India 3/02/09 - 3/16/09

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Agra 3/6 - 3/7

On March 6th we drove from Delhi to Agra. We stopped at Akbar's Tomb on the way into Agra. Akbar is viewed as the greatest of the Mughal emperors -- he was tolerate of the Hindus and Christians within his empire and expanded its borders to cover most of northern India. The inside of the tomb was covered in partially restored painted wall-coverings.

We awoke before dawn on March 7th to make it to the Taj Mahal at dawn. The building was stunning in both size and ornate detail. The marble walls are inlaid with a variety of semi-precious stones including carnelian, a stone that glows under a bright light. The Taj Mahal was built by Shah Jahan as a symbol of his love for his favorite wife. It took 20,000 laborers 22 years to build it; it was completed in 1663.

Next we traveled to Agra Fort which was built by Akbak on the west bank of the Yamuna River. Shah Jahan was imprisoned by his son in an octagonal tower with a view of the Taj Mahal within the fort. The courtyard of the fort was overrun by monkeys.

Akbar's Tomb Inside Akbar's Tomb Taj Mahal Gateway Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal Inlaid Stones Taj Mahal Pillar Taj Mahal Wall
Taj Mahal from Agra Fort Agra Fort Prison Agra Fort Prison Monkey

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