Supplementary Material

Ruczinski I, Plaxco KW (2008).
Some Recommendations for the Practitioner to Improve the Precision of Experim entally Determined Protein Folding Rates and Φ Values.
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, (to appear).

Supplementary Table:

Variance ratios (efficiencies) of the kinetic parameter estimates as a function of the range of equally spaced denaturant concentrations chosen. For each of the chevrons shown in Figure 1, we increased (0.25 out) or decreased (0.25 in and 0.50 in) the range of the denaturant concentrations from 0.5M and 7.0M, and compared the variabilities in the kinetic parameter estimates to the standard range (0.5M to 7.0M). Thus, ratios of more (less) than 1.0 indicate an increase (decrease) in variability in the parameter estimates. In summary, increasing the range of denaturant concentrations decreases the variability, and vice versa. Therefore researchers should choose denaturant concentrations as close to the limits as possible.

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