Italy/France 6/23/08 - 7/05/08

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Refuge Fontanalbe - Refuge Merveilles

This was another easy hike. We quickly hiked up to the pass at 2200m. The ascent side was wooded and rocky, but the other side was a gentle green pasture. We saw two ibex from the top of the pass grazing nearby. The hike down was a widing path through fields of flowers. The main trail goes way down into a valley before climbing back up to Merveilles, but we took a smaller trail that stayed a bit higher -- a far better option. On this trail we saw our first chamois of the trip. Ben and I got to Merveilles a little before 1pm and spent the rest of the day bumming around at the refuge. The refuge is next to a lake and in the shadow of Mount Bego. We had planned to climb to the top of the mountain, but my mom broke her wrist during the hike and the rest of us were just plain lazy. A helicopter landed shortly after we got there to pick up a guy who'd fallen and struck his head on a rock climbing Mount Bego. The refuge was very large and crowded and the food was mediocre.

Pass Flower Field Helicopter Refuge Merveilles
Chamois Mount Bego Refuge Merveilles

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