Software for decomposing a time-series into frequency components

Given a time-series X it is often convenient to decompose X into a number of frequency components. For example, if X represents a year of daily pollutant measurements, one might consider breaking X into a long-term series, representing pollutant fluctuations greater than 2 months, and a short-term series, representing pollutant fluctuations less than or equal to 2 months. Such a decomposition could be used to determine the long-term and short-term effects of the pollutant.

The software below is based on the fast Fourier transform and comes in three flavors -- SAS, Splus, and, R (the R and Splus functions are not identical). Each is accompanied by html documentation.

To download the function of macro use the right mouse button on the download links below.

View macro

View function

View function


Example Decomposition

The plot below shows the decomposition of a series. The top curve represents the original series (365 data points in length). Here the series has been decomposed into for components -- one representing the long-term fluctuations in the series (those with cycles greater than 2 months), two mid-term components, one representing cycles between 2 months and 1 month and another representing cycles between 1 month and 1 week. Finally there is a component representing cycles less than one month.
The original series is the sum of the four component series.