Student's Guide to Creating a Home Page
Getting Started
Setting up a functional homepage is quite simple. Using Netscape
Communicator you can create your homepage in less than 5 minutes. Here
are the basic steps for setting up a home page in chronological order (we assume
you are using unix):
In your home directory create a subdirectory called public_html
cd into this directory create a file called "index.html" there. Read
the section below on Netscape Composer or HTML to learn how to make the
file "index.html".
Read the section below on Guidelines so you don't anger the web power-brokers
or the FCC.
If you need to scan some photos, you will be able to use the scanner in
the library.
To view your home page while you are creating it you can do one of three things,
- If you don't have netscape running yet, run the command "netscape
index.html &" from your public_html directory
- Go to the white
location bar on netscape and write "file:" followed by the FULL PATH of
the file, for example "file:/home1/biostats/ririzarr/public_html/Web-Tutorial/resource.html"
for this one.
- Click on "file" on the Netscape menu and then on "open
page" from the submenu. Then click choose file and either enter the full
path of the file you wish to view or browse throught all your subdirectories.
View your official page at the URL:
It's that easy.
Creating a Web Page using Netscape Composer
Now you can create your own homepage without even knowing HTML. (Although
it is still useful to learn HTML) Using different fonts, adding pictures,
making tables, changing colors, using images for backgrounds can now be
done pretty much by pointing and clicking. Whenever you wish to create
or edit a webpage cd into your www directory and use the command open the
page you want to edit, go to file in the menu bar and choose "Edit Page".
This opens up the page in Netscape Composer, this will enable you to edit
HTML files with an editor kind of like Microsoft Word. Here are some steps
to follow :
Once you change to this directory you can open Netscape by writing netscape&.
Starting Netscape from the directory YOURPATH/public_html will
make things much easier.
Using Netscape, open this location (
and choose one of the example html files below. Once you chose which one
you are going to use, say Example 1, click on the link that takes you to
Example 1. When you see Example 1 on your browser, click on File and then
on Save As. This will ask you to save the file. You should save it to the
file index.html in the directory YOURPATH/public_html (you should
already be in this path).
Now you are ready to mold the example file and turn it into your own web
Once you save the file its on the web! The whole world can see it. Your web page will be located
You should understand the difference between the file YOURPATH/index.html
and the world wide web location
The file can be accesed and changed at any time. You can look at the file
by using the Open Page command (under File in the menu bar). There is a
difference between opening a file and opening a location. Opening a file
is like using the command more in Unix but instead of showing
text files it shows HTML files. The world wide web location is updated
(it reades the index.html file to see if there has been any changes) by
someone else, not you. If we turn off the webserver your webpage wont be able
but index.html file will still exist.
Netscape offers you TEMPLATES that you can use to start up your
home-page. Open a Netscape Composer window. Then click on file. Then click
one new. You will get various options as to what to open the new html file.
One of these options is the templates.
Here are some EXAMPLES of home pages that you can copy and change
to your own.
All these examples have links to web pages with personal stuff. You can
create your personal stuff web page the same way you created your home
page. In any case here is an example.
Here is some information on how to use
HTML Basics and Examples
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is far less intimidating than it sounds.
The best way to learn is by looking at a web page and the HTML code that
produced it. An easy way to begin is to use another person's page as a
template, and change the information to match your own Then, you can customize
it more and more as you learn more HTML. Some useful information:
It is possible to see the source code of the pages you view with Netscape
by going to the "view" menu item on the top your Netscape window and selecting
Some very useful references to HTML the HTML
Quick Reference Guide.
Source code for all web pages can be viewed by clicking on View and then
on Page Source.
Here are some EXAMPLES of what you can do with a homepage:
David Aldous
- Simple and nice
David Brillinger
- Simple and a little nutty
Philip Stark. -
A bit more complicated (This page contains frames. Note that Netscape Composer
can't edit pages with frames, you have to edit the HTML code.)
Garikai Campbell
- Very nice, but complicated. (He used PC software as an aid to create
There are some official
departmental guidelines for having a web-page. Here is a brief synopsis of
the rules:
Your top (first) page should only be about "professional" things, although
a photo is great. Any personal links or information you wish to include
should be on another page which is accessed by a link from your top page.
The posting or advertising of personal items for sale and the posting of
any published material (including articles authored by the student) are
Participants must observe all copyright laws.
The Department of Biostatistics reserves the right not to post submitted
If it would make your mom blush, it is probably not appropriate.
Please mail questions or comments to
Last updated:11/19/00