Ireland 6/27/09 - 7/4/09

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Kilkenny to Dublin 7/2

Our first order of business on this day was to find the home of my great-great-grandmother. It took a bit of luck, a bit of persistence, and a lot of help from friendly strangers; however, in the end, we found it. It was rather run-down, but the location was amazing -- at the end of a long dirt road surrounded by trees and near the river.

On the way into Dublin, we dropped off the rental car. Although driving on the left, shifting with the wrong hand, and navigating the winding roads of Ireland was a fun challenge, I was glad to be done with it. And I'm sure my dad was happen to no longer be a passenger. Our first day in Dublin was spent getting our bearings and wandering about a bit. We walked past the upscale shops on Grafton St. and perused the Temple Bar area. We ate at Quays Restaurant where I had boxty cakes and slow-cooked beef and guinness stew -- very good.

Family Farm Family Farm Attack Cows Our Rental Car
The Quays Bar Father, Son, Guinness Trinity College Tower Trinity College

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