use, clear * EDA hist popular, freq * Random intercept model xtreg popular, re i(school) mle xtmixed popular || school:, mle gllamm popular, i(school) adapt * get xtmixed to give you variances, not sd xtmixed popular || school:, mle var * EDA of relationship between popular and texp * ignore clustering lowess popular texp, bw(0.5) jitter(3) * the average school score and texp sort school by school: egen mscore_sch=mean(popular) lowess mscore_sch texp, ytitle("School Average Popularity score") xtitle("Teacher Experience") bw(0.5) * create an indicator for 'girl' out of the sex variable rename sex girl * EDA of relationship between popular and pupil gender sort school girl by school girl:egen mscore_sch_girl=mean(popular) sort girl graph box mscore_sch_girl,over(girl) ytitle("School Average Score") * interaction between girl and texp? lowess mscore_sch_girl texp, by(girl) * Random intercept with the fixed effects of texp and girl xtmixed popular texp girl || school:, mle * between-school heterogeneity in the gender effect? sort school girl by school: gen meanpop_boys = mscore_sch_girl[1] gen boy = 1-girl sort school boy by school: gen meanpop_girls = mscore_sch_girl[1] gen genddiff = meanpop_girls - meanpop_boys replace genddiff =. if pupil!=1 hist genddiff, norm freq xtitle(School-specific difference between female and male average scores) *Random coeffecient model, both intercept and girl are random effects xtmixed popular texp girl || school: girl, cov(unstr) mle *Random coeffecient model with cross-level interaction gen girlXtexp = girl*texp xtmixed popular texp girl girlXtexp || school: girl, cov(unstr) mle