Half-day course at ENAR 2012. Taught by
Zhijin (Jean) Wu [email: zwu@stat.brown.edu],
Kasper D. Hansen
[email: khansen@jhsph.edu] and
Rafael A. Irizarry [email: rafa@jhu.edu]
Part of the course will be a hands-on lab session. This lab session
will require a laptop with software installed prior to the course.
We will not have internet access and we will not have time to help with installation issues during the course.
The lab session will consists of three different parts
In order to participate in part 2 or 3 you will need the following software installed.
Install these R packages by starting R and then type
R> source("http://www.bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")
R> biocLite(c("edgeR", "cqn", "GenomicRanges", "yeastRNASeq", "ShortRead"))
yeastRNASeq contains a number of fastq files and Bowtie output. It may be easiest for you to locate these files and copy them to a more accessible location. You can locate these files by typing
R> system.file("reads", package = "yeastRNASeq")
If you are on Windows, make sure you can unzip the gzip files.