About me
I am currently a postdoctoral research in the Biostatistics Department of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. My research
investigates how ambient environmental exposures, including heat waves,
hurricanes, power outages, and air pollution, affect human health.
In addition to my environmental health research, I have worked with my advisor, Roger Peng, to create software that writes custom homework web applications using the R statistical language. Using this software, I have directed the development of custom web applications for two Biostatistics courses at Johns Hopkins.
Before joining the Johns Hopkins Biostatistics Department, I completed my dissertation at Yale University's Environmental Engineering Program, advised by Michelle Bell. My dissertation quantified the effects of outdoor heat, cold, and heat waves on cardiorespiratory mortality risk. As a graduate student, I was a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow and a US Environmental Protection Agency STAR Graduate Fellow.
My undergraduate degrees are in Chemical Engineering and French Language and Literature from North Carolina State University. While there, I did research on photocatalysis and solid-state polymerization and did three semesters of coursework in France, at the Sorbonne and CPE Lyon. Both my husband and I were Park Scholars, Class of 2003.
I grew up on a farm in southeastern Virginia, where I worked during summers in high school. I am extremely grateful to now study heat waves, rather than rake hay during them.