Mei-Cheng Wang

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Recent or scheduled talks


1/7/2014 National Central University, Taiwan. Topic: Forward and backward recurrent marker processes in the presence of a failure event. Invited talk.


1/31/2014 Paths to Precision Medicine: The Role of Statistics symposium (in honor of L.J. Wei) at Department of Biostatistics, Harvard University, Boston. Topic: Recurrent event processes with shape and size parameters. Invited talk.


3/15/2014 Alan Ross symposium, Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Topic: Length-biased sampling.


3/18/2014 ENAR Meeting, Baltimore, Topic: ROC analysis for multiple markers with tree-based classification. Invited talk.


8/5/2014 Joint Statistical Meeting, Boston. Topic: Analyzing recurrent marker data by forward, backward and time-adjusted models in the presence of terminal events. Invited talk.


9/19/2014  SLAM Working Group Short Course  "Diagnostic tests and biomarkers: Time-dependent ROC analysis"  


March 2015, ENAR Meeting, Miami, Topic: Bivariate recurrent event processes: dependence measures and regression modeling. Invited talk.


July 2015, IMS-China Meeting in Kunming, Topic: Recurrent Marker Process in the Presence of Competing Terminal Events. Invited talk.


August 2015, Joint Statistical Meeting, Seattle. Topic: Recurrent Event Processes with Shape and Size Parameters. Invited talk.