Statistical methods:
Longitudinal high-dimensional functional data, nonparametric statistics, Bayesian analysis, measurement errorScientific interests:
Neuroscience, Wearable computing, Signal processing, Epidemiology, Biomarkers, SensorsResearch group:
- S.M.A.R.T. Statistical Methods and Applications for Research in Technology
- Measurement Error in Nonlinear Models: A Modern Perspective (with R.J. Carroll, D. Ruppert, L.A Stefanski), 2006
Papers and technical reports:
- Recent and older papers can now be found on the SMART research group's searcheable list of papers
- Bepress/Cobra technical reports
- Google scholar search
Papers published before 2011:
2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2000
- 2011
- Functional Regression via Variational Bayes, EJS
- Longitudinal penalized functional regression, JCGS, Series C, to appear
- Modeling functional data with spatially heterogeneous shape characteristics, Biometrics, to appear
- Population value decomposition, a framework for the analysis of image populations, JASA, to appear
- Population-wide model-free quantification of blood-brain-barrier dynamics in multiple sclerosis, NeuroImage, 57(4), 1430-1446
- Functional principal component model for high dimensional brain imaging, NeuroImage, 58(3), 772-784
- Penalized functional regression, JCGS, 2011, to appear
- Multilevel functional principal component analysis for high dimensional data, JCGS, to appear technical report
- 2010
- Longitudinal Functional Principal Component Analysis, EJS, 2010 paper software
- Nonlinear tube-fitting for the analysis of anatomical and functional structure, AoAS
- Two-stage Decompositions for the Analysis of Functional Connectivity for fMRI with Application to Alzheimer's Disease Risk, NeuroImage, 51(3), 1140-1149
- 2009
- Fast Methods for Spatially Correlated Multilevel Functional Data, Biostatistics, 11(2), 177-194
- Bayesian Functional Data Analysis using WinBUGS technical report, software, 32(11), JSS
- Generalized Multilevel Functional Regression technical report, JASA, 104(488), 1550-1561
- Cox Models with Smooth Functional Effect of Covariates Measured with Error, JASA, 104(487), 1144-1154, 2009
- Multilevel Functional Principal Component Analysis, Annals of Applied Statistics , online access 2008, 3(1), 458-488
- Nonparametric Signal Extraction and Measurement Error in the Analysis of Electroencephalographic Activity During Sleep, JASA, 104(486), 541-555
- Bayesian Inference for Smoking Cessation with a Latent Cure State, Biometrics, to appear
- Comments on the paper ``Bayesian Generalized Method of Moments" by G. Yin, Bayesian Analysis, 4(2), 213-216
- 2008
- A case study in pharmacologic imaging using principal curves in single photon emission computed tomography, JASA, 103(484), 1470-1480 technical report
- Adjustment Uncertainty in Effect Estimation, Biometrika 95, 2008 , software
- Analysis of Smoking Cessation Patterns Using a Stochastic Mixed Effects Model with a Latent Cured State, JASA, 103(483), 1002-1013
- Fast Adaptive Penalised Splines, JCGS 17(1), 1-20 technical report, R package
- Likelihood Ratio Testing for Zero Variance Components in Linear Mixed Models. In Model Uncertainty in Random Effects and Latent Variable Models, Ed. David B. Dunson, Springer Verlag
- Restricted Likelihood Ratio Testing for Zero Variance Components in Linear Mixed Models, JCGS, 17(4), 870-891
- Bivariate Binomial Spatial Modeling of Loa loa Prevalence in Tropical Africa, JASA discussion paper, 103(481), 2008 technical report
- 2007
- Spatially Adaptive Penalized Splines with Heteroscedastic Errors, JCGS, 16(2), 2007 technical report
- Nonmonotonic Power for Tests of a Mean Shift in a Time Series, JSCS, 77(6), 457, 2007
- Review of the book "Nonparametric Regression Methods for Longitudinal Data Analysis: Mixed-Effects Modeling Approaches" by H. Wu and J.T. Zhang, JASA, 102 (478), 2007
- 2006
- Semiparametric Regression in Capture-Recapture Modelling, Biometrics, 62(3), 2006 technical report
- 2005
- Bayesian Analysis for Penalized Spline Regression Using WinBUGS, JSS, 14(14), 2005 technical report, software
- Electrocorticographic High Gamma Activity Versus Electrical Cortical Stimulation Mapping of Naming, Brain, 2005
- Exact Likelihood Ratio Tests for Penalized Splines, Biometrika, 92(1), 2005
- 2004
- Nonlinear and Nonparametric Regression and Instrumental Variables, JASA, 99 (467) pp.736-750, 2004
- Likelihood Ratio Tests for Goodness-of-Fit of a Nonlinear Regression Model, JMA, 91, 2004
- Restricted Likelihood Ratio Tests in Nonparametric Longitudinal Models, Statistica Sinica, 14, 2004
- Likelihood Ratio Tests in Linear Mixed Models with One Variance Component, JRSS-B, 66, 2004 programs, proofs
- 2003
- Modeling the National Distribution of Waterborne Pathogen Concentrations with Application to Cryptosporidium Parvum, Water Resources Research, 39(9), 2003
- Prevalence Estimates for Paratuberculosis Adjusted for Test Variability using Bayesian Analysis, Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 60, 2003
- 2002
- Improving MCMC Mixing for a GLMM Describing Pathogen Concentrations in Water Supplies, In Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics, Springer Verlag 2002
- 2000
- Climate Variability and Flood Risk Management, Risk-based decisionmaking in water resources IX - Proceedings of the ninth conference, October 15-20, 2000, Santa Barbara, CA
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