Spain 7/28/07 - 8/10/07

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Dali's Museum and Girona

Being huge Dali fans, my mom and I went off on our own to see the Dali museum in Figueres. This is a must-see. Not only is the museum filled with his art, but he designed the building himself. As such, it comes complete with eggs on the walls and all.

We rejoined the rest of the group to see Girona -- a city rich with history. The Romans built a citadel here. The Visigoths ruled here until it was conquered by the Moors. Charlemagne conquered it in 785. In the 12th century, the Jewish community flourished here. In 1492, the Catholic Kings of Spain expelled the Jews. The city has undergone 25 sieges and been captured 7 times. In 1809 it was beseiged by 35,000 Napoleonic troops for 7 months before it fell.

Dali's Museum Girona Tower Girona Walls Saint Mary's Cathedral

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