Statistics for Laboratory Scientists - Reading

Sokal and Rohlf: Chapter 4.

R stuff:

Roger Peng's Background and Overview youtube video.

Introduction to R: Chapters 1-2.

Dalgaard: Chapter 1.

Data summary and visualization:

Know when your numbers are significant by David L Vaux, and Nature getting serious.

Rafa Irizarry's Introduction to Data Science online book, especially the data visualization principles.

Claus Wilke's Fundamentals of Data Visualization online book.

Karl Broman's Creating effective figures and tables presentation.

OpenIntro notes: Sections 1.1-1.3, 1.6.-1.8.

RR Sokal, FJ Rohlf (2011). Biometry, 4th edition, WH Freeman. This text is required. Everything else is not madatory, only listed as suggestion in case you want to do some additional reading and/or exercises.