India 3/02/09 - 3/16/09

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Kolkata 3/11 - 3/15

Our first day in Kolkata was the Hindu spring festival Holi. Anita, her father, and I ventured out into the streets armed with an assortment of colorful dyes. It took a bit of searching but in the end we found a group of kids to play Holi with. A later group got a bit aggresive, but we survived. Despite worries about toxic dyes, so far we haven't experienced any negative effects.

Over the next few days we visited all of Anita's aunts and uncles as well as numerous cousins. Everyone was very hospitable, and we ate a lot of delicious food. We also fit in some time to walk along the Ganges.

Holi Dyes Holi Supplies Anita and Pranab Anita and Matt
Fellow Holi Players Colorful Anita and Matt Anita's Aunt and Uncle Kolkata Taxi
Pranab and his grandnephew The Ganges Anita and her Aunt

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