Note: the sign # at the beginning of a paper indicates alphabetical order of authorships; the sign * indicates co-first authorships.
- Luo Xiao, Lei Huang, Jennifer A. Schrack, Luigi Ferrucci, Vadim Zipunnikov and Ciprian Crainiceanu, Quantifying the life-time circadian rhythm of physical activity: a covariate-dependent functional approach , Biostatistics, to appear.
- Luo Xiao, Bing He, Annemarie Koster, Paolo Caserotti, Brittney Lange-Maia, Nancy W. Glynn, Tamara Harris and Ciprian Crainiceanu, Movement prediction using accelerometers in a human population, tentatively accepted by Biometrics.
- Luo Xiao, David Ruppert, Vadim Zipunnikov and Ciprian Crainiceanu, Fast covariance estimation for high-dimensional functional data, Statistics and Computing, to appear.
- # Florentina Bunea and Luo Xiao, On the sample covariance matrix estimator of reduced effective rank population matrices, with applications to fPCA, Bernoulli, to appear.
- Xin Ma*, Luo Xiao* and Wing H. Wong, Learning regulatory programs by threshold SVD regression, 2014, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(44), 15675-15680.
- Luo Xiao, Sally Thurston, David Ruppert, Tanzy Love and Philip Davidson, Bayesian models for multiple outcomes in domains with application to the Seychelles child development study, 2014, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109(505), 1-10.
- Luo Xiao, Yingxing Li and David Ruppert, Fast bivariate P-splines: the sandwich smoother, 2013, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 75(3), 577-599.
- Luo Xiao and Florentina Bunea, On the theoretic and practical merits of the banding estimator for large covariance matrices, in revision for 2nd round of review.
- # Jacob Bien, Florentina Bunea and Luo Xiao, Convex banding of the covariance matrix.
- Giles Hooker, Jim Ramsay and Luo Xiao, CollocInfer: collocation inference in differential equation models.
- Lei Huang, Philip T. Reiss, Luo Xiao, Vadim Zipunnikov, Martin A. Lindquist and Ciprian Crainiceanu, Separable spatial-temporal principal component analysis.
To Be Submitted
- Jennifer A. Schrack, Luo Xiao, Vadim Zipunnikov, Eleanor M. Simonsick, Luigi Ferrucci and Ciprian Crainiceanu, Quantification of sedentary behavior in older adults.
In Preparation
- Sparse reduced rank regression for multiple binary responses
- Fast covariance estimation for irregularly spaced functional data