg Acute Care Open 5(1):e000431, 2020.

Rubens JH, Ahmed OZ, Yenokyan G, Stewart D, Burd RS, Ryan LM: Mode of transport and trauma activation status in admitted pediatric trauma patients. J Surg Res 246:153-159, 2020.

Shah B, Krishnan N, Kodish SR, Yenokyan G, Fatema K, Burhan Uddin K, Rahman AKMF, Razzak J: Applying the Three Delays Model to understand emergency care seeking and delivery in rural Bangladesh: a qualitative study. BMJ Open 10(12):e042690, 2020.

Stadd K, Diehl B, Yenokyan G, Aucott SW: A kangaroo care pathway for NICU staff and families: the proof is in the pouch. Adv Neonatal Care 20(1):14-24, 2020.

Ugwa E, Kabue M, Otolorin E, Yenokyan G, Oniyire A, Orji B, Okoli U, Enne J, Alobo G, Olisaekee G, Oluwatobi A, Oduenyi C, Aledare A, Onwe B, Ishola G: Simulation-based low-dose, high-frequency plus mobile mentoring versus traditional group-based trainings among health workers on day of birth care in Nigeria; a cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Health Serv Res 20(1):586, 2020.




Scott Zeger (go to top of document)


Gui G, Ravindra N, Hegde PS, Andrew G, ..., Zeger SL, et al: Measurable residual mutated IDH1 before allogeneic transplant for acute myeloid leukemia. Bone Marrow Transplant 60(2):154-160, 2025.

Gui G, Ravindra N, Hegde PS, Andrew G, ..., Zeger SL, et al: Measurable residual mutated IDH2 before allogeneic transplant for acute myeloid leukemia. Bone Marrow Transplant 60(2):144-153, 2025.

Hegde PS, Andrew G, Gui G, Ravindra N, ..., Zeger S, et al: Measurable residual FLT3 tyrosine kinase domain mutations before allogeneic transplant for acute myeloid leukemia. Bone Marrow Transplant 60(2):175-177, 2025.

Yang Y, Knoll MD, Herbert C, Bennett JC, Feikin DR, Garcia Quesada M, Hetrich MK, Zeger SL, et al: Global impact of 10- and 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccines on pneumococcal meningitis in all ages: the PSERENADE project. J Infect 90(3):106426, 2025.

Cai CX, Han D, Tran D, Moreno JA, Zeger SL, Crews DC: Social risk groups in patients with diabetes with differing eye care utilization and vision outcomes. Transl Vis Sci Technol 13(3):13, 2024.

Cai CX, Nishimura A, Bowring MG, Westlund E, ..., Zeger S, et al: Similar risk of kidney failure among patients with blinding diseases who receive ranibizumab, aflibercept, and bevacizumab: an Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics Network Study. Ophthalmol Retina 8(8):733-743, 2024.

Dhakal S, Yin A, ..., Zeger SL, et al: Application of machine learning algorithms to identify serological predictors of COVID-19 severity and outcomes. Commun Med 4(1):249, 2024.

Dillon LW, Gui G, Ravindra N, Andrew G, ..., Zeger S, et al: Measurable residual FLT3 internal tandem duplication before allogeneic transplant for acute myeloid leukemia. JAMA Oncol 10(8):1104-1110, 2024.

Jackson BD, Miernyk K, Steinberg J, ..., Zeger S, et al: Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine immunogenicity in American Indian/Alaska Native infants. Pediatrics 154(4):e2024066658, 2024.

Kim JS, Woods A, Gutierrez-Alamillo L, Laffoon M, Wigley FM, Hummers LK, Rosen A, Zeger S, Domsic RT, Casciola-Rosen L, Shah AA: Distinct scleroderma autoantibody profiles stratify patients for cancer risk at scleroderma onset and during the disease course. Arthritis Rheumatol 76(1):68-77, 2024.

Kuchinad KE, Kim JS, Woods A, ..., Zeger SL, et al: Racial variability in immune responses only partially explains differential systemic sclerosis disease severity. Ann Rheum Dis 83(11):1513-1521, 2024.

Leroux A, Crainiceanu C, Zeger S, Taub M, Ansari B, Wager TD, Bayman E, Coffey C, Langefeld C, McCarthy R, Tsodikov A, Brummet C, Clauw DJ, Edwards RR, Lindquist MA, A2CPS Consortium: Statistical modeling of acute and chronic pain patient-reported outcomes obtained from ecological momentary assessment. Pain 165(9):1955-1965, 2024.

Mohs R, Bakker A, Rosenzweig-Lipson S, Rosenblum M, Barton RL, Albert MS, Cohen S, Zeger S, Gallagher M: The HOPE4MCI study: A randomized double-blind assessment of AGB101 for the treatment of MCI due to AD. Alzheimers Dement 10(1):e12446, 2024.

Schein Y, Wang Z, Tran D, Crews DC, Zeger SL, Cai CX: Racial and ethnic disparities in receipt of retinal imaging among patients with diabetes. JAMA Ophthalmol 142(11):1091-1094, 2024.

Tang T, Tran D, Han D, Zeger SL, Crews DC, Cai CX: Place, race, and lapses in diabetic retinopathy care. JAMA Ophthalmol 142(6):581-583, 2024.

Tiniakou E, Casciola-Rosen L, Thomas MA, Manabe Y, Antar AA, Damarla M, Hassoun PM, Gao L, Wang Z, Zeger S, Rosen A: Autoantibodies in hospitalised patients with COVID-19. Clin Transl Immunology 13(12):e70019, 2024.

Xu Y, Kim JS, Hummers LK, Shah AA, Zeger SL: Causal inference using multivariate generalized linear mixed-effects models. Biometrics 80(3):ujae100, 2024.

Cai CX, Tran D, Tang T, Liou W, Harrigian K, Scott E, Nagy P, Kharrazi H, Crews DC, Zeger SL: Health disparities in lapses in diabetic retinopathy care. Ophthalmol Sci 3(3):100295, 2023.

Cowley HP, Robinette MS, Matelsky JK, Xenes D, Kashyap A, Ibrahim NF, Robinson ML, Zeger S, Garibaldi BT, Gray-Roncal W: Using machine learning on clinical data to identify unexpected patterns in groups of COVID-19 patients. Sci Rep 13(1):2236, 2023.

Dillon LW, Gui G, Page KM, Ravindra N, Wong ZC, Andrew G, Mukherjee D, Zeger SL, et al: DNA sequencing to detect residual disease in adults with acute myeloid leukemia prior to hematopoietic cell transplant. JAMA 329(9):745-755, 2023.

Fiksel J, Gilbert B, Wilson E, Kalter H, Kante A, Akum A, Blau D, Bassat Q, Macicame I, Samo Gudo E, Black R, Zeger S, Amouzou A, Datta A: Correcting for verbal autopsy misclassification bias in cause-specific mortality estimates. Am J Trop Med Hyg 108(5_Suppl):66-77, 2023.

Gilbert B, Fiksel J, Wilson E, Kalter H, Kante A, Akum A, Blau D, Bassat Q, Macicame I, Samo Gudo E, Black R, Zeger S, Amouzou A, Datta A: Multi-cause calibration of verbal autopsy-based cause-specific mortality estimates of children and neonates in Mozambique. Am J Trop Med Hyg 108(5_Suppl):78-89, 2023.

Macicame I, Kante AM, Wilson E, Gilbert B, Koffi A, Nhachungue S, Monjane C, Duce P, Adriano A, Chicumbe S, Jani I, Kalter HD, Datta A, Zeger S, Black RE, Gudo ES, Amouzou A, COMSA-Mozambique Study Team: Countrywide mortality surveillance for action in Mozambique: results from a national sample-based vital statistics system for mortality and cause of death. Am J Trop Med Hyg 108(5_Suppl):5-16, 2023.

Richardson C, Perin J, Zeger S, Wigley FM, Hummers LK, Casciola-Rosen L, Rosen A, Shah AA: Cumulative disease damage and anti-PM/Scl antibodies are associated with a heavy burden of calcinosis in systemic sclerosis. Rheumatology 62(11):3636-3643, 2023.

Robinson ML, Morris CP, Betz JF, Zhang Y, Bollinger R, Wang N, Thiemann DR, Fall A, Eldesouki RE, Norton JM, Gaston DC, Forman M, Luo CH, Zeger SL, Gupta A, Garibaldi BT, Mostafa HH: Impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 variants on inpatient clinical outcome. Clin Infect Dis 76(9):1539-1549, 2023.

Selvin E, Wang D, Rooney MR, Echouffo-Tcheugui J, Fang M, Zeger S, Sartini J, Tang O, Coresh J, Aurora RN, Punjabi NM: The associations of mean glucose and time in range from continuous glucose monitoring with HbA1c in adults with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Technol Ther 25(1):86-90, 2023.

Selvin E, Wang D, Rooney MR, Fang M, Echouffo-Tcheugui JB, Zeger S, Sartini J, Tang O, Coresh J, Nisha Aurora R, Punjabi NM: Within-person and between-sensor variability in continuous glucose monitoring metrics. Clin Chem 69(2):180-188, 2023.

Sheffel A, Carter E, Zeger S, Munos MK: Association between antenatal care facility readiness and provision of care at the client level and facility level in five low- and middle-income countries. BMC Health Serv Res 23(1):1109, 2023.

Yan T, Mullany LC, Subedi S, Hazel EA, Khatry SK, Mohan D, Zeger S, Tielsch JM, LeClerq SC, Katz J: Risk factors for neonatal mortality: an observational cohort study in Sarlahi district of rural southern Nepal. BMJ Open 13(9):e066931, 2023.

Alcorn SR, Elledge CR, LaVigne AW, Kleinberg L, Smith TJ, Levin AS, Fiksel J, Zeger S, McNutt T, DeWeese TL, Wright JL: Improving providers' survival estimates and selection of prognosis- and guidelines-appropriate treatment for patients with symptomatic bone metastases: Development of the Bone Metastases Ensemble Trees for Survival Decision Support Platform. J Eval Clin Pract 28(4):581-598, 2022.

Alcorn SR, LaVigne AW, Elledge CR, Fiksel J, Hu C, Kleinberg L, Levin A, Smith T, Cheng Z, Kim K, Rao AD, Sloan L, Page B, Stinson SF, Voong KR, McNutt TR, Bowers MR, DeWeese TL, Zeger S, Wright JL: Evaluation of the clinical utility of the Bone Metastases Ensemble Trees for Survival Decision Support Platform (BMETS-DSP): a case-based pilot assessment. JCO Clin Cancer Inform 6:e2200082, 2022.

Arbab-Zadeh A, Zeger SL, Blumenthal RS, Weintraub WS, Boden WE: The rising urgency to pivot back toward Hippocratic medicine. Am J Med 135(1):49-52, 2022.

Berardi G, Frey-Law L, ..., Lindquist M, Caffo BS, Crainiceanu C, Zeger S, ..., Taub M, et al: Multi-site observational study to assess biomarkers for susceptibility or resilience to chronic pain: The Acute to Chronic Pain Signatures (A2CPS) study protocol. Front Med 9:849214, 2022.

Cai CX, Klawe J, Ahmad S, Zeger SL, Wang J, Sun G, Ramulu P, Srikumaran D: Geographic variations in gender differences in cataract surgery volume among a national cohort of ophthalmologists. J Cataract Refract Surg 48(9):1023-1030, 2022.

Casciola-Rosen L, Thiemann DR, Andrade F, ..., Wang Z, Zeger S, et al: IgM anti-ACE2 autoantibodies in severe COVID-19 activate complement and perturb vascular endothelial function. JCI Insight 7(9):e158362, 2022.

COVID-19 Community Research Partnership (includes Zeger S): The COVID-19 Community Research Partnership: a multistate surveillance platform for characterizing the epidemiology of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Biol Methods Protoc 7(1):bpac033, 2022.

Feikin DR, Higdon MM, Abu-Raddad LJ, Andrews N, Araos R, Goldberg Y, Groome MJ, Huppert A, O'Brien KL, Smith PG, Wilder-Smith A, Zeger S, Deloria Knoll M, Patel MK: Duration of effectiveness of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 disease: results of a systematic review and meta-regression. Lancet 399(10328):924-944, 2022.

Fiksel J, Datta A, Amouzou A, Zeger S: Generalized Bayes quantification learning under dataset shift. JASA 117(540):2163-2181, 2022.

Fiksel J, Zeger S, Datta A: A transformation-free linear regression for compositional outcomes and predictors. Biometrics 78(3):974-987, 2022.

Garcia Quesada M, Hetrich MK, Zeger S, Sharma J, Na YB, Veguilla V, Karron RA, Dawood FS, Knoll MD, SEARCh Study Team: Predictors of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 seropositivity before coronavirus disease 2019 vaccination among children 0-4 years and their household members in the SEARCh Study. Open Forum Infect Dis (10):ofac507, 2022.

Hazel EA, Mohan D, Zeger S, Mullany LC, Tielsch JM, Khatry SK, Subedi S, LeClerq SC, Black RE, Katz J: Demographic, socio-economic, obstetric, and behavioral factors associated with small-and large-for-gestational-age from a prospective, population-based pregnancy cohort in rural Nepal: a secondary data analysis. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 22(1):652, 2022.

Hazel EA, Mullany LC, Zeger SL, Mohan D, Subedi S, Tielsch JM, Khatry SK, Katz J: Development of an imputation model to recalibrate birth weights measured in the early neonatal period to time at delivery and assessment of its impact on size-for-gestational age and low birthweight prevalence estimates: a secondary analysis of a pregnancy cohort in rural Nepal. BMJ Open 12(7):e060105, 2022.

Lee H, Wang Z, Tillekeratne A, Lukish N, Puliyadi V, Zeger S, Gallagher M, Knierim JJ: Loss of functional heterogeneity along the CA3 transverse axis in aging. Curr Biol 32(12):2681-2693, 2022.

Liu Q, Miao H, Li S, Zhang P, Gerber GF, Follmann D, Ji H, Zeger SL, Chertow DS, Quinn TC, Robinson ML, Kickler TS, Rothman RE, Fenstermacher KZJ, Braunstein EM, Cox AL, Farci P, Fauci AS, Lusso P: Anti-PF4 antibodies associated with disease severity in COVID-19. Proc Natl Acad Sci 119(47):e2213361119, 2022.

McCarthy ML, Li Y, Elmi A, Wilder ME, Zheng Z, Zeger SL: Social determinants of health influence future health care costs in the Medicaid cohort of the District of Columbia Study. Milbank Q 100(3):761-784, 2022.

Muhoza P, Tine R, Faye A, Gaye I, Zeger SL, Diaw A, Gueye AB, Kante AM, Ruff A, Marx MA: A data quality assessment of the first four years of malaria reporting in the Senegal DHIS2, 2014-2017. BMC Health Serv Res 22(1):18, 2022.

Pattnaik A, Mohan D, Zeger S, Kanyuka M, Kachale F, Marx MA: From raw data to a score: comparing quantitative methods that construct multi-level composite implementation strength scores of family planning programs in Malawi. Popul Health Metr 20(1):18, 2022.

Peacock JE Jr, Herrington DM, Edelstein SL, Seals AL, Plumb ID, Saydah S, Lagarde WH, Runyon MS, Maguire PD, Correa A, Weintraub WS, Wierzba TF, Sanders JW, COVID-19 Community Research Partnership Study Group (includes Zeger S): Survey of adherence with COVID-19 prevention behaviors during the 2020 Thanksgiving and winter holidays among members of the COVID-19 community research partnership. J Community Health 47(1):71-78, 2022.

Subedi S, Hazel EA, Mohan D, Zeger S, Mullany LC, Tielsch JM, Khatry SK, LeClerq SC, Black RE, Katz J: Prevalence and predictors of spontaneous preterm births in Nepal: findings from a prospective, population-based pregnancy cohort in rural Nepal-a secondary data analysis. BMJ Open 12(12):e066934, 2022.

Wang Z, Bowring MG, Rosen A, Garibaldi B, Zeger S, Nishimura A: Learning and predicting from dynamic models for COVID-19 patient monitoring. Stat Sci 37(2):251-265, 2022.

Wilder ME, Zheng Z, Zeger SL, Elmi A, Katz RJ, Li Y, Mccarthy ML: Relationship between social determinants of health and antihypertensive medication adherence in a Medicaid cohort. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes 15(2):e008150, 2022.

Bennett JC, Hetrich MK, Quesada MG, Sinkevitch JN, Knoll MD, Feikin DR, Zeger SL, et al: Changes in invasive pneumococcal disease caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 1 following introduction of PCV10 and PCV13: findings from the PSERENADE project. Microorganisms 9(4):696, 2021.

Bowring MG, Wang Z, Xu Y, Betz J, Muschelli J, Garibaldi BT, Zeger SL: Outcome-stratified analysis of biomarker trajectories for patients infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Am J Epidemiol 190(10):2094-2106, 2021.

Cai CX, Li Y, Zeger SL, McCarthy ML: Social determinants of health impacting adherence to diabetic retinopathy examinations. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care 9(1):e002374, 2021.

Darmstadt GL, Khan NZ, Rosenstock S, Muslima H, Parveen M, Mahmood W, Ahmed ASMNU, Chowdhury MAKA, Zeger S, Saha SK: Impact of emollient therapy for preterm infants in the neonatal period on child neurodevelopment in Bangladesh: an observational cohort study. J Health Popul Nutr 40(1):24, 2021.

Datta A, Fiksel J, Amouzou A, Zeger SL: Regularized Bayesian transfer learning for population-level etiological distributions. Biostatistics 22(4):836-857, 2021.

Elledge CR, LaVigne AW, Fiksel J, Wright JL, McNutt T, Kleinberg LR, Hu C, Smith TJ, Zeger S, DeWeese TL, Alcorn SR: External validation of the Bone Metastases Ensemble Trees for Survival (BMETS) machine learning model to predict survival in patients with symptomatic bone metastases. JCO Clin Cancer Inform 5:304-314, 2021.

Fojo AT, Lesko CR, Benke KS, Chander G, Lau B, Moore RD, Zandi PP, Zeger SL: A learning algorithm for predicting mental health symptoms and substance use. J Psychiatr Res 134:22-29, 2021.

Garcia Quesada M, Yang Y, Bennett JC, Hayford K, Zeger SL, et al: Serotype distribution of remaining pneumococcal meningitis in the mature PCV10/13 period: findings from the PSERENADE Project. Microorganisms 9(4):738, 2021.

Garibaldi BT, Fiksel J, Muschelli J, Robinson ML, Rouhizadeh M, Perin J, Schumock G, Nagy P, Gray JH, Malapati H, Ghobadi-Krueger M, Niessen TM, Kim BS, Hill PM, Ahmed MS, Dobkin ED, Blanding R, Abele J, Woods B, Harkness K, Thiemann DR, Bowring MG, Shah AB, Wang MC, Bandeen-Roche K, Rosen A, Zeger SL, Gupta A: Patient trajectories among persons hospitalized for COVID-19 : a cohort study. Ann Intern Med 174(1):33-41, 2021.

Garibaldi BT, Wang K, Robinson ML, Zeger SL, Bandeen-Roche K, Wang MC, Alexander GC, Gupta A, Bollinger R, Xu Y: Comparison of time to clinical improvement with vs without remdesivir treatment in hospitalized patients with COVID-19. JAMA Netw Open 4(3):e213071, 2021.

Kim JS, Shah AA, Hummers LK, Zeger SL: Predicting clinical events using Bayesian multivariate linear mixed models with application to scleroderma. BMC Med Res Methodol 21(1):249, 2021.

Lee H, Wang Z, Zeger SL, Gallagher M, Knierim JJ: Heterogeneity of age-related neural hyperactivity along the CA3 transverse axis. J Neurosci 41(4):663-673, 2021.

McCarthy ML, Zheng Z, Wilder ME, Elmi A, Kulie P, Johnson S, Zeger SL: Latent class analysis to represent social determinant of health risk groups in the Medicaid cohort of the District of Columbia. Med Care 59(3):251-258, 2021.

McCarthy ML, Zheng Z, Wilder ME, Elmi A, Li Y, Zeger SL: The influence of social determinants of health on emergency departments visits in a Medicaid sample. Ann Emerg Med 77(5):511-522, 2021.

Scully EP, Schumock G, Fu M, Massaccesi G, Muschelli J, Betz J, Klein EY, West NE, Robinson M, Garibaldi BT, Bandeen-Roche K, Zeger S, Klein SL, Gupta A: Sex and gender differences in testing, hospital admission, clinical presentation, and drivers of severe outcomes from COVID-19. Open Forum Infect Dis 8(9):ofab448, 2021.

Shapiro JR, Li H, Morgan R, Chen Y, Kuo H, Ning X, Shea P, Wu C, Merport K, Saldanha R, Liu S, Abrams E, Chen Y, Kelly DC, Sheridan-Malone E, Wang L, Zeger SL, Klein SL, Leng SX: Sex-specific effects of aging on humoral immune responses to repeated influenza vaccination in older adults. NPJ Vaccines 6(1):147, 2021.

Wongvibulsin S, Garibaldi BT, Antar AAR, Wen J, Wang MC, Gupta A, Bollinger R, Xu Y, Wang K, Betz JF, Muschelli J, Bandeen-Roche K, Zeger SL, Robinson ML: Development of Severe COVID-19 Adaptive Risk Predictor (SCARP), a calculator to predict severe disease or death in hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Ann Intern Med 174(6):777-785, 2021.

Wu Z, Casciola-Rosen L, Rosen A, Zeger SL: A Bayesian approach to restricted latent class models for scientifically structured clustering of multivariate binary outcomes. Biometrics 77(4):1431-1444, 2021.

Keller JP, Katz J, Pokhrel AK, Bates MN, Tielsch J, Zeger SL: A hierarchical model for estimating the exposure-response curve by combining multiple studies of acute lower respiratory infections in children and household fine particulate matter air pollution. Environ Epidemiol 4(6):e119, 2020.

Alcorn SR, Elledge CR, Wright JL, Smith TJ, McNutt TR, Fiksel J, Zeger SL, DeWeese TL: Frequency of complicated symptomatic bone metastasis over a breadth of operational definitions. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 106(4):800-810, 2020.

Alcorn SR, Fiksel J, Wright JL, Elledge CR, Smith TJ, Perng P, Saleemi S, McNutt TR, DeWeese TL, Zeger S: Developing an improved statistical approach for survival estimation in bone metastases management: the Bone Metastases Ensemble Trees for Survival (BMETS) model. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 108(3):554-563, 2020.

Craig ET, Perin J, Zeger S, Curtis JR, Bykerk VP, Bingham CO 3rd, Bartlett SJ: What does the patient global health assessment in rheumatoid arthritis really tell us? contribution of specific dimensions of health-related quality of life. Arthritis Care Res 72(11):1571-1578, 2020.

Katz J, Tielsch JM, Khatry SK, Shrestha L, Breysse P, Zeger SL, Kozuki N, Checkley W, LeClerq SC, Mullany LC: Impact of improved biomass and liquid petroleum gas stoves on birth outcomes in rural Nepal: results of 2 randomized trials. Glob Health Sci Pract 8(3):372-382, 2020.

Mecoli CA, Perin J, Van Eyk JE, Zhu J, Fu Q, Allmon AG, Rao Y, Zeger S, Wigley FM, Hummers LK, Shah AA: Vascular biomarkers and digital ulcerations in systemic sclerosis: results from a randomized controlled trial of oral treprostinil (DISTOL-1). Clin Rheumatol 39(4):1199-1205, 2020.

Wongvibulsin S, Wu KC, Zeger SL: Improving clinical translation of machine learning approaches through clinician-tailored visual displays of black box algorithms: development and validation. JMIR Med Inform 8(6):e15791, 2020.

Wongvibulsin S, Zeger SL: Enabling individualised health in learning healthcare systems. BMJ Evid Based Med 25(4):125-129, 2020.

Wu KC, Wongvibulsin S, Tao S, Ashikaga H, Stillabower M, Dickfeld TM, Marine JE, Weiss RG, Tomaselli GF, Zeger SL: Baseline and dynamic risk predictors of appropriate implantable cardioverter defibrillator therapy. J Am Heart Assoc 9(20):e017002, 2020.




Ni Zhao  (go to top of document)


Li R, Li M, Zhao N: A mixed-effect kernel machine regression model for integrative analysis of alpha diversity in microbiome studies. Genet Epidemiol 49(1):e22596, 2025.

Li S, Li R, Lee JR, Zhao N, Ling W: ZINQ-L: a zero-inflated quantile approach for differential abundance analysis of longitudinal microbiome data. Front Genet 15:1494401, 2025.

Little A, Zhao N, Mikhaylova A, Zhang A, et al: General kernel machine methods for multi-omics integration and genome-wide association testing with related individuals. Genet Epidemiol 49(1):e22610, 2025.

Liu T, Stokholm J, Zhang M, Vinding R, Sorensen SJ, Zhao N, Mueller NT: Infant gut microbiota and childhood blood pressure: prospective associations and the modifying role of breastfeeding. J Am Heart Assoc 14(5):e037447, 2025.

Dong H, Li R, Zhao N, Dadhania DM, Suthanthiran M, Lee JR, Ling W: Antibiotic subclasses differentially perturb the gut microbiota in kidney transplant recipients. Front Transplant 3:1400067, 2024.

Feng X, Patel EU, White JL, Li S, Zhu X, Zhao N, Shi J, Park DE, Liu CM, Kaul R, Prodger JL, Quinn TC, Grabowski MK, Tobian AAR: Association of oral microbiome with oral human papillomavirus infection: a population study of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2009-2012. J Infect Dis 230(3):726-735, 2024.

He M, Zhao N, Satten GA: MIDASim: a fast and simple simulator for realistic microbiome data. Microbiome 12(1):135, 2024.

Li M, Hua X, Li S, Wu MC, Zhao N: A multi-bin rarefying method for evaluating alpha diversities in TCR sequencing data. Bioinformatics 40(7):btae431, 2024.

Little A, Deek RA, Zhang A, Zhao N, Ling W, Wu MC: Enhanced visualization of microbiome data in repeated measures designs. Front Genet 15:1480972, 2024.

Jiang Z, Zhang H, Ahearn TU, Garcia-Closas M, Chatterjee N, Zhu H, Zhan X, Zhao N: The sequence kernel association test for multicategorical outcomes. Genet Epidemiol 47(6):432-449, 2023.

Liu H, Ling W, Hua X, Moon JY, Williams-Nguyen JS, Zhan X, Plantinga AM, Zhao N, Zhang A, Knight R, Qi Q, Burk RD, Kaplan RC, Wu MC: Kernel-based genetic association analysis for microbiome phenotypes identifies host genetic drivers of beta-diversity. Microbiome 11(1):80, 2023.

Liu T, Jia F, Differding MK, Zhao N, Doyon M, Bouchard L, Perron P, Guerin R, Masse E, Hivert MF, Mueller NT: Pre-pregnancy body mass index and gut microbiota of mothers and children 5 years postpartum. Int J Obes 47(9):807-816, 2023.

Mueller NT, Liu T, Debelius J, Zhao N: The gut-brain-sleep connection in older adults: what do we learn from the microbiome? J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 78(10):1933-1934, 2023.

Park B, Koh H, Patatanian M, Reyes-Caballero H, Zhao N, Meinert J, Holbrook JT, Leinbach LI, Biswal S: The mediating roles of the oral microbiome in saliva and subgingival sites between e-cigarette smoking and gingival inflammation. BMC Microbiol 23(1):35, 2023.

Song H, Ling W, Zhao N, Plantinga AM, Broedlow CA, Klatt NR, Hensley-McBain T, Wu MC: Accommodating multiple potential normalizations in microbiome associations studies. BMC Bioinformatics 24(1):22, 2023.

Goedert JJ, Wu Z, Yonehara CH, Frankland TB, Sinha R, Jones GS, Wan Y, Ravel J, Zhao N, Honda SA: Reusing a prepaid health plan's fecal immunochemical tests for microbiome associations with colorectal adenoma. Sci Rep 12(1):14801, 2022.

Jiang Z, He M, Chen J, Zhao N, Zhan X: MiRKAT-MC: A distance-based microbiome kernel association test with multi-categorical outcomes. Front Genet 13:841764, 2022.

Li M, Tyx RE, Rivera AJ, Zhao N, Satten GA: What can we learn about the bias of microbiome studies from analyzing data from mock communities? Genes 13(10):1758, 2022.

Ling W, Lu J, Zhao N, Lulla A, Plantinga AM, Fu W, Zhang A, Liu H, Song H, Li Z, Chen J, Randolph TW, Koay WLA, White JR, Launer LJ, Fodor AA, Meyer KA, Wu MC: Batch effects removal for microbiome data via conditional quantile regression. Nat Commun 13(1):5418, 2022.

Mallick H, An L, Chen M, Wang P, Zhao N: Editorial: Methods for single-cell and microbiome sequencing data. Front Genet 13:920191, 2022.

Zhang Y, D'Souza G, Fakhry C, Bigelow EO, Usyk M, Burk RD, Zhao N: Oral human papillomavirus associated with differences in oral microbiota beta diversity and microbiota abundance. J Infect Dis 226(6):1098-1108, 2022.

Koh H, Tuddenham S, Sears CL, Zhao N: Meta-analysis methods for multiple related markers: applications to microbiome studies with the results on multiple α-diversity indices. Stat Med 40(12):2859-2876, 2021.

Ling W, Zhao N, Plantinga AM, Launer LJ, Fodor AA, Meyer KA, Wu MC: Powerful and robust non-parametric association testing for microbiome data via a zero-inflated quantile approach (ZINQ). Microbiome 9(1):181, 2021.

Mirzayi C, Renson A, ..., Zhao N, et al: Reporting guidelines for human microbiome research: the STORMS checklist. Nat Med 27(11):1885-1892, 2021.

Sinha R, Zhao N, Goedert JJ, Byrd DA, Wan Y, Hua X, Hullings AG, Knight R, Breda SV, Mathijs K, de Kok TM, Ward MH, PHYTOME consortium members: Effects of processed meat and drinking water nitrate on oral and fecal microbial populations in a controlled feeding study. Environ Res 197:111084, 2021.

Wilson N, Zhao N, Zhan X, Koh H, Fu W, Chen J, Li H, Wu MC, Plantinga AM: MiRKAT: kernel machine regression-based global association tests for the microbiome. Bioinformatics 37(11):1595-1597, 2021.

Zhang H, Zhao N, Ahearn TU, Wheeler W, Garcia-Closas M, Chatterjee N: A mixed-model approach for powerful testing of genetic associations with cancer risk incorporating tumor characteristics. Biostatistics 22(4):772-788, 2021.

Zhao N, Khamash DF, Koh H, Voskertchian A, Egbert E, Mongodin EF, White JR, Hittle L, Colantuoni E, Milstone AM: Low diversity in nasal microbiome associated with Staphylococcus aureus colonization and bloodstream infections in hospitalized neonates. Open Forum Infect Dis 8(10):ofab475, 2021.

Binka E, Zhao N, Wood S, Zimmerman SL, Thompson WR: Exercise-induced abnormalities of regional myocardial deformation in anomalous aortic origin of the right coronary artery. World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg 11(6):712-719, 2020.

Koh H, Zhao N: A powerful microbial group association test based on the higher criticism analysis for sparse microbial association signals. Microbiome 8(1):63, 2020.

Tuddenham SA, Koay WLA, Zhao N, White JR, Ghanem KG, Sears CL, HIV Microbiome Re-analysis Consortium: The impact of human immunodeficiency virus infection on gut microbiota α-diversity: an individual-level meta-analysis. Clin Infect Dis 70(4):615-627, 2020.

Zhang H, Ahearn TU, Lecarpentier J, ..., Zhao N, et al: Genome-wide association study identifies 32 novel breast cancer susceptibility loci from overall and subtype-specific analyses. Nat Genet 52(6):572-581, 2020.

Zhang H, Zhao N, Mehrotra DV, Shen J: Composite Kernel Association Test (CKAT) for SNP-set joint assessment of genotype and genotype-by-treatment interaction in Pharmacogenetics studies. Bioinformatics 36(10):3162-3168, 2020.

Zhang J, Ji Z, Caushi JX, El Asmar M, Anagnostou V, Cottrell TR, Chan HY, Suri P, Guo H, Merghoub T, Chaft JE, Reuss JE, Tam AJ, Blosser RL, Abu-Akeel M, Sidhom JW, Zhao N, Ha JS, Jones DR, Marrone KA, Naidoo J, Gabrielson E, Taube JM, Velculescu VE, Brahmer JR, Housseau F, Hellmann MD, Forde PM, Pardoll DM, Ji H, Smith KN: Compartmental analysis of T-cell clonal dynamics as a function of pathologic response to neoadjuvant PD-1 blockade in resectable non-small cell lung cancer. Clin Cancer Res 26(6):1327-1337, 2020.



Weiqiang (Ken) Zhou (go to top of document)


Andargie TE, Roznik K, Redekar N, Hill T, Zhou W, Apalara Z, Kong H, Gordon O, Meda R, Park W, Johnston TS, Wang Y, Brady S, Ji H, Yanovski JA, Jang MK, Lee CM, Karaba AH, Cox AL, Agbor-Enoh S: Cell-free DNA reveals distinct pathology of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. J Clin Invest 134(1):e178008, 2024.

Blawski R, Vokshi BH, Guo X, Kittane S, Sallaku M, Chen W, ..., Zhou W, ..., Ji H, et al: Methylation of the chromatin modifier KMT2D by SMYD2 contributes to therapeutic response in hormone-dependent breast cancer. Cell Rep 43(5):114174, 2024.

Fu Z, Guo MS, Zhou W, Xiao J: Differential roles of positive and negative supercoiling in organizing the E. coli genome. Nucleic Acids Res 52(2):724-737, 2024.

Korleski J, Sudhir S, Rui Y, Caputo CA, Sall S, Johnson AL, Khela HS, Madhvacharyula T, Rasamsetty A, Li Y, Lal B, Zhou W, et al: miR-217-5p nanomiRs inhibit glioblastoma growth and enhance effects of ionizing radiation via EZH2 inhibition and epigenetic reprogramming. Cancers 17(1):80, 2024.

Roznik K, Andargie TE, Johnston TS, Gordon O, Wang Y, Akindele NP, Persaud D, Antar AAR, Manabe YC, Zhou W, Ji H, Agbor-Enoh S, Karaba AH, Thompson EA, Cox AL: Emergency myelopoiesis distinguishes multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children from pediatric severe coronavirus disease 2019. J Infect Dis 230(2):e305-e317, 2024.

Stephens KE, Moore C, Vinson DA, White BE, Renfro Z, Zhou W, Ji Z, Ji H, Zhu H, Guan Y, Taverna SD: Identification of regulatory elements in primary sensory neurons involved in trauma-induced neuropathic pain. Mol Neurobiol 61(3):1845-1859, 2024.

Andargie TE, Roznik K, Redekar N, Hill T, Zhou W, Apalara Z, Kong H, Gordon O, Meda R, Park W, Johnston TS, Wang Y, Brady S, Ji H, Yanovski JA, Jang MK, Lee CM, Karaba AH, Cox AL, Agbor-Enoh S: Cell-free DNA reveals distinct pathology of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. J Clin Invest 133(21):e171729, 2023.

Fang Y, Ji Z, Zhou W, Abante J, Koldobskiy MA, Ji H, Feinberg AP: DNA methylation entropy is associated with DNA sequence features and developmental epigenetic divergence. Nucleic Acids Res 51(5):2046-2065, 2023.

Huang Y, Dhummakupt A, Khetan P, Nilles T, Zhou W, Mudvari P, Szewczyk J, Chen YH, Boritz E, Ji H, Agwu A, Persaud D: Immune activation and exhaustion marker expression on T-cell subsets in ART-treated adolescents and young adults with perinatal HIV-1 infection as correlates of viral persistence. Front Immunol 14:1007626, 2023.

Karaba AH, Zhou W, Li S, Aytenfisu TY, Johnston TS, et al: Impact of seasonal coronavirus antibodies on severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 vaccine responses in solid organ transplant recipients. Clin Infect Dis 76(3):e495-e498, 2023.

Ramachandran J, Chen W, Lex RK, Windsor KE, Lee H, Wang T, Zhou W, Ji H, Vokes SA: The BAF chromatin complex component SMARCC1 does not mediate GLI transcriptional repression of Hedgehog target genes in limb buds. Dev Biol 504:128-136, 2023.

Zhao M, Chauhan P, Sherman CA, Singh A, Kaileh M, Mazan-Mamczarz K, Ji H, Joy J, Nandi S, De S, Zhang Y, Fan J, Becker KG, Loke P, Zhou W, Sen R: NF-κB subunits direct kinetically distinct transcriptional cascades in antigen receptor-activated B cells. Nat Immunology 24(9):1552-1564, 2023.

Karaba AH, Zhou W, Hsieh LL, Figueroa A, Massaccesi G, Rothman RE, Fenstermacher KZJ, Sauer L, Shaw-Saliba K, Blair PW, Robinson ML, Leung S, Wesson R, Alachkar N, El-Diwany R, Ji H, Cox AL: Differential cytokine signatures of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and influenza infection highlight key differences in pathobiology. Clin Infect Dis 74(2):254-262, 2022.

Lex RK, Zhou W, Ji Z, Falkenstein KN, Schuler KE, Windsor KE, Kim JD, Ji H, Vokes SA: GLI transcriptional repression is inert prior to Hedgehog pathway activation. Nat Commun 13(1):808, 2022.

Li Q, Feng Y, Xue Y, Zhan X, Fu Y, Gui G, Zhou W, Richard JP, Taga A, Li P, Mao X, Maragakis NJ, Ying M: Edaravone activates the GDNF/RET neurotrophic signaling pathway and protects mRNA-induced motor neurons from iPS cells. Mol Neurodegener 17(1):8, 2022.

Ramachandran J, Zhou W, Bardenhagen AE, Nasr T, Yates ER, Zorn AM, Ji H, Vokes SA: Hedgehog regulation of epithelial cell state and morphogenesis in the larynx. Elife 11:e77055, 2022.

Gao M, Fu Y, Zhou W, Gui G, Lal B, Li Y, Xia S, Ji H, Eberhart CG, Laterra J, Ying M: EGFR activates a TAZ-driven oncogenic program in glioblastoma. Cancer Res 81(13):3580-3592, 2021.

Koldobskiy MA, Jenkinson G, Abante J, Rodriguez DiBlasi VA, Zhou W, Pujadas E, Idrizi A, Tryggvadottir R, Callahan C, Bonifant CL, Rabin KR, Brown PA, Ji H, Goutsias J, Feinberg AP: Converging genetic and epigenetic drivers of paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia identified by an information-theoretic analysis. Nat Biomed Eng 5(4):360-376, 2021.

Ma T, Hu C, Lal B, Zhou W, Ma Y, Ying M, Prinos P, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Lim M, Laterra J, Li Y: Reprogramming transcription factors Oct4 and Sox2 induce a BRD-dependent immunosuppressive transcriptome in GBM-propagating cells. Cancer Res 81(9):2457-2469, 2021.

Peart Akindele N, Kouo T, Karaba AH, Gordon O, Fenstermacher KZJ, Beaudry J, Rubens JH, Atik CC, Zhou W, Ji H, Tao X, Vaidya D, Mostafa H, Caturegli P, Blair PW, Sauer L, Cox AL, Persaud D: Distinct cytokine and chemokine dysregulation in hospitalized children with acute coronavirus disease 2019 and multisystem inflammatory syndrome with similar levels of nasopharyngeal severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 shedding. J Infect Dis 224(4):606-615, 2021.

Sinha S, Satpathy AT, Zhou W, Ji H, Stratton JA, Jaffer A, Bahlis N, Morrissy S, Biernaskie JA: Profiling chromatin accessibility at single-cell resolution. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics 19(2):172-190, 2021.

Stephens KE, Zhou W, Renfro Z, Ji Z, Ji H, Guan Y, Taverna SD: Global gene expression and chromatin accessibility of the peripheral nervous system in animal models of persistent pain. J Neuroinflammation 18(1):185, 2021.

Thompson EA, Cascino K, Ordonez AA, Zhou W, ..., Ji H, et al: Metabolic programs define dysfunctional immune responses in severe COVID-19 patients. Cell Rep 34(11):108863, 2021.

Xiao MF, Roh SE, Zhou J, Chien CC, Lucey BP, Craig MT, Hayes LN, Coughlin JM, Leweke FM, Jia M, Xu D, Zhou W, Conover Talbot C Jr, Arnold DB, Staley M, Jiang C, Reti IM, Sawa A, Pelkey KA, McBain CJ, Savonenko A, Worley PF: A biomarker-authenticated model of schizophrenia implicating NPTX2 loss of function. Sci Adv 7(48):eabf6935, 2021.

Ji Z, Zhou W, Hou W, Ji H: Single-cell ATAC-seq signal extraction and enhancement with SCATE. Genome Biol 21(1):161, 2020.

Lex RK, Ji Z, Falkenstein KN, Zhou W, Henry JL, Ji H, Vokes SA: GLI transcriptional repression regulates tissue-specific enhancer activity in response to Hedgehog signaling. Elife 9:e50670, 2020.

Qiu X, Ma F, Zhao M, Cao Y, Shipp L, Liu A, Dutta A, Singh A, Braikia FZ, De S, Wood WH 3rd, Becker KG, Zhou W, Ji H, Zhao K, Atchison ML, Sen R: Altered 3D chromatin structure permits inversional recombination at the IgH locus. Sci Adv 6(33):eaaz8850, 2020.



Vadim Zipunnikov   (go to top of document)


Callow DD, Spira AP, Zipunnikov V, Pettigrew C, Faria A, Wanigatunga SK, Albert M, Bakker A, Soldan A, BIOCARD Research Team: Independent associations of sleep and physical activity with cognition are mediated by hippocampal microstructure in middle-aged and older adults. Neurobiol Aging 147:22-31, 2025.

Kang SJ, Guo W, Zipunnikov V, Glaus J, Lamers F, Strippoli MF, Marques-Vidal P, Vaucher J, de La Harpe R, Vollenweider P, Preisig M, Merikangas KR, Leroux A: Impact of cardiovascular risk factors on associations between state and trait indices of major depression disorder and objectively assessed physical activity, sleep and circadian rhythmicity within a population based cohort. J Affect Disord 378:360-372, 2025.

Malone LA, Hill NM, Tripp H, Zipunnikov V, Wolpert DM, Bastian AJ: The control of movement gradually transitions from feedback control to feedforward adaptation throughout childhood. NPJ Sci Learn 10(1):13, 2025.

Rabinowitz JA, Zhou Y, Chen D, Yue Y, Rojo-Wissar DM, An Y, Wanigatunga S, Schrack JA, Zipunnikov V, Simonsick EM, Terracciano A, Costa PT, Ferrucci L, Spira AP: Associations of personality traits with actigraphic sleep in middle-aged and older adults. Sci Rep 15(1):1490, 2025.

Agarwala N, Zipunnikov V, Crainiceanu C, Leroux A: Quantifying the time-varying association between objectively measured physical activity and mortality in US older adults over a 12-year follow-up period: the NHANES 2003-2006 study. BMJ Evid Based Med 29(6):409-414, 2024.

Callow DD, Spira AP, Zipunnikov V, Lu H, Wanigatunga SK, Rabinowitz JA, Albert M, Bakker A, Soldan A, BIOCARD Research Team: Sleep and physical activity measures are associated with resting-state network segregation in non-demented older adults. Neuroimage Clin 43:103621, 2024.

Callow DD, Zipunnikov V, Spira AP, Wanigatunga SK, Pettigrew C, Albert M, Soldan A, BIOCARD Research Team: Actigraphy estimated sleep moderates the relationship between physical activity and cognition in older adults. Ment Health Phys Act 26:100573, 2024.

Dey D, Ghosal R, Merikangas K, Zipunnikov V: Functional principal component analysis for continuous non-Gaussian, truncated, and discrete functional data. Stat Med 43(28):5431-5445, 2024.

Eyob E, Shaw JS, Bakker A, Munro C, Spira A, Wu M, Rabinowitz JA, Peters M, Wanigatunga S, Zipunnikov V, Thompson R, Burhanullah MH, Leoutsakos JM, Rosenberg P, Greenberg B: A randomized-controlled trial targeting cognition in early Alzheimer's disease by improving sleep with trazodone (REST). J Alzheimers Dis 101(s1):S205-S215, 2024.

Joo J, Devkota J, Stone BM, Dunn KE, Zipunnikov V, Vandrey R, Finan PH, Thrul J: Predictors of participant compliance with ecological momentary assessment among individuals with chronic pain who are using cannabis and opioids. Internet Interv 38:100784, 2024.

Kang SJ, Leroux A, Guo W, Dey D, Strippoli MF, Di J, Vaucher J, Marques-Vidal P, Vollenweider P, Preisig M, Merikangas KR, Zipunnikov V: Integrative modeling of accelerometry-derived sleep, physical activity, and circadian rhythm domains with current or remitted major depression. JAMA Psychiatry 81(9):911-918, 2024.

Lateef TM, Dey D, Leroux A, Cui L, Xiao M, Zipunnikov V, Merikangas KR: Association between electronic diary-rated sleep, mood, energy, and stress with incident headache in a community-based sample. Neurology 102(4):e208102, 2024.

Liu F, Schrack J, Wanigatunga SK, Rabinowitz JA, He L, Wanigatunga AA, Zipunnikov V, Simonsick EM, Ferrucci L, Spira AP: Comparison of sleep parameters from wrist-worn ActiGraph and Actiwatch devices. Sleep 47(2):zsad155, 2024.

Spira AP, Liu F, Zipunnikov V, Bilgel M, Rabinowitz JA, An Y, Di J, Bai J, Wanigatunga SK, Wu MN, Lucey BP, Schrack JA, Wanigatunga AA, Rosenberg PB, Simonsick EM, Walker KA, Ferrucci L, Resnick SM: Evaluating a novel 24-hour rest/activity rhythm marker of preclinical β-amyloid deposition. Sleep 47(5):zsae037, 2024.

Antonsdottir IM, Low DV, Chen D, Rabinowitz JA, Yue Y, Urbanek J, Wu MN, Zeitzer JM, Rosenberg PB, Friedman LF, Sheikh JI, Yesavage JA, Zipunnikov V, Spira AP: 24 h rest/activity rhythms in older adults with memory impairment: associations with cognitive performance and depressive symptomatology. Adv Biol 7(11):e2300138, 2023.

Ghosal R, Varma VR, Volfson D, Hillel I, Urbanek J, Hausdorff JM, Watts A, Zipunnikov V: Distributional data analysis via quantile functions and its application to modeling digital biomarkers of gait in Alzheimer's disease. Biostatistics 24(3):539-561, 2023.

Glaus J, Kang SJ, Guo W, Lamers F, Strippoli MF, Leroux A, Dey D, Plessen KJ, Vaucher J, Vollenweider P, Zipunnikov V, Merikangas KR, Preisig M: Objectively assessed sleep and physical activity in depression subtypes and its mediating role in their association with cardiovascular risk factors. J Psychiatr Res 163:325-336, 2023.

Li H, Lynn HS, Zipunnikov V: Sex and age differences in association between physical activity and metabolic syndrome: results from NHANES 2003-2006. Healthcare 11(8):1059, 2023.

Luken A, Desjardins MR, Moran MB, Mendelson T, Zipunnikov V, Kirchner TR, Naughton F, Latkin C, Thrul J: Using smartphone survey and GPS data to inform smoking cessation intervention delivery: case study. JMIR mHealth uHealth 11:e43990, 2023.

Owusu JT, Rabinowitz JA, Tzuang M, An Y, Kitner-Triolo M, Zipunnikov V, Wu MN, Wanigatunga SK, Schrack JA, Thorpe RJ, Simonsick EM, Ferrucci L, Resnick SM, Spira AP: Associations between objectively measured sleep and cognition: main effects and interactions with race in adults aged ≥50 years. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 78(3):454-462, 2023.

Stapp EK, Zipunnikov V, Leroux A, Cui L, Husky MM, Dey D, Merikangas KR: Specificity of affective dynamics of bipolar and major depressive disorder. Brain Behav 13(9):e3134, 2023.

Wanigatunga AA, Liu F, Urbanek JK, Wang H, Di J, Zipunnikov V, Cai Y, Dougherty RJ, Simonsick EM, Ferrucci L, Schrack JA: Wrist-worn accelerometry, aging, and gait speed in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. J Aging Phys Act 31(3):408-416, 2023.

Alfini AJ, Won J, Weiss LR, Nyhuis CC, Zipunnikov V, Spira AP, Liu-Ambrose T, Shackman AJ, Smith JC: Cardiorespiratory fitness as a moderator of sleep-related associations with hippocampal volume and cognition. Brain Sci 12(10):1360, 2022.

Brown CH 4th, Yanek L, Healy R, Tsay T, Di J, Goeddel L, Young D, Zipunnikov V, Schrack J, Cardiac Surgery Mobility Working Group: Comparing three wearable accelerometers to measure early activity after cardiac surgery. JTCVS Open 11:176-191, 2022.

Ghosal R, Ghosh S, Urbanek J, Schrack JA, Zipunnikov V: Shape-constrained estimation in functional regression with Bernstein polynomials. Comp Stat Data Anal 178:107614, 2022.

Ghosal R, Varma VR, Volfson D, Urbanek J, Hausdorff JM, Watts A, Zipunnikov V: Scalar on time-by-distribution regression and its application for modelling associations between daily-living physical activity and cognitive functions in Alzheimer's Disease. Sci Rep 12(1):11558, 2022.

Kuo PL, An Y, Gross AL, Tian Q, Zipunnikov V, Spira AP, Wanigatunga AA, Simonsick EM, Ferrucci L, Resnick SM, Schrack JA: Association between walking energy utilisation and longitudinal cognitive performance in older adults. Age Ageing 51(12):afac240, 2022.

McDonnell EI, Zipunnikov V, Schrack JA, Goldsmith J, Wrobel J: Registration of 24-hour accelerometric rest-activity profiles and its application to human chronotypes. Biol Rhythm Res 53(8):1299-1319, 2022.

Migueles JH, Aadland E, Andersen LB, ..., External review group (includes Zipunnikov V): GRANADA consensus on analytical approaches to assess associations with accelerometer-determined physical behaviours (physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep) in epidemiological studies. Br J Sports Med 56(7):376-384, 2022.

Mun CJ, Nordeck C, Goodell EMA, Vandrey R, Zipunnikov V, Dunn KE, Finan PH, Thrul J: Real-time monitoring of cannabis and prescription opioid co-use patterns, analgesic effectiveness, and the opioid-sparing effect of cannabis in individuals with chronic pain. J Pain 23(11):1799-1810, 2022.

Rabinowitz JA, An Y, He L, Alfini AJ, Zipunnikov V, Wu MN, Wanigatunga SK, Schrack JA, Jackson CL, Ferrucci L, Simonsick EM, Resnick SM, Spira AP: Associations of circadian rest/activity rhythms with cognition in middle-aged and older adults: demographic and genetic interactions. Front Neurosci 16:952204, 2022.

Soldan A, Alfini A, Pettigrew C, Faria A, Hou X, Lim C, Lu H, Spira AP, Zipunnikov V, Albert M, BIOCARD Research Team: Actigraphy-estimated physical activity is associated with functional and structural brain connectivity among older adults. Neurobiol Aging 116:32-40, 2022.

Wanigatunga AA, Liu F, Urbanek JK, Wang H, Di J, Zipunnikov V, Cai Y, Dougherty RJ, Simonsick EM, Ferrucci L, Schrack JA: Wrist-worn accelerometry, aging, and gait speed in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. J Aging Phys Act 31(3):408-416, 2022.

Alfini A, Albert M, Faria AV, Soldan A, Pettigrew C, Wanigatunga S, Zipunnikov V, Spira AP: Associations of actigraphic sleep and circadian rest/activity rhythms with cognition in the early phase of Alzheimer's disease. Sleep Adv 2(1):zpab007, 2021.

Difrancesco S, Riese H, Merikangas KR, Shou H, Zipunnikov V, Antypa N, van Hemert AM, Schoevers RA, Penninx BWJH, Lamers F: Sociodemographic, health and lifestyle, sampling, and mental health determinants of 24-hour motor activity patterns: observational study. J Med Internet Res 23(2):e20700, 2021.

Godfrey A, Vandendriessche B, Bakker JP, Fitzer-Attas C, Gujar N, Hobbs M, Liu Q, Northcott CA, Parks V, Wood WA, Zipunnikov V, Wagner JA, Izmailova ES: Fit-for-purpose biometric monitoring technologies: leveraging the laboratory biomarker experience. Clin Transl Sci 14(1):62-74, 2021.

Izmailova ES, Wood WA, Liu Q, Zipunnikov V, Bloomfield D, Homsy J, Hoffmann SC, Wagner JA, Menetski JP: Remote cardiac safety monitoring through the lens of the FDA Biomarker Qualification Evidentiary Criteria Framework: a case study analysis. Digit Biomark 5(1):103-113, 2021.

Liu F, Wanigatunga AA, Kuo PL, Zipunnikov V, Simonsick EM, Ferrucci L, Schrack JA: Association between walking energetics and fragmented physical activity in mid- to late-life. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 76(10):e281-e289, 2021.

Rojo-Wissar DM, Wanigatunga AA, Simonsick EM, Terracciano A, Wu MN, Zipunnikov V, Schrack JA, Hossain S, Ferrucci L, Costa PT, Spira AP: Personality and insomnia symptoms in older adults: the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. Sleep 44(9):zsab082, 2021.

Spira AP, Zipunnikov V, Raman R, Choi J, Di J, Bai J, Carlsson CM, Mintzer JE, Marshall GA, Porsteinsson AP, Yaari R, Wanigatunga SK, Kim J, Wu MN, Aisen PS, Sperling RA, Rosenberg PB: Brain amyloid burden, sleep, and 24-hour rest/activity rhythms: screening findings from the Anti-Amyloid Treatment in Asymptomatic Alzheimer's and Longitudinal Evaluation of Amyloid Risk and Neurodegeneration Studies. Sleep Adv 2(1):zpab015, 2021.

Varma VR, Ghosal R, Hillel I, Volfson D, Weiss J, Urbanek J, Hausdorff JM, Zipunnikov V, Watts A: Continuous gait monitoring discriminates community-dwelling mild Alzheimer's disease from cognitively normal controls. Alzheimers Dement 7(1):e12131, 2021.

Wanigatunga AA, Wang H, An Y, Simonsick EM, Tian Q, Davatzikos C, Urbanek JK, Zipunnikov V, Spira AP, Ferrucci L, Resnick SM, Schrack JA: Association between brain volumes and patterns of physical activity in community-dwelling older adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 76(8):1504-1511, 2021.

Alfini AJ, Schrack JA, Urbanek JK, Wanigatunga AA, Wanigatunga SK, Zipunnikov V, Ferrucci L, Simonsick EM, Spira AP: Associations of actigraphic sleep parameters with fatigability in older adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 75(9):e95-e102, 2020.

Atkinson JA, Song YJC, Merikangas KR, Skinner A, Prodan A, Iorfino F, Freebairn L, Rose D, Ho N, Crouse J, Zipunnikov V, Hickie IB: The science of complex systems is needed to ameliorate the impacts of COVID-19 on mental health. Front Psychiatry 11:606035, 2020.

Murray G, Gottlieb J, Hidalgo MP, Etain B, Ritter P, Skene DJ, Garbazza C, Bullock B, Merikangas K, Zipunnikov V, Shou H, Gonzalez R, Scott J, Geoffroy PA, Frey BN: Measuring circadian function in bipolar disorders: Empirical and conceptual review of physiological, actigraphic, and self-report approaches. Bipolar Disord 22(7):693-710, 2020.

Povazan M, Mikkelsen M, ..., Zipunnikov V, et al: Comparison of multivendor single-voxel MR spectroscopy data acquired in healthy brain at 26 sites. Radiology 295(1):171-180, 2020.

Reider L, Bai J, Scharfstein DO, Zipunnikov V, for METRC OUTLET Study Investigators: Methods for step count data: determining "valid" days and quantifying fragmentation of walking bouts. Gait Posture 81:205-212, 2020.

Schmidt AH, Di J, Zipunnikov V, Frey KP, Scharfstein DO, OʼToole RV, Bosse MJ, Obremskey WT, Stinner DJ, Hayda R, Karunakar MA, Hak DJ, Carroll EA, Collins SCJ, MacKenzie EJ, METRC: Perfusion pressure lacks diagnostic specificity for the diagnosis of acute compartment syndrome. J Orthop Trauma 34(6):287-293, 2020.

Schrack JA, Wanigatunga AA, Zipunnikov V, Kuo PL, Simonsick EM, Ferrucci L: Longitudinal association between energy regulation and fatigability in mid-to-late life. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 75(9):e74-e80, 2020.

Smirnova E, Leroux A, Cao Q, Tabacu L, Zipunnikov V, Crainiceanu C, Urbanek JK: The predictive performance of objective measures of physical activity derived from accelerometry data for 5-year all-cause mortality in older adults: National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey 2003-2006. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 75(9):1779-1785, 2020.





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