India 3/02/09 - 3/16/09

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Delhi 3/4

On our first day in Delhi, we started off by visiting Old Delhi. The first stop was the Jama Masjid -- the largest mosque in India (it can hold 25,000 people). It was built from 1644-1658 by Shah Jahan. We climbed the south minerat for an amazingly view of the courtyard below, Old Delhi, and in the distance the Red Fort.

Next we went to the Red Fort (Lal Qila) also built by Shah Jahan. The Mughal capital began its move from Agra to Old Delhi (formerly Shahjahanabad) during Shah Jahan's reign, but was cut short when Shah Jahan's son Aurangzeb deposed and imprisoned him. The walls are 2km long and 18-33m in height. Inside the fort are numerous buildings used by the Mughal rulers. The Khas Mahal was the emperor's palace. Adjacent is the Rang Mahal (Palace of Color) was the emperor's chief wife's house. Both of these buildings used to have channels of water flowing through them. The Diwan-i-Am (Hall of Public Audiences) was the open area where the emperor heard disputes from his subjects.

We spent the rest of the day visiting Gandhi's memorial (Raj Ghat), the Laskshmi Narayan Temple, and the President's House. The inside of the temple was gorgeous, but they don't allow photographs, so you'll just have to believe me.

Entering Jama Masjid Jama Masjid Jama Masjid Courtyard Red Fort from South Minerat
North Minerat from South Minerat Red Fort Khas Mahal Rang Mahal
Diwan-i-Am Raj Ghat Lakshmi Narayan Temple President's House

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