Instructor | Roger Peng |
Meeting | ENAR 2009, San Antonio, Texas |
Date/Time | March 16, 8:30-10:15am |
The tutorial will provide an overview of methods for conducting reproducible research. We will focus on the R statistical computing language and will discuss other tools that can be used for producing reproducible documents. Topics that will be discussed include Sweave, literate programming, caching of large computations, and distributing reproducible research over the Web.
Knowledge of how to use R and some familiarity with the LaTeX typesetting system.
- All materials in single ZIP file:
- Lecture Slides [PDF] (LaTeX source)
- Sweave.sty file
- example.Rnw | example.tex | example.pdf
- example2.Rnw | example2.tex | example2.pdf
- example3.Rnw | example3.tex | example3.pdf
- example4.Rnw | example4.tex | example4.pdf
- example5.Rnw | example5.tex | example5.pdf
- example6.Rnw | example6.tex | example6.pdf
- example7.Rnw | example7.tex | example7.pdf