Spain 7/28/07 - 8/10/07

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Refugi de Colomers - Refugi Ernest Mallafre

Day three began again with a relatively flat trail following a stream and a series of lakes to the foot of the pass, Port de Ratera de Colomers. It was a step climb up to the pass, but fortunately the sun was still low in the sky, so we were in the shade during the steepest parts. After picking our way down through a boulder field, the trail descended slowly down to the Refugi d'Amitges. Shortly thereafter it met up with a road and began a steeper descent. The dust from the jeeps that periodically sped by was bothersome, and as we neared the refuge, the trail became crowded with tourists taking short day hikes up from the information center. I highly recommend taking the slightly longer but far more scenic route that goes to the south of the lake, Estany de Sant Maurici.

Despite the disappointing end to the hike, the Refugi Ernest Mallagre was wonderful. The refuge is less than a kilometer from the information center, but was not crowded at all. It sits near a small river and had two outdoor picnic tables. They had two hot showers, and we were given a private room. The also had a number of board games to pass the time before dinner. Unfortunately, this would be my last refuge on this trip. I went to bed feeling a bit ill and awoke with a fever and nausea. Being close to a road turned out to be a blessing. I caught a taxi down to a nearby city and spent the next day curled up in bed.

Stream Lac Obago Climb Up Port de Ratera de Colomers Climb Down

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