Sekhon, J. S. (2011). Multivariate and propensity score matching software with automated balance optimization:
The Matching package for R. Journal of Statistical Software 42(7).
Uses automated procedure to select matches, based on univariate and multivariate balance diagnostics
Primarily 1:M matching (where M is a positive integer), allows matching with or without replacement, caliper, exact
Includes built-in effect and variance estimation procedures
Helmreich, J.E. and Pruzek, R.M. (2009). PSAgraphics: An R Package to Support Propensity Score Analysis. Journal of Statistical Software 29(6).
Available here.
From webpage: "A collection of functions that primarily produce graphics to aid in a Propensity Score Analysis (PSA). Functions include: cat.psa and box.psa to test balance within strata of categorical and
quantitative covariates, circ.psa for a representation of the estimated effect size by stratum, loess.psa that provides a graphic and loess based effect size estimate, and various balance functions
that provide measures of the balance achieved via a PSA in a categorical covariate."
Abadie, A., Diamond, A., and Hainmueller, H. (2011). Synth: An R Package for Synthetic Control Methods in Comparative Cast Studies. Journal of Statistical
Software 42(13).
Implements weighting approach to creating synthetic control groups
Useful when there is a single treated unit, such as a state or country. Main idea is to form a weighted average of comparison units that, when weighted, looks like
the treated unit.
Hainmueller, J. (2012). Entropy balancing for causal effects: A multivariate reweighting method to produce balanced samples in observational studies. Political Analysis 20: 25-46.
Reweights dataset such that covariate distributions in reweighted data satisfy a set of user specified moment conditions.
Leuven, E. and Sianesi, B. (2003). psmatch2. Stata module to perform full Mahalanobis and propensity score matching, common support graphing, and covariate imbalance testing.
Abadie, A., Drukker, D., Herr, J. L., and Imbens, G. W. (2004). Implementing matching estimators for average treatment effects in Stata. The Stata Journal 4(3): 290-311.
Available here.
Primarily k:1 matching (with replacement)
Allows estimation of ATT or ATE, including robust variance estimators
Iacus, S.M., King, G., and Porro, G. (2008). Matching for Causal Inference Without Balance Checking. Available here.
Implements coarsened exact matching
Greedy matching (1:1 nearest neighbor)
Parsons, L. S. (2001). Reducing bias in a propensity score matched-pair sample using greedy matching techniques. In SAS SUGI 26, Paper 214-26.
Available here.
Parsons, L.S. (2005). Using SAS software to perform a case-control match on propensity score in an observational study. In SAS SUGI 30, Paper 225-25.
Available here.
Nannicini T. (2007). A Simulation-Based Sensitivity Analysis for Matching Estimators. Stata Journal, 7(3), 334-350
Ichino A., Mealli F., Nannicini T. (2008). From Temporary Help Jobs to Permanent Employment: What Can We Learn from Matching Estimators and their
Sensitivity? Journal of Applied Econometrics, 23(3), 305-327.