UCLA Summer Program in Statistics: Air Pollution and Health Lab Materials


Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4

Background reading

R code

uclaworkshop.R miscellaneous code for use in all modules.
cheatsheet.pdf R cheat sheet
solutions.R Solutions to modules

City data from the National Morbidity, Mortality, and Air Pollution Study (NMMAPS), for modules 1 and 2

The "Standard" datasets have all of the mortality, weather, and air pollution data for each city. The "Age category specific mortality" datasets have mortality time series data for each city split into 3 age categories: under 65, 65--74, and 75 and above.
City Standard Age category specific mortality
Chicago, IL chic.rda chic.mortality.rda
New York, NY ny.rda ny.mortality.rda
Los Angeles, CA la.rda la.mortality.rda
Seattle, WA seat.rda seat.mortality.rda
Pittsburgh, PA pitt.rda pitt.mortality.rda

There are data available for other cities also. Each city dataset has many variables but the primary variables we will be looking at are:

Variable Description
death daily mortality counts from all causes excluding accidents
pm10 daily PM10 time series, measured in μg/m3
l1pm10 daily PM10 values lagged by 1 day
o3 daily ozone time series, measured in parts per billion (ppb)
date the date in YYYY-MM-DD format
tmpd daily average temperature (in oF)

Estimates from the Medicare Air Pollution Study (MCAPS), for modules 3 and 4